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Stefania Klayn

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Personal information


Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS)

2 Major Yurii Gagarin Street
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

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Curriculum vitae

- 2019 - PhD in Hydrobiology, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Thesis: Macrozoobenthic communities as an indicator for the ecological state of sea-bottom habitats along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast (Burgas Bay). Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Ventzislav Karamfilov
- 2010 - MSc in Marine Biology, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Brest, France. Thesis: Sensitivity of Antarctic, arctic and tropical Chlorella to the pesticide endosulfan.
- 2007 - BSc in Biology, Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), Brest, France.

- 2022-ongoing - Chief research assistant, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- 2020-2021 - Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- 2017-2020 - Biologist, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- 2015-2017 - Research Assistant, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- 2011-2013 - Research Assistant, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- 2010 - Research intern, National Antarctic Research Centre (NARC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 2009 - Research intern, Bottlenose Dolphin Research Institute (BDRI), Sardinia, Italy

Project participation
- 2023-2027 - ACTNOW: Advancing understanding of Cumulative Impacts on European marine biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services for human wellbeing. Horizon-RIA (HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01-04), GA ID: 101060072.
- 2021-2025 - BRIDGE-BS: Advancing Black Sea research and innovation to co-develop blue growth within resilient ecosystems. H2020-EU., GA ID: 101000240.
- 2021-2025 - EcoScope: Ecocentric management for sustainable fisheries and healthy marine ecosystems. H2020-EU., GA ID: 101000302.
- 2021-2023 - DNA metabarcoding assessment of the Grey Plover’s (Pluvialis squatarola) diet in relation to its feeding preferences and endoparasite (helminth) infestation during spring and autumn migration on the Western Black Sea coast, Bulgaria. Bulgarian National Science Fund, КП-06-М51/3.
- 2020-2021 - Development of a functional trait database for Black Sea benthic macroinvertebrate fauna. National Research Programme “Young scientists and postdoctoral students” approved by DCM # 577/17.08.2018, Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science.
- 2020-current - LTER-BG Upgrading Distributed Scientific Infrastructure “Bulgarian Network for Long-Term Ecosystem Research”. National Roadmap for Research Infrastructure (2020-2027), Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science. DO1-405/18.12.2020.
- 2018-2019 - RECFISH: Recovery of fisheries historical time series for the Mediterranean and Black Sea stock assessment. European Commission, DG MARE, No SI2.770039.
- 2017-2020 - RECONNECT - Regional cooperation for the transnational ecosystem sustainable development. Transnational Cooperation Programme Interreg V-B “Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020”.
- 2015-2017 - FEMA – Freshwater Ecosystem Services Mapping and Assessment in Bulgaria. Programme BG03 Biodiversity and ecosystems, financed by the EEA financial mechanism 2009-2014, Contract No. Д-33-87/27.08.2015.
- 2012-2015 - COCONET: Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential. FP7 EC, GA 287844.
- 2012-2015 - PERSEUS: Policy-oriented marine research in the Southern European Seas. FP7 EC, GA 287600.
- 2007-2013 - REEFS - Research and Restoration of the Essential Filters of the Sea. MIS-ETC 280/grant contract no. 40921/30.05.2012, under The Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme.

Research interests

Macrozoobenthic communities of the coastal Black Sea ecosystems
Macrozoobenthic diversity and ecology in Zostera spp. meadows in the Black Sea
Anthropogenic pressure and impacts on coastal ecosystem biodiversity and functioning
Macrobenthic indicators for the ecological quality assessments
Ecosystem processes and functioning; functional trait analysis of benthic communities


Abucay, L.R., Sorongon-Yap, P., Kesner-Reyes, K., Capuli, E.C., Reyes, R.B., Daskalaki, E., Ferrà, C., Scarcella, G., Coro, G., Ordines, F., Sánchez-Zulueta, P., Dakalov, G., Klayn, S., Celie, L., Scotti, M., Grémillet, D., Lambert, C., Gal, G., Palomares, M.L.D., Dimarchopoulou, D., Tsikliras, A.C., 2023. Scientific knowledge gaps on the biology of non-fish marine species across European Seas. Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1198137.

Berov, D., Klayn, S., Deyanova, D., Karamfilov, V., 2022. Current distribution of Zostera seagrass meadows along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast (SW Black Sea, Bulgaria) (2010-2020). Biodiversity Data Journal 10, e78942.

Berov, D., Karamfilov, V., Vasilev, V., Hiebaum, G., Biserkov, V., Deyanova, D., Klayn, S., Dimov, K., Vrabcheva, Y., 2021. Current distribution of Zostera seagrass meadows along the SW coast of the Black Sea, Bulgaria. [dataset]

Klayn, S., Berov, D., Karamfilov, V., 2021. Porewater nutrient and oxygen profiles and sediment-water interface fluxes under extreme organic loading in different sedimentary habitats in Sozopol Bay (SW Black Sea): a laboratory experiment, in: Dobrinkova, N., Gadzhev, G. (Eds.), Environmental Protection and Disaster Risks, Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 371–382.

