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Stephka Chankova

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Personal information


Prof. Stephka Chankova, PhD
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, BAS
2, Gagarin Street
1113 Sofia

Curriculum vitae

Date and place of birth: 21st February 1947, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

1971- MSc, Sofia State University "St.Kliment Ohridski"
1977- PhD, Institute of Genetics "Acad.D. Kostoff", BAS

1977- Assis. Prof., Institute of Genetics "Acad.D. Kostoff", BAS, genetics, experimental mutagenesis
1987- Assoc. Prof., Institute of Genetics "Acad.D. Kostoff", BAS, genetics,environmental mutagenesis

01.01.1999- Assoc. Prof., Central Laboratory of General Ecology, BAS, environmental mutagenesis, genetics
Since 01.07.2010 - Assoc. Prof., Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Research, BAS, , genetics, environmental mutagenesis, ecology
Since 2011 – Professor, Head of Department “Ecosystem research, ecological risk assessment and conservation biology” , Head of the section “Environmental mutagenesis and genetic risk assessment”

Current and recent projects:
2011-2014- Complex morphometric, physiological, biochemical and molecular assessment of drought tolerance in Bulgarian common bean genotype Phaseolus vulgaris L”, Coordinator for IBER: Prof. Dr S. Chankova

2012-2014- Evaluation of DNA protective potential of bioactive natural compounds towards to DNA damaging agents” (BIONATROT), Bilateral scientific and technical cooperation with Slovak Republic, leader

2011-2014: Evaluation of soil monitoring indicators and environmental risk assessment for development of programs to sustainable land use in contaminated and anthoropogenic impacted zones. Funded by NSF (DTK 01/105 05.01.2010). Leader: Dr N. Dinev (Institute of Soil Science "N. Poushkarov"). Coordinator from IBER: Prof. Dr S. Chankova.

2012-2014- “Biochemical and molecular markers of drought tolerance in Bulgarian common bean genotypes” leader
2009-2012: Antarctic algae - a model system for resistance to oxidative stress. Funding: NSF (DO 02-317). Leader: Dr I. Puneva (IFP-BAS). Coordinator for IBER: Prof. Dr S. Chankova

International and national experience:
- Inst. of Molecular Biology, St Peterburg State University, Russia (1990)
- Inst. Gen. Genetics. Russ. Acad. Sci. Moscow, Russia (1984-2005, joint research projects);
- Institute of Biochemistry, Moscow, Russia ( since 2005- till now, joint research projects);
- St. Andrews University, St. Andrews, Scotland, U. K (1995- 2005, joint research projects);
- INETI - Department of Molecular Biology (UMB), Department of Biotechnology, Lisbon, Portugal (NATO grant for senior researchers), (2002-2003);
- Visitor Prof. University of Rennes (1997 – 1 month);
- Biosafety Cleaning House-Roster of experts of Biosafety, Montreal, Quebec, Canada – expert (since 2005 till now);
- Journal International of Science (IJS)- a reviewer since 2008 till now;
- International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry - a reviewer since 2009 till now
- Radiation and Environmental Biophysics - a reviewer
- 2001-2002 - Member of the Expert Committee on Genetically Modified Organisms, Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water (MEW)
- 2003-2005 - Member of the Expert Commission of “Molecular and cell Biology”, Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science
- 2005-2010 - Member of the Expert Commission of “Biology”, Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science
- 2007 – 2010 - Member the Scientific Council of Expert Commission “Plant - growing”, Supreme Attestation Commission in Bulgaria;
- 2000 - Head of Dep. Biology of the Union of Scientist in Bulgaria;
- Since 2001 till now - Head of Environmental Mutagenesis Group;
- At present - Head of the Department “ Ecosystem research, ecological risk assessment and conservation biology”
- At present - Head of the Section “Environmental mutagenesis and genetical risk assessment”
- Supervisor of PhD and master degree students;
- Coordinator of Bulgarian and international projects (UK, Portugal, Russia, Slovak Republic) funded by National CSR to BMES, NATO, the Royal Society or supported by bilateral agreement between BAS and the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) etc.

