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Michaela Nedialkova

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Personal information


Sofia 1000, Tzar Osvoboditel 1
mob. +359 898 48 38 25

Curriculum vitae

Michaela Nikolova Nedyalkova

Date of birth:
15 May 1965 Sofia

University degree: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” , Faculty of Biology,
Degree of Ecology -1989

Scientific degree:
Doctor, Institute of zoology – BAS - 2005
Scientific field “ecology”

Mgr. of biology, Institute of zoology – BAS – up to 2005
Assistant professor - Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research – BAS, department of Biomonitoring and ecological risk – Biomonitoring and bioindication – from 2005 till now.

Languages Russian, English

Research interests

Population ecology, Ecological physiology, ecotoxicology, biological zoomonitoring


1. Б е л ч е в а, М., Св. Герасимов. 1993. Храната на дивата форма на домашната мишка (Mus spicilegus) в люцернова площ. Метроагроеко’93. 200-203.

2. А т а н а с о в, Н., Р. Мечева, М. Белчева, Д. Симеоновска, Св. Герасимов. 1993. Популационна динамика на структурата и плътността на доминантни видове дребни гризачи в люцернови площи от Северна България. Метроагроеко’93.204-208.

3. Б е л ч е в а, М., Мечева, Р., Герасимов, С. 1994. Съдържание на биогенни елементи и техния баланс в организма на домашната мишка Mus spicilegus (Petenyi). Екология’94, 3, 40-42.
4. Б е л ч е в а, М., Мечева, Р., Герасимов, С. 1994. Усвояване и асимилация на храната на Mus spicilegus Petenyi (Rodentia, Mammalia). Екология’94, 42-44.
5. M e t c h e v a, R., Beltcheva, M., Gerasimov, S. 1994. Some parameters of physical thermopreferendum and daily activity rhythm in the house mouse (Mus spretus Lataste, 1883). Ekologia, 25, 40-47.
6. M e t c h e v a, R., Beltcheva, M. 1996. National Parks like background stations for biomonitoring. “National Parks and their role in biodiversity protection on Balcan Peninsula.”, Ohrid, 139-141.
7. B e l t c h e v a, M., Metcheva, R. 1996. Methods for estimation the food eaten, the place and functional role of small mammals in ecosystems. “National Parks and their role in biodiversity protection on Balcan Peninsula.”, Ohrid, 143-146.
8. M e t c h e v a, R., Topashka-Ancheva, M., Beltcheva, M., Artinian, A., Nikolova, E. 1996. Population and biological characteristics of different monitor species small mammals from the region of Beli Iskar artificial dam in National park Rila. Obsevatoire de Moussla OM2. 4, 168 -176.
9. I o v t c h e v, M., Metcheva, R., Atanassov, N., M. Apostolova, Bogoeva L., Zivkov, M., Raikova-Petrova, G., Beltcheva, M., Kashukeeva, K. 1996. Investgation of Total Beta-activity of Indicator Vertebrate Species from National Park Rila. Obsevatoire de Moussla OM2. 4, 38 - 44.
10. M e t c h e v a, R., A. Artinian, E. Nikolova, M. Belcheva, R. Laleva. 1997. Estimation of environmental quality using monitor species small mammals from two regions with different antropogenic influence in Bulgaria. A. Bioaccumulation of toxic elements and their influence on some hystological and hematological indices. Ecomonitoring in Rozhen and Srednogorie - Bulgaria. BSBCP, 113-119.
11. B e l c h e v a, M., R. Metcheva. 1997. Estimation of environmental quality using monitor species small mammals from two regions with different antropogenic influence in Bulgaria. B. Population characteristics and food preferences in the monitor species. Ecomonitoring in Rozhen and Srednogorie - Bulgaria. . BSBCP. 120-123.
12. M e t c h e v a, R, E. Nikolova, M. Belcheva, A. Artinian. 1997. Bioaccumulation and distribution of toxic elements from Alinitza, Rila National Park. Observatoire de Moussla OM2, 6, 124-128.
13. I o v t c h e v, M., Metcheva R., Beltcheva, M.,M. Apostolova, Bogoeva L., Zivkov, M., Raikova-Petrova, G, Atanassov, N., Kashukeeva, K. 1997. Total Beta-activity of small ammmals, amphibians, fish and plants from Rila Mountains. Observatoire de Moussla OM2.6, 129-132.
14. B e l c h e v a, M., R. Metcheva, A. Artinian, E. Nikolova.1998. Asassessment of toxic elements in the snow vole (Chionomys nivalis) and its food from Rila Mountain. Observatoire de Moussla OM2, 7, 276-280
15. M e t c h e v a, R., J. Štetić, M. Beltcheva.1998. Preliminary investigation concerning small mammals fauna in Šar-Planina Mt. Observatoire de Moussla OM2, 7 , 267-270
16. B e l t c h e v a, M., Metcheva, R. 1999. Comparison of the biogen contents and balance in the bodies of the house mice Mus spicilegus ( Petenyi, 1882) and Mus musculus musculus (Linneus, 1758). Contribution to the zoogeography of the eastern Mediterranean region. v. 1, 51-58
17. B e l t c h e v a, M. 1999. Comparison between the stomach contents of four sрecies of Muridae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the alpine ecosystems. Contribution to the zoogeography of the eastern Mediterranean region. v. 1, 45-50.
18. I o v t c h e v, M., Metcheva R., Beltcheva, M.,M. Apostolova, Bogoeva L., Zivkov, M., Raikova-Petrova, G, Atanassov, N., Kashukeeva, K. 1999. Total Beta-activity of small ammmals, amphibians, fish and plants from Rila Mountains. Institute of nuclear research and nuclear energy. Annual report. Pp. 187.
19. B e l t c h e v a M, R. Metcheva. 2001. Population of Hillock Mouse Mus spicilegus in two Agroecosystems of Bulgaria. Journal of Balkan Ecology, vol. 4 (2); 177-180
20. M e t c h e v a R., M. Beltcheva. 2004. Pigoscelidae penguins as monitors of environmental changes of Antarctic ecosystem. Нац. Конф. по екология Нац. Конф. По екология “Биоразнообразие, екосистеми, глобални промени”, 393-396

