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Roumiana Metcheva

Roumiana Metcheva's picture

Personal information

Phone 9885115 (681); mobile:0887742663
Roumiana Metcheva
bld. Tzar Osvoboditel 1,
Sofia 1000

Curriculum vitae


1. Family name : METCHEVA
2. First name : Roumyana
3. Date of birth: 13 July 1950
4. Nationality: Bulgarian
5. Education :
Institution [Date from - Date to] Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
October 1970 – October 1975 Master in biology
Institute of biology and envronment, The Jagiellonian University, Poland November 1977 – April 1980 D.Sc. in Biology
6. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 – excellent; 5 - basic)
Language Reading Speaking Writing
English 1 2 2
Polish 1 2
Russian 1 2 2

7. Membership of professional bodies: Bulgarian Antarctic institute
8. Other skills: (computer literacy, etc. ): Excellent computer skills
9. Present position: Associate Professor, Ecologist, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Science
10. Years within the firm: 30 years
11. Key qualifications:

More than 30 years of professional experience in biodiversity protection, vertebrate fauna, hydro-biological studies; assessment the status of alpine ecosystems; biodiversity monitoring; field studies.
Excellent knowledge and practical experience in application of EU and Bulgarian legislation in the field of biodiversity protection.
Significant experience in development of Assessments of Compatibility of investment plans, projects and programmes significantly affecting the NATURA 2000 sites.
Significant experience in Environmental Impact Assessments of large infrastructures in Bulgaria with special attention to roads, dams and Hydro Power Plants and Wind Power Parks construction in protected areas.
Leader of projects for data collection and analysis for development of Protected Areas Management Plans.
Expert participation in the development of different feasibility studies related to monitoring investigations of target species of Bulgarian fauna for the provision of assessments related to investment plans.
Leader of biodiversity projects in Antarctic.

Research interests

Environmental toxicology, bioaccumulation and distribution of heavy metals and toxic elements in the organism of vertebrate animals occupying different places in the food chain.

Monitoring and Bio-indication of anthropogenic impact.

Adaptations, thermoregulatory abilities and food preferences of warm-blooded animals to a variety of environmental conditions.

Ecological and physiological characteristics of selected monitor vertebrate species in not affected and affected to different degrees anthropogenic environment.

Population Biology.


Publications with IF

В-01 Aalto, M., A. Gorecki, R. M e c z e v a, H. Wallgren, J. Weiner. 1993. Metabolic rates of the bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) in Europe along a latitudinal gradient from Lapland to Bulgaria. Ann. Zool. Fennici. 30:233-238 (IF = 0.429)

В-02 Toncheva, E., R. M e t c h e v a, M. Topashka-Ancheva. 1999. Zinc-metalloenzyme activities in intestinal epithelium of mice treated with polymetallic industrial dust. Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., v.52, 5-6, 111-114 (IF = 0.106 за 2007 год.)

В-03 Kuzeff, M., M. Topashka-Ancheva, R. M e c h e v a. 2003. Inhibition of (-)-Propranolol Hydrochloride by its Enantiomer in White Mice. Forschende Komplementärmedizin - Klassische Naturheilkunde 10: 309-314 (IF = 0.670)

В-04 M e t c h e v a, R., M. Topashka-Ancheva. S. Teodorova, 2003. A comparative analysis of the heavy metal loading of small mammals in different regions of Bulgaria. I. Monitoring points and bioaccumulation features. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 54: 176-187 (IF = 0.983)

В-05 Topashka-Ancheva M., R. M e t c h e v a., S. Teodorova. 2003. A comparative analyses of the heavy metal loading of small mammals in different regions of Bulgaria. II. Chromosomal aberrations and blood pathology. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 54: 188-193 (IF = 0.983)

В-06 Teodorova S., M e t c h e v a, R., M. Topashka-Ancheva. 2003. Bioaccumulation and damaging action of polymetal industrial dust on laboratory mice Mus musculus alba I. Analysis of Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd disposition and mathematical model for Zn and Cd bioaccumulations. Environmental Research. 91: 85-94 (IF = 1.452)

В-07 Topashka-Ancheva M., M e t c h e v a, R., S. Teodorova. 2003. Bioaccumulation and damaging action of polymetal industrial dust on laboratory mice Mus musculus alba. ІІ. Genetic, cell and metabolic disturbances. Environmental Research. 92:152-160 (IF = 1.452)

