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Yanka Vidinova

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Personal information


Institute of Biodiversity & Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS)
1, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1000 Sofia, BULGARIA
Phones: +359 2 9885115 724

Curriculum vitae

Date and place of birth: 22 August 1964, Sofia
Nationality: Bulgarian
Civil status: Married

1993: MSc, Faculty of Biology, “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv; “Ecology and distribution of larvae of the families Siphlonuridae, Rallidentidae, Oligoneuriidae, Isonychiidae and Heptageniidae (partim) [Ephemeroptera, Insecta] in Bulgaria”; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. B. Russev

2014: PhD, IBER, BAS; "Composition, distribution and ecology of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) in Bulgaria"; Supervisor: Prof. DSc. B. Russev†; Scientific consultant: Assoc. prof. Dr. I. Yaneva

Research interests

Biodiversity, ecology and bioindication of aquatic macroinvertebrates (macrozoobenthos); faunistics, taxonomy and ecology of mayflies (Ephemeroptera, Insecta); saprobiology of Bulgarian rivers, Biological Quality Elements (BQE), hydrobiological monitoring, ecological quality assessment.


Tyufekchieva, V., Vidinova, Y., Evtimova, V., Varadinova, E., Botev, I.. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (Insecta) of Mountain Tributaries of the Struma River: Diversity in Relation to Environmental Parameters and Zoogeographic Features.. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Suppl. 16, 2023, ISSN:0324-0770, 35-48. SJR (Scopus):0.23, JCR-IF (Web of Science):0.5 Q4

Varadinova, E., Georgieva, G., Ihtimanska, M., Vidinova, Y., Evtimova, V., Tyufekchieva, V., Todorov, M.. Macrozoobenthos in Mountain Standing Water Bodies in Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Supplement 16, 2023, ISSN:0324-0770, 49-60. SJR (Scopus):0.23, JCR-IF (Web of Science):0.5 Q4

Vidinova, Y., Tyufekchieva, V., Ihtimanska, M., Evtimova, V., Varadinova, E., Todorov, M., Georgieva, G.. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Karst Springs Ecosystems in Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Supplement 16, 2023, ISSN:0324-0770, 75-90. SJR (Scopus):0.23, JCR-IF (Web of Science):0.5 Q4

Haase P., Bowler D. E., Baker N. J., Bonada N., Domisch S., Garcia Marquez J. R., Heino J., Hering D., Jähnig S. C., Schmidt- Kloiber A., Stubbington R., Altermatt F., Álvarez-Cabria M., Amatulli G., Angeler D. G., Archambaud-Suard G., Jorrín I. A., Aspin T., Azpiroz I., Bañares I., Ortiz J. B., Bodin C. L., Bonacina L., Bottarin R., Cañedo-Argüelles M., Csabai Z., Datry T., de Eyto E., Dohet A., Dörflinger G., Drohan E., Eikland K. A., England J., Eriksen T. E., Evtimova V., Feio M. J., Ferréol M., Floury M., Forcellini M., Forio M., Fornaroli R., Friberg N., Fruget J., Georgieva G., Goethals P., Graça M. A. S., Graf W., House A., Huttunen K., Jensen T. C., Johnson R. K., Jones J. I., Kiesel J., Kuglerová L., Larrañaga A., Leitner P., L’Hoste L., Lizée M., Lorenz A. W., Maire A., Manzanos Arnaiz J. A., McKie B. G., Millán A., Monteith D., Muotka T., Murphy J. F., Ozolins D., Paavola R., Paril P., Peñas F. J., Pilotto F., Polášek M., Rasmussen J., Rubio M., Sánchez-Fernández D., Sandin L., Schäfer R. B., Scotti A., Shen L. Q., Skuja A., Stoll S., Straka M., Timm H., Tyufekchieva V. G., Tziortzis I., Uzunov Y., van der Lee G., Vannevel R., Varadinova E., Várbíró G., Velle G., Verdonschot P. F. M., Verdonschot R. C. M., Vidinova Y., Wiberg-Larsen P., Welti E. R. A.. The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt. Nature, 620, 2023, DOI:, 582-588. SJR (Scopus):20.96, JCR-IF (Web of Science):69.504 Q1