21. М е ч е в а, Р., М. Топашка-Анчева, М. Белчева, Цв. Йорданова. 2004. Биоиндикаторни възможности на дребни бозайници в зоологичния мониторинг. Лесовъдска мисъл.1, v.10 (29):135 – 143.

22. M. B e l t c h e v a, R. Metcheva. 2005. Bioenergetics characteristics of two syntopic house mice species from North Bulgaria. Balkan Scientific Conference, part II, 459-466.

23. Metcheva, R., M. Beltcheva. 2005. Pigoscelidae penguins as monitors of environmental changes of Antarctic ecosystems. Първа Национална научна конференция по екология „Биоразнообразие, екосистеми, глобални промени”, ПЕТЕКСТОН, София , 393- 396.

24. B e l t c h e v a, M., Metcheva, R., P.Grozdanova. 2005. Diet and Some Population Parameters of the Common Vole (Microtus arvalis. Pall., Rodentia, Mammalia) From Grassland in Bulgaria. Journal of Balkan Ecology, vol. 2, p. 181-188.

25. Н е д я л к о в а, М. 2005. Динамика в състава на храната и енергетични нужди на домашните мишки Mus spicilegus (Petenyi, 1882) и Mus musculus musculus (Linnaeus, 1758) в условия на синтопия. Автореферат на дисертация за придобиване на образователната и научна степен “доктор”.