Nikolopoulou, S., Berov, D., Klayn, S., Dimitrov, L., Velkovsky, K., Chatzinikolaou, E., Chatzigeorgiou, G., Karamfilov, V., Pavloudi, C., 2021. Benthic habitat mapping of Plazh Gradina – Zlatna ribka (Black Sea) and Karpathos and Saria Islands (Mediterranean Sea). Biodiversity Data Journal 9, e71972.

Berov, D., Klayn, S. 2020. Microplastics and floating litter pollution in Bulgarian Black Sea coastal waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 156, 111225.

Berov, D., Klayn, S., Karamfilov, V. 2020. Rapana venosa rapa whelk responsible for rapid destruction of Black Sea coastal Mytilus galloprovincialis littoral reef communities – results from a preliminary study in SW Black Sea (Sozopol Bay, Bulgaria). Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Environmental Protection and disaster RISKs - Part Two (ISBN:978-619-7065-38-1), Az-buki National Publishing House, 586-598.

Berov, D., Klayn, S., Karamfilov, V. 2020. Soft bottom and hard bottom habitats within the BB0000146 'Gradina-Zlatna ribka' SCI area. SEANOE (SEA scieNtific Open data Edition). [dataset]

Klayn, S., Berov, D., Karamfilov, V. 2020. Effect of organic matter loading on nutrient and oxygen fluxes at the sediment-water interface in different sedimentary habitats in Sozopol Bay (SW Black Sea): a laboratory experiment. Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Environmental Protection and disaster RISKs - Part Two (ISBN:978-619-7065-38-1), Az-buki National Publishing House, 501-511.

Georgieva, Y.G., Daskalov, G.M., Klayn, S., Stefanova, K., Stefanova, E.S., 2019. Seasonal diet and feeding strategy of horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus (Steindachner, 1868) (Perciformes: Carangidae) in the south-western Black Sea. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 71, 201–210.

Klayn, S., Karamfilov, V. 2018. Performance and level of agreement of macrozoobenthic indices in the shallow coastal area of the Southern Bulgarian Black Sea (Burgas Bay). Acta zoologica bulgarica, 70, 1, 89-99.

Panayotova, M., Daskalov, G., Todorova, V., Georgieva, Y., Bekova, R., Klayn, S., Biserkov, V. 2018. Mapping and assessment of the ecosystem services to fisheries in the Black Sea. Proceedings of Fourteenth International Conference on Marine Sciences and Technologies Black Sea (ISSN:1314 – 0957), 136-140.

Boero, F., Foglini, F., Fraschetti, S., Goriup, P., Macpherson, E., Planes, S., Soukissian, T., Berov, D., Daskalov, G., Georgieva, I., Karamfilov, V., Klayn, S., Vassilev, V., COCONET Consortium. 2017. CoCoNet: towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential. SCIRES-IT, 6, Supplement, 1-95.

Василев, В., Стоева, Л., Клайн, С., 2017. Културни услуги на сладководните и морските екосистеми в България, in: Узунов, Й., Керемидчиев, С., Шопов, Г. (Eds.), Екосистемните услуги в България. Първи малки стъпки към големия скок за съхраняване на човечеството. Клуб “Икономика 2000”, РА Райц-2, pp. 234–245.

Георгиева, Й., Даскалов, Г., Панайотова, М., Клайн, С., Карамфилов, В., Бисерков, В., 2017. Уловът за единица риболовно усилие като индикатор за състоянието на морските биоресурси в Черно море, in: Узунов, Й., Керемидчиев, С., Шопов, Г. (Eds.), Екосистемните услуги в България. Първи малки стъпки към големия скок за съхраняване на човечеството. Клуб “Икономика 2000”, РА Райц-2, pp. 161–171.

Узунов, Й., Пехливанов, Л., Карамфилов, В., Бисерков, В., Варадинова, Е., Пресолска, Я., Беров, Д., Клайн, С., Керемидчиев, С., Велкова, Д., Кирилова, Я., Василев, В., Цветкова, Н., Радков, Р., Василева, А., Николова, Я., Димитров, З., Василев, В., Стоева, Л., 2017. Сладководните и морските екосистеми: състояние, услуги, перспективи, in: Узунов, Й., Керемидчиев, С., Шопов, Г. (Eds.), Екосистемните услуги в България. Първи малки стъпки към големия скок за съхраняване на човечеството. Клуб “Икономика 2000”, РА Райц-2, pp. 1–43.

Berov, D., Klayn, S., Vasilev, V., Georgieva, I., Karamfilov, V. 2016. Environmental impacts of artificial reefs: a case study from the Black Sea. Research and Restoration of the Essential Filters of the Sea - REEFS Project Research Digest, Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation, 14-33.

Klayn, S., Karamfilov, V., 2016. Diversity of soft-bottom macrozoobenthic communities in the shallow coastal zone of Burgas Bay (South-Western Black Sea), in: Seminar of Ecology – 2015, with International Participation. Proceedings and Abstracts. Farago, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 92–95.

Klayn, S., Deyanova, D., Vasilev, V., Karamfilov, V. 2013. Effect of seagrass meadows (Zostera spp.) on the structure, abundance and diversity of macrozoobenthic communities in Sozopol Bay, South-Western Black Sea coast. Seminar of Ecology - 2013 Conference papers and abstracts (ISBN:978-954-2961-75-8), Farago, 83-88.


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