Park, J., Sakelarieva, L., Varadinova, E., Evtimova, V., Vidinova, Y., Tyufekchieva, V., Georgieva, G., Ihtimanska, M., Todorov, M.. Taxonomic Composition and Dominant Structure of the Macrozoobenthos in the Maritsa River and Some Tributaries, South Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Supplement 16, 2023, ISSN:0324-0770, 61-74. SJR (Scopus):0.23, JCR-IF (Web of Science):0.5 Q4

Vilenica, M., Petrović, A., Rimcheska, B., Stojanović, K., Tubić, B., Vidinova, Y.. How Important are Small Lotic Habitats of the Western Balkans for Local Mayflies?. Small Water Bodies of the Western Balkans, Springer, Cham, 2022, ISBN:978-3-030-86478-1, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-86478-1_15, 313-336

Rimcheska, B., Vidinova, Y., Varadinova, E.. Trophic Structure of Macrozoobenthos in Permanent Streams in the Eastern Balkans. Diversity, 14, 12, MDPI, 2022, ISSN:1424-2818, DOI:10.3390/d14121121, 1-15. SJR (Scopus):0.667, JCR-IF (Web of Science):3.031 Q1,

Rimcheska, B., Vidinova, Y. Diversity and structure of macroinvertebrate communities in permanent small streams and rivers in Eastern Balkans.. Hydrobiologia, Springer Link, 2022, ISSN:1573-5117, DOI:10.1007/s10750-022-05004-6, SJR (Scopus):0.791, JCR-IF (Web of Science):2.822 Q1,

Evtimova, V., Tyufekchieva, V., Varadinova, Е., Vidinova, Y., Ihtimanska, M., Georgieva, G., Todorov, M., Soufi, R. Macroinvertebrate communities of sub-Mediterranean intermittent rivers in Bulgaria: association with environmental parameters and ecological status. Ecologia Balkanica, Special Edition 4, 2021, 49-64. SJR (Scopus):0.14 Q4

Vidinova, Y., Park, J., Varadinova, E., Tyufekchieva, V., Todorov, M.. Invasion of Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae) in water bodies from the East Aegean River Basin in Bulgaria. Ecologica Montenegrina, 47, Biotaxa, 2021, ISSN:2336-9744, DOI:, 9-17. SJR (Scopus):0.393 Q2 (Scopus)

Tyufekchieva, V., Vidinova, Y., Evtimova, V.. Stoneflies (Plecoptera, Insecta) from Sarnena Sredna Gora Mts.- In: Georgiev, D., Bechev, D. & Yancheva, V. (Eds.), Fauna of Sarnena Sredna Gora Mts, Part 1, ZooNotes, Suppl. 9, 2020, 60-65 ISSN 1313 9916

Rimcheska, B., Vidinova, Y. Ecological Status Assessment of Mountain and Semi-mountain Streams in the Aegean Watershed: Applicability of Biotic Indices BMWP and ASPT Based on Macroinvertebrates.- Acta zool. Bulg., 72, 1, 2020, ISSN:0324-0770, 49-60. JCR-IF (WoS):0.278 Q4

Rimcheska, B., Y. Vidinova. 2019. Ecological status assessment of mountainous and semi-mountainous streams via different biotic indices based on benthic macroinvertebrates - the case study of Macedonian-Bulgarian cross-border territory. – In: Proceedings of 11th „Seminar of Ecology – 2018”, with international participation (Еds. S. Chankova, P. Parvanova, K. Danova, M. Yovkova), IBER-BAS, 32-38, ISBN: 978-954-9746-45-7

Subeva, M.A., Kenderov, L.A., Evtimova, V.V., Dashinov, D.A., Teofilova, T.M., Stoianova, D.S., Georgieva, G.N., Vidinova, Y.N., Uzunov, Y.I. 2019. Assessment of Ecological Potential and the Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Eight Reservoirs in Bulgaria Ecologia Balkanica, 11 (1): 93-107, ISSN: 1313-9940, SJR:0.123

