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Ina Aneva

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Personal information


Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Bl. 23
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


Curriculum vitae

Ina Yosifova Aneva, Associate Professor, PhD.
Scientific Secretary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Date of birth: 04.06.1985

 from August 2012 to September 2016
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
PhD – Botany
PhD thesis: "Biological and phytochemical in situ and ex situ study of species of the genus Sideritis with conservation importance in Bulgaria".
 from October 2008 to February 2010
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
M.Sc. - Botany (Vascular Plants);
Gold Medal for excellent results;
Thesis: "Floristic characteristics of the Bulgarian part of Vlahina Mt from Delchevo to Mount Kadiytsa." As a result of the study were identified 614 species of plants, 23 of which are new to the mountain.
 from October 2004 to July 2008
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
B.Sc. - Molecular Biology

Academic positions
 from September 2011 to March 2012: Biologist
BAS, IBER. Applied botany. Medicinal and aromatic plants - conservation and sustainable use.
 from March 2012 to January 2013: Assistant professor
BAS, IBER. Applied botany. Medicinal and aromatic plants - conservation and sustainable use
 from October 2015 to February 2017: Assistant professor
BAS, IBER. Applied botany. Medicinal and aromatic plants - conservation and sustainable use
 from March 2017 to December 2019: Senior Assistant Professor, BAS, IBER. Applied botany. Medicinal and aromatic plants - conservation and sustainable use.
 from December 2019 till present: Associate Professor, BAS, IBER. Applied botany. Medicinal and aromatic plants - conservation and sustainable use.

Research interests

medicinal plants, flora, phytochemistry


> Laureate of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Young Scientists awards, 2016:

> Award of the Governing Body of BAS for excellent report of a scientific project, 2017

> Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Young Scientist Award Prof. Marin Drinov, 2017

> Award of Serbian Society for Phytochemistry and Phytomedicine: IFEAT grant of the 49th ISEO Meeting (Niš, Serbia), 2018

> Award of the Governing Body of BAS for excellent report of a scientific project, 2019

> IFEAT (The International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades) Young Scientist Award of the 50th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Vienna, Austria, 2019.

> 2020 Pythagoras Award for Young Scientist

> 2021 For Women in Science, Award of L'Oréal, UNESCO and Sofia University


-> Boletin LatinoAmericano Y Del Caribe De Plantas Medicinales Y Aromaticas, IF (Web of Science): 0.819; Q2
-> Medicinal Plant Communications
-> Acta Scientifica Naturalis
-> Frontiers in Pharmacology – Ethnopharmacology, IF (Web of Science): 4.225, Q1
-> Списание Природа


List of Scientific events participations:

1. Aneva I., Vutov V., Dimitrov D. 2009. Floristic Characteristic of the Vlahina Mountain - Biodiversity, Resources and Protection. 5th Balkan Botanical Congress, 07-11 September 2009, Belgrade, Serbia.
2. Aneva I., Dimitrov D., Vitkova A., Vutov V., 2012. Study of Anthropogenic Effect on Vascular Flora of Vlahina Mountain”. Семинар по екология, 26 – 27 април 2012, София.
3. Aneva I., Evstatieva L., Vitkova A. 2012. “The Ecological and Floristic Characteristics of Populations of Sideritis syriaca L. in Bulgaria”. Национална младежка конференция „Биологически науки за по-добро бъдеще“, 19 – 20 октомври 2012, Пловдив.
4. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Evstatieva L., Dimitrov D. 2012. The Ecological and Floristic Characteristics of Populations of Sideritis scardica Griseb. in Slavyanka Mountain. Младежка научна конференция „Климентови дни“, 22 – 23 ноември 2012, София.
5. Evstatieva L., Alipieva K., Aneva I. 2013. Introduction and sustainable use of rare medicinal plants in Bulgaria. A model approach for Sideritis scardica Griseb. Международной научной конференции «Лекарственные растения: фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы», 21—22 мая 2013 г. Новосибирск.
6. Aneva I. 2013. Traditional uses of Sideritis scardica Griseb. in Bulgaria. Introduction and sustainable use of rare medicinal plants in Bulgaria. A model approach for Sideritis scardica Griseb. Международной научной конференции «Лекарственные растения: фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы», 21—22 мая 2013 г. Новосибирск.
7. Vitkova A., Delcheva M., Tashev A., Dimitrov D., Gavrilova A., Aneva I. 2013. Distribution of Alchemilla species in Bulgaria and resource evaluation of their economically valuable localities. Международной научной конференции «Лекарственные растения: фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы», 21—22 мая 2013 г. Новосибирск.
8. Aneva I., Evstatieva L. 2013. Sideritis scardica Griseb. – a critically endangered species needs more protection. Семинар по екология, 25 – 26.04.2013, София.
9. Aneva I., Evstatieva L. 2013. Biodiversity of economically important medicinal plants in Bulgaria - conservation and sustainable use. PhytoChemNet Workshop, UNESCO 29-31 May 2013. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in South East Europe: Environmental and Socio-Economic challenges.
10. Vitkova A., Delcheva M., Dimitrov D., Tashev A., Gavrilova A., Aneva I. 2013. Current state of populations and resource assessment of Alchemilla species in Western Stara planina and Western Sredna gora Mountains in Bulgaria. International Scientific Symposium: Biodiversity conservation “in situ” and “ex situ”, Constanta, Romania, 26-30.06.2013.
11. Ivanov I., Vrancheva R., Petkova N., Aneva I., Denev P., Georgiev V., Pavlov A. 2013. Comparative study of polyphenols’ content of two different populations of Fumaria officinalis and Fumaria thuretii. “Food, Science, Engineering and Technologies 2013”. 18 - 19.10.2013, Plovdiv.
12. Aneva I. & Zhelev P. 2014. Diversity and conservation status of vascular plants of the rocky hills east- and westward from Trigrad village. Семинар по екология, 24 – 25.04.2014. София.
13. Vassilev K., Aneva I., Dimitrov D. 2014. Habitat diversity of the Bulgarian part of Vlahina Mt. 23rd EVS-Workshop, Ljubljana 8-12 May 2014.
14. Evstatieva L., Aneva I., Stoyanova K. 2014. Method for conservation and sustainable use of Sideritis scardica Griseb. in Bulgaria. CMAPSEEC, 8th Conference of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 19 – 22 May, Durres, Albania.
15. Aneva I., Evstatieva L., Zhelev P., Papajani - Toska V., Ibraliu A. 2014. Distribution of Sideritis raeseri Boiss. et Heldr. in Albania – state of its populations and recommendations for conservation. CMAPSEEC, 8th Conference of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 19 – 22 May, Durres, Albania.
16. Yankova-Tsvetkova E., Aneva I. 2014. On the reproductive biology of Sideritis syriaca (Lamiaceae). CMAPSEEC, 8th Conference of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 19 – 22 May, Durres, Albania.
17. Alipieva K., Bankova V., Ibraliu A., Trendafilova A., Anđelković B., Qazimi B., Gođevac B., Shengjergji D., EBebeci E., Stefkov G., Zdunic G., Aneva I., Pasho I., Petreska-Stanoeva J., , Savikin K., Evstatieva L., Menkovic N., Stefova M., Popova M., Jadranin M., Todorova M., Denev P., Kulevanova S., Gurazi V., Papajani-Toska V. 2014. Comparative study of Balkan Sideritis species from Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia. CMAPSEEC, 8th Conference of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 19 – 22 May, Durres, Albania.
18. Vitkova A., Nikolova M, Delcheva M., Tashev A., Gavrilova A., Aneva I., Dimitrov D. 2014. Influence of species and geographical region on phenolic content and antioxidant properties of commercial product - Herba Alchemillae. 3rd Balkan Scientific Conference on Biology May 30th - June 1st, 2014 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
19. Vrancheva R., Ivanov I., Aneva I., Dincheva I., Badjakov I., Pavlov A. 2014. GS-MS based metabolite profiling of five Bulgarian Fumaria species. 3rd Balkan Scientific Conference on Biology May 30th - June 1st, 2014 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
20. Анева И. 2014. Култивирането чрез методите на биологичното земеделие - най-сигурният начин за опазване на Мурсалския чай – лекция. Фестивал на цветята, 25 - 27 юни 2014; Смилян и Могилица.
21. Анева И. 2014. Изследване на антитуморна активност на лечебни растения от Българската флора с акцент към видове от род Sideritis - скрининг и нови аспекти на механизма на действие. Лекция. Тематична научна школа и научна борса на тема: „Заключителна научна школа и борса за научни идеи”; МОН; 29 октомври - 01 ноември 2014 г.; гр. Хисар.
22. Wolfram E., Danova K., Konya R., Pedrussio S., Aneva I., Evstatieva L., Bram S., Meier B. 2014. Bioautographic of Xanthine Oxidase inhibition and antioxidant activities for bioprocess control of in vitro cultivated medicinal and aromatic plants of the Balkan region. 62nd International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA) August 31 - September 4, 2014; Planta Medica. Guimaraes, Portugal.
23. Aneva I., Evstatieva L. 2015. Sideritis scardica Griseb. - One of the valuable medicinal plants in Bulgaria widely used as a food supplement. II-ра Национална научна конференция „храни“ - Нов български университет, Департамент „Природни науки“, София, 20.03.2015.
24. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Stoyanov S., Evstatieva L. 2015. The plant communities of Sideritis lanata L. in South-Western Bulgaria. International Scientific Conference “Forestry - bridge to the future”, 6-9 May 2015, Sofia.
25. Savev S., Aneva I., Zhelev P. 2015. Study on floristic composition and nature conservation status of plant communities of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi in Pirin National Park. International Scientific Conference “Forestry - bridge to the future”, 6-9 May 2015, Sofia.
26. Vitkova A., Delcheva M., Tashev A., Dimitrov D., Aneva I., Gavrilova A. 2015. Current state of populations and resource assessment of Alchemilla species in Western Sredna gora Mountains in Bulgaria. International Scientific Conference “Forestry - bridge to the future”, 6-9 May 2015, Sofia.
27. Ivanova D., Aneva I. 2015. The extract of Sideritis scardica Griseb. exerts antiproliferative activity in human colorectal carcinoma cells. The Second Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 2015, April 22nd – 25th Antalya, Turkey.
28. Georgieva L., Ivanov I., Marchev A., Aneva I., Georgiev V., Denev P., Pavlov A. 2015. Initiation and selection of callus cultures from Fumaria rostellata Knaf. as potential producers of isoquinoline alkaloids. International Conference “Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture”, Bucharest, June 4 – 6, 2015 University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest.
29. Aneva I., Alipieva K., Evstatieva L. 2015. Dynamics of Phenolic Content in Sideritis scardica Samples from Bulgarian Natural Localities and from Cultivation. 2nd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization “From plants to pharmacy shelf”, 14-17 October 2015, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
30. Azaiez Sana, Ben Slimene-Debez Imen, Limam Ferid, Tounsi Moufida, Hammami Majdi, Aneva Ina, Evstatieva Ljuba, Jebara Moez, Borji Manel, Danova Kalina. 2015. Antibacterial Activity of Total Extracts and Fractions of in vitro Cultivated Medicinal Plants. 2nd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization “From plants to pharmacy shelf”, 14-17 October 2015, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
31. Marchev A., Ilieva Y., Kaloyanov K., Aneva I., Konstantinov S., Georgiev M. 2015. Nmr Based Metabolomics of Different Parts of Rhodiola rosea Grown in Bulgaria and Their Cytotoxic Effect on Malignant Human Lymphoid Cell Lines. 2nd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization “From plants to pharmacy shelf”, 14-17 October 2015, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
32. Ilinkin V., Aneva I., Zhelev P. 2015. Comparative Study of Phenolic Content in Three Medicinal Plant Species Growing in Industrially Disturbed Areas. International Scientific Conference „Plant Diversity Towards Society”, 23-25 October 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria.
33. I. Aneva, L. Evstatieva, K. Alipieva, B. Traikova. 2015. Differences between the Herbs of Wild and Cultivated Sideritis scardica Griseb. International Scientific Conference „Plant Diversity Towards Society”, 23-25 October 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria.
34. D. Peev, A. Vitkova, N. Valyovska, L. Evstatieva, I. Aneva. 2015. New Data on the Populations of Gentiana lutea ssp. symphyandra (Gentianaceae) in Bulgaria. International Scientific Conference „Plant Diversity Towards Society”, 23-25 October 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria.
35. P. Zhelev, I. Aneva, M. Nikolova. 2015. Natural Habitats with Rare Plant Species in the Eastern Part of Rila National Park. International Scientific Conference „Plant Diversity Towards Society”, 23-25 October 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria.
36. P. Zhelev, I. Aneva, M. Nikolova. 2015. Population Status and Natural Habitat of Tozzia alpina L. subsp. carpathica (Woł.) Dostál in Eastern Part of Rila National Park. International Scientific Conference „Plant Diversity Towards Society”, 23-25 October 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria.
37. Koleva P., Aneva I., Evstatieva L., Danova, K. 2016. Multiplication and polyphenolics production of Sideritis scardica through different tissue culture techniques. Семинар по екология с международно участие, 21 - 22 април 2016, София.
38. A. Marchev, I. Aneva, M. Georgiev. 2016. NMR based metabolomics of different parts of Rhodiola rosea grown in Bulgaria. 9th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries: 26-29 May 2016, Plovdiv.
39. K. Danova, S. Bram, P. Koleva, I. Aneva, L. Evstatieva, E. Wolfram. 2016. Polyphenolic content and biological activity of in vitro cultivated Sideritis scardica 9th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries: 26-29 May 2016, Plovdiv.
40. Trendafilova A, Jadranin M, Godjevac D, Andjelkovic B, Todorova M, Aneva I, Zhelev P. 2016. LC/MS and 1H NMR-based analysis of furanocoumarins in two Heracleum species. 6th International Congress of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, CIPAM, 29 May - 1 June, 2016.
41. Aneva, I., Zhelev, P., Nikolova, M., Evtimov, I. 2016. The ecological and floristic characteristics of natural population of Micromeria juliana (L.) Benth. ex Rchb. in Eastern Rhodopes Mts, Bulgaria. 12th Symposium on the flora of southeastern Serbia and neighboring regions. 16-19 June 2016, Kopaonik, Serbia.
42. Nikolova, M., Aneva, I., Berkov S. 2016. Gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry (GC-MS) metabolic profiling and free radical scavenging activity of Micromeria dalmatica. 12th Symposium on the flora of southeastern Serbia and neighboring regions. 16-19 June 2016, Kopaonik, Serbia.
43. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Nikolova M., Evtimov I. 2016. The ecological and floristic characteristics of population of Micromeria dalmatica Benth. on the rocky hills around Trigrad village (Rhodopes Mts, Bulgaria). International Conference of Young Scientists “Advances in botany and ecology” 29 June - 03 July 2016, Kiev, Ukraine.
