A new publication applies DNA metabarcoding to reveal the diet composition of the Grey plover (Pluvialis squatarola) on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast
The study found no significant seasonal variation in Grey Plover diet composition, but the proportions of some prey taxa in the diet changed slightly, probably reflecting seasonal differences in their abundance and activity in coastal habitats.
The results contribute to the knowledge of Grey Plover diet, prey choice and habitat use in a little-studied region on the Black Sea-Mediterranean Flyway, and could help design effective conservation measures to preserve habitat quality at stopover sites for this wader and others with similar ecology.
The study was supported by the research project funded by the National Science Fund of Bulgaria (Projects of junior basic researchers and postdocs 2021, Contract No. KP06-M51/3 /12.11.2021).
The largest nursing colony of the Lesser Horseshoe and the Geoffroy’s bat in the world is in the Eastern Rhodopes
Link to the article
Fig. 1. Dr Heliana Dundarova during field studies.
Fig. 2. Lesser horseshoe bats from the colony near Madzarovo.
Fig. 3. Geoffroy’s bats from the colony near Madzarovo.
New paper demonstrates high microplastic pollution in marine sediments associated with urbanised areas along the SW Bulgarian Black Sea coast
New paper on impacts of inland navigation and land on European freshwater biodiversity
For full text, see the following link.
Figure captions:
Fig.1. Data on macroinvertebrate (a, purple dots, n = 1,668) and fish (b, purple dots, n = 2,381) communities across Europe. Large rivers and navigated canals are shown with blue lines (Sexton et al., 2024).
Fig. 2. Macroinvertebrate trait responses to various navigation pressures (text), while accounting for environmental variables (Sexton et al., 2024).
Fig. 3. Fish trait responses to various navigation pressures (text), while accounting for environmental variables (Sexton et al., 2024).
On May 21, we celebrate 32 years since the creation of Natura 2000!
In 1992 the NATURA 2000 network was founded in the European Union. Scientists from the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS) actively participate in the creation and development of the ecological network in the country.
The EU annouces 21 may as NATURA 2000 day. Today we celebrate 32 years since the establishment of the NATURA 2000 network. For the event, Assoc. Prof. Yordan Koshev from IBER-BAS, participant of the project titled “Securing the recovery of the endangered Saker Falcon in Bulgaria and Southern Romania” (LIFE20 NAT/BG/001162) presented in front of Bulgarian media the importanve of protected areas and about conserving Bulgarian nature. The highlight of the conversation were the following species of conservation concern: European ground squirrel (souslik), Saker falcon, Imperial eagle and others.
For more information, please visit Bulgarian News Agency (link).
/IBER-BAS, 21.05.2024./
Trends in ecological quality of European rivers: improving but still some way ahead before reaching the goal
/IBER-BAS, 21.03.2024./
ESENIAS and DIAS Conference 2023 and 12th ESENIAS Workshop
More than 100 participants from 15 countries attended the conference. A total of 105 communications, including 13 keynote presentations, 33 oral presentations and 59 posters were presented within 11 oral and 3 poster sessions. The abstracts were published in a Book of Abstracts. Selected full papers will be published after peer-review in "Phytologia Balcanica" and "Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research".
Based on their presentations four young scientists were awarded by the Scientific Committee. Assistant Polina Nikova from IBER-BAS received NeoBiota Best Talk Award for her presentation titled ‘First documented records in the wild of American mink (Neogale vision von Schreber, 1776) in Bulgaria’. Three young scientists were awarded for best zoological presentations by Acta Zoologica Bulgarica – Dr. Halyna Morhun from Ukraine, and PhD students Alexandr Vasiliev from Moldova and Ovidiu Drăgan from Romania.
Further information about the conference and conference outcomes can be found at following links:
- ESENIAS (link 1)
Research group blood parasites of birds is a part of International Wildlife Malaria Network (WIMANET): A Global Initiative to Study Vector-Borne Parasites
- Common Research Agenda: to encourage researchers to collaborate and exchange knowledge. By working together, the network hopes to address critical questions related to vector-borne parasites at a global level.