В-08 Kuzeff, M., R. M e c h e v a, M. Topashka-Ancheva, 2004. Inhibition of (-)-Propranolol Hydrochloride by its Enantiomer in White Mice. – A placebo-controlled randomized study. Forschende Komplementärmedizin und Klassische Naturheilkunde 2004; 11: 14-19 (IF = 0.670)

В-09 Kuzeff, M., M. Topashka-Ancheva, R. M e t c h e v a, 2004. Inhibition of (-)- trans-(1S,2S)-U50488 Hydrochloride by its Enantiomer in White Mice. – A Placebo-Controlled Randomized Study. Forschende Komplementärmedizin und Klassische Naturheilkunde 2004; 11: 144-149 (IF = 0.670)

B-10 Chassovnikarova T., R. M e t c h e v a, K. Dimitrov. 2005. Microtus guentheri (Danford & Alston) (Rodentia, Mammalia): a bioindicator species for estimation of the influence of polymetal dust emissions. Belgian Journal of Zoology 135 (2): 135-137 (IF = 0.780)

B-11 Dimitrov K., Ts. Yordanova and R. M e t c h e v a. 2005. Application of an advanced closed respirometer for small mammals. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment v.19:1, 210-214 (IF = 0.029 за 2002 год.)

B-12 M e t c h e v a R., L. Yurukova, S. Teodorova, E.Nikolova. 2006. The penguin feathers as bioindicator of Antarctica environmental state. Science of the Total Environment, 362, 259-265 (IF = 2.359)

B-13 M e t c h e v a R., M. Beltcheva and Ts. Chassovnikarova. 2008. The snow vole (Chionomys nivalis) as an appropriate environmental bioindicator in alpine ecosystems. Science of the total Environment, 391, 278-283 (IF = 2.579)

B-14 Dimitrov K, R. M e t c h e v a, A. Kenarova. 2009. Salmonella presence - an indicator of direct and indirect human impact on Gentoo in Antarctica. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment special issue, v.23, 2009, 246-249 (IF = 0.291)

B-15 Kuzeff R. M., M. Topashka-Ancheva, R. M e t c h e v a, 2009. Isopathic versus enantiomeric inhibition of U-50488 HCl toxicity - experimental studies. Homeopathy 98, 83-87 (IF = 1.125)

B-16 Rusinova-Videva S., K. Pavlova, R. M e t c h e v a. 2009. Studies of Antarctic yeast isolates for exopolysaccharide synthesis. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment special issue, v.23, 2009, 888-891 (IF = 0.291)

B-17 Beltcheva, M., M e t c h e v a R., Peneva V., Marinova M., Yankov Y., Chikova. V. 2011. Heavy Metals in Antarctic Notothenioid Fish from South Bay, Livingston Island, South Shetlands, (Antarctica). Biological Trace Element Research. v.137, DOI 10.1007/sl12011-010-8739-5,
рр.1559-0720 (IF = 1. 243)

B-18 M e t c h e v a R., L. Yurukova, S. E. Teodorova. 2011. Biogenic and toxic elements in feathers, eggs, and excreta of Gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua ellsworthii) in the Antarctic. Environ Monit Assess (2011) 182:571-585 (IF = 1.436)

B-19 Beltcheva M., M e t c h e v a R., Popov N., Teodorova S. E.,. Heredia-Rojas J. А., Rodriguez-de la Fuente A. O., Topashka-Ancheva M. 2011. Modified Natural Clinoptilolite Detoxifies Small Mammal's Organism Loaded with Lead I. Lead Disposition and Kinetic Model for Lead Bioaccumulation. Biological Trace Element Volume: 147 Issue: 1-3 pp: 180-188 (IF = 1.923)

B-20 Topashka-Ancheva M., Beltcheva M., M e t c h e v a R., Heredia Rojas J.A., Rodriguez-de la Fuente A. O., Gerasimova Ts., Rodríguez-Flores L. E., Teodorova S. 2011. Modified Natural clinoptilolite Detoxifies Small Mammal’s Organism Loaded with Lead II. Genetic, cell, and physiological effects. Biological Trace Element Volume: 147 Issue: 1-3 pp: 206-216 (IF = 1.923).

B-21 Marc de Dinechin, F. St. Dobson, P. Zehtindjiev, R. M e t c h e v a, Ch. Couchoux, A. Martin, P. Quillfeldt, P. Jouventin. 2012. THE BIOGEOGRAPHY OF GENTOO PENGUINS. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90 (3), pp. 352-360 (IF = 1.196).