44. Danova K, Todorova M, Trendafilova A, Wolfram E, Evstatieva L, Aneva I, Koleva P, Meier B. 2016. Biotechnological yield of phytopharmaceuticals of valuable Balkan medicinal plants. 9th Joint Natural Products Conference 2016 July 24 – 27, Copenhagen, Denmark.
45. Petya Koleva, Nia Petrova, Sashka Krumova, Violeta Velikova, Ina Aneva, Ljuba Evstatieva, Evelyn Wolfram, Kalina Danova. 2016. Effect of activated charcoal on the developmental patterns, polyphenolics productivity and photosynthetic activity of Sideritis scardica in vitro. 9th Joint Natural Products Conference 2016 July 24 – 27, Copenhagen, Denmark.
46. Nikolova, M., Aneva, I., Zhelev, P., Dimitrova M. 2016. Flavonoid compounds and antioxidant activity of Bulgarian species of Micromeria. Национална младежка конференция “Климентови дни”: 1100 години успение на Св. Климент Охридски, 17–18 ноември 2016, София.
47. Koleva P., Aneva I., Evstatieva L., Danova K. 2016. Comparative study of the effects of plant growth regulators and activated charcoal on the developmental patterns of Sideritis scardica in vitro cultures. Национална младежка конференция “Климентови дни”: 1100 години успение на Св. Климент Охридски, 17–18 ноември 2016, София.
48. Zhelev P., Aneva I., Savev S., Nikolova M., Evtimov I. 2016. Conservation and sustainable management of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. in the Biosphere reserve in Pirin Mountains–South-Western Bulgaria. V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Medicinal Herbs – from Past Experience to New Technologies”, 27-28. December 2016, Poltava, Ukraine.
49. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Nikolova M., Evtimov I. 2016. Micromeria dalmatica Benth. - one of the valuable medicinal plants with restricted distribution. V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Medicinal Herbs – from Past Experience to New Technologies”, 27-28. December 2016, Poltava, Ukraine.
50. Nikolova M., Aneva I., Zhelev P., Berkov S. 2016. Metabоlite profiling of Micromeria juliana from Bulgaria using GC-MS. V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Medicinal Herbs – from Past Experience to New Technologies”, 27-28. December 2016, Poltava, Ukraine.
51. Grazia Zulian Åström, J., Gjershaug, J.-O., Aneva, I. Y., Chehlarov, E., Chobanov, D. P., Ljubomirov, T., Stoyanov, S., Todorov, I., Vassilev, V., Staverløkk, A., Ødegaard, F. & Rusch, G. M. 2017. Pollination services spatial model adapted to Bulgarian rural landscapes. International Scientific Conference: Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services – Science in action, 06-07.02.2017, Sofia, Bulgaria.
52. Nikolova M., Aneva I., Zhelev P., Dimitrova M., Berkov S. 2017. Micromeria dalmatica Benth. - valuable medicinal and spicy plant species. FOOD-3 International Conference: “The challenges for quality and safety along the food chain”. 23 – 25 March 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria.
53. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Vrancheva R., Ivanov I., Georgieva L. The species of genus Satureja L. in Bulgarian flora and possibilities of their use as medicinal and aromatic plants. FOOD-3 International Conference: “The challenges for quality and safety along the food chain”. 23 – 25 March 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria.
54. Aneva I., Zhelev. P., Stoyanov S. 2017. Alien species as a part of plant composition in the periphery of agricultural fields. 7th ESENIAS Workshop with Scientific Conference: Networking and regional cooperation towards Invasive Alien Species Prevention and Management in Europe, 28 – 30 March 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria.
55. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Evtimov I. 2017. Morphometric and genetic variation in the Balkan endemic Sideritis scardica Grsb. Международная научная конференция «Генетика популяций: прогресс и перспективы» 17–21 апреля 2017 г. Российская академия наук, Институт общей генетики им. Звенигородская биологическая станция, Россия.
56. Koleva P., Stoyanova E., Alipieva K., Aneva I., Evstatieva L., Danova K. 2017. Cytotoxic activity of Sideritis scardica extracts and fractions on Human Breast Adenocarcinoma Cell Line. 10-ти Юбилеен "Семинар по екология – 2017" с международно участие, 27-28 април 2017, София.
57. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Topchieva M. 2017. Evaluation of natural habitats in Western Balkan range and in Pazardzhik-Plovdiv region in relation to sustainable agriculture. First European Symposium. Research, conservation and management of biodiversity in the European seashores (RCMBES) 08 – 12 MAY, 2017, Primorsko, Bulgaria.
58. Zhelev P. & Aneva I. 2017. Studies on the vascular flora and vegetation in the regions around Black sea – a historical survey. First European Symposium. Research, conservation and management of biodiversity in the European seashores (RCMBES) 08 – 12 MAY, 2017, Primorsko, Bulgaria.
59. Markovska Y., Aneva I., Evstatieva L., Danova K. 2017. Relations between hydrogen peroxide and polyphenolics levels in the Balkan endemic Sideritis scardica in vitro cultures. XV Congress of the Italian Society of Phytochemistry jointly with 1st International Congress on Edible, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (ICEMAP 2017). 28 - 30 June 2017, Sala Convegni – Polo Piagge Università di Pisa.
60. Danova K., Wolfram E., Pedrussio S., Koleva P., Aneva I., Evstatieva L. 2017. Biotechnological development and biological activity of Balkan endemic Sideritis scardica Griesb. 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, 3rd – 7th September 2017, Basel, Switzerland.
61. Rusanov K., Rusanova M., Aneva I., Stancheva I., Atanassov I. 2017. Intra-population variations of the flower volatile composition of Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) plants. 3rd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization. From Plants to Pharmacy Shelf. 18-21 October 2017. Bansko, Bulgaria.
62. Ozek G., Yur S., Goger F., Ozek T., Andjelkovic B., Godjevac D., Aneva I., Kutova N., Trendafilova A. 2017. Evaluation of inhibitory potential of Heracleum verticillatum, H. sibiricum and H. angustisectum extracts against enzymes involved in Alzheimer and Type II Diabetes. 3rd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization. From Plants to Pharmacy Shelf. 18-21 October 2017. Bansko, Bulgaria.
63. Trendafilova A., Ivanova V., Todorova M., Aneva I. 2017. New sesquiterpene lactones from Inula oculus-christi L. 3rd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization. From Plants to Pharmacy Shelf. 18-21 October 2017. Bansko, Bulgaria.
64. Kozuharova E., Aneva I., Bogacheva-Milkoteva K., Goulson D. 2017. No bees, no medicinal plants (oral presentation). 3rd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization. From Plants to Pharmacy Shelf. 18-21 October 2017. Bansko, Bulgaria.
65. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Yankova-Tsvetkova E., Evtimov I. 2017. Variation of Morphometric Traits of Sideritis scardica Grsb. in Bulgarian Natural Populations. 4th Balkan Scientific Conference on Biology, BalkanBio, 1-3 November, 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
66. Savev S., Zhelev P., Aneva I., Tariyska M., Kamburov I., Topuzova E. 2017. Resources and conservation status of Gentiana lutea L. in Pirin National Park. 4th Balkan Scientific Conference on Biology, BalkanBio, 1-3 November, 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
67. Vrancheva R., Ivanov I., Aneva I., Stoyanova M., Pavlov A. 2017. Food Additives and Bioactive Substances from In Vitro Systems of Wild Edible Plants from the Balkan Peninsula. 4th Balkan Scientific Conference on Biology, BalkanBio, 1-3 November, 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
68. Mincheva I., Jordanova M., Aneva I., Kozuharova E. 2018. Ethnobotany and exploitation of medicinal plants in the Rhodope Mountains. 11th Seminar of Ecology - 2018 with International participation. 26-27.04.2018, Sofia, Bulgaria.
69. Aneva I., Kozuharova E., Zhelev P., Lukanov S., Peneva M. 2018. Medicinal Plants in the Intensively Managed Agricultural Landscape in Pazardzhik - Plovdiv Region of Bulgaria. 10th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, May 20-24, 2018, Split, Croatia.
70. Zhelev P., Aneva I., Trendafilova A., Todorova M. 2018. Genus Inula L. in Bulgaria – Distribution and Natural Habitats. 10th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, May 20-24, 2018, Split, Croatia.
71. Aneva I., Nikolova M., Zhelev P., Georgieva K. 2018. Population Status and Habitats of Allium ursinum L. In Bulgaria. 10th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, May 20-24, 2018, Split, Croatia.
72. Aneva I., Yankova E., Zhelev P., Nikolova R. 2018. Population Status and Habitat Characteristic of Two Sideritis Species in Bulgaria and Greece. 10th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, May 20-24, 2018, Split, Croatia.
73. Trendafilova A., Ivanova V., Todorova M., Aneva I. 2018. Biogenetic Relationship between Some Inula Species Growing in Bulgaria Based on Their Phytochemical Profile. 10th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, May 20-24, 2018, Split, Croatia.
74. Georgieva K., Nanev V., Tsocheva-Gaytandzhieva N., Aneva I., Berkov S., Nikolova M. 2018. Effect of Artemisia absinthium L. Extract against Fasciola hepatica Larvae. 10th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, May 20-24, 2018, Split, Croatia.
75. Trendafilova A., Ivanova V., Ozek G., Yur S., Ozek T., Aneva I., Veleva R., Topouzova-Hristova T., Doumanov J., Todorova M. 2018. Antioxidant, Cytotoxic, Acetylcholinesterase and Tyrosinase Enzyme Inhibitory Activities of Six Inula Species from Bulgaria. 10th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, May 20-24, 2018, Split, Croatia.
76. Nikolova M., Aneva I., Zhelev P., Berkov S. 2018. GC/MS Based Metabolite Profiling and Antioxidant Activity of Balkan and Bulgarian Endemic Plants. 10th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, May 20-24, 2018, Split, Croatia.
77. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Alipieva K., Bankova V., Berkov S., Danova K., Dimitrova M., Doycheva I., Evtimov I., Georgieva K., Georgieva Kr., Grozdanova T, Ilinkin V., Ivanova V., Karakiev T., Nedelin T., Nikolova M., Nikolova R., Popova M., Sidjimova B., Stanilova M., Stoyanov S., Todorova M., Traikova B., Trendafilova A., Yankova E. 2018. Genus Thymus in Bulgaria – a New Project Aimed at Revealing of Species’ Metabolite Profile and Genetic Diversity. 10th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, May 20-24, 2018, Split, Croatia.
78. Kozuharova E., Aneva I., Valchev H., Goulson D. 2018. Wild Labiates Aromatic Plants and their Bee Pollinators. 10th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, May 20-24, 2018, Split, Croatia.
79. Ivanov I., Vrancheva R., Aneva I., Dincheva I., Badjakov I., Pavlov A. 2018. Alkaloids profiling and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of Corydalis species from Bulgaria. Околна среда, Медицина, Наноматериали - Иновативни Методи за пробоподготовка и анализ. 29.05.2018, Пловдив, България.
80. Danova K., Aneva I., Markovska Y. 2018. Physiological Factors Affecting Polyphenolics Production of in vitro Cultivated Balkan Endemic Sideritis scardica. 2nd International Conference on Bio-antioxidants. 07 – 10 September, Varna, Bulgaria.
81. Aneva I. & Zhelev P. 2018. Morphometric Studies on Sideritis Suggest Existence of a New Species in Bulgaria. 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, 10 – 14 September. Novi Sad, Serbia.
82. Nikolova M., Aneva I., Mincheva I., Berkov S., Zhelev P. GC/MS Based Metabolite Profiling of Bulgarian Micromeria Species. 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, 10 – 14 September. Novi Sad, Serbia.
83. Yankova-Tsvetkova E., Nikolova M., Aneva I., Stefanova T., Berkov S. 2018. Germination inhibition bioassay of extracts and essential oils from plant species. 7th Balkan Botanical Congress, 10 – 14 September. Novi Sad, Serbia.
84. Aneva I., Nikolova M., Trendafilova A., Todorova M. 2018. Composition of the essential oil of the Balkan endemic Thymus longedentatus (Degen & Urum.) Ronniger. 49th International Symposium on Essential Oils. 13 – 16 September, Niš Serbia.