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration: to foster an interdisciplinary approach by bringing experts from various fields together. These diverse collaborations are expected to yield a more comprehensive understanding of the host-vector-haemosporidian system.
- Support for New Researchers: to attract and support researchers from diverse backgrounds, providing them with opportunities for training and collaboration. This inclusive approach aims to expand the network's expertise and strengthen its collective impact.
- Engaging Stakeholders: to actively engage with stakeholders, policymakers, and the general public to facilitate knowledge transfer. By raising awareness about vector-borne parasites and their impact, the initiative seeks to garner support for its research endeavors.
For more information about WIMANET, please visit the COST Action CA22108 webpage.
Prof. Dr. Pavel Zehtindjiev, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihaela Ilieva, Ch. Asst. Dr. Martin Marinov, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov ( and Ch. Asst. Dr. Aneliya Bobeva (, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
A new species of Spinturnix from the Turkestani longeared bat Otonycteris leucophaea in Kazakhstan
Stay Tuned For The New Edition Of The European Researchers Night 2022 - SEARCH
More about European Researchers Night 2022 can be found here or at the following links:
International Conference on DNA Barcoding and Biodiversity
International Seminar of Ecology – 2022: Actual problems of Ecology
All information is available on the Official website of the event.
BioBlitz survey on invasive alien species
Further information for the BioBlitz survey, for the apps, and for the IAS, which can be observed and registered in the region, may be found at the following links:
Award for IBER-BAS researchers at the Conference and Exhibition WindEurope – Electric City 2021, Copenhagen, 23-25 November 2021
/IBER-BAS, 07.12.2021/
The Eurasian Beaver is returning to Bulgaria
/IBER-BAS, 25.11.2021/
IBER-BAS is a partner in publishing the database of the primary forests in Europe
New book authored by IBER-BAS staff members
Free full text can be downloaded here.
1st International Conference on Botany and Mycology, Sofia
Conference topics:
1. Floristics, Plant Taxonomy and Phylogeny
2. Vegetation and Habitats
3. Applied Botany
4. Fungal Taxonomy and Phylogeny
5. Plant and Fungal Conservation
6. Sustainable Use of Plants and Fungi
7. Current Research Projects in Botany and Mycology
For more information, please visit the official website of the Conference.
First steps in the digitalisation of scientific collections of the National Museum of Natural History of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
With a new joint project, the National Museum of Natural History and the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, will digitalise one of the largest collections of biological and geological diversity in Bulgaria, stored in the scientific repositories of the two institutes. The first official online meeting conducted on January 12th 2021 has marked the start of stage one of the Distribution of the scientific collections — Bulgaria (DiSSCo-BG).
The aim of the project is till 2027 to be digitalised and make available online a significant part of the scientific collections of invertebrates and vertebrates, paleontological materials of the NMNH-BAS, herbarium, mycological, zoological, paleontological and palynological collections and the collection of live plants of the IBER-BAS. The expectations of scientists are to be covered around 2 million collection items and about 500 000 digital images of samples associated with the database.
Securing the infrastructural and technical needs of the collections, development of policies of unification and standardisation of regulations related to the collections access and their databases, selection of database management systems and digitalisation standards in accordance with the best practices of leading institutions, will be the emphasis during the first year of the project. The financial assistance provided by the Ministry of education and science for the first year of the project is 800 000 BGN.
The two institutes are united in the consortium Upgrading a distributed scientific infrastructure: Distributed system of scientific collections-Bulgaria (DiSSCo-BG). The consortium is the Bulgarian link in the European distributed research infrastructure DiSSCo, included in the Roadmap of the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) in 2018. The project is implemented as part of the National Roadmap for Scientific Infrastructures for the period 2020—2027.