B-22 M e t c h e v a R., Beltcheva M. 2012. Bioenergetic characteristics of genus Mus from South Europe. Acta Zool. Bulg. V.64, Suppl. 4, (in print) (IF = 0.269)

Publications in scientific books

B-22 M e t c h e v a R., M. Topashka-Ancheva, S. E. Teodorova. 2007. Influence of Lead and Some Genetic and Physiological Parameters of Laboratory Mice. Chapter 6 In: Environmental Research Trends. Ed. Marvin A. Cato, ©2007 Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, – pp. 205-230

B-23 M e t c h e v a R. 2007. Editor: Irma C. Willis. Progress in Environmental Research. Penguins – Useful Monitors for Environmental Changes in Antarctica. Expert Commentary Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, – pp. 1-2

Publications in international journals without IF

C-01 Czuchnowski, R., A. Gorecki, T. Pis, D. Wojtysiak, R. M e c z e w a. 1996. Seasonal and geographical variation of thermoregulation in the Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto). Ӧkol. Vӧgel (Ecol. Birds) 18, 163-171

C-02 Atanassov, N., R. M e t c h e v a, S. Gerasimov. 1999. Small rodents community and population dynamics of main species in alfalfa fields (North Bulgaria). Contribution to the Zoogeography and Ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. v.1, pp. 37-44

C-03 Beltcheva, M., R. M e t c h e v a. 1999. Comparison of the biogen intake and balance between the house mice Mus spicilegus (Petenyi, 1882) and Mus musculus musculus (L., 1758). Contribution to the zoogeography and Ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. v.1, pp. 51-57

C-04 M e t c h e v a, R., M. Topashka-Ancheva. 1999. Investigations on the bioaccumulation and distribution of heavy metals and chromosome patterns in the monitor species yellow-necked wood mice (Apodemus flavicollis) from Rila National Park. Contribution to the zoogeography and Ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. v.1, (suppl.), pp. 31-36

C-05 M e t c h e v a, R. 1999. Thermoregulation characteristics of the snow vole (Chionomys nivalis) from Bulgaria. Contribution to the zoogeography and Ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. v.1, pp. 111-116

C-06 Topashka-Ancheva, M., R. M e t c h e v a. 1999. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals and chromosome aberrations in small mammals from an industrially polluted region in Bulgaria. Contribution to the zoogeography and Ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. v.1 (suppl.), pp. 69-74

C-07 M e t c h e v a, R., Bezrukov, V., Teodorova, S.E., Yankov, Y. 2008. "Yellow spot" - A new trait of Gentoo Penguins Pygoscelis papua ellsworthii in Antarctica. Marine Ornithology, 36: 47-51

C-08 M e t c h e v a, R., Bezrukov, V., Teodorova, S.E., Yankov, Y. 2009. A New Trait of Gentoo Penguin: Possible Relation to Antarctica Environmental State? Environmental Research Journal, v.3, Issue 2/3, pp. 271-283

C-09 M e t c h e v a, R., Yurukova L., Bezrukov V., Beltcheva M., Yankov Y., Dimitrov K. 2010. Trace and Toxic Elements Accumulation in Food Chain Representatives at Livingston Island (Antarctica). International Journal of Biology. v.2, (1). pp. 155-161

Publications in Bulgarian journals, scientific periodicals and collections

D-01 М е ч е в а , Р., Миланов, З. 1993. Тежки метали и микроелементи в органи на полски зайци (Lepus eurropeus Pall.) от агроценози с различна степен на замърсяване. Наука за гората, 2, 89-95

D-02 Димитрова, П., М е ч е в а, Р., Герасимов, С. 1994. Акумулация на тежки метали и кръвна картина при жълтогърлата горска мишка (Apodemus flavicollis Melch.) от Станджа. Екология, 25, 48-52

D-03 Марков, Г., Р. М е ч е в а, П. Димитрова, С. Герасимов, А. Кузманова. 1994. Оценка на антропогенното повлияване на градски и крайградски зелени територии на София. Екология, 26, 100-105

D-04 M e t c h e v a, R., Atanassov, N., Topashka-Ancheva, M. 1994. Bioacumulation de metaux toxiques de lusine de metalurgie non ferreuse pres de Plovdiv dans L’ organisme du campagnol mediterraneen (Microtus guentheri Dan. At Als., 1880) (Microtinae, Rodentia). Acta zoologica bulgarica. 47, 54-65

