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Yordan Uzunov

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Personal information


Institute of Biodiversity & Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBER-BAS)

2, Gagarin Street, 1113 Sofia, BULGARIA
Mobile phones: +359 882 263 218 or +359 878 896 205

Curriculum vitae

Family name: UZUNOV
First names: Yordan Ivanov
Date of birth: 11 October, 1949
Nationality: Bulgarian
Civil status: Married

2003: Institute of Ecology, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany: “Qualitative Reasoning Models for Stream Ecosystem Recovery” (Certificate)
1998: UNESCO's Venice Centre for Marine Sciences & Technologies – ONLUS, Venice, Italy: "Coastal Zone Monitoring & Management” (Certificate)
1994: Business College, University of Nejenrode, Netherlands: "Management of Sustainability” (Certificate)
1993: OECD Course, Ottawa, Canada: “Planning of Sustainability” (Certificate)
1976-1979: Institute of Zoology, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria (PhD Diploma)
1968-1973: Biological Faculty, Sofia University, Bulgaria (MS Diploma)

Language skills: both English and Russian in reading/writing/speaking

Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.): PC MS/DOS, MS Office 2007/XP (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint), STATLAB, Harvard Graphics, PRIMER 5, etc. Licensed driver of motorcar.

Present academic position: Retired Professor, Project Leader, Department of Aquatic Ecosystems.

Key qualifications: Management of Sustainability, Environmental Management (Legislation, Regulations, Planning & Procedures), Environmental Impact Assessment & Auditing, Water Framework Directive Implementation, Nature/Bio-Diversity Conservation, Freshwater Ecology & Bio-Monitoring, Stream/River Ecology, Coastal Zone Monitoring & Management,

Professional experience records:
2018-====: Professor Emeritus; Consultant on Water Management & (Bio)Monitoring; Biodiversity/Nature Conservation & Protection; PhD students Mentor; Invited Lecturer in Dept. General & Applied Hydrobiology, Biological Faculty, Sofia University
2015-2018: Retired Professor, Project Leader, IBER-BAS
2012-2015: Professor, Head of the Department of Aquatic Ecosytems, IBER-BAS
2010-2012: Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Aquatic Ecosytems, IBER-BAS; Research & Management: Studies on WFD Methodology for Ecological Status Assessment and Monitoring of water bodies (rivers, lakes/reservoirs, coastal marine and grundwater); Bio-Indication & Water Quality Monitoring; Integrated Water Management, Freshwater/River Ecology, Wetlands Conservation & Management; Spatial Planning & Conflict Resolution Management
1997-2010: Associate Professor, Head of the Departments of Bio-Indication & Environmental Assessments and of Applied Ecology, Central Laboratory of General Ecology, BAS; Research & Management: Studies on Water Quality Methodology and WFD Monitoring; Integrated Water Management, Freshwater/River Ecology, Wetlands Conservation & Management; Spatial Planning & Conflict Resolution Management
1993-1997: Deputy Minister of the Environment, Ministry of Environment of Republic of Bulgaria; Senior Governmental Officer: Strategic Planning & Sustainable Development, Integrated Water Management, Wetlands/Biodiversity Conservation & Protection] Protection of Underground/Mineral Resources, Waste Management;
1989-1992: Associate Professor, Secretary of Science, Institute of Ecology, BAS; Research/Studies: Development of Bio-Monitoring Methodology, Bio-Diversity and Coastal Wetlands Conservation;
1987-1989: Associate Professor, Department of Hydrobiology, Institute of Zoology, BAS; Research/Studies: Development of Integrated Management Methodology for Environmental & Water Protection
1973-1987: Research Fellow, Department of Hydrobiology, Institute of Zoology, BAS; Research/Studies: Freshwater/River Ecology; Bio-indication

Teaching in Universities:
Invited lecturer of the Biological Faculty, Dept. General & Applied Hydrobiology, University of Sofia (1986/87-2020/21)

Current Lecture Cources: EU Environmental Legislation & Norms; Biological Monitoring: Waters; European Water Directives & Legislation; Conservation Policies & Practices; Protected Wetlands Conservation & Management