For contacts: Boyko B. Georgiev
Tel:: +359899285317, E-mail:,
For contacts: Borislav Georgiev
Tel.: +359886129564, e-mail:
/IBER-BAS, 02.02.2021/
Eurasian Eagle Owl diet reveals new records of threatened giant bush-crickets
Detailed press-release on Eurekalert (линк)
/IBER-BAS, 15.01.2021/
Participation of IBER in the COST Action ‘Increasing understanding of alien species through citizen science’ (Alien CSI)
In the frame of the Alien CSI COST Action, IBER has implementеd the project ‘Increasing understanding of alien species through citizen science (Alien CSI): Approaches to citizen science, data management and standards in Bulgaria (No КП-06-COST-13) co-fundеd by the National Science Fund of Bulgaria for the period 2019–2021.
The project objectives are as follows:
- Horizon scan available and novel technologies for CS in Bulgaria;
- Explore novel ways to increase the level of participation in AS related CS and to reach non-traditional audiences of citizen scientists, through translating into Bulgarian the smartphone application ‘Invasive Alien Species Europe’, including invasive alien species (IAS) of plants, animals and fungi of national/ regional concern, and promoting the app among different stakeholder groups;
- Coordinate activities related to the collection and validation of data with the ‘Invasive Alien Species Europe’ app in Bulgaria together with the JRC and EASIN;
- Review structure of data across existing AS CS initiatives in Bulgaria;
- Facilitate IAS data mobilisation, communication and awareness raising in Bulgaria;
- Disseminate results and cooperate with other AS CS projects, databases, and networks at regional and European level.
Can DNA document past interactions?
The paper called "Patterns of mtDNA introgression suggest population replacement in Palaearctic whiskered bat species" (pdf) is focused on the phylogeographical relationships between Myotis mystacinus and M. davidii, part of the Whiskered bat cryptic complex. The results displayed mitochondrial introgression consequence from the M. mystacinus populations hybridization with the expanding M. davidii populations using mitochondrial and nuclear molecular markers.
The study traced the shift of M. mystacinus populations from those of M. davidii on the Balkan Peninsula, under the influence of the changing environment after the last glacial maximum. Further, clarified the taxonomic status of the Balkan populations and confirms that M. m. bulgaricus is a synonym of M. davidii.
/IBER-BAS, 03.06.2020/
"International Seminar of Ecology- 2020" - dedicated to the 10th anniversary of IBER-BAS
- Biodiversity and conservation biology;
- Biotic and abiotic impact on the living nature and mechanisms of adaptation;
- Ecosystem research, service and ecological agriculture;
- Landscape ecology;
- Ecology and education;
- Other related topics.
The Organizing Committee of the "International Seminar on Ecology - 2020" would like to express its gratitude to the Pensoft Publishers Ltd., for providing free of charge on-line platform GoToMeeting, that has allowed to perform the Seminar. We also would like to thank the companies BULGAP Ltd., LKB-Bulgaria Ltd. and Pensoft Publishers Ltd. for the financial support provided.
We make our thanks to the governing body of IBER-BAS for the assistance in conducting the Seminar and the books given to awarded young colleagues, to everyone who contributed, assisted and supported this edition of the Seminar, to USB for dissemination of this scientific event. The Organizing Committee was given many positive feedback from the participants - one of the biggest acknowledgments for well done work.
After reviewing, the manuscripts will be published as a supplement to two peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Program and abstract book can be downloaded here.
A paper of authors from IBER-BAS awarded as top downloaded for 2018-2019
A new monograph of authors from IBER-BAS
The diversity of the smut fungi of Greenland is presented in a new monograph (The smut fungi of Greenland, MycoKeys 64: 1–164, link ), written by mycologists from Division of Mycology of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Assoc. Prof. Teodor T. Denchev and Prof. Cvetomir M. Denchev, in collaboration with Dr H. Knudsen (Natural History Museum of Denmark). This is a first taxonomic treatment of the smut fungi in Greenland. A total of 43 species in 11 genera are treated and illustrated by photographs of sori, microphotographs of spores in LM and SEM, and distribution maps. Two species are recorded as new from North America. Thirteen species are reported for the first time from Greenland. The most numerous distribution groups are the following: circumpolar–alpine and Arctic–alpine species – 14; circumboreal–polar species – 10; and circumpolar and Arctic species – 6. Only plants belonging to six families, Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Juncaceae, Ranunculaceae, Caryophyllaceae, and Polygonaceae, out of a total of 55 in the flora of Greenland, host smut fungi. The total number of the host plants (45 species) is 8.5 % out of a total of 532 vascular plants in the flora of Greenland.