- Basic course lectures and seminars on genetics - New Bulgarian University (NBU), 2000 - 2001; 2012-2012, 2012-2013
- Basic course lectures and seminars on genetics - Sofia University, “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 1999-2002;
- Exercises on genetics –, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, since 2004 until now

Research interests

- Eco-toxicology
- radio-and chemi-resistance
- DNA repair capacity, SSB and DSB-DNA rejoining
- environmental mutagenesis
- antimutagenesis
- test-systems
- low doses effects
- antioxidant and chaperone systems
- genotype and induced resistance- adaptive response


Todorova, T., Pesheva, M., Gregan, F., Chankova, S., 2015, Antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic effects of Papaver rhoeas L. extract on Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Journal of Medicinal Food, 18(4): 460-467. doi:10.1089/jmf.2014.0050

Todorova, T., Miteva, D., Chankova, S., 2015, DNA damaging effect of zeocin and methyl methanesulfonate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae measured by CFGE, Comptes rendus de I`Académie bulgare des Sciences, 68(1), 71-78.

Gateva, S., Angelova, O., Chankova, S. 2015, Double-strand breaks detection in human lymphocytes by constant field gel electrophoresis, Comptes rendus de I`Académie bulgare des Sciences, 68(4), 469-474.

Todorova, T., Bardarov, K., Miteva, D., Bardarov, V., Atanassov, A., Chankova, S. (2015) Protective activity of different extracts of Clinopodium vulgare L., Proceedings - Seminar of Ecology - 2014 with international participation, pp. 98-101.ISBN:979-853-476-132-4

Parvanova, P., Simoes, F., Veloso, M.M., Mendoca, D., Guimaraes, J., Stoilova, T., Svetleva, D., Matos, J., Chankova, S. (2015) Genetic polymorphisms of Bulgarian and Portuguese common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) germplasm, Proceedings - Seminar of Ecology - 2014 with international participation, pp. 46-48. ISBN:979-853-476-132-4

Mitrovska, Z., Mahmud, A., Miteva, D., Hristova, R., Yurina, N., Chankova, S. (2015) Bio-monitoring of soil samples from area of KCM Plovdiv, Proceedings - Seminar of Ecology - 2014 with international participation, pp. 83-86. ISBN:979-853-476-132-4.

Gateva, S., Angelova, O., Chankova, S. (2015) Adaptation of CFGE for assessment of DNA susceptibility of human lymphocytes to zeocin, Proceedings - Seminar of Ecology - 2014 with international participation, pp. 89-92. ISBN:979-853-476-132-4.

Angelova, Ts., Parvanova, P., Mitrovska, Z., Miteva, D., Svetleva, D., Mokerova, D., Yurina, N.,Chankova, S. (2015) Biochemical and molecular responses of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivar and threemutant lines to drought stress. Proceedings - Seminar of Ecology - 2014 with international participation, pp. 92-95. ISBN:979-853-476-132-4.

Apostolova E, Krastev V, Yahubyan G, Svetleva D, Parvanova P, Mitrovska Zh, Chankova S. Molecular Analysis of Bulgarian Common Bean Genotypes and their Characterization after Growing under Rainfed and Irrigated Conditions. International Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. 1(4) 2014, pp. 50-57.

Gateva, S., Jovtchev, G., Mitrovska, Z., Stergios, M., Chankova, S. Chlamydomonas reinhandrii cells modulate and decrease cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of CuSO4. // International Journal of Environmental Sciences. 5(3) 2014, 634-648. doi: 10.6088/ijes.2014050100056

Dimitrova, М., Miteva, D., Mitrovska, Z., Chankova, S. (2014) Cadmium induced stress response in different genotypes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.// Compt. rend. Acad. bulg., 67(7), 943-950, 245-252, ISSN: 1310-1331.

Chankova, S. G., Dimova, E. G., Mitrovska, Z., Miteva, D., Mokerova, D. V., Yonova, P. A., & Yurina, N. P. (2014). Antioxidant and HSP70B responses in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii genotypes with different resistance to oxidative stress. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 101, 131-137.