85. Vrancheva R., Mihaylova D., Aneva I., Dincheva I., Stoyanova M., Pavlov A. 2018. Polyphenol Profile of Wild Populations of Satureja montana L. Growing in Bulgaria. Bonn Polyphenols World Congress. 25 – 28 September, 2018. University of Bonn, Germany.
86. Teneva-Angelova T., Georgieva K., Atanasova E. Nikolova M., Aneva I., Beshkova D. 2018. Wild growing herbs - natural sources for isolation of lactic acid bacteria. 14th Congress of Microbiologists in Bulgaria with International Participation. 10 - 13 October, Hisarya, Bulgaria.
87. Vrancheva R., Stoyanova M., Mihaylova D., Aneva I., Deseva N., Petkova N., Ivanov I., Pavlov A. 2018. Phenol profile and antioxidant activity of wild growing Nectaroscordum sicilum ssp. bulgaricum (Janca) Stearn. 11th Chemistry Conference, 11-13 October 2018, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
88. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Stoyanov S., Nikolova M., Evtimov I., Karakiev T., Marinov J., Georgieva K. 2018. Survey on the distribution and diversity of genus Thymus in Bulgaria. Third Anniversary Scientific Conference on Ecology, 2 – 3 November, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
89. Aneva I. & Zhelev P. 2018. The Ecological and Floristic Characteristics of Populations of Sideritis scardica Griseb. in Olympus Mts. Third Anniversary Scientific Conference on Ecology, 2 – 3 November, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
90. Yankova-Tsvetkova E., Nikolova M., Stefanova T., Nikolova R., Aneva I., Berkov S. 2018. Inhibitory effect of essential oils and methanolic extracts of plant species on seed germination and root growth. International Scientific Conference “Kliment’s Days”, 8-9 November 2018 Sofia, Bulgaria.
91. Pardo A., Rolo V., Concepción E., Diaz M., Aneva I., Lukanov S., Oppermann R., Schraml A., Ullrich B., Moreno G. 2018. Farmland biodiversity across diverse European agricultural systems: assessing the effect of Green and Blue Infrastructure. Iberian Meeting on Agroecological Research. 22 – 23th November 2018, Évora, Portugal.
92. Concepción E., Aneva I., Lukanov S., Moreno G., Oppermann R., Pardo A., Rolo V., Schraml A., Ullrich B., Díaz M. 2019. Green and blue infrastructure and farmland biodiversity: Optimizing CAP greening as conservation tool. 1st Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society & XIV AEET Meeting "Ecology: an integrative science in the Anthropocene", 4th - 7th February 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
93. Trendafilova A., Yur S., Goger F., Rangelov M., Todorova M., Aneva I., Ozek T., Ozek G. 2019. Phytochemical Study and Evaluation of Inhibitory Potential of Angelica pancicii Vandas. Essential Oils and Hexane Extracts Against Enzymes Involved In Alzheimer Disease and Type II Diabetes. The Fifth International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, April 24th– 26th, Cappadocia, Turkey.
94. Trendafilova A., Todorova M., Nikolova M., Aneva I. 2019. Essential oil composition of Thymus vandasii, Thymus pannonicus and Thymus atticus from Bulgaria. The Fifth International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, April 26th– 28th, Cappadocia, Turkey.
95. Trendafilova A., Todorova M., Nikolova M., Aneva I. 2019. Volatile constituents of Inula germanica L. and Inula bifrons L. aerial parts. The Fifth International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, April 26th–28th, Cappadocia, Turkey.
96. Danova K., Stanoeva J., Stoyanova E., Aneva I., Alipieva K., Stefova M. 2019. Targeted biotechnological production of cytotoxic flavonoids in Balkan endemic Sideritis scardica Griseb. 4th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization, 29 May - 01 June 2019, Albena resort, Bulgaria.
97. Nikolova M., Zhelev P., Aneva I., Yovkova M., Dimitrova M., Berkov S. 2019. Metabolite profile and biological activity of Salvia forsskaolei. 4th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization, 29 May - 01 June 2019, Albena resort, Bulgaria.
98. Georgieva K., Nikolova M., Popova M., Berkov S., Zhelev P., Aneva I. 2019. First results of metabolite profile and antioxidant activity of four endemic Thymus species of the Bulgarian flora. 4th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization, 29 May - 01 June 2019, Albena resort, Bulgaria.
99. Georgieva K., Stoyanov S., Aneva I., Zhelev P., Nikolova M., Popova M. 2019. Metabolite profile and antioxidant activity of Thymus aznavourii Velen., a recently discovered new species for Bulgaria. 4th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization, 29 May - 01 June 2019, Albena resort, Bulgaria.
100. Aneva I., Alipieva K., Bankova V., Berkov S., Danova K., Georgieva K., Nikolova M., Popova M., Todorova M., Trendafilova A., Zhelev P. 2019. Current state of knowledge about metabolite profile and biological activities of Thymus spp. in Europe: A review. 4th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization, 29 May - 01 June 2019, Albena resort, Bulgaria.
101. Marchev A., Vasileva L., Aneva I., Koycheva I., Balcheva-Sivenova Zh., Najdenski H., Georgiev M. 2019. The effect of Rhodiola rosea extract on highly metastatic breast cancer. 4th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization, 29 May - 01 June 2019, Albena resort, Bulgaria.
102. Nikolova M., Yovkova M., Yankova-Tsvetkova E., Stefanova T., Aneva I., Berkov S. 2019. Phytotoxic and insecticidal effects of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum essential oil and methanolic extract. 4th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization, 29 May - 01 June 2019, Albena resort, Bulgaria.
103. Vasileva L., Marchev A., Balcheva-Sivenova Zh., Aneva I., Georgiev M. 2019. Alchemilla monticola Opiz affects adipocytes differentiation in SGBS cells. 4th International Conference on Natural Products Utilization, 29 May - 01 June 2019, Albena resort, Bulgaria.
104. Yankova-Tsvetkova, E., Berkov, S., Stanilova, M., Yurukova-Grancharova, P., Vitkova, A., Nikolova M., Zhelev, P., Stoyanov, S., Vladimirov, V., Aneva, I., Kozhurahova, A., Traykova, B., Ilinkin, V., Nikolova, R., Stefanova, T., Dimitrova, M., Semerdjieva, I., Zheljazkov, V. 2019. Reproductive potential, metabolic and genetic profile, in in situ and ex situ conditions, of medicinal plants species from the Bulgarian flora with resource deficit – scientific base for their cultivation. 13th Symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighboring regions. 20 – 23 June, 2019, Stara planina Mt., Serbia.
105. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Nikolova M., Berkov S. 2019. A comparative study on the essential oil composition of Clinopodium vulgare L. and Micromeria dalmatica Benth. 50th International Symposium on Essential oils, 09 – 12 September 2019, Vienna, Austria.
106. Dyulgerova S., Aneva I., Lukanov S. 2019. Breeding bird communities as an indicator for agricultural landscapes ecological quality in Bulgaria. 18th International Conference “Lifesciences for sustainable development”. 26-28 September, 2019. Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
107. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Lukanov S., Peneva M. 2019. Land use and plant biodiversity in two regions of Bulgaria. X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2019”, 03 – 06 October, 2019, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
108. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Savev S., Nikolova M. 2019. Resource assessment of Adonis vernalis in representative natural localities in Western Bulgaria. X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2019”, 03 – 06 October, 2019, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
109. Zhelev P., Ivanov D., Aneva I. 2019. Genetic resources of the species of genera Tilia and Ulmus in Bulgaria. X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2019”, 03 – 06 October, 2019, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
110. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Trendafilova A. 2019. A New Natural Habitat of Inula spiraeifolia L. in Southwestern Bulgaria. International Scientific Conference: Plant Diversity towards Society, 21 – 22 November, 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria.
111. Aneva I., Sidjimova B., Nikolova M., Delcheva M. 2019. Population Status and Resource Assessment of Allium ursinum L. in Lozenska Mts. International Scientific Conference: Plant Diversity towards Society, 21 – 22 November, 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria.
112. Aneva I., Zhelev P. 2019. Floristic Composition and Conservation af Natural Localities of the Balkan Endemic Species Thymus longedentatus (Degen & Urum.) Ronniger. International Scientific Conference: Plant Diversity towards Society, 21 – 22 November, 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria.
113. Zhelev P., Aneva I., Ivanov D. 2019. Phylogeography of Forest Trees on the Balkans – Old Tools, New Challenges. International Scientific Conference: Plant Diversity towards Society, 21 – 22 November, 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria.
114. Nikolova M., Aneva I., Yankova-Tsvetkova E., Traikova B., Yovkova M., Stefanova T., Dimitrova M., Berkov S. 2019. Plants as a Source of Biocides. International Scientific Conference: Plant Diversity towards Society, 21 – 22 November, 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria.
115. Vasileva L., Koycheva I., Balcheva-Sivenova Zh., Aneva I., Georgiev M. 2019. Agrimonia eupatoria L. lowers lipid accumulation in differentiated human adipocytes. 7th Congress of pharmacy with international participation, 21-24 November, 2019, Borovets, Bulgaria.
116. Parlar A., Vinet R., Jaimes L., Yumrutas O., Aneva I., Muñoz-Acevedo A., Rodriguez M., Bungau S., Martinez J. 2020. Resveratrol: could it be a good co-adjuvant in cases of Covid 19? VIII COLAPLAMED, 15-17 October 2020, Chile (virtual).
117. Zhelev P., Aneva I., Ivanov D., Martinez J. 2020. Genetic relationships among the Bulgarian Thymus species. VIII COLAPLAMED, 15-17 October 2020, Chile (virtual).
118. Nikolova M., Aneva I., Sotirova A., Krumova E., Kostadinova N., Miteva J. 2020. Bioactive compounds from medicinal plant extracts with antifungal and antibacterial activity. Scientific conference “Kliment’s Days”, 5th November, Sofia.
119. Nikolova M., Aneva I., Zhelev P., Dimitrova M., Berkov S. 2021. Benefits and opportunities for using of Micromeria dalmatica. 5th Scientific Conference of Biology BalkanBio, April 15 – 16, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
120. Sidjimova B., Aneva I., Zhelev P., Nikolova M., Savev S. 2021. Population status and natural localities of Rhodiola rosea in Rila Mts. 5th Scientific Conference of Biology BalkanBio, April 15 – 16, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
121. Zhelev P., Stoyanov N., Tsvetanov N., Ivanov D., Savev S., Aneva I. 2021. Diversity and conservation of Elm (Ulmus) genetic resources in Bulgaria. 5th Scientific Conference of Biology BalkanBio, April 15 – 16, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
122. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Chobanov D. 2021. Floristic and habitat diversity in representative grassland communities in Bulgaria. 5th Scientific Conference of Biology BalkanBio, April 15 – 16, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
123. Georgieva K., Nanev V., Nikolova M., Aneva I., Berkov S. 2021. New approach to control of fasciolosis: Neutralization of Fasciola hepatica miracidia with methanol extracts of three Artemisia species at preserved vitality of Galba truncatula snails. 5th Scientific Conference of Biology BalkanBio, April 15 – 16, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
124. Nikolova M., Aneva I. 2021. Quantitative determination of total triterpenoids in exudates of Thymus species. 5th Scientific Conference of Biology BalkanBio, April 15 – 16, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
125. Traykova B., Stanilova M., Aneva I. 2021. Soilless cultivation of three species of genus Thymus (Lamiaceae). International Conference Pathways to extend sustainable water reuse practices in Europe, 18th and 19th of May 2021.
126. Georgiev B., Nikolova M., Aneva I., Dzhurmanski A., Sidjimova B., Berkov S. 2021. Plant products with acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity for insect control. International Seminar of Ecology – 2021, Current Trends of Ecology, 29 – 30 September 2021.