This monograph is very useful and will help mycologists studying this interesting group of parasitic fungi, and researchers studying basidiomycetes of the Arctic and Subarctic regions.
/IBER-BAS, 07.03.2020/
International Seminar of Ecology – 2020
The event will be held on 23-24 April 2020 at IBER-BAS, 2 Gagarin Street, Sofia.
/IBER-BAS, 05.02.2020/
Eurasian African Bird Migration Atlas Project
More information about the Eurasian African Bird Migration Atlas can be found in EURING’s web-site (link).
Plant diversity towards society 2019 International Scientific Conference
School of ornithology and nature conservation, season 2019
Bulgarian Ornithological Centre (IBER-BAS) is organising a School of Ornithology and Nature Conservation "Prof. Dimitar Nankinov", following a 32-year tradition. This educational program is free of charge. The lectures will be held every Tuesday at 18:30 at the meeting hall of the National Museum of Natural History - BAS (shared building with Base 2 of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - BAS, 1 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1000 Sofia).
Lecturer: Dr Boris Nikolov.
The first lecture will be on 22 October 2019.
/Bulgarian Ornithological Centre, IBER-BAS, 14.10.2014/
A new book has been printed out with autors from IBER-BAS
Pilot Stocking of Russian Sturgeon and Sterlet in Romania and Hungary
Danube River fauna will be enriched in April 2019 as two important sturgeon stocking events will take place; one on April 18th in Isaccea (Romania) and another on the 12th in Baja (Hungary). These events are part of the MEASURES Project (Managing and Restoring Aquatic Ecological Corridors for Migratory Fish Species in the Danube River Basin).
Sturgeon and other migratory fish species represent the historical, economic and natural heritage of the Danube. Furthermore, they are indicators of the ecological status of the river’s watercourses, especially concerning the function of the river as an ecological corridor. The fragmentation of rivers by transversal structures like hydropower dams or flood protection measures poses a threat to natural fish populations if they are no longer able reach important habitats like spawning grounds, feeding grounds and wintering habitats.
Transnational management and restoration actions to re-establish these corridors as migration routes, as well as stocking with indigenous species are essential until we have achieved a self-sustaining population again. "Conservational restocking is one of many necessary actions to save endangered fish. In conjunction with the provision and restoration of habitat it is essential to increase the number of animals of species and populations on the very brink of extinction", Thomas Friedrich, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.
The events are organised by the MEASURES Project, which is co-funded by the European Union (ERDF, IPA). For more information, please visit the project website.
"International Seminar of Ecology – 2019", dedicated to 75 years USB and 150 years BAS
- Biodiversity and conservation biology
- Biotic and abiotic impact on the living nature and mechanisms of adaptation
- Ecosystem research, services and ecological agriculture
- Landscape ecology
- Ecology and education
- Other related topics
International scientific conference "Plant diversity towards society 2019"
For more information:
/IBER-BAS, 15.02.2019/
New projects of IBER-BAS funded by the National Science Fund
Balkan Peninsula is one of the main European glacial refugia for many plant species.
The species were selected due to their patterns of distribution – scattered as single trees and small groups within the main forest formations.
The objective is specified in the following main tasks:
- Detailed inventory of the distribution of target species down to the level of forestry operational unit (stand). Designing of interactive maps in GIS environment.
- Establishment of a database of palynological studies on the target species and analysis of the information.
- Studies on the genetic diversity in representative populations of the target species by means of highly informative genetic markers.
- Studies on the geographic distribution of the genetic diversity and identification of the micro-refugia.
- Analysis of the differentiation among the micro-refugia in the different species.
- To select and establish appropriate study regions in two high mountain regions in Bulgaria – Rila and Pirin Mts.