D-05 M e t c h e v a, R., S. Gerasimov, 1994. Comparative Тhermo-regulation characteristics of the four taxa of the Mouse, Mus musculus musculus (L., 1758), Mus musculus domesticus (Schwarz & Schwarz, 1943), Mus spicilegus (Petenyi, 1882) and Mus macedonicus (Petrov& Ruzic, 1983). Екология, 26, 106-120

D-06 М е ч е в а, Р., Герасимов, С., Атанасова Ж. 1994. Химична терморегулация на Mus spretus Lataste 1883 (Muridae, Rodentia), Екология, 25, 34-39

D-07 M e t c h e v a, R., N. Atanassov, S. Gerasimov. 1994. Le Faune de Vertebrates terrestres du Massiv de Rila situation, perspectives et objectives de la surveillance des especes animales du massif. Observatoie de Mountagne de Moussala OM2. 2, 145-152

D-08 M e t c h e v a, R., M. Beltcheva, S. Gerasimov, 1994. Some parameters of physical thermopreferendum and daily rhythm of activity in the house mouse (Mus spretus Lataste, 1883). Екология, 25, 40-47

D-09 Миланов, З., Р. М е ч е в а. 1994. Акумулация на тежки метали в козината на свободно живеещи бозайници. Наука за гората, 4, 97-101

D-10 Iovchev, M., M e t c h e v a, R., Atanasov,N., Apostolova, M., Bogoeva L., Zivkov, M., Raikova-Petrova G., Karapetkova, M. 1995. Total beta activity of indicator vertebrate species from Rila Mountain. Observatoire de Moussala OM2. 3, 20-24

D-11 M e t c h e v a, R., Topachka-Ancheva, M., Atanassov, N., Artinian, A., Minkova, V. 1995. Bioaccumulation and distribution of toxic elements, haematological indices and chromosomal changes in the organism of indicator species of small rodents from Rila Mountain. Observatoire de Moussala OM2. 3, 203-212

D-12 Topashka-Ancheva, M., F. Avramova, V. Simeonova, R. M e t c h e v a, N. Atanassov, A. Angelova, M. Stambolova. 1995. Cytogenetical and biochemical studies on the effect of heavy metals on the organism of Microtus guentheri (Microtinae, Rodentia) in an ecologo-toxicological experiment. Ann. de l’ Univ. de Sofia "St. Kl. Ohridski", v. 88 (4), 69-80

D-13 Iovtchev, M., M e t c h e v a, R., Atanassov, N., M. Apostolova, Bogoeva L., Zivkov, M., Raikova-Petrova, G., Beltcheva, M., Kashukeeva, K. 1996. Investigation of Total Beta-activity of Indicator Vertebrate Species from National Park Rila. Observatoire de Moussala OM2. 4, 38-43

D-14 M e t c h e v a, R., Topashka-Ancheva, M., Beltcheva, M., Artinian, A., Nikolova, E. 1996. Population and biological characteristics of different monitor species small mammals from the region of the Beli Iskar artificial dam in National park Rila. Observatoire de Moussala OM2. 4, 168-177

D-15 M e t c h e v a, R., A. Artinian, E. Nikolova, M. Belcheva, R. Laleva. 1997. Estimation of the environmental quality using monitor species small mammals from two regions with different anthropogenic influence in Bulgaria. A. Bioaccumulation of Toxic Elements and their influence on some Histological and Haematological Indices. Ecomonitoring in Rozhen and Srednogorie - Bulgaria. Theory and Practice-Ministry of Environment, SDC - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Sofia,113-119

D-16 Belcheva, M., R. M e t c h e v a. 1997. Estimation of the environmental quality using monitor species small mammals from two regions with different anthropogenic influence in Bulgaria. B. Population Characteristics and Food Preferences in the Monitor Species. Ecomonitoring in Rozhen and Srednogorie - Bulgaria. Theory and Practice-Ministry of Environment, SDC - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Sofia, 120-123

D-17 M e t c h e v a R. 1997. Small mammals like bioindicators in zoological monitoring. Ecomonitoring in Rozhen and Srednogorie - Bulgaria. Theory and Practice-Ministry of Environment, SDC - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Sofia, 32-33

D-18 Iovtchev, M., M e t c h e v a R., Beltcheva, M., Apostolova M., Bogoeva L., Zivkov, M., Raikova-Petrova, G, Atanassov, N., Kashukeeva, K. 1997. Total Beta-activity of some small mammals, amphibians, fish and plants from Rila Mountain. Observatoire de Moussala OM2. 6, 129-132