1. Aneva I., Dimitrov D., Vitkova A., Vutov V. 2012. Study of Anthropogenic Effect on Vascular Flora of Vlahina Mountain. Proceedings Seminar of Ecology–2012: 304–309.
2. Aneva I., Evstatieva L., Vitkova A. 2012. The Ecological and Floristic Characteristics of Populations of Sideritis syriaca L. in Bulgaria. Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology, Special Edition: 83–91.

3. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Evstatieva L., Dimitrov D. 2013. The Ecological and Floristic Characteristics of Populations of Sideritis scardica Griseb. in Slavyanka Mountain, BJAS, 19 (2): 211-217.
4. Vitkova A., Delcheva M., Tashev A., Dimitrov D., Gavrilova A., Aneva I. 2013. Distribution of Alchemilla species in Bulgaria and resource evaluation of their economically valuable localities. В: Крупина, Н. (ред.). Материалы I Международной научной конференции «Лекарственные растения: фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы», 21—22 мая 2013 г., Изд. „Новосибирского Государственного Аграрного Университета”, Новосибирск, стр. 15-17. (ISBN 978-5-94477-130-8).
5. Evstatieva L., Alipieva K., Aneva I. 2013. Introduction and sustainable use of rare medicinal plants in Bulgaria. A model approach for Sideritis scardica Griseb. В: Крупина, Н. (ред.). Материалы I Международной научной конференции «Лекарственные растения: фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы», 21—22 мая 2013 г., Изд. „Новосибирского Государственного Аграрного Университета”, Новосибирск, стр. 257 – 259. (ISBN 978-5-94477-130-8).
6. Aneva I. 2013. Traditional uses of Sideritis scardica Griseb. in Bulgaria. В: Крупина, Н. (ред.). Материалы I Международной научной конференции «Лекарственные растения: фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы», 21—22 мая 2013 г. Изд. „Новосибирского Государственного Аграрного Университета”, Новосибирск, , стр. 469 – 471. (ISBN 978-5-94477-130-8).
7. Aneva I., Evstatieva, L. Sideritis scardica Griseb – a critically endangered species needs more protection. 2013. Proceedings Seminar of Ecology-2013, Sofia: 120-124.
8. Ivanov I., Vrancheva R., Petkova N., Aneva I., Denev P, Georgiev V, Pavlov A. 2013. Comparative study of polyphenols’ content of two different populations of Fumaria officinalis and Fumaria thuretii. Conference “Food, Science, Engineering and Technologies–2013”, Scientific works, University of Food Technologies, Vol. LX: 638 - 642.