- To collect standardised (within the GLORIA network), quantitative data about the alpine plant diversity, i.e. species composition, cover and abundance of species, percentage of unvegetated surface, soil temperature, snow cover period.
- To study plant traits which contribute to species survival in extreme environments and adaptation to climate change – special attention will be paid to endemics and taxa of conservation concern.
- To assess the risk of biodiversity loss and ecosystem instability due to climate change and propose recommendations for mitigation of the climate change impacts and long-term conservation of the alpine plant diversity.
Despite the fact, the project is for conducting of fundamental research, the obtained results will contribute to conservation of the alpine biodiversity and mitigation of the adverse impacts of climate change. Thus, the project will contribute to solving social problems, especially for maintaining the ecosystem services the alpine biodiversity provides, e.g. supply of drinking water, disaster risk reduction (avalanches, flooding, landslides, substrate erosion), aesthetic appreciation of the alpine species and landscapes (cultural services, crucial e.g. for tourism development). Maintaining rich and healthy mountain ecosystems is crucial for the ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) to climate change, that is the use of the biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. This EbA approach has been recognised as a significant strategy for disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR), which is defined as “sustainable management, conservation and restoration of ecosystems to reduce disaster risk, with the aim to achieve sustainable and resilient development” (CBD Technical Series No. 85).
With this project Bulgaria will join GLORIA – the Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments, a long lasting global network. The project will provide the baseline data for Bulgaria and would contribute to the global assessment of the climate change impacts on alpine biodiversity. Developments of the GLORIA monitoring network are most advanced on a European level, however, they are still lacking on the Balkan Peninsula.
/IBER-BAS, 09.01.2019/
Awarded scientist from IBER-BAS
Conservation status of freshwater mussels in Europe: state of the art and future challenges
in the journal Biological Reviews
The awards were presented by the Vice-President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Corr.-Member Konstantin Hadjiivanov and the Chief Scientific Secretary Prof. Evdokia Pasheva.
More information can be found here.
School of Ornithology and Nature Conservation
The first lecture will be on 30 October 2018.
IBER-BAS participated in the 7th Annual Forum of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region
More information may be found here
/IBER-BAS, 23.10.2018/
IBER-BAS participates in the international project under the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme
MEASURES brings a clear transnational additional value to the Danube Region, as it addresses key objectives of the EUSDR, of the RBMP and targets to align several legal frameworks and EU targets such as the WFD, FD, FFHD and biodiversity targets of the EU by compiling new knowledge and providing guidelines for the transnational management of key habitats of migratory fish to achieve an efficient conservation and re-establishment of these ecological corridors.
The project is composed of six work packages and IBER-BAS is involved in four of them as follows:
- WP1 Project Management: IBER-BAS will contribute to the project management as a Project Partner (ERDF PP 7) according the Project Management Document with Action Plan included in a Project Handbook established in the beginning of the project. Coordinator of the project from IBER-BAS is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luchezar Pehlivanov, head of the Department of Aquatic Ecology.
- WP2 Communication activities: IBER-BAS will participate in preparation of internal communication plan and an external communication strategy and will provide content and feedback for the communication materials and will provide required content for the website during all project phases, on achievements and results of the project.
- WP3 Infosystem eco-corridors: (1) establish a MEASURES Information System (MIS) including all relevant information on ecological corridors for the conservation of long- and medium-distance migratory fish of the DRB and (2) to enhance capacity at national and transnational level by integrating water management and nature conservation and by strengthening the support for the conservation of migratory fish by improving ecological corridors.
- WP5 Strengthen migratory fish: The objective is to save, revive and strengthen migratory fish populations by the introduction of sciencebased conservation stocking (ex-situ).
Budget in Euro:
Overall: 2512931,08; ERDF Contribution: 2045645,09; IPA Contribution: 90346,27
For more information:
- Short project description
IBER-BAS participates in a project funded by the OP Science and Education for Smart Growth
MAES-related activities of IBER-BAS
International Gull Meeting
Further information:
/IBER-BAS, 20.02.2018/
Joint Management Committee and Working Groups Meetings of COST action CA15226, "Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions"
The main tasks of COST action "Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions" are to:
More information about the COST action CA15226, Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions can be found at the following websites: CLIMO, COST-actions.