Evtimova, V., Y. Vidinova, V. Tyufekchieva. 2019. Chapter 3. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (Insecta) from the Bulgarian Stretch of the Danube River and Adjacent Territories. – In: (Eds. Shurulinkov P., Hubenov Z., Beshkov S., Popgeorgiev P.) Biodiversity of the Bulgarian-Romanian Section of the Lower Danube, Nova science publishers Inc., 73-118, ISBN: 978-1-53615-663-8

Stoyanova, D., V. Evtimova, L. Kenderov, E. Varadinova, M. Kerakova, M. Ihtimanska, T. Stefanov, R. Soufi, V. Tyufekchieva, Y. Vidinova, N. Simov. 2018. New Localities and Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Riverine Water Bug Aphelocheirus aestivalis (Fabricius, 1794), Heteroptera: Aphelocheiridae, in Northern and Eastern Bulgaria. – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 70 (3): 415-431, ISSN 0324-0770 (IF 0.413/2017)

Rimcheska, B., Y. Vidinova. 2018. New records of Metreletus balcanicus (Ulmer, 1920) (Ephemeroptera: Ameletidae) from Republic of Macedonia. - Journal of Entomological Research Society, 20(3), 123-127. ISSN 1302-0250; (IF 0.266/2017)

Vidinova Y., V. Evtimova, V. Tyufekchieva. 2018. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (Insecta) from water bodies in the region of Plovdiv City. – Faunistic diversity of the city of Plovdiv (Bulgaria), Volume 1 – Invertebrates, 1, Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv, 2018, ISSN: 2534-9635, 69-79.

Soufi, R. Y. Vidinova, V. Tyufekchieva, V. Evtimova, D. Stoianova, M. Kerakova, G. Georgieva, S. Stoichev, I. Dedov, G. Wolfram. 2018. Intercalibration of macroinvertebrate-based method for status assessment of Bulgarian tributaries of the Danube River. - Ecologia balkanica, 10, 2, ISSN: 1313-9940, 63-72. Online ISSN: 1313-9940

Varadinova E., Vidinova Y., Pavlova M., Georgieva G., Ihtimanska M., Kazakov K., Fikova R., Velkov B., Soufi R. 2017. 9.2.2. Aquatic invertebrates. - In: Ivanova, N. (ed.) Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services of Wetlands in Bulgaria, "Obrazovanie i Nauka EAD", 2017, 118-124, ISBN: 978‐954‐9746‐41‐9.

Fikova, R., Vassilev, V., Varadinova, E., Yakimov, L., Pavlova, M., Ihtimanska, M., Kazakov, S., Velkov, B., Gyosheva, B., Vidinova, Y., Georgieva, G. 2017. 8.2. Hydrological characteristic. - In: Ivanova, N. (ed.) "Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services of Wetlands in Bulgaria". IBER-BAS, "Obrazovanie i Nauka" EAD, 2017, ISBN: 978-954-9746-41-9, 78-84

Dashinov D. A., Y. N. Vidinova. 2017. First records of the parasite Symbiocladius rhithrogenae (Zavrel, 1924) (Diptera: Chironomidae) in several streams of Rila Mountain, Bulgaria. - Aquatic Insects, 38:4, 255-259

Vidinova, Y., L. Kenderov. 2016. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera, Insecta) from Vrachanska planina Mts., NW Bulgaria.- ZooNotes, Supplement 3, 69-75, Plovdiv University Press, ISSN: 1313-9916

Cheshmedjiev, S., Kenderov, L., Stefanov, T., Ivanov, P., Evtimova, V., Vidinova, Y., Tyufekchieva, V., Teofilova, T.. Ecological characteristics of the main river catchments in Vrachanska Planina Mountain. ZooNotes, Supplement 3, 291-298, Plovdiv University Press, ISSN:1313-9916,