D-19 M e t c h e v a, R., E. Nikolova, M. Belcheva, A. Artinian. 1997. Preliminary results on the small mammals species number, bioaccumulation and distribution of toxic elements from Alinitza, National Park Rila. Observatoire de Moussala OM2, 6, 124-128

D-20 Pусев, Б., Герасимов, С., М е ч е в а Р. 1997. Зоологични и хидробиологични изследвания в областта на биоиндикацията и биотестирането. 50 гдини Институт по зоология БАН. 122-129

D-21 Belcheva, M., R. M e t c h e v a, A. Artinian, E. Nikolova. 1998. Assessment of toxic elements in the snow vole (Chionomys nivalis) and its food from Rila Mountain. Observatoire de Moussla OM2, 7, 276-280

D-22 M e t c h e v a, R., J. Štetic, M. Beltcheva. 1998. Preliminary investigation concerning small mammals fauna in Šar-Planina Mountain. Observatoire de Moussala OM2, 7, 267-270

D-23 M e t c h e v a, R., M. Topashka-Ancheva, A. Artinian, E. Nikolova. 1998. Small Mammals as Indicators of Environmental State of Two National Parks Rila and Vitosha. Observatoire de Moussala OM2, 7, 189-198

D-24 M e t c h e v a, R. 1998. The Ice lake (2709 m s.l.) in Rila - the highest biotope of Chirocephalus diaphanus Prevost 1803 (Entomostraca,Crustacea) in Bulgaria. Observatoire de Moussala OM2, 7, 311-312

D-25 Topashka-Ancheva, M., M e t c h e v a, R., Atanassov, N. 1998. Bioaccumulation and clastogenic effects of industrial dust on Microtus guentheri (Microtinae, Rodentia) in an ecologo-toxicological experiment. Acta zool. bulgarica, 50, v.1 117-122

D-26 Belcheva M, R. M e t c h e v a. 2001. Population of Hillock Mouse Mus spicilegus in Two Agroecosystems of Bulgaria. Journal of Balkan Ecology, v.4 (2); 177-180

D-27 M e t c h e v a, R., S. Teodorova, M. Topashka-Ancheva. 2001. A Comparative Analysis of the Heavy Metals and Toxic Elements Loading Indicated by Small Mammals in Different Bulgarian Regions. Acta zool. Bulg. 53(1) 61-80

D-28 M e t c h e v a R., E. Trakijska. 2002. Preliminary morphophysiological investigations of the Gentoo penguin (Pigoscelis papua) on Livingston Island. Bulg. Antarct. Res. v.3: 97-100

D-29 M e t c h e v a R., E. Trakijska. 2002. Pygoscelidae penguins – taxonomy, ecology and morpho-physiology. Bulg. Antarctic Res. v.3: 1-13

D-30 M e t c h e v a R., L. Yurukova. 2002. Toxic and heavy metals concentration in Chinstrap penguin’s Pygoscelis antarctica feathers during moult. Bulg. Antarct. Res. v.3: 101-105

D-31 Dimitrov K., R. M e t c h e v a. 2003. Winter isolation at Microhabitat level: Northern populations of Apodemus mystacinus (Mammalia: Muridae). Ann. De l’ Univ. de Sofia , v.95, 4: 221-226

D-32 Gyosheva M., R. M e t c h e v a. 2004. Arrhenia Retiruga (Bull.:Fr.) Redhead var. antarctica Horac – One Agarical Fungus from Livingston Island, South Shetlands (The Antarctic). Bulg. Antarctic Res. v.4, 65-68

D-33 M e t c h e v a, R., M. Topashka-Ancheva. 2004. Assessment of environmental contaminants in small mammals. Observatoire de Moussala OM2. v.9. 225-230

D-34 М е ч е в а, Р., М. Топашка-Анчева, М. Белчева, Цв. Йорданова. 2004. Биоиндикаторни възможности на дребните бозайници в зоологичния мониторинг. Лесовъдска мисъл.1, v.10 (29):135-143

D-35 M e t c h e v a, R., P. Zehtindjev, Y. Yankov. 2004. Gentoo Penguin Colony Estimates Using Digital Photography. Bulg. Antarctic Res. v.4, 115-121