/IBER-BAS, 11.02.2018/
"Seminar of Ecology – 2018" with International Participation
The invitation and the registration form can be downloaded here.
Deadline of registration and the abstracts submittion: 26 March 2018.
/IBER-BAS, 26.01.2018/
30-th Anniversary of School of Ornithology and Nature Conservation
Bulgarian Ornithological Centre (IBER-BAS) is organising a School of Ornithology and Nature Conservation, following a 30-year tradition!
Join us celebrating the start of the new season on 31.10.2017 at the Aula of the Faculty of Biology, Sofia University (8 Dragan Tsankov Blvd.). Special thanks to our partners for this event - Faculty of Biology at the Sofia University and touroperator Traventuria!
After 7.11.2017 (incl.) all lectures will be held every Tuesday at 18:30 at the meeting hall of the National Museum of Natural History - BAS (joint building with Base 2 of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - BAS, 1 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1000 Sofia). Lecture duration - 60-90 min. Lecturer: Dr Boris Nikolov.
This educational program is free of charge. It was founded by Prof. Dimitar Nankinov in 1988 and it has considerable contribution in generating and keeping interest towards birds and nature in general in hundreds of people over the years - mainly pupils and students. It proved to be among the very few long-term activities existing entirely on a volunatry basis.
/Bulgarian Ornithological Centre, IBER-BAS, 24.10.2017/
10th Anniversary "Seminar of Ecology – 2017" with International Participation
The Program of the event can be downloaded here.
7th ESENIAS Workshop with Scientific Conference
- Invasive alien species traits and trends
- Vectors and pathways for invasive alien species introductions
- The Danube River as invasive alien species corridor
- Invasive alien species impact
- Invasive alien species prevention and management
Please visit the webpage of ESENIAS for further and more detailed information.
/IBER-BAS, 16.01.2017/
Training Course "Impact of invasive alien species on biodiversity and ecosystem services in extreme environments"
The aims of the course are as follows:
- Capacity building and increasing awareness on IAS impact on biodiversity and ecosystem services in extreme environments among young scientists and PhD students from Bulgaria and the ESENIAS countries;
- Imparting basic skills and competencies on IAS, its related terminology, the relevant international regulatory framework, networks, projects and information systems;
- Networking and cooperation among scientists in the ESENIAS region.
The training course announcement, preliminary programme and information about the invited lecturers may be found here.
The application form may be downloaded here.
For further information, please visit the ESENIAS webpage .
10th Anniversary "Seminar of Ecology – 2017" with International Participation
The invitation and the registration form can be downloaded here.
Opening of a permanent exhibition on Invasive Alien Species within the ESENIAS-TOOLS project
/IBER-BAS, 16.01.2017/
/IBER-BAS, 13.12.2016/
School of ornithology and nature conservation
Bulgarian Ornithological Centre (IBER-BAS) is organising a School of Ornithology and Nature Conservation, following a 29-year tradition. This educational program is free of charge.
The lectures will be held every Tuesday at 18:30 at the Мeeting hall of the National Museum of Natural History - BAS (joint building with Base 2 of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - BAS, 1 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1000 Sofia).
Lecturer: Dr Boris Nikolov.
The first lecture will be on 18 October 2016.