Angelova, O., Miadokova, E., Parvanova, P., Gregan, F., Chankova, S. Differences in the bioactivity of methanolic and water extracts of poppy (Papaver rhoeas L.). // Compt. rend. Acad. bulg., 2014, 67, (2), 245-252, ISSN: 1310-1331.


STEPHKA CHANKOVA, ZHANA MITROVSKA, DANIELA MITEVA, YULIA P. OLESKINA, NADEZHDA P. YURINA(2013) Heat shock protein HSP70B as a marker for genotype resistance to environmental stress in Chlorella species from contrasting habitats. Gene 516 ,1, 184–189, ISSN 0378-1119.

Chankova, S., Todorova, T., Parvanova, P., Miteva, D., Mitrovska, Z., Angelova, O., Imreova, P., Mucaji, P. Kaempferol and jatropham: are they protective or detrimental for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii? // Comptes rendus de I`Académie bulgare des Sciences, 2013, 66 (8), 1121- 1128, ISSN: 1310-1331.

Imreova, P., Miadokova, E., Galova, E., Chankova, S., Chalupa I. Potential anticlastogenic effect of hyperforin. Military Medical Science Letters. // 2013. 2: 1-5. ISSN: 0372 -7025. MMSL is included in the List of the Reviewed Non-Impact Factor Journals published in the Czech Republic.

Imreova, P., Miadokova, E., Chankova, S., Gafrikova, M. Chalupa, I. Studium genotoxicheho a antimutagenneho ucinki hyperforminu. Zbornik recenzovanych prispevkov: Studentska vedecka Konferencia PriF UK 2013, 24 April 2013, Bratislava, Slovenska Republika, 2013. 274-279. ISBN: 978-80-223-3392-4.2011.

Chankova, S., Mitrovska, Zh., Yurina, N.P. Heat Shock Treatment of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlorella.Cells, // BIO-PROTOCOL.ORG. 2013.

Chankova, S., Mitrovska, Zh., Yurina, N.P. Western Blot Analysis of Chloroplast HSP70B in Chlorella Species, // BIOPROTOCOL.ORG. 2013.

GATEVA S., MITROVSKA ZH., JOVTCHEV G., CHANKOVA S. Green algae can modulate genotoxic action of cadmium in human lymphocytes. Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 26/2012/1

KOPASKOVA M., HADJO L., YANKULOVA B., JOVTCHEV G. , GALOVA E., SEVCOVICOVA A., MUCAJI P., MIADOKOVA E., BRYANT P. AND CHANKOVA S. (2012) Extract of Lillium candidum L. can modulate the genotoxicity of the antibiotic zeocin. Molecules, 17, 80-97; doi:10.3390/molecules17010080, ISSN 1420-3049

SVETLEVA D., KRASTEV V., DIMOVA D., ZHANA MITROVSKA Z., MITEVA D., PETYA PARVANOVA P., CHANKOVA ST. (2012). Drought tolerance of Bulgarian common bean genotypes, characterized by some biochemical markers for oxidative stress. Journal of Central European Agriculture 13(2), p.349-361, ISSN 1332-9049

CHANKOVA S.G., YURINA N.P (2012) Micro - algae as model system for studying of genotype resistance to oxidative stress and adaptive response, Radiobiology and Environmental Security, NATO Science for Peace and Security, Series C: Environmental Security, Eds. Mothersill C., Korogodina V., Seymour C.B., 1st Edition 2011, VII, pages 413, 235 illus, ISBN 978 94 007 1938 5.
STOYANOVA-KOLEVA D., KAPCHINA-TOTEVA, V., CHANKOVA, S. (2010) Ultrastructural response of cell-wall-less mutant strain of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to cadmium toxicity, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 11, 4, 1274 -1279

DIMITROVA М., Z. MITROVSKA, V. KAPCHINA-ТOTEVA, Е. DIMОVA, S. CHANKOVA (2009) Testing of polluted air samples for genotoxic potential using Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci. 62 (1): 57-62. (ISSN: 1310-1331)