D-36 M e t c h e v a, R., L. Yurukova. 2004. Heavy Metals and Toxic Elements Content in Gentoo Penguin’s (Pygoscelis papua) Feathers during Moult. Bulg. Antarct. Res. v.4, 101-106

D-37 M e t c h e v a, R., L. Yurukova. 2004. Major Essential and Trace Elements in Gentoo Penguin (Pygoscelis papua, Forster 1781, Aves: Sphenisciformes) from the Livingston Island, the Antarctic. Acta Zool. Bulg. 56 (3) 331-336

D-38 Trakijska E., K. Stojanova, R. M e t c h e v a. 2004. Blood Chemistry Studies and Differential Counting of Leucocytes in Gentoo Penguins (Pygoscelis papua) in Relation of Moulting and Non-moulting Stages. Bulg. Antarctic Res. v.4, 107-113

D-39 Beltcheva, M., M e t c h e v a, R., P. Grozdanova. 2005. Diet and Population of Common Vole (Microtus arvalis. Pall., Rodentia, Mammalia) from Grassland in Bulgaria. Journal of Balkan Ecology. v.8 (2), 181-188

D-40 Dimitrov K., R. M e t c h e v a, M. Odjakova. 2005.Variation of esterase activity in two populations of Apodemus Myastacinus (Danford & Alston, 1877) in South-Western Bulgaria. l`Univ.Sof, 96, II, 407-410

D-41 M e t c h e v a, R., P. Zehtindjev, A. Savov, E. Trakijska and Y. Yankov. 2005. Sex Dimorphism Established by Body Weight, Beak and Flipper Length in Gentoo Penguins (Pygoscelis papua, Forster 1781) (Aves: Sphenisciformes) from the Livingston Island. Acta Zool. Bulg. 57 (1), 65-70

D-42 Andreev, A. V., A. A. Andreev, M. O. Kursa, R. P. M e t c h e v a, G. P. Milinevsky, S. E. Shnyukov, V. R. Morozenko. 2006. Heavy Metal Content in Gentoo Penguin Feathers at Petermann Island and Livingston Island. Bulg. Antarctic Research. v.5, 75-82

D-43 M e t c h e v a, R., P. Zehtindjiev, V. Bezrukov, A. Savov, Y. Yankov. 2006. Bill coloration of Gentoo (Pygoscelis papua ellsworthii). Part I. A Marker for Gentoo population studies. Bulg. Antarctic Research, v.5, 37-43

D-44 Dimitrov, K., M. Beltcheva, R. M e t c h e v a, V. Bezrukov. 2006. Bill coloration of Gentoo. Part II: A Review of the Possible Causes. Bulg. Antarctic Research, v.5, 45-49

D-45 Pavlova, K., R. M e t c h e v a, I. Savova, V. Bezrukov, Y. Yankov, L. Woodworth. 2006. Study of Yeast Isolated from Penguin Plumage from Western Antarctica. Bulg. Antarctic Research, v.5, 51-62

D-46 Pavlova, K, A. Koleva, I. Savova, L. Koleva, I. Pishtiyski, R. M e t c h e v a. 2006. A Study of Antarctic Yeasts for Protease Production. Bulg. Antarctic Research. v.5, 63-74

D-47 Vachev B., R. M e t c h e v a. 2006. A Multicriteria approach to the estimation of the survival of penguins. Bulg. Antarctic Research, v.5, 93-99

D-48 Zehtindjev P., R. M e t c h e v a, A. Savov, Y. Yankov, A. Ludwig, D Lieckfeldt. 2006. Polymorphism of the population in Gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua Aves: Sphenisciformes) from Livingston Island, South Shetlands. Bulg. Antarctic Research, v.5, 1-9

Научни доклади публикувани в пълен размер у нас

E-01 Атанасов, Н., М е ч е в а, Р., Белчева, М., Симеоновска, Д., Герасимов, С. 1993. Популационна динамика на стуктурата и плътността на доминантни видове дребни гризачи в люцернови площи от Северна България. Метрология и контрол в агроекологията "Метроагроеко"’93, 204-208

E-02 М е ч е в а, Р., Н. Атанасов, С. Герасимов. 1993. Методи за изследване на числеността на дребни гризачи в агроекосистеми. Метрология и контрол в агроекологията "Метроагроеко"’93, 262-264

E-03 Топашка-Анчева, М., M. Белчева, Р. М е ч е в а, 1993. Генотоксичност и биоакумулация на Pb+2 след хронично въздействие с оловен ацетат върху Balb/cy мишки. Межд. симпозиум "Екология’93", 2, 359-364