New projects of IBER-BAS funded by Norwegian Financial Mechanism
During the last few months a few teams of scientists from IBER-BAS successfully participated in the Programme BG03 "Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services", Call BG03.02 "Ecosystems mapping and assessment". Seven proposals were contracted and will be funded under the Programme BG03 in Bulgaria in the frame of Financial Mechanism of European Economic Area (EES, Norwegian Financial Mechanism). The titles, acronyms and the duration of the projects are presented bellow:
- ESENIAS-TOOLS: East and South European Network for Invasive Alien Species – a tool to support the management of alien species in Bulgaria (June 2015 - April 2016). Project coordinator: Assistent Teodora Trichkova
- IBBIS: Improving the Bulgarian Biodiversity Information System (July 2015 - April 2016). Project coordinator: Chief Assistant Vladimir Vladimirov
- MetESMap: Methodological assistance for ecosystems assessment and biophysical valuation (September 2015 - April 2016). Project coordinator: Chief Assistant Svetla Bratanova-Doncheva
- WEMA: Wetland Ecosystem services Mapping and Assessment in Bulgaria (September 2015 - April 2016). Project coordinator: Chief Assistant Nevena Ivanova
- FEMA: Freshwater Ecosystem services Mapping and Assessment in Bulgaria (September 2015 - April 2016). Project coordinator: Professor Yordan Uzunov
- GRASSLAND: Assessment and mapping of GRASSLAND ecosystems condition and their services in Bulgaria (September 2015 - April 2016). Project coordinator: Professor Iva Apostolova
- SPA-Ecoservices: Mapping and assessment of sparsely vegetated land ecosystem services in Bulgaria (September 2015 – April 2016). Project coordinator: Professor Svetlana Bancheva
/IBER-BAS, 21.10.2015 г./
CoCoNet documentary
/IBER-BAS, 15.05.2015/
A study of a fluke from the sand gobies in the Black Sea coast highlighted by Springer Animal Sciences
Aphalloides cоelomicola alive (video).
A global event for sequencing the oceans: the Ocean Sampling Day results are published
Among the 150 marine research sites worldwide, sampling event in vicinity of Sozopol has been performed by our colleagues N. Todorova, D. Berov and V. Karamfilov from the Division of Functional Ecology and Bioresources of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems, IBER-BAS. This approach is of key importance for predictions and comparisons of both known and unknown genes for innovative ecological knowledge. The study was designed and performed in the frame of the EU-FP7 Project Micro B3 to facilitate a global, coordinated, standardised campaign in marine data collection.
Collaboration between IBER-BAS and CSIE, Yeongwol Insect Museum (Yeongwol, Republic of Korea)
A new species of the green bush crickets described from the Balkans
For a detailed information on this topic see:
Chobanov, D., Lemonnier-Darcemont, M., Darcemont, C., Puskás, G., Heller, K.-G. (2014). Tettigonia balcanica, a new species from the Balkan Peninsula (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae). Entomologia 2(2), 209, doi: (pdf)
Celebrating 50 years of The IUCN Red List
Dr Simon Stuart, the IUCN chair, appeals to the members of the IUCN Species Survival Commission and the public to help spread the word about the importance of the IUCN Red List. "As part of our communications and fundraising campaign to support the 50-th anniversary of The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, we have released a stunning video explaining the importance of The IUCN Red List as a powerful tool that drives action for nature conservation. Featuring fabulous images, the video was produced by the photographer and filmmaker Mattius Klum, who is also an IUCN Goodwill Ambassador.", Dr Stuart says.
View the video here, read about the IUCN aims, programs and campaigns, and try help protecting and preserving the World's biodiversity.
FP7 EC project WETLANET awarded
We are pleased that one of the awarded projects is the FP7 EC project of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, WETLANET, coordinated by Prof. Boyko Georgiev.
List of all awarded projects could be downloaded here.
New books
Michailova, P., Chassovnikarova, T., Ilkova, J., Grozeva, S., Chobanov, D., Warchałowska-Śliwa, E., Simov, N., Atanassov, N., Mitkovska, V. & Dimitrov, H. 2013. Genome biomarker test system for environmental risk assessment. Sofia, Moscow: Pensoft Publishers (ISBN 978-954-642-708-3).
Uzunov Y., L. Pehlivanov, B. B. Georgiev, E. Varadinova (Editors) 2013. Mesta River: biological quality elements and ecological status. Soia, Professor Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House (ISBN 978-954-322-689-4).