DIMOVA E. , M DIMITROVA., D. MITEVA , Z. MITROVSKA , P. E. BRYANT , S. CHANKOVA (2009) Does single-dose cell resistance to the radio-mimetic zeocin correlate with a zeocin-induced adaptive response in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strains? Radiation & Environmental Biophysics 48:77–84

CHANKOVA S.G., YURINA N.P., DIMOVA E.G., ERMOHINA O.V., OLESKINA Y.P.DIMITROVA M.T., BRYANT P.E. (2009) Pretreatment with heat does not affect double strand breaks DNA rejoining in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Journal of Thermal Biology, 34, 332- 336

CHANKOVA S.G., DIMOV G., MITROVSKA ZH., MITEVA D., NIKOLOVA B., TSONEVA I. (2008) Effect of high frequency field with low intensity on cell survival of three strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Journal of Balkan Ecology, 11, 1, 75- 82.

CHANEVA G., UZUNOVA A., KAPCHINA-TOTEVA V., CHANKOVA S.G. (2008) Heavy metal stress in co-incubation system Chlamydomonas reinhardtii/Pisum sativum. J. Environmental protection and Ecology, 9, 2, 291-300
CHANKOVA S. G., B.P PETROFF., K. B PETROV (2008) Whole- cells biosensors – principals and opportunities of using for on-line monitoring, Ecological Engineering and environmental protection, 2-3, 45-51.

DIMOVA E.G., P.E. BRYANT, S.G. CHANKOVA (2008) Adaptive response-some underlying mechanisms and open questions. Gen. Mol. Biol. 31, 2, 396-408

DIMOVA E., M. DIMITROVA, D. MITEVA, Z. MITROVSKA, S. CHANKOVA (2008) Paraquat induced adaptive response in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strains depends on the genotype. Compt. Rend.Acad. Bulg. Sci , 61, 1, 57-62

PICADO A., CHANKOVA S, FERNANDES A., SIMÕES F., LEVERETT D., JOHNSON I., HERNAN ROBERT., PIRES A. M., MATOS J. (2007) Genetic variability in Daphnia magna and ecotoxicological evaluation, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 67, 406-411

DIMITROVA M., DIMOVA E., KAPCHINA-TOTEVA V., CHANKOVA S.G. (2007) Testing of polluted soil samples for genotoxic potential using Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Algological Studies, 123, 111-121

CHANKOVA S. G., DIMOVA E., DIMITROVA M., BRYANT P. E. (2007) Induction of DNA double-strand breaks by zeocin in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the role of increased DNA double-strand breaks rejoining in the formation of an adaptive response, Radiation & Environmental Biophysics, 46, 409-416

CHANKOVA S., B. PETROFF, K. PETROV (2007) Module7: Biosensors (Application of bacteria for detection of different pollutions) Teaching/training material along LdV II Community Programme Translational Network “Biotechnology and Public Health Transnational Network (Health Biotech)”-2004-BG/04/B/F/TN-166032, 2007

SHEVCHENKO V.A. (2006) The potential of 1,1'-hexamethylenebis [3-(3,5-Dichloro-4-Pyridil] Urea to modify genotoxic action of chemical mutagens in various test-systems, Radiation Biology &Radioecology, 46, 4, 410-414

CHANKOVA S. G., STOYANOVA - KOLEVA D., KAPCHINA-TOTEVA V., BRYANT P.E. (2005) Characterization of new radio-resistant strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, J. Environmental protection and Ecology, V.6, N3, p.660-669.

CHANKOVA S. G., MATOS J.A., SIMOES F., BRYANT P.E. (2005) The adaptive response of a new radio-resistant strain of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii correlates with increased DNA double-strand break rejoining, Internаtional Journal of Radiation Biology, V.81, N7, July 2005, pp.509-514

МЕХАНДЖИЕВ А.Д., ЧАНКОВА С.Г. (2003) Възможности за повишаване ефективността на радиационния мутагенез, Екологично инженерство и опазване на околната среда, Н2, стр. 44-51

KAPCHINA-TOTEVA V.M, UZUNOVA A. N. CHANKOVA S.G (2002) Effect of CdCl2 in the co- incubation system of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii/Pisum sativum, Envir. Prot. & Ecol. Vol.3, N1, 152-156.

