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Stefan Kazakov

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Personal information


Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2, Gagarin Street
1113, Sofia

Tel.: (+3592) 871 71 95 / 319

Curriculum vitae

2010-up to now
Institute of biodiversity and ecosystem research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Institute of biodiversity and ecosystem research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Post-doctoral research: Impact of hydrotechnical facilities on fish migrations and spawning habitats in Bulgarian rivers

Sofiyska Voda AD
Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)
Laboratory specialist (Microbiology, Activated sludge examination)


Institute of biodiversity and ecosystem research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Philosophy Doctor "Hydrobiology"
Thesis: "Structural and functional parameters of the hydrozoocenosys from the Lower Danube wetlands"

Biological faculty, Sofia University Sv. Kliment Ohridski.
Department of General and applied hydrobiology.
Master degree "Hydrobiology"

Biological faculty, Sofia University Sv. Kliment Ohridski
Bachelor degree "Biology"

Research interests

Aquatic ecology. Ecological status assessment. Zooplankton and fish communities. Algal blooms.


Kazakov S.A., Vancheva N.V. & Pehlivanov L.Z. – First Report on Natural Reproduction of Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) (Actinopterygii: Salmonidae) in Bulgaria. Acta Zool. Bulg., 75 (4), December 2023: 505-511

Mila Andonova-Katsarski, Stefan Kazakov, Ivailo Dedov. Data for archaeological organic remains, retrieved through water flotation from the Late Hellenistic site of Sexaginta Prista, Northern Bulgaria: plant remains, fish scales and molluscs (field campaigns in 2018 and 2021). Mendeley Data, V1, 2023, DOI:10.17632/bd6sf3fw65.1

Kazakov S. A., Stoianova D. S., Nikolova Y. S. & Pehlivanov L. Z. Spawning of Stocked Brown Trout Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758 (Actinopterygii: Salmonidae) in Tailwater Section, Downstream Ogosta Reservoir, Bulgaria. Acta Zool. Bulg., 74 (1), March 2022: 111-118.

Belkinova, D., Teneva, I., Kazakov, S., Stamenova, S. Phytoplankton Communities and Cyanotoxin Production in Some Bulgarian Lowland Lakes and Reservoirs. Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae, 19, 4, 2021, ISSN:p-ISSN 1733-1218; e-ISSN 2719-826X, DOI:, 97-109

Teneva, I., Belkinova, D., Mladenov, R., Stoyanov, P., Moten, D., Basheva, D., Kazakov, S., Dzhambazov, B. Phytoplankton composition with an emphasis of Cyanobacteria and their toxins as an indicator for the ecological status of Lake Vaya (Bulgaria) - part of the Via Pontica migration route. Biodiversity Data Journal, e57507, 8, 2020

Tsavkova, V, Kazakov, S. Changes of Zooplankton Community in the Shallow Floodplain Lake Srebarna (NE Bulgaria) Associated with Seasonal and Long-term Water-level Fluctuations. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 72, 3, 2020, ISSN:0324-0770, 421-428.

Pehlivanov, L, Kazakov, S. Ichthyofauna of the Iskar River section affected by the hydropower cascade „Middle Iskar”. Ecologia Balcanica, Special Edition, 2, University of Plovdiv Publishing House, 2019, ISSN:1314-0213, 107-115.

Kazakov, S, Biserkov, V, Pehlivanov, L, Nedkov, S. Trophic status assessment of small turbid lakes comparing remote sensing and in situ data: case study at Lower Danube floodplain. Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 32, 2020, ISSN:p-ISSN 1313-0927; e-ISSN 2367-9522, 53-63

Kazakov, S, Yankova, M, Ivanova, A, Dochin, K, Rusenov, G, Gevezova-Kazakova, M, Zaikov, A, Pehlivanov, L, Hubenova, T. Distribution of bottom fauna under cage fish farms in the Kardzhali Reservoir. 10, ФАРАГО, 2018, ISBN:979-853-476-132-4, 116-124

Fikova, R, Vassilev, V, Varadinova, E, Yakimov, L, Pavlova, M, Ihtimanska, M, Kazakov, S, Velkov, B, Gyosheva, B, Vidinova, Y, Georgieva, G. 8.2. Hydrological characteristic. Ivanova, N. (ed.) 2017. "Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services of Wetlands in Bulgaria". IBER-BAS, "Obrazovanie i Nauka" EAD, 2017, ISBN:978-954-9746-41-9, 78-84

Varadinova, E, Vidinova, Y, Pavlova, M, Georgieva, G, Ihtimanska, M, Kazakov, K, Fikova, R, Velkov, B, Soufi, R. 9.2.2. Aquatic invertebrates. In: Ivanova, N. (ed.) Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services of Wetlands in Bulgaria, "Obrazovanie i Nauka EAD", 2017, ISBN:978‐954‐9746‐41‐9, 118-124

Borisova, P., E. Varadinova, M. Kerakova, S. Kazakov, S. Stoichev, Y. Uzunov, L. Pehlivanov.(2014). Seasonal changes in benthic communities of the Srebarna Lake (Northeast Bulgaria): habitat perspective. Acta zool. Bulg .

Roumen K. Kalchev , Mihaela B. Beshkova , Ivan Sl. Botev , Hristina V. Kalcheva , Stefan Kazakov, Lyubomir A. Kenderov, Dimitar St. Kozuharov, Teodora A.Trichkova (2013). Transparency, dissolved oxygen and pH in invaded and not invaded by Dreissena waters on Bulgarian territory. ACTA ZOOLOGICA BULGARICA Institute of Zoology – BAS

Kalchev,R. M. Beshkova, H. Kalcheva, S. Kazakov, V. Nikolov, M. Pavlova, L. Pehlivanov, V. Tzavkova. (2012). Morphological, topographical and physicochemical characteristics of Bulgarian Danube River wetlands. Limnlological reports 39: Proceedings of the 39 th IAD conference Living Danube- 21 – 24 August, 2012, Szentendre, Hungary:71 – 79

Kazakov S., M. Intimanska, E. Varadinova, M. Pavlova, Y. Uzunov, L. Pehlivanov (2012). Composition and short-term dynamics of the zooplankton and macrozoobenthos in two wetlands on the Bulgarian Danube floodplain. Limnlological reports 39: Proceedings of the 39 th IAD conference Living Danube- 21 – 24 August, 2012, Szentendre, Hungary:81 – 88

Pavlova M., L. Pehlivanov, S. Kazakov, E. Varadinova, Y. Vidinova , V. Tyufekchieva, Y. Uzunov (2012). Changes in the aquatic communities in the Rhodope Mountain Landslide Lakes (South Bulgaria) for the last 40 years. I. Taxonomic composition of the macrozoobenthos, zooplankton and the fish communities. Acta zoologica bulgarica. Supplement 4 – 2012: 183 – 191

Pavlova M., S. Kazakov, L. Pehlivanov (2012). Trophic attributes of the fish communities in three wetlands on the Danube floodplain. BALWOIS, North America, mar. 2012. Available at: Date accessed: 23.Nov 2012.

Pehlivanov, L., V. Tsavkova, M. Pavlova, S. Kazakov (2012). ZOOPLANKTON - Ecosystems of the Biosphere Reserve "Srebarna Lake", 2012.


Aquatic Ecosystems
Ecological Classification and Bioresources of Freshwater Ecosystems
Research group
Ecological Classification and Monitoring of Freshwater Ecosystems


Member for
10 years 40 weeks