Denchev, C.M., Venturella,G. & Zervakis, G. (eds) 2013. Identification and sustainable exploitation of wild edible mushrooms in rural areas. Technological Educational Institute of Thesally, Larissa, Greece, 360 pp. (ISBN 978-960-9510-07-3).
New volume of the series Fauna Bulgarica has been published
The monograph could be found at the bookstore of Professor Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House in the building of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and at the bookstore of the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia.
The European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) has been formed as a biological species on the territory of Bulgaria, as revealed by a new phylogeographic study
An international team of researchers, with the participation of Dr. Yordan Koshev of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, examined a large number of samples (915 individuals) from 52 localities across 11 countries. The phylogeographic study showed that the territory of Bulgaria is the centre of the ancestral area of this species. The remaining parts of its European geographical range has been formed as a result of several colonization events driven by glacial and interglacial periods. European Ground Squirrel populations from Bulgaria showed the highest genetic diversity as 5 out of 7 the known genetic lineages occur in this country. The results of this study provide the basis for conservation actions and legislative initiatives in the conservations of this globally threatened species.
More information about phylogeography of the European ground squirrel can be found in the article published in the international journal Molecular Ecology:
Říčanová, Š., Koshev, Y., Říčan, O., Ćosić, N., Ćirović, D., Sedláček, F. and Bryja, J. (2013), Multilocus phylogeography of the European ground squirrel: cryptic interglacial refugia of continental climate in Europe. Molecular Ecology, 22: 4256–4269. doi: 10.1111/mec.12382
New data about the largest European water insect
A new article published in the open access journal Zookeys provides detailed information on karyotype, the chromosome behavior, and the male reproductive system of the largest European water insect Lethocerus patruelis (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae). Interesting insights into the life habits and the distribution of the species on the Balkans are also presented. During the last ten years, there are many new records of this species in Southern Bulgaria, providing evidence that the giant water bug is expanding its territory northwards. Such a wide and abundant distribution of the species in these regions would be a further sign of the recent changes of European bug fauna caused by climate change and an important clue for the effects of global warming.
For more information:
- Grozeva, S., Kuznetsova, V., Simov, N., Langourov, M. & Dalakchieva, S. (2013) Sex chromosome pre-reduction in male meiosis of Lethocerus patruelis (Stål, 1854) (Heteroptera, Belostomatidae) with some notes on the distribution of the species. ZooKeys 319 (Special issue: Advances in Hemipterology): 119-135 (doi: 10.3897/zookeys.319.4384)
/IBER-BAS, 01.08.2013/
Field guide "Birds of the Balkan Peninsula"
The official presentation of the book will be held on 08 April 2013, 17:30 at the main foyer of the National Museum of Natural History, 1 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.
/IBER-BAS, 03.04.2013/
New books
At the end of the year IBER-BAS is pleased to announced two new print books. The book "Ecosystems of the Biosphere Reserve Srebarna Lake" was printed as a part of the dissemination activities of the FP7 project WETLANET, cofunded by the National Science Fund of Bulgaria. The book is aimed at summarizing the most of the studies have been carried out during the last two decades on the ecosystems of the lake Srebarna. The books can be found in the bookstore of the Headquarters of BAS.
National Action Plan for conservation of the Dalmatian Pelican
On 14.09.2012 the National Council of Biological Diversity approved the "National Action Plan for conservation of the Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) in Bulgaria for the period 2013-2022", elaborated by the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, BAS. Additionally, the action plans for the Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) and the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) (elaborated be the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds), were also accepted.
The aim of the National action plan for conservation of the Dalmatian Pelican is to preserve its population in Bulgaria during all periods of its life cycle, i.e. the breeding (with minimum of 100 breeding pairs in 2-3 nesting colonies), migration (between 40 and 530 passing individuals during autumn near Bourgas), wintering (minimum 450 overwintering individuals in the middle of January). The ideal goal of the plan will be a successful restoration of one of the former nesting colony on Persina Island (River Danube) which was existing at the end of 19 century and the restoration of the colonies at the former swamps Mandrensko and Straldgensko.
/IBER-BAS, 20.09.2012/