9. Ivanov I., Vrancheva R., Marchev A., Petkova N., Aneva I., Denev P., Georgiev G., Pavlov A. 2014. Antioxidant activities and phenolic compounds in Bulgarian Fumaria species. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 3(2): 296-306.
10. Aneva Y. I., Evstatieva L., Zhelev P., Papajani - Toska V., Ibraliu A. 2014. Distribution of Sideritis raeseri Boiss. et Heldr. in Albania – state of its populations and recommendations for conservation. Proceedings CMAPSEEC: 89 - 100.
11. Evstatieva L., Aneva I., Stoyanova K. 2014. Method for conservation and sustainable use of Sideritis scardica Griseb. in Bulgaria. Proceedings CMAPSEEC: 146 - 151.
12. Yankova-Tsvetkova E., Aneva I. 2014. On the reproductive biology of Sideritis syriaca (Lamiaceae). Proceedings CMAPSEEC: 112 - 123.
13. Vrancheva R., Ivanov I., Aneva I., Dincheva I., Badjakov I., Pavlov A. 2014. GS-MS based metabolite profiling of five Bulgarian Fumaria species. Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology (Plovdiv), 3(3): 195-201.

14. Georgieva L., Ivanov I., Marchev A., Aneva I., Denev P., Georgiev V., Pavlov A. 2015. Protopine Production by Fumaria Cell Suspension Cultures: Effect of Light. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 176 (1): 287-300. IF: 1.606.
15. Ibraliu A., Trendafilova A., Anđelković B., Qazimi B., Gođevac B., Shengjergji D., EBebeci E., Stefkov G., Zdunic G., Aneva I., Pasho I., Petreska-Stanoeva J., Alipieva K., Savikin K., Evstatieva L., Menkovic N., Stefova M., Popova M., Jadranin M., Todorova M., Denev P., Kulevanova S., Bankova V., Gurazi V., Papajani-Toska V. 2015. Comparative Study of Balkan Sideritis Species from Albania, Bulgaria and Macedonia. European Journal of Medicinal Plants, ISSN: 2231-0894, Vol.: 5, Issue.: 4, 328-340.
16. Stanoeva J., Stefova M., Stefkov G., Kulevanova S., Alipieva K., Bankova V., Aneva I., Evstatieva N. 2015. Chemotaxonomic contribution to the Sideritis species dilemma on the Balkans. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 61, 477-487. IF: 0.988.
17. Georgieva L., Ivanov I., Marchev A., Aneva I., Georgiev V., Denev P., Pavlov A. 2015. Initiation and selection of callus cultures from Fumaria rostellata Knaf. as potential producers of isoquinoline alkaloids. Scientific Bulletin. Series F. Biotechnologies, Vol. XIX: 52 - 57.
18. Vitkova A., Nikolova M, Delcheva M., Tashev A., Gavrilova A., Aneva I. & Dimitrov D. 2015. Influence of Species Composition on Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Properties of Herba Alchemillae. BJAS, 21: 990 - 997.
19. Aneva I., Dimitrov D. & Vutov V. 2015. Flora and Vegetation of Slavyanka Mountain. BJAS, 21: 926–934.
20. Aneva I. & Zhelev P. 2015. Reports 1–8. In: Vladimirov V., Dane F. & Kit Tan (eds.) New floristic records in the Balkans: 28*. Phytologia Balcanica 21 (3): 367 – 399.

21. Marchev A., Dinkova-Kostova A., György Z., Mirmazloum I., Aneva I., Georgiev M. 2016. Rhodiola rosea L.: from golden root to green cell factories. Phytochemistry Reviews, 15 (4): 515 – 536. IF: 3.393.
22. Vrancheva R., Ivanov I., Aneva I., Dincheva I., Badjakov I. Pavlov A. 2016. Alkaloid profiles and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities of Fumaria species from Bulgaria. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C, Journal of Biosciences: 71 (1-2), 9-14. IF: 0.835.
23. Vassilev K., Pedashenko H., Alexandrova A., Tashev A., Ganeva A., Gavrilova A., Gradevska A., Assenov A., Vitkova A., Grigorov B., Gussev Ch., Filipova E., Aneva I., Knollová I., Nikolov I., Georgiev G., Gogushev G., Tinchev G., Pachedjieva K., Koev K., Lyubenova M., Dimitrov M., Apostolova-Stoyanova N., Velev N., Zhelev P., Glogov P., Natcheva R., Tzonev R., Boch S., Hennekens S., Georgiev S., Stoyanov S., Karakiev T., Kalníková V., Shivarov V., Russakova V., Vulchev V. 2016. Balkan Vegetation Database: historical background, current status and future perspectives. Phytocoenologia, 46 (1): 89–95. IF: 1.657.
24. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Nikolova M., Evtimov I. 2016. The ecological and floristic characteristics of natural population of Micromeria juliana (L.) Benth. ex Rchb. in Eastern Rhodopes Mts, Bulgaria. Biologica Nyssana, 7 (2): 91-99.
25. Nikolova M., Aneva I., Berkov S. 2016. GC-MS metabolic profiling and free radical scavenging activity of Micromeria dalmatica. Biologica Nyssana, 7 (2): 159-165.
26. Vitkova, A., Delcheva, M., Tashev, A., Dimitrov, D., Aneva, I., Gavrilova, A. 2016. Current state of populations and resource assessment of Alchemilla species in Western Stara Planina and Western Sredna Gora Mountains in Bulgaria. Phytologia Balcanica 22 (3): 335 – 343.
27. Danova K., Koleva P., Aneva I., Evstatieva L. 2016. Multiplication and polyphenolics production of Sideritis scardica through different tissue culture approaches. Proceedings of Seminar of Ecology with international participation, Sofia, 100 - 104.
28. Zhelev P., Aneva I., Savev S., Nikolova M., Evtimov I. 2016. Conservation and sustainable management of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. in the Biosphere reserve in Pirin Mountains–South-Western Bulgaria. Proceeding of V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Medicinal Herbs – from Past Experience to New Technologies”, Poltava, Ukraine, 67 - 69.
29. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Nikolova M., Evtimov I. 2016. Micromeria dalmatica Benth. - one of the valuable medicinal plants with restricted distribution. Proceeding of V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Medicinal Herbs – from Past Experience to New Technologies”, Poltava, Ukraine, 34 - 36.
30. Nikolova M., Aneva I., Zhelev P., Berkov S. 2016. Metabolite profiling of Micromeria juliana from Bulgaria using GC-MS. Proceeding of V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Medicinal Herbs – from Past Experience to New Technologies”, Poltava, Ukraine, 241 - 243.

31. Marchev A., Aneva I., Koycheva I., Georgiev M. 2017. Phytochemical variations of Rhodiola rosea L. wild-grown in Bulgaria. Phytochemistry Letters. Vol. 20, 386-390. IF: 1.418.
32. Nikolova M., Aneva I., Zhelev P., Dimitrova M. 2017. Flavonoid compounds and antioxidant activity of Bulgarian species of Micromeria. Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculte de Biologie, vol. 102, livre 4, 7-13.
33. Nikolova M. & Aneva I. 2017. Book Chapter: European species of genus Salvia: distribution, chemodiversity and biological activity. In: Pavlov A. & Georgiev V. (eds) Salvia Biotechnology, Springer (in press).
34. Koleva P., Stoyanova E., Alipieva K., Aneva I., Evstatieva L., Danova K. 2017. Cytotoxic activity of Sideritis scardica extracts and fractions on Human Breast Adenocarcinoma Cell Line. Proceedings of Seminar of Ecology with international participation, Sofia (in press).
35. Trendafilova A., Todorova M., Ivanova V., Aneva I. 2017. New sesquiterpene lactones from Inula oculus-christi L. Phytochemistry Letters., Vol. 21, 221-225, IF: 1.418.
36. Trendafilova A., Todorova M., Ivanova V., Aneva I. 2017. Phenolic constituents and antioxidant capacity of Inula oculus-christi from Bulgaria. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 49, Special Issue D, 176 – 180. IF: 0.238.

37. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Stoyanov S. 2018. Alien species as a part of plant composition in the periphery of agricultural fields. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Supplementum 11, 173 - 176. IF: 0.413. Q4.
38. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Topchieva M. 2018. Evaluation of natural habitats in Western Balkan range and in Pazardzhik-Plovdiv region in relation to sustainable agriculture. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Supplementum 11, 169 - 172. IF: 0.413. Q4.
39. Zhelev P. & Aneva I.Y. 2018. Book Chapter: Climate change, biodiversity and forest genetic resources: a Bulgarian perspective. In: Šijačić-Nikolić M., Milovanović J., Nonić M. (Eds.). Forests of Southeast Europe under a Changing Climate. Conservation of Genetic Resources. Springer, Series “Advances in Global Change Research”, 154-174.
40. Trendafilova A., Todorova M., Aneva I. 2018. Two new guaianolides from Inula oculus-christi L. Comptes rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences, 71 (3): 341 - 344. IF: 0.251. Q4.
41. Vrancheva R., Ivanov I., Aneva I., Stoyanova M., Pavlov A. 2018. Food Additives and Bioactive Substances from In Vitro Systems of Edible Plants from the Balkan Peninsula. Engineering in Life Sciences 18(11), Wiley, 799 – 806. IF: 2.385. Q2.
42. Trendafilova A., Todorova M., Aneva I. 2018. Volatile constituents of Inula oculus-christi L. aerial parts. Comptes rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences, 71 (10): 1317 - 1323. IF: 0.251. Q4.
43. Aneva I. & Zhelev P. 2018. The Ecological and Floristic Characteristics of Populations of Sideritis scardica Griseb. in Olympus Mts. Ecologia Balkanica 10(2): 93-99. SJR, Q4.
44. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Stoyanov S., Marinov Y., Georgieva K. 2018. Survey on the distribution and diversity of genus Thymus in Bulgaria. Ecologia Balkanica 10(2): 101-110. SJR, Q4.

45. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Kozuharova E., Danova K., Nabavi S.F. 2019. Genus Sideritis, section Empedoclia in Southeastern Europe and Turkey – studies in ethnopharmacology and recent progress of biological activities. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 27, (1): 407–421. IF: 2.739. Q2.
46. Amirova K., Dimitrova P., Marchev А., Aneva I., Georgiev M. 2019. Clinopodium vulgare L. (wild basil) extract and its active constituents modulate cyclooxygenase-2 expression in neutrophils. Food and Chemical Toxicology, Elsevier, 124: 1-9. IF: 4.679. Q1.
47. Aneva I., Zhelev P. 2019. Morphometric studies of Sideritis scardica Grsb. and S. syriaca L. in their natural populations in Bulgaria. Boletin LatinoAmericano Y Del Caribe De Plantas Medicinales Y Aromaticas, 18(1):71-80. IF: 0.819, Q3.
48. Ozek G., Yur S., Goger F., Ozek T., Andjelkovic B., Godjevac D., Sofrenic I., Aneva I., Todorova M., Trendafilova A. 2019. Furanocoumarin content, antioxidant activity and inhibitory potential of Heracleum verticillatum, H. sibiricum, H. angustisectum and H. ternatum extracts against enzymes involved in Alzheimer's disease and type II diabetes. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 16 (4): e1800672 IF: 2.039, Q2.
49. Lazarova I., Zengin G., Gevrenova R., Nedialkov P., Aneva I., Aumeeruddy M., Mahomoodally F. 2019. A comparative study of UHPLC/Orbitrap MS metabolomics profiles and biological properties of Asphodeline taurica from Bulgaria and Turkey. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 168: 174 – 180. IF: 3.209, Q1.
50. Aneva I., Trendafilova A., Nikolova M., Todorova M., Georgieva K. 2019. Essential oil composition of the Balkan endemic Thymus longedentatus (Degen & Urum.) Ronniger. Boletin LatinoAmericano Y Del Caribe De Plantas Medicinales Y Aromaticas, 18(2): 197 - 203, IF: 0.819, Q3.
51. Nikolova M., Aneva I., Zhelev P., Berkov S. 2019. GC-MS Based Metabolite Profiling and Antioxidant Activity of Balkan and Bulgarian Endemic Plants. Agric. conspec. sci., 84 (1): 59-65. SJR.
52. Danova K., Markovska Y., Aneva I. 2019. Physiological factors affecting. polyphenolics production of in vitro cultivated Balkan endemic Sideritis scardica. Bulgarian Chemical Communications 51 (A):113-118; IF: 0.28, Q4.
53. Doncheva T., Kostova N., Vutov V., Aneva I., Philipov S. 2019. Comparative Study of the Alkaloid Composition in Some Bulgarian Species of Genus Hypecoum, Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences, 72 (6), 727-731. IF: 0.343. Q2.
54. Nikolova M., Yankova-Tsvetkova E., Stefanova T., Dimitrova M., Aneva I., Berkov S. 2019. Phytotoxic activity of essential oils of Artemisia lerchiana and Artemisia santonicum. Medicinal Herbs: from Experience to New Technologies. Proceedings of Seventh International Scientific and Practical Conference, Ukraine: 166 – 168.
55. Mincheva I., Jordanova M., Benbassat N., Aneva I., Kozuharova E. 2019. Ethnobotany and exploitation of medicinal plants in the Rhodope Mountains – is there a hazard for Clinopodium dalmaticum? Pharmacia 66(2): 49 – 52. SJR, Q3.
56. Fakhri S., Aneva I., Farzaei M., Sobarzo-Sánchez E. 2019. The neuroprotective effects of astaxanthin: Therapeutic targets and clinical perspective. Molecules, 24(14): 2640, pp. 19. IF: 3.267. Q2.
57. Yankova-Tsvetkova E., Nikolova M., Aneva I., Stefanova T., Berkov S. 2019. Germination inhibition bioassay of extracts and essential oils from plant species. Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences (in press), IF: 0.343. Q2.
58. Kozuharova E., Aneva I., Goulson D. 2019. Wild aromatic Bulgarian Lamiaceae and their bee pollinators. Botanika Chronika (in press).
59. Анева И. 2019. Мурсалският чай – чудната билка с много имена. Природа, 2: 36 – 41.
60. Анева И., Иванов Д. 2019. Ароматен чай от мащерка – познат, обичан и винаги различен. Природа, 3: 92 – 97.
61. Анева И., Николова М. 2019. Растения имуностимулатори. Природа, Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 4: 82 – 87.
62. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Nikolova M., Savev S. 2019. Resource assessment of Adonis vernalis in representative natural localities in Western Bulgaria. Proceedings of the X International Scientific Agricultural Symposium “Agrosym 2019”, 1356 – 1362.
63. Vrancheva R., Stoyanova M., Mihaylova D., Aneva I., Deseva I., Petkova N., Ivanov I., Pavlov A. 2019. Polyphenol profile and antioxidant activity of wild growing populations of Nectaroscordum siculum ssp. bulgaricum (Janka) Stearn in Bulgaria. International Food Research Journal 26(5): 1635-1640. IF: 0.61, Q3.

64. Concepción E., Aneva I., Jay M., Lukanov S., Marsden K., Moreno G., Oppermann R., Pardo A., Piskol S., Rolo V., Schraml A., Díaz M. 2020. Optimizing biodiversity gain of European agriculture through regional targeting and adaptive management of conservation tools. Biological Conservation, 241, 108384, 1-11. IF: 4.711. Q1.
65. Jasemi S., Khazaei H., Aneva I., Farzaei M., Echeverria J. 2020. Medicinal Plants and Phytochemicals for the Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension: A Review. Frontiers in Pharmacology – Ethnopharmacology, 11: 1-21. IF: 4.225. Q1.
66. Farzaei M., Bayrami Z., Farzaei F., Aneva I., Das S., Patra J., Das G., Abdollahi M. 2020. Poisoning by medicinal plant: a comprehensive review. Archives of Iranian Medicine, 23(2): 117 – 127, IF: 0.996, Q3.
67. Пенева M., Казакова-Матева Я., Анева И., Луканов С., Стефанова В., Топчиева М. 2020. Биоразнообразие, зелена и синя инфраструктура и селското стопанство в България. Монография, Издателски комплекс – УНСС, 176 стр. ISBN 978-619-232-289-2
68. Trendafilova A., Todorova M., Ozek T., Ozek G., Aneva I. 2020. Volatile constituents of four Inula species of Bulgarian origin. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, IF: 1.085, Q3.
69. Kozuharova E., Aneva I., Goulson D. 2020. Book Chapter: Bees and medicinal plants – prospective for entomovectoring. In: Hokkanen, H., Gao, Y., and Menzler-Hokkanen, I. (Eds.). Integrative Biological Control. Springer, Series “Progress in Biological Control”, 15: 231-248.
70. Trendafilova A., Ivanova V., Rangelov M., Todorova M., Ozek G., Yur S., Ozek T., Aneva I., Veleva R., Moskova-Doumanova V., Doumanov Y., Topouzova-Hristova T. 2020. Caffeoylquinic Acids, Cytotoxic, Antioxidant, Acetylcholinesterase and Tyrosinase Enzyme Inhibitory Activities of Six Inula Species from Bulgaria, Chemistry & Biodiversity, 17, IF: 2.039, Q2.
71. Marchev A., Koycheva I., Aneva I., Georgiev M. 2020. Authenticity and quality evaluation of different Rhodiola species and commercial products 2 based on NMR-spectroscopy and HPLC. Phytochemical Analysis, IF: 2.772, Q1.
72. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Trendafilova A. 2020. A new natural locality of Inula spiraeifolia (Asteraceae) in Southwest Bulgaria. Phytologia Balcanica 26(1): 87-90.
73. Lazarova I., Zengin G., Ibrahime S., Aneva I., Uysal S., Picot C., Aktumsek A., Bouyahya A., Mahomoodally F. 2020. Metabolomics profiling and biological properties of root extracts from two Asphodelus species: A. albus and A. aestivus. Food Research International, 134: 109277. IF: 4.972, Q1
74. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Lukanov S., Peneva M., Vassilev K., Zheljazkov V. 2020. Influence of the land use type on the wild plant diversity. Plants, 9, 602 IF: 2.762, Q1.
75. Vrancheva R., Dincheva I., Aneva I., Pavlov A. 2020. Metabolite profiling by means of GC-MS combined with principal component analyses of natural populations of Nectaroscordum siculum ssp. bulgaricum (Janka) Stearn; Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C; IF: 1.238, Q3.
76. Zhelev P., Tsvetanov N., Aneva I., Ivanov D. 2020. Genetic resources of Tilia species in Bulgaria: study, state, and conservation. Forestry ideas 26 (2). SJR. Q4.
77. Ivanova V., Todorova M., Aneva I., Nedialkov P., Trendafilova A. 2020. A new ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid from the aerial parts of Inula bifrons. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 93:104141 IF: 1.085, Q3.
78. Khazaei H., Pesce M., Patruno A., Aneva I., Farzaei M. 2020. Medicinal Plants for Diabetes Associated Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Systematic Review of Preclinical Studies. Phytotherapy Research 34 (10). IF: 4.087, Q2.
79. Zagorcheva T., Rusanov K., Rusanova M., Aneva I., Stancheva I., Atanassov I. 2020. Genetic and flower volatile diversity in two natural populations of Hyssopus officinalis L. in Bulgaria. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 34(1): 1265-1272. IF: 1.15, Q3.
80. Ivanov I., Vrancheva R., Aneva I., Dincheva I., Badjakov I., Pavlov A. 2020. Alkaloids profiling and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of Corydalis species. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology 21(53&54):12-20. IF: 0.24, Q4.
81. Динков Д., Вацева Р., Пашова Л., Върбанов М., Анева И., Янков П. 2020. Академия „Моят зелен град“, Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 200 стр.