Vidinova Y., V. Tyufekchieva, E. Varadinova, S. Stoichev, L. Kenderov, I. Dedov, Y. Uzunov. 2016. Taxonomic list of benthic macroinvertebrate communities of inland standing water bodies in Bulgaria.- Acta zoologica bulgarica; 68(2): 147-158; ISSN: 0324-0770

Slavevska-Stamenković V., B. Rimcheska, Y. Vidinova, V. Tyufekchieva, M. Ristovska, S. Smiljkov, M. Paunović, D. Prelić. 2016. Contribution to the knowledge of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera species from Republic of Macedonia: distribution and conservation implication.- Acta zoologica bulgarica, 68(2): 199-206; ISSN: 0324-0770

Godunko R., Y. Vidinova, T. Soldan. 2015. Redescription of Ecdyonurus (Ecdyonurus) russevi Braasch & Soldán, 1985 (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae).- Zootaxa, 3915 (4): 551–568; ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition), ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)

Kenderov, L., M. Pavlova, T. Trichkova, V. Tyufekchieva, Y. Vidinova, D. Kozuharov, I. Botev, Z. Hubenov, Y. Uzunov, S. Stoichev, M. Beshkova, H. Kalcheva, R. Kalchev. 2014. Trophic State and Trophic Structure in Three Bulgarian Reservoirs.- Acta zoologica bulgarica, 66 (2): 247-254 ISSN: 0324-0770

Stoyanova T., Y. Vidinova, I. Yaneva, V. Tyufekchieva, D. Parvanov, I. Traykov, V. Bogoev. 2014. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera as Indicators for Ecological Quality of Luda River, Bulgaria.- Acta zoologica bulgarica, 66 (2): 255-260; ISSN: 0324-0770

Tyufekchieva V., H. Kalcheva, Y. Vidinova, I. Yaneva, T. Stoyanova, T. Ljubomirov. 2013. Distribution and ecology of Taeniopterygidae (Insecta: Plecoptera) in Bulgaria. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 65 (1), 2013: 89-100. [IF 0.309/2012]

Trichkova, T., V. Tyufekchieva, L. Kenderov, Y. Vidinova, I. Botev, D. Kozuharov, Z. Hubenov, Y. Uzunov, S. Stoichev, S. Cheshmedjiev. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Diversity in Relation to Environmental Parameters, and Ecological Potential of Reservoirs, Danube River Basin, North-West Bulgaria. - Acta zool. bulg., 65 (3), 2013: 337-348. [IF 0.309/2012]

Varadinova, E., M. Ihtimanska, M. Kerakova, R. Soufi, S. Stoichev, Y. Vidinova, V. Tyufekchieva, Y. Uzunov. Bottom invertebrate communities (the macrozoobenthos): key biological quality element for ecological classification of the Mesta River basin. - In (Eds. Y. Uzunov et al.) Mesta River. Biological quality elements and ecological status. Prof. Marin Drinov Acad. Publ. House, Sofia, 2013, 61-96 [ISBN 978-954-322-689-4]

Pavlova M., L. Pehlivanov, S. Kazakov, E. Varadinova, Y. Vidinova, V. Tyufekchieva, Y. Uzunov (2012). Changes in the aquatic communities in the Rhodope Mountain Landslide Lakes (South Bulgaria) for the last 40 years. I. Taxonomic composition of the macrozoobenthos, zooplankton and the fish communities. Acta zoologica bulgarica. Supplement 4 – 2012: 183 – 191 (IF=0.269)

Uzunov Y., E. Varadinova, I. Yaneva, S. Stoichev, Y. Vidinova, K. Kumanski (2011). Long-term Changes of the Bottom Invertebrate Fauna of the Mesta River in Southwestern Bulgaria. – Ann. Univ. “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Ser. Biologie, 99, 33- 52, ISSN 0204-9902.

Vidinova, Y. 2011. Ephemeroptera.- In: (Acad. V. Golemanski – Ed.) Red Data Book of Bulgaria. II. Animals, Sofia, BAS.

Vidinova Y., V. Tyufekchieva, L. Pehlivanov. 2011. First data on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in marshes on the Belene Island (Lower Danube, Bulgarian stretch) after their renewed flooding. – Natura Montenegrina, 10/37 ISBN 978-86-908743-3-0.