CHANKOVA S.G., BRYANT P.E. (2002) Acceleration of DNA-double strand rejoining during the adaptive response of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Radiation Biology and Radioecology, Vol.42, № 6, p.606-603.

YONOVA P.A., S.G. CHANKOVA, MITROVSKA Z.C., V.A. SHEVCHENKO (2002) Alterations of the pigment content and antioxidative system in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii hybrid strain H-3 induced by chemical treatment, Comp.Rend.Acad. Bulg.Sci. Vol.55, № 11, 91 – 96

CHANKOVA S.G., KAPCHINA -TOTEVA V.M, FROLOVA O.A., STOILOV L.M., BLAGOEVA E.D (2001) Characterization of new radio resistant mutant strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Compt. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sci. Vol.54, N6, p 51-54.

KANCHEVA R., BORISOVA D., KAPCHINA V.M, CHANKOVA S.G., NAIDENOVA N.P. (2001) Effects of cadmium pollution in Pisum sativum depending on the growing conditions, Comp.Rend.Acad. Bulg.Sci., Vol.54, №5, 21 -26.

CHANKOVA, S.,G. JOVTCHEV, S. GATEVA, P. YONOVA, A. MEHANJIEV, V. SHEVCHENKO. (2001) Protecting effect of newly synthesized urea and thio-urea derivatives on different test – systems, Journal of Environmental Prot. & Ecol .Vol.2, №3, 694-703

CHANKOVA S.G., KAPCHINA V.M., STOYANOVA D.(2000) Some aspects of the plant radioresistance, Rad Biol & Radioecology Vol.40, № 5, 535-543

BLAGOEVA E.D., CHANKOVA S.G., STOILOV L.M. (2000) UV-C irradiation affects the cleavage of Chlamydomonas nuclear DNA by restriction endonuclease Tru 91, Compt. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sci. Vol., 53, №1, p.89-92.

MEHANDJIEV A.D., CHANKOVA S.G., TODOROVA Y., NOVEVA S., MISHEV D., KANCHEVA R., BORISOVA D., CHRISTOVA R., CAPCHINA-TOTEVA V.G . (2000)Cytogenetic and spectrometric studies of cadmium pollution in Pisum sativum, Compt. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sci Vol.53, № 4, p.39-42.

ПЕШЕВА М.Г., ЧАНКОВА С.Г., АВРАМОВА Ц.В., МИЛАНОВ Д.В., ГЕНОВА Г.К. (1997) Генотоксический эффект хлористого кадмия в различных тест-системах, Генетика, т.33, № 2, 183-185

CHANKOVA S.G., MEHANDJIEV A.D., BLAGOEVA E.D., SERGEEVA S.A., PTITZINA S.N., SCHEVCHENCO V.A. (1994) Plant radio-resistance and DNA repair efficiency in Chlamydomanas reinhardtii and Pisum sativum, Biol. Plant, 36, № 4, 583-589.

CHANKOVA S.G., VINAROVA K.M., NIKOLOV S., MEHANDJIEV A.D. (1990) Changes in Chlorella vulgaris B. populations obtained as a result of chronic influence with chemical and physical mutagenic factors, Biol. Plant., 32, № I, 34-41.

CHANKOVA S.G., BLAGOEVA E.D., SERGEEVA S.A., MEHANDJIEV A.D., SCHEVCHENCO V.A. (1990) Repair of radiation induced DNA damages in unicellular green algae, Acta Biol. Hung. 40, № 3-3, 57-64.

ЧАНКОВА С.Г., МЕХАНДЖИЕВ А.Д., ПТИЦИНА С.Н., СЕРГЕЕВА С.А., ШЕВЧЕНКО В.А. (1989) Некоторые аспекты в исследованиях механизмов радиорезистентности растениях, Генетика, т.XXV, № 1, 2001-2008.
CHANKOVA S.G., MEHANDJIEV A.D., PETKOVA S.D. (1989) Some aspects of the investigation into the mechanisms of radio-resistance in plants, Part I, Mutat. Res., 216, № 5, p. 292 (short communication).