E-04 Топашка-Анчева, М., М е ч е в а, Р., Атанасов, Н., Минкова, В. 1993. Влияние на някои тежки метали върху гюнтеровата полевка. Межд. симпозиум "Екология’ 93" , 2, 345-351

E-05 Белчева, М., Р. М е ч е в а, С. Герасимов. 1994. Съдържание на биогенни елементи и техния баланс в организма на домашната мишка Mus spicilegus (Petenyi). Екология’94, 3, 40-42

E-06 Белчева, М., Р. М е ч е в а, С Герасимов. 1994. Усвояване и асимилация на храната на Mus spicilegus Petenyi (Rodentia, Mammalia). Екология’94, 42-44

E-07 Топашка-Анчева, М., М е ч е в а, Р., Атанасов, Н. 1994. Влияние на промишленото замърсяване от района на КЦМ- Пловдив върху организма на Mus macedonicus (Muridae, Rodentia). Екология’ 94, 3, 21-26

E-08 M e t c h e v a, R., M. Topashka-Ancheva, E. Trakijska, T. Pramatarova. 2003. Studies of Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals, Toxic Elements and Genetic Structure of Monitor Species Vertebrate from Elacite Region. Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine. Vol. III. Svi. Conf. with Int. Participation, St. Zagora’ 2003, 249-257

E-09 M e t c h e v a, R., L. Yurukova. 2004. Feathers as a means of monitoring in penguins. “Биоразнообразие, Екосистеми, Глобални промени” Първа Нац. Конф. по екология. 259-264

E-10 M e t c h e v a R., M. Beltcheva. 2004. Pigoscelidae penguins as monitors of environmental changes of Antarctic ecosystems. “Биоразнообразие, Екосистеми, Глобални промени” Нац. Конф. по екология. 393-396

E-11 Teodorova S., R. M e t c h e v a, M. Topashka-Ancheva. 2004. Mathematical model for Zn and Cd bioaccumulations. Analysis of genetic, cell and metabolic disturbances caused by polymetal industrial dust. INRNE – Annual Report 2003, 101-102

E-12 Beltcheva M., R. M e t c h e v a. 2005. Bioenergetics characteristics of two sympatric house mice species from North Bulgaria. Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology in Plovdiv, Part II, 459-466

E-13 Dimitrov K., Ts. Yordanova, R. M e t c h e v a. 2005. Apodemus mystacinus (Alston & Danford 1877). Suffers Physiological Tension in its Northern Distribution Area). Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology in Plovdiv, Part II, 467-472

E-14 M e t c h e v a, R., P. Zehtindjev. 2005. Distribution and Abundance of summer birds community from South Bay (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology in Plovdiv, Part II, 453-458

E-15 M e t c h e v a R., S. E. Teodorova, L. Yurukova, E. Nikolova. 2006. A Bioindicator for Antarctica Environment. INRNE Annual Report 2006. Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, V. Gerdjikov et al. (Eds.), DioMira, Sofia) 96-98

Scientific papers published full size abroad

E-16 Beltcheva, M., R. M e t c h e v a. 1996. Methods for estimation the food eaten the place and functional role of small mammals in ecosystems. “National Parks and their role in biodiversity protection on Balkan Peninsula.”, Ohrid, 143-146

E-17 M e t c h e v a, R., Beltcheva, M. 1996. National Parks like background stations for biomonitoring. “National Parks and their role in biodiversity protection on Balkan Peninsula.”, Ohrid, 139-141

E-18 M e t c h e v a, R., Artinian, A., Nikolova, E. 1996. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in small mammals from contaminated grassland ecosystems. Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe. Symp. Proceedings. Warszawa, 541-543

Publications for habilitation

F-01 М е ч е в а, Р. 1979. Биоенергетични параметри на сивата сова (Strix aluco L.). Биология' 79, 281-284

F-02 М е ч е в а, Р. 1982. Поток на енергията и кръговрат на материята през популацията на горска улулица (Strix aluco L.). Нац. теорет. конф. по опазване и възпроизводство на околната среда. т.1, 20-22

F-03 М е ч е в а, Р. 1985. Биоенергетичните изследвания - необходим етап в развитието на екологията. Национална конференция по биология, секция Екология, 10-13

F-04 Kwartirnikov, M., M e t s c h e v a, R. 1986. Ein Aktograph fur Kleinsauger. Екология 19, 76-78