Váncsa E., Y. Vidinova, P. Neu & M. Bálint. 2011. Current data concerning Bulgarian high mountain mayfly fauna (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) with zoogeographical notes. – Lauterbornia, 72, 111-118, Dinkelscherben, ISSN 0935-333X.

Cheshmedjiev S., R. Soufi, Y. Vidinova, V. Tyufekchieva, I. Yaneva, Y. Uzunov, E. Varadinova. 2011. Multi-habitat sampling method for benthic macroinvertebrate communities in different river types in Bulgaria. - Water Research and Management, 1 (3), 55-58 (Hard Copy) UDK: 582.26(497.2), ISSN 2217 – 5547.

Vidinova Y., B. Russev. 2009. Distribution and ecology of Leptophlebiidae species (Ephemeroptera, Insecta) in Bulgaria.- Lauterbornia, 67, Dinkelscherben, 151-158. ISSN: 0935- 333X

Fjellheim, A., Raddum, G.G., Vandvik, V., Cogălniceanu, P., Boggero, A., Brancelj, A., Galas, J., Sporka, F., Vidinova, Y., Bitusik P., Dumnicka, E., Gâldean, N., Kownacki, A., Krno I., Preda, E., Rişnoveanu, G., Stuchlik, E. 2009. Diversity and distribution patterns of benthic invertebrates along alpine gradients. A study of remote European freshwater lakes. - Fundam. Appl. Limnol Limnology, 62: 167–190, ISBN 978-3-510-47064-8.

Moskova G., Uzunov Y., Yaneva I., Stoichev St., Vidinova Y., Tyufekchieva V., Kenderov L. 2009. Species Content and Distribution of the Macrozoobenthos along Rilska River, South-West Bulgaria. - BIOAUTOMATION, 13 (4), Sofia, 231-238 (1st National Conference with International Participation on Biomedical and Bioprocess Engineering – BM&BPE’09, 3-4 Dec 2009, CBE, BAS, ISSN: 1312-451X (on-line).

Vidinova Y., I. Botev, V. Tyufekchieva, T. Nedyalkova, I. Yaneva, B. Zadneprovski, E. Varadinova. (2008). Results of rapid hydrobiological monitoring of watersheds from the East- and West Aegean Sea River Basin Districts in Bulgaria. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, Suppl.2, 2008: 233-242, Sofia.

Sakelarieva L., I. Janeva, J. Uzunov, K. Kumanski†, S. Stoichev, Y. Vidinova, V. Tyufekchieva. (2008). Taxonomic Composition and Dominant Structure of Macrozoobenthos in the Blagoevgradska Bistritsa River. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, Suppl.2, 2008: 201-214, Sofia.

Varadinova E., Y. Vidinova, V. Tyufekchieva, I. Yaneva. 2008. Trophic Structure of Macrozoobenthos as Measure of Water Bodies Ecological State Assessment. – Journal of Balkan Ecology, vol. 11, 3, 297-308, Sofia.

Vidinova Y., V. Tyufekchieva, I. Yaneva, B. Zadneprovski, S. Stoichev, K. Kumanski†. (2008). Species composition and structure of the macroinvertebrate communities in Arda River. – Acta zoological bulgarica, 60 (3), 2008: 317-330, Sofia.

Vidinova, Y., I. Yaneva, V. Tyufekchieva, B. Zadneprovski. 2007. Composition and abundance of macroinvertebrate communities in the Arda River (South Bulgaria) in relation to some ecological factors. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 59(3), 309-324.

Vidinova Y., I. Yaneva, V. Tyufekchieva. 2006. Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera (Insecta) from Bulgarian part of Strouma River. - Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 58 (1), 125-130.

Ognjanova-Rumenova, N., Y. Vidinova, I. Botev. 2006. Abundance and species composition of diatoms and invertebrates in relation to chemical and physical factors in high mountain lakes, cirque “Sedemte Ezera”, the Rila Mountains (Southwestern Bulgaria).- Phytologia Balcanica, 12 (1); 25-36.