CHANKOVA S.G., PETKOVA S.D., RADOSLAVOVA E.K. (1989) Chlorella vulgaris - used as a test-system to assess the biological and genetic effects of perocyne and cuprocyne super, Mut. Res. 216, № 5, p. 279-280 (short communication).

ЧАНКОВА С.Г., ВИНАРОВА К.М. (1987) Възникване на нестабилни пигментни мутанти от Chlorella vulgaris след ултравиолетово облъчване, Генетика и селекция, 20, № 2, 130-135.

ЧАНКОВА С.Г., РАДОСЛАВОВА Е.К. (1987) Влияние на фунгицида купроцин върху динамиката на развитие на популация от Chlorella vulgaris след еднократно и хронично въздествие, Физиология на растенията, 13, № 3, 27-34.

ЧАНКОВА С.Г., ВИНАРОВА К.М. (1987) Ролята на ултравиолетовата радиация като екологичен фактор при живите организми, Селскостопанска наука, XXV, 2, 31-

ЧАНКОВА С.Г., ВИНАРОВА К.М. (1986) Ултравиолетова радиация и експериментален мутагенезис при фотосинтезиращите едноклетъчни организми, Генетика и селекция, 19, № 1, 83-90.

ВИНАРОВА К.М., ЧАНКОВА С.Г., ЙОРДАНОВА С. (1983) Ултраструктура и пигментен състав на две мутантни линии Chlorella vulgaris, Генетика и селекция, 16, № 2, 151-156.

ЧАНКОВА С.Г., НАЧЕВА Г.Д. (1983) Влияние на ултравиолетовите лъчи върху чувствителността и мутабилността на клетъчната популация от Chlorella vulgaris, Генетика и селекция, 16, № 6, 439-445.

ЧАНКОВА С.Г., ПЕТКОВА С.Д., MEХАНДЖИЕВ А.Д., РАДОСЛАВОВА Е.К. (1983) Нов метод за синхронизация на клетъчни култури от Chlorella vulgaris посредством използване на Марашка вода, Физиология на растенията, 9, № 2, 77-82.

CHANKOVA S.G., MEHANDJIEV A.D., RADOSLAVOVA E.K., PETKOVA S.D. (1982) Mutagenic effect of niphimycin in Chlorella vulgaris, Compt. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sci., Vol. 35, № 12, 1733-1736.

ЧАНКОВА С.Г., MEХАНДЖИЕВ А.Д., ДЕНЧЕВ П. (1982) Радиационен мутагенезис и фази на митотичния цикъл, Генетика и селекция, 15, № 6, 471-478.


MEHANDJIEV A.D., PETKOVA S.D., CHANKOVA S.G.(1978) Оn the role of the phases of the mytotic cycle for the manifestation of the combined effect from the action of gamma-rays and EMS, Compt. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sci., Vol. 31, № 9, 1201-1204.

CHANKOVA S.G., MEHANDJIEV A.D. (1977) Studies on the sensitivity and mutability of Chlorella vulgaris B.toward the action of gamma-rays and ethyl-metan-sulphonate, Compt. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sci. Vol. 30, № 5, 767-770.

PETKOVA S.D., MEHANDJIEV A.D., CHANKOVA S.G.(1977) Radioautographic investigation of the mitotic cycle of Chlorella vulgaris in normal conditions, Compt. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sci. Vol. 30, № 8, 1213-1216.

ЧАНКОВА С.Г., MEХАНДЖИЕВ А.Д., ПЕТКОВА С.Д. (1977) Изследване чувствителността и мутационната честота при Chlorella vulgaris по време на S-период при самостоятелно и комбинирано мутагенно въздействие”, Генетика и селекция, 10, № 4, 272-278.


Ecosystem Research, Environmental Risk Assessment and Conservation Biology
Environmental Mutagenesis and Genetic Risk Assessments
Research group
Environmental Mutagenesis


Member for
13 years 38 weeks