Other activities:
Member of the UN Secretary General’s Advisory Board on Water & Sanitation (2004-2015)
Invited expert in many national and international, governmental, scientific and/or business projects related to the consultancy on strategic planning, environment and development, environmental legislation, integrated management, environmental auditing & EIA, etc.
Licensed EIA-expert/Environmental Auditor (Ministry of Environment & Waters License No. 801/08.10.1997, updated No. 801/06.11.2002)
Official Expert of the National Evaluation & Authorization Agency (Certificate No 0213/15.05.1998)
Publications: Published in total more than 250 papers (7 monographs/books, 108 scientific articles, 28 final projects' reports, etc. In total more than 600 quotations of 85 author's titles found in scientific and other sources.

Research interests

Freshwater/River Ecology, Wetlands Conservation & Management; Methodology of the EU WFD 2000/60/EC for Ecological Status Assessment and Monitoring of water bodies (rivers, lakes/reservoirs, transitional and coastal marine waters); Bio-Indication & Water Quality Monitoring; Integrated Water Management, Spatial Planning & Conflict Resolution Management:


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I. Monographic studies, books and chapters

PRIMAK, R., Y. UZUNOV, B. GEORGIEV. 2018. Conservation Biology. Textbook for universities and high schools. Sofia, PENSOFT Publ. 480 pp. [ISBN 978-954-642-921-6] [In Bulgarian]
UZUNOV, Y., L. PEHLIVANOV, N. CHIPEV, V. VASSILEV, S. NEDKOV, S. BRATANOVA-DONCHEVA. 2017. Part В8. Methodology and Mapping of Freshwater Ecosystems Condition and their Services in Bulgaria. – In: (Eds. S. Bratanova-Doncheva et al.) Methodological framework for assessment and mapping of ecosystem conditions and ecosystem services in Bulgaria. Sofia, Clorind, 2017, 64 pp. [ISBN 978-619-7379-17-4]
BRATANOVA-DONCHEVA, S., M. ZHIYANSKI, M. MONDESHKA, Y. YORDANOV, I. APOSTOLOVA, D. SOPOTLIEVA, N. VELEV, E. RAFAILOVA, A. BOBEVA, Y. UZUNOV, V. KARAMFILOV, S. VERGIEV, K. GOCHEVA, R. FIKOVA, N.CHIPEV. 2017. Part C. Guide for in situ verification of the assessment and mapping of ecosystems condition and services. - In: (Eds. S. Bratanova-Doncheva et al.) Methodological framework for assessment and mapping of ecosystem conditions and ecosystem services in Bulgaria. Sofia, Clorind, 2017, 32 pp. [ISBN 978-619-7379-23-5]
CHIPEV, N., S. BRATANOVA-DONCHEVA, K. GOCHEVA, M. ZHIYANSKI, M. MONDESHKA, Y. YORDANOV, I. APOSTOLOVA, D. SOPOTLIEVA, N. VELEV, E. RAFAILOVA, Y. UZUNOV, V. KARAMFILOV, R. FIKOVA, S. VERGIEV. 2017. Part D. Guide for Monitoring of Trends in Ecosystems Condition and Ecosystems Services. - In: (Eds. S. Bratanova-Doncheva et al.) Methodological framework for assessment and mapping of ecosystem conditions and ecosystem services in Bulgaria. Sofia, Clorind, 2017, 79 pp. [ISBN 978-619-7379-25-9].
UZUNOV, Y., S. KEREMIDCHIEV, G. SHOPOV (Eds.). 2017. The ecosystems’ services in Bulgaria. First small steps towards ь big leap to humanity protection. Sofia, Club Ekonomica Publ., 245 pp. [ISBN: 978-954-90138-4-9 - paper copy, ISBN 978-954-90138-6-3 - е-book].
UZUNOV Y., L. PEHLIVANOV, V. KARAMFILOV, D. BEROV, S. CLEIN, S. KEREMIDCHIEV, D. VELKOVA, Y. KIRILOVA, V. VASILEV, N. TSVETKOVA, L. STOEVA, 2017. Freshwater and marine ecosystems: status, services and prospective. Sofia, Club Ekonomica Publ., 45 pp. [ISBN: 978-954-90138-5-6].
VASSILEV, V., R. VASSILEV, P. YANKOV, N. KAMBUROVA, Y. UZUNOV, L. PEHLIVANOV, B. GEORGIEV, G. POPGEORGIEV, B. ASSYOV, S. AVRAMOV, R. TZENOVA, Y. KORNILEV. 2013. National Action Plan for Conservation of Wetlands of High Significance in Bulgaria 2013 – 2022, Sofia, 104 p., C-print Ltd., Burgas [ISBN: 978-954-9959-63-5].
UZUNOV, Y., L. PEHLIVANOV. B. GEORGIEV, E. VARADINOVA (Eds.). 2013. Mesta River. Biological quality elements and ecological status. Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Acad. Publ. House, 2013, vi+136 pp [ISBN 978-954-322-689-4]