Vidinova, Y., I. Yaneva, V. Tyufekchieva, B. Zadneprovski, Y. Uzunov. 2006. Biodiversity and ecological status of the rivers in Strandzha mountains region: Preliminary results. - In: Bulgarian-Turkish Workshop on Challenges of Establishment and Management of a Trans-Border Biosphere Reserve Between Bulgaria and Turkey in Strandzha Mountain (N. Chipev - Ed.), (11-13 Nov, Bourgas, 2005), Unesco-BAS-MOEW, 127-134.

Vidinova, Y. 2006. Mayflies (Ephemeroptera, Insecta) from the Rhodopes Mountains (Bulgaria and Greece) - In: Beron P. (Ed.) Biodiversity of Bulgaria. 3. Biodiversity of Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece), I. Pensoft & Nat. Mus. Natur. Hist., Sofia, 269-281.

Vidinova, Y. 2003. Contribution to the study of mayfly fauna (Ephemeroptera) in Bulgaria. - In: Research Update on Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera (Ed. E. Gaino), Proc. Int. Joint Meeting, 2001, Perugia (Italy), 159-163.

Yaneva, I., Y. Vidinova, V. Tyufekchieva. 2001. Contemporary Saprobiological Characteristics of Arda River in the Section of Future “Gorna Arda” Cascade building. - Acta Zool. Bulgarica, 53/2/, 37-46, Sofia.

Hubenov, Z., V. Beshovski, M. Josifov. A. Popov, K. Kumanski, V. Sakalian, St. Abadjiev, Y. Vidinova, T. Lyubomirov. 2000. Entomofaunistik Diversity of the Rila National Park. - In: Biological Diversity of the Rila National Park, Publ.House, S., 285-332, ISBN 954-642-076-X.

Hubenov, Z., V. Beshovski, M. Josifov. A. Popov, K. Kumanski, V. Sakalian, St. Abadjiev, Y. Vidinova, T. Lyubomirov. 2000. Entomofaunistik Diversity of the Central Balkan National Park.- In: Biological Diversity of the Central Balkan National Park, Publ. House, S., 319-362, ISBN 954-642-078-6.

Vidinova, Y., I. Janeva, V. Tyufekchieva. 2000. Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera from glacial waters in Rila Mountain. - In: “Biodiversity and Evolution of Glacial Water Ecosystems in the Rila Mountains” (Golemanski, V., W. Naidenow- eds.), “Prof. M. Drinov” Academic Publishing House, S., 51-55.

Vidinova, Y. 1998. New Rhithrogena- Species (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) for the fauna of Macedonia. - Lauterbornia, 33, Dinkelscherben, 49-51.

Janeva, I., L. Pehlivanov, Y. Vidinova, S. Stoichev, V. Tyufekchieva, K. Kumanski. 1997. A Comparative Ecological Characterization of Lotic Benthal Zoocoenoses from two Streams under Different Anthropogene Influence. - In: “Biomonotoring Rhozen - Srednogorie. Theory and Practice” (Eds. D. Peev, K. Ammann & A. Artinian), BSBCP, Enigma Press, Sofia, 101-112.

Vidinova, Y., B. Russev. 1997. Distribution and ecology of the representatives of some Ephemeropteran families in Bulgaria. - In: Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera: Biology-Ecology-Systematics (Eds. P. Landolt & M. Sartori), MTL, Fribourg, 139-146.

Russev, B., Y. Vidinova. 1994. New representatives of the order Ephemeroptera (Insecta) for the fauna of Bulgaria. - Lauterbornia, 15, Dinkelscherben, 85-87.

Russev, B., Y. Vidinova. 1994. Verbreitung und Ekologie der Vertreter einiger Familien der Ordnung Ephemeroptera (Insecta) in Bulgarien. - Lauterbornia, 19, Dinkelscherben, 107-113.


Aquatic Ecosystems
Biodiversity and Processes in Freshwater Ecosystems
Research group
Lotic Ecosystems


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