26. Л ю б е н о в а, М. 2005. Кратък курс по функционална биоценология. София, изд-во Контакт-Маркетинг, с. 331-344.
27. D i m i t r o v K., M. Beltcheva, R.Metcheva, Bezrukov V. 2005. Bill coloration of Gentoo. Part II: Easy to study causes. Abstr. papers of the II Int. Workshop "Comparative population and monitoring research on Gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) in Antarctica", July 2005. p. 6 (резюме)
28. D i m i t r o v, K., M. Beltcheva, R. Metcheva, V. Bezrukov. 2006. Bill coloration of Gentoo. Part II: Easy to Study Causes. Bulg. Antarctic Research, v.5р 45-50
29. Beltcheva M., R. Metcheva, N. Popov, J. A. Heredia Rojas, P. Blajev . 2008. Preliminary investigations on the influence of clinoptilolite sorbent on white mice in conditions of ecotoxicological experiment. Iran International Zeolite Conference (IIZC’08) April 29 - May1, , Tehran -Iran IIZC-08-419, 471.
30. Metcheva R., M. Beltcheva and Ts. Chassovnikarova. 2008. The Snow Vole (Chionomys nivalis) as an appropriate environmental bioindicator in alpine ecosystems. Sci. of the total Environment.391 (2-3), p278 - 283 (IF = 2.359)
31. Beltcheva, M., Metcheva R., Peneva V., Marinova M., Yankov Y., Chikova V. 2010. Heavy metals in Antarctic notothenoid fish from South Bay, Livingston Island, South Shetlands, (Antarctica). Biological trace element research. v.137 (ISSN0163-4984 (Print) 1559-0720 (Online) (IF = 1.013)
32. Beltcheva, M., R. Metcheva, M. Topashka-Ancheva, N. Popov, B. Blajev, J. A. Heredia Rojas. 2010. Variant investigation on the influence of clinoptilolite sorbent KLS – 10 MA and lesd in conditions of ecotoxicological experimens with laboratory mice. Zeolite 2010. Int. Conf. of Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural zeolites. Sofia, Bulgaria. 45-46.
33. Metcheva, R., Yurukova L., Bezrukov V., Beltcheva M., Yankov Y., Dimitrov K, 2010. Trace and toxic elements accumulation in food chain representatives at Livingston Island (Antarctica). International Journal of Biology. Vol. 2 (1), pp 155-161
34. Rodriguez De la Fuente A. O., M. Beltcheva, J. A. Heredia Rojas, R. Metcheva, I. B. Candanosa, N. Popov, L. E. Rodrigues Flores, M. E. Castaneda Garza, M. A. Santoyo Stephano. 2011. Diseo iy evalucion de una mezcla alimenticia a baze de zeolitas propuesta como quelante de metales pesados en ratones intoxicados experimentalmente con plomo. XXVI congreso Nacional de investigacion em Medicina. 22 – 24. Septiembre 2011. Monterrey, Mexico
35. Beltcheva M., J. A. Heredia Rojas, R. Metcheva, N. Popov, Rodriguez De la Fuente A. O., L. E. Rodrigues Flores, M. A. Santoyo Stephano, M. E. Castaneda Garza. 2011. Inhibicion del efecto y cytotoxico inducido por plomo mediante el uso de un quelante de zeolita modificada. XXVI congreso Nacional de investigacion em Medicina. 22 – 24. Septiembre 2011. Monterrey, Mexico
36. Heredia Rojas, J. A., M. Beltcheva, R. Metcheva, N. Popov, Rodriguez De la Fuente A. O., J. M. Alococer Gonzales, L. E. Rodrigues Flores, M. E. Castaneda Garza, M. A. Santoyo Stephano. 2011. Evalucion de un suplemento alimenticio a base de clinoptilolita mineral como agente de plomo en un modelo murino de intoxicacion experimental in vivo. XXVI congreso Nacional de investigacion em Medicina. 22 – 24. Septiembre 2011. Monterrey, Mexico
37. Beltcheva M., Metcheva R., J. А. Heredia Rojas, M. Topashka-Ancheva, S. E. Teodorova, N. Popov. 2012. Modified Natural Clinoptilolite Detoxifies Small Mammal's Organism Loaded with Lead I. Lead Disposition and Kinetic Model for Lead Bioaccumulation. Biological Trace Element Research Volume: 147 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 180-188 DOI: 10.1007/s12011-011-9278-4 (IF: 1.923)
38. M. Topashka-Ancheva, M. Beltcheva, R. Metcheva, J.A. Heredia Rojas, A.Rodrigues, Ts. Gerasimova, L. Rodríguez-Flores, S.. Teodorova. 2012. Natural clinoptilolite detoxifies small mammal’s organism loaded with lead II. Genetic, cell, and physiological effects. Biological Trace Element Research. Volume: 147 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 206-216 DOI: 10.1007/s12011-011-9289-1 (IF = 1.923)
39. Heredia-Rojas J. A., R. Gomez-Flores, A. O. Rodríguez-de la Fuente, E. Monreal-Cuevas, A. C. Torres-Flores, L. E. Rodríguez-Flores, M. Beltcheva and A. C. Torres-Pantoja. 2012. Antimicrobial effect of amphotericin B electronically-activated water against Candida albicans African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 6(15), pp. 3684-3689, ISSN 1996-0808, DOI: 10.5897/AJMR12.171, (IF 0.533).
40. Metcheva R., Beltcheva M. 2012. Bioenergetic characteristics of genus Mus (Rodentia, Mammalia) from South Europe. Acta zoological Bulgarica (in print) IF 0.269


Ecosystem Research, Environmental Risk Assessment and Conservation Biology
Biomonitoring and Ecological Risk Assessment
Research group
Biomonitoring and Bioindication


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10 years 13 weeks