UZUNOV, Y., B.B. GEORGIEV, E. VARADINOIVA, N. IVANOVA, L. PEHLIVANOV, V. VASILEV (Eds.) 2012. Ecosystems of the Biosphere Reserve Srebarna Lake. Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Acad. Publ. House, Sofia, vi+218 pp. [ISBN 978-954-322-543-3]
UZUNOV, Y. 2011. Chapter 28. Bioindicators for ecological and environmental monitoring – In: (Еds. A. Millington, M. Blumler, G. MacDonald, U. Schickhoff) The SAGE Handbook on Biogeography, Sage Publications, London, 528-543 (ISBN 978-1-4129-1951-7).
UZUNOV, Y. 2010. Aquatic Oligochets (Oligochaeta Limicola). Annelida: Aphanoneura, Oligochaeta, Branchiobdelea. – Catalogus Faunae Bulgaricae, No 7, 119 pp (ISBN 978-954-322-376-3)
UZUNOV, Y., S. KOVACHEV. 2009. Hydrobiology. A textbook for university students. – Sofia, Pensoft, 342 pp., 2nd edit. (ISBN 978-954-642-171-5) [In Bulgarian]
UZUNOV, Y. 2006. Review of aquatic oligochets (Oligochaeta Limicola) from water bodies of the Rhodopes Mountains (Bulgaria) – In: Beron P. (ed). Biodiversity of Bulgaria. 3. Biodiversity of Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece) I. Pensoft & Nat. Mus. Natur. Hist., Sofia, 227-247.
UZUNOV, Y., A. VADINEANU, M. ADAMESCU, G. BELTRAM, S. DAVID, J. KVET, I. OTT, H. PIOTRKOWSKI, J. SEDLAKOVA A. ULEVICIUS & J. UOUNG. 2004. Chapter 6. Inland Aquatic Habitats. – In: (YOUNG, J. et al. eds) Conflicts between human activities and the conservation of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, grasslands, forests, wetlands and uplands in the Acceding and Can-didate Countries (ACC), CEH, Banchory, 57-74.
UZUNOV, Y. 2003. Challenges in biodiversity conservation and research in Bulgaria when integrating to the ERA. – In: (Young J., B. Jedrzejewska, B. Jaroszewicz & A. Watt eds.) Proc. Internat. Conf. “Priorities in Biodiversity Conservation and Research in ACC and their Integration in the ERA” (Bialowieza, February, 2003): 70-71.
JONSON, R., S. BELL, L. DAVIES, S. DECLERCK, E. LACZKO, M. TONDER, Y. UZUNOV. 2003. Chapter 7. Wetlands. – In: (J. Young et al. eds.) Conflicts between human activities and the conservation of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, grasslands, forests, wetlands and uplands in Europe, - CEH, Banchory, 98-122.
UZUNOV, Y., S. KOVACHEV, K. KUMANSKI, J. LUDSKANOVA-NIKOLOVA. 1998. Aquatic Ecosystems of the Aegean and Black Sea Basins. - In: Bulgaria's Biological Diversity: Conservation Status and Needs Assessment, Vol. I & II (C. Meine ed.), Washington D.C., Biodiversity Support Program: 291-318.
UZUNOV, Y. 1998. Environmental Policy. - In: Bulgaria and the European Union: Towards an Institutional Infrastructure. - CSD, Sofia: 228-240.
UZUNOV, Y. 1995. Man and the Environment. - In: Bulgaria. Human Development Report 1995, UNDP/National & Global Development, Sofia: 61-71.
UZUNOV, Y., B. RUSSEV. 1993. Biological Assessment of the Water Quality ( - In: Environment Program for Danube River Basin. National Review for Bulgaria, S., MoE: 13-18.
BUIJS, P., Y. UZUNOV, K. TZANKOV. 1992. Water quality profile of the Danube River along the Bulgarian-Rumanian stretch (June 1992). - ICWS Rep. 92.01, 128 pp
RUSSEW, B., J. UZUNOV. 1990. Das Zoobenthos und der saprobiologische Zustand der Donau während der internationalen Expedition im Marz 1988. - Im: Ergebn. Donauexpedition 1988, IAD (Wien): 209-220.
UZUNOV, Y., S. KOVACHEV. 1987. The macrozoobenthos of Struma River: An example of a recovered community after the elimination of a heavy industrial impact with suspended materials. - Arch. Hydrobiol./Suppl. 76 (Monogr.Beitr.), 1/2: 169-196.
KOVACHEV, S., Y. UZUNOV. 1986. Formation of macroinvertebrate communities in the course of the biological self-purification of the Mesta River. - Arch.Hydrobiol./Suppl. 72 (Monogr. Beitr.), 4: 427-526.

II. Papers in scientific journals and proceedings:

SUBEVA, M., L. KENDEROV, V. EVTIMOVA, D. DASHINOV, T. TEOFILOVA, D. STOIANOVA,G. GEORGIEVA, Y. VIDINOVA, Y. UZUNOV (2019) Assessment of Ecological Potential and the Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Eight Reservoirs in Bulgaria - Ecologia Balkanica, 2019, Vol. 1June 2019: 93-107.
GEORGIEVA, G., Y. UZUNOV, M. STANACHKOVA, D. KOZUHAROV, P. YANEV, S. STANACHKOV. 2018. Development of web-based portal and information system for the biodiversity of surface water bodies in Bulgaria. – In: (Eds. St. Chankova, P. Parvanova, K. Danova) Proc. 10th Anniv. “Seminar of Ecology – 2017”, Sofia, FARAGO, 14-21 [ISBN: 979-853-476-132-4]
UZUNOV, Y. A. PROTASOV. 2018. The concept of ecosystem services towards water techno-ecosystems. – Hydrobiol. J., № 5, v. 54: 3-19 [ISSN 0375-8990] [УДК 574.63:621.311.25] [In Russian}
UZUNOV, Y. 2018. Bio-monitoring or/and monitoring of biodiversity? – Plenary report, 3rd Anniv. Sci. Conf. on Ecology 2018 (TASCE‘2018) 30 years Depart. of Ecology & Environm. Conserv., Faculty of Biology, University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski" 2-3 November 2018, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
GEORGIEVA, G., Y.UZUNOV, M. IHTIMANSKA, S. KAZAKOV, P. IVANOV, L. KENDEROV, M. KERAKOVA, E. VARADIPOVA. 2017. New data about the distribution of the alien species Branchiura sowerbyi Beddard, 1892 (Oligochaeta: Tubificidae) in Bulgaria. - Book of Abstracts, 7th ESENIAS Workshop & Conference, 28-30 March 2017, Sofia, p. 140.
KERAKOVA, M., Y. UZUNOV, E. VARADINOVA. 2017. Comparison of Trophic Structure of the Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Three Bulgarian Riverine Water Bodies – Turk. J. Zool., 41, 2017, 267-277, DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1510-62. [Available online: accepted.htm]
GEORGIEVA G., RADEVA K., Y. UZUNOV. 2017. New Data on Bottom Invertebrates of the Negovan Marshes and Adjacent Lesnovska River. - Acta zool. bulg., 69 (1), 2017: 89-94.
VIDINOVA, Y., V. TYUFEKCHIEVA, E. VARADINOVA, S.STOICHEV, L. KENDEROV, I. DEDOV, Y. UZUNOV. 2016. Taxonomic List of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities of Inland Standing Water Bodies in Bulgaria. - Acta zool. bulg., 68 (2), 2016: 147-158.
TYUFEKCHIEVA, V., Y. VIDINOVA, L. KENDEROV, Z. HUBENOV, D. KOZUHAROV, I. BOTEV, A. CARDECCIA, Y. UZUNOV, S. STOICHEV, T. TRICHKOVA. 2016. The role of alien species in structuring the benthic invertebrate communities in the Ogosta Reservoir, the Danube River basin, Bulgaria. – Proc. 41th Research Conf. IAD, Book of Abstracts, p. 22 [ISBN 978-606-12-1303-0]
GEORGIEVA G., UZUNOV Y., E. VARADINOVA. 2016. First record of Siamese twins in Branchiura sowerbyi Beddard, 1892 (Annelida: Oligochaeta). Ann. Youth Scientific Conference "St. Kliment's days" 2016, 17-18 November 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria (poster)
VARADINOVA, E., M. KERAKOVA, R. SOUFI, Y. UZUNOV. 2015. Functional feeding groups of the macrozoobenthos as indicators of the ecological state of the riverine water bodies. – 19th Int’l Conf. on Environ. Prot. Urban and Suburban Settlements, 23-25 Sept. 2015, Novi Sad, Serbia (poster)
KERAKOVA, M., E, VARADINOVA, G. GEORGIEVA, Y. UZUNOV. 2015. Linking of deposit feeding aquatic Oligochaeta and quantity of their trophic resources. – In: Book of Abstr. 2nd Nat. Food Conf. (Sofia, March 20th-21st, 2015) New Bulgarian University, p. 101.
GEORGIEVA, G. & Y. UZUNOV. 2015. Macrozoobenthos diversity of two Bulgarian reservoirs according to some environmental parameters. - Intern. J. Ecosystems & Ecology Sciences (IJEES) Vol. 5 (3): 293-298.

GEORGIEVA, G. N., E. P. UZUNOVA, T. P. HUBENOVA, Y. I. UZUNOV. 2014. Ecological Assessment of the Rivers Luda Yana and Banska Luda Yana as Based on Selected Biological Parameters. – Ecol. Balkanica, 5 (Special ed.): 89-94.
KENDEROV, L., M. PAVLOVA, T. TRICHKOVA, V. TYUFEKCHIEVA, Y. VIDINOVA, D. KOZUHAROV, I. BOTEV, Z. HUBENOV, Y. UZUNOV, S. STOICHEV, M. BESHKOVA, H. KALCHEVA, R. KALCHEV. 2014. Trophic State and Trophic Structure in Three Bulgarian Reservoirs - Acta zool. bulg., 66 (2), 247-254.
RIMCHESKA, B., G. GEORGIEVA, V. SLAVEVSKA-STAMENKOVIĆ, S. SMILJKOV, Y. UZUNOV, D. MITIĆ-KOPANJA. 2014. New Data about Occurrence of Epibiotic Branchibdellid (Annelida: Branchiobdellea) Species on the Stone Crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803) in the Republic of Macedonia. - Acta zool. bulg., 66 (2), 261-263.
GEORGIEVA, G. N., E. P. UZUNOVA, T. P. HUBENOVA, Y. I. UZUNOV. 2014. Ecological Assessment of the Rivers Luda Yana and Banska Luda Yana as Based on Selected Biological Parameters. – Ecol. Balkanica, 5 (Special ed.): 89-94.
BORISOVA, P., E. VARADINOVA, Y. UZUNOV. 2013. Contemporary State of the Bottom Invertebrate Communities of the Tundzha River Basin (South-East Bulgaria). - Acta zool. bulg., 65 (1): 75-87.
PAVLOVA, M., M. IHTIMANSKA, I. DEDOV, V. BISERKOV, Y. UZUNOV, L. PEHLIVANOV. 2013