82. Hemati N., Venkatakrishnan K., Yarmohammadi S., Moradi M., Moravejolahkami A., Hadi A., Moradi S., Aneva I., Farzaei M. 2021. The Effects of Supplementation with Cynara scolymus L. on Anthropometric Indices: А Systematic Review and Dose-response Meta-analysis of Clinical Trials. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 56: 102612 IF: 2.21, Q1.
83. Kalhori M.R., Saadatpour F., Arefian E., Soleimani M., Farzaei M.H., Aneva I., Echeverria J. 2021. The potential therapeutic effect of RNA interference and natural products on COVID-19: A review of the coronaviruses infection. Frontiers in Pharmacology – Ethnopharmacology. IF: 4.225. Q1.
84. Ghanbari A., Akhshi N, Nedaei S., Mollica A., Aneva I., Qi Y., Liao P., Darakhshan S., Farzaei M., Xiao J., Echeverría J. 2021. Tribulus terrestris and female reproductive system health: A comprehensive review. Phytomedicine, Elsevier, (in press), IF: 4.268. Q1.
85. Parlar A., Muñoz-Acevedo A., Üçkardeş F., Jaimes L., Aneva I., Morales B., Unis A., Yumrutas O., Vinet R., Bungau S., Martinez J. 2021. “Resveratrol as an anti-asthmatic agent: could this stilbenoid help against COVID-19 in any way? A meta-analysis”, Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas (in press), IF: 0.819, Q2.
86. Nikolova M., Aneva I., Zhelev P., Dimitrova M., Berkov S. 2021. Benefits and opportunities for using of Micromeria dalmatica. Biharean Biologist (in press). IF: 0.46, Q3.
87. Trendafilova A., Todorova M., Ivanova V., Zhelev P., Aneva I. 2021. Essential oil composition of five Thymus species of Bulgarian origin. Chemistry and Biodiversity (in press). IF: 2.29, Q2.
88. Chobanov D., Aneva I., Iorgu I., Ivković S., Borissov S. 2021. Distribution and habitat of Onoconotus servillei (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) within its westernmost range (Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia): models and perspectives. Macedonian Journal of Ecology and Environment, 23(1): 37 – 48.
89. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Sidjimova B., Nikolova M., Savev S. 2021. Population Status and Natural Localities of Rhodiola rosea in Rila Mts., Bulgaria. Ecologia Balkanica, Special edition (4): 145-151, SJR, Q4.
90. Majnooni M., Ataee M., Bahrami G., Heydarpour F., Aneva I., Farzaei M., Ahmadi-Juoibari T.. 2021. The effects of co-administration of artichoke leaf extract supplementation with metformin and vitamin E in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A randomized Clinical Trial, Phytotherapy Research (in press) IF: 5.878, Q2.
91. Eftekhari M., Enayati A., Doustimotlagh A., Farzaei M., Aneva I. 2021. Natural Products in Combination Therapy for COVID-19: QT Prolongation and Urgent Guidance, Natural Product Communications 16(9): 1-3. IF: 0.468, Q3.
92. Yankova-Tsvetkova E., Yurukova-Grancharova P., Aneva I., Zhelev P. 2021. On the Reproductive Potential in Primula veris L. (Primulaceae): Embryological Features, Pollen and Seed Viability, Genetic Diversity. Plants 2021, 10, 1-16., IF: 3.935, Q1.
93. Nikolova M., Yovkova M., Jankova E., Traykova B., Stefanova T., Aneva I., Berkov S. 2021. Biocidal Activity of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum Essential Oil. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 69(5):569-578. IF: 0.47 Q3.
94. Nikolova M., Yankova-Tsvetkova E., Traykova B., Stefanova T., Dzhurmanski A., Aneva I., Berkov. S. 2021. Herbicide potential of selected essential oils from plants of Lamiaceae and Asteraceae families. Acta Agrobotanica. IF: 1.219 Q2 (in press).
95. Georgieva K., Nanev V., Aneva I., Berkov S., Nikolova M. 2021. Suppression of Fasciola hepatica transmission by Galba truncatula snails with Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum extract and essential oil. Comptes Rendus De L Academie Bulgare Des Sciences 74 (9), 1332-1337.
96. Aneva I., Habtemariam S., Banach M., Sil P., Sarkar K., Sahebnasagh A., Kamal M., Khayatkashani M., Khayat H. 2021. Can We Use mTOR Inhibitors for COVID-19 Therapy? Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 25 DOI: 10.2174/1386207325666211130140923, IF: 1.339 Q3.

97. Ali M., Yar P., Khan S., Muhammad S., Hussain W., Hussain K., Hussain G., Aneva I., Phin D., Bussmann R. 2022. Land use and land cover modification and its impact on biodiversity and the ecosystem services in District Kurram, Pakistan. Bol Latinoam Caribe Plant Med Aromat 21 (3): 365 – 388, IF: 0.905, Q3.
98. Nikolova M., Traikova B., Aneva, I., Dimitrova M., Berkov S. 2022. Effect of essential oils on growth of weeds. Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin (in press).
99. Aneva I., Zhelev P., Bonchev G., Boycheva I., Simeonova S., Kancheva D. 2022. DNA Barcoding Study of Representative Thymus Species in Bulgaria, Plants 11(3): 1-10, IF: 3.935, Q1.
100. Salman M., Abbas R., Mehmood K., Hussain R., Shah S., Faheem M., Zaheer T., Abbas A., Morales B., Aneva I., Martínez J. 2022. Assessment of Avermectins-Induced Toxicity in Animals. Pharmaceuticals, IF: 5.863, Q1.
101. Trendafilova A., Ozek G., Yur S., Goger F., Ozek T., Rangelov M., Todorova M. Aneva I. 2022. Chemical characterization, antioxidant activity, β-amylase and acetylcholinesterase inhibitory potential of Angelica pancicii Vandas ex Velen. Boletin LatinoAmericano Y Del Caribe De Plantas Medicinales Y Aromaticas, 21(4): 418-430, IF: 0.905, Q3.
102. Nabizadeh F., Momtaz S., Ghanbari-Movahed M., Qalekhani F., Mohsenpour H., Aneva I., Bishayee A., Farzaei M., Bishayee A. 2022. Pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia management using multitargeting bioactive natural compounds: A systematic and critical review. Pharmacological Research, IF: 7,658, Q1.


Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources
Applied Botany
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Resource assessment and monitoring of rare, medicinal and aromatic plants


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