F-05 M e c z e w a, R. 1986. Bioenergetic parameters and energy flow through the population of the tawny owl Strix aluco L. Zesz. Naukowe Uniw. Jagiell. Pr. zool. 32, 29-58

F-06 Герасимов, С., Димитрова, П., М е ч е в а, Р., Карапеткова, П., Топашка-Анчева,М., Николов, Хр., Марков, Г., Барболова, З., Михайлова, В. 1987. Исследование изменений в концентрациях токсикантов в биоиндикаторных видах животных и их воздействия путем морфофизиологических и генетических показателей. Пробл. фонового эколог. мониторинга. Вып.II, 71-82

F-07 Герасимов, С., М е ч е в а, Р., Димитрова, П. 1987. Роль эколого-токсикологических экспериментов в выборе биоиндикаторных видов животных и информативных показателей в системе биологического мониторинга. Пробл. фонового экол. мониторинга, Вып.II, 37-42

F-08 Герасимов, С., М е ч е в а, Р., Димитрова П. 1987. Тенденции в изменение на числеността на основни видове дивеч в Плевенски окръг. Юбил. нац. конф. по биология, Плевен, 2-5

F-09 М е ч е в а, Р., Димитрова, П., Герасимов, С. 1987. Экспериментальное исследование воздействия свинца на лесную мышь и обыкновенную полевку в связи с их использованием в качестве биоиндикаторов. Пробл. фонового мониторинга сост. природной среды. Ленинград, Вып.5, 124-131

F-10 М е ч е в а, Р., Сиджимов, Н. 1987. Метаболизъм на покой и химическа терморегулация при двата подвида на домашната мишка Mus musculs domesticus и Mus musculs musculs от България. Съвременни постижения на българската зоология. БАН, 188-191

F-11 М е ч е в а, Р., Карапеткова, М., Герасимов, С. 1987. Натрупване на тежки метали в биоиндикаторни видове гръбначни животни от района на Средногорие. Първа нац. конф. по проблемите на биол. мониторинг. Пловдиив, 174-177

F-12 М е ч е в а, Р., Марков, Г., Атанасов, Н. 1988. Развитие и проблеми на биологичния мониторинг в България. Младежка национална конф. по екологичните проблеми, 20-24

F-13 М е ч е в а, Р. 1988. Съдържание на макро биогенни елементи и някои тежки метали в тялото на горската улулица (Strix aluco L.). Научни трудове на Пловдиивския у-тет 26 (кн.6), 217-224

F-14 Цветков, С. Г., Кузманова, А., М е ч е в а, Р., Марков, Г. 1988. Средношколска експедиция - проучване екологичното състояние на Южен парк - София. Научна сесия на мл. научни работници. Пловдив, 103-105

F-15 М е ч е в а, Р., Димитрова, П. 1989. Сухоземните гръбначни животни като биоиндикатори. Втора школа-семинар с междунар. участие, Варна. 31-35

F-16 Gorecki, A., M e c h e v a, R., Pis, T., Gerasimov, S., Walkowa, W. 1990. Geographical variation of thermoregulation in wild populations of Mus musculus and Mus spretus. Acta Theriologica, 35 (3-4), 209-214 (IF = 0.485)

F-17 Karapetkowa, M. M e t c h e v a, R. 1990. Gehalt an Schwermetallen in der Flusbarbe (Barbus barbus) und in Brachsen (Abramis brama) von der Region des Str. km 790 bis zum Str. km 434 des bulgarischen Donauabschnittes. Limnologische berichte der 28 Tagung der IAD. 114-118

F-18 М е ч е в а, Р. 1990. Биоенергетика и биопродуктивност. Нац. конф. по биология, "Биологичните ресурси на България". 17-22

F-19 Karapetkova, M., M e t c h e v a, R. 1991. Schwermetalle in Fischen aus dem bulgarischen Donauabschnitt. Limnologische Berichte der 29 Tagung der IAD. 132-135

F-20 Топашка-Анчева, М., Р. М е ч е в а, Н. Атанасов, Р Белчева. 1992. Изследвания върху биоакумулацията и хромозомните аберации при два вида дребни гризачи от природни популации. Международен симпозиум "Екология’92", 1, 338-343


Ecosystem Research, Environmental Risk Assessment and Conservation Biology
Biomonitoring and Ecological Risk Assessment
Research group
Biomonitoring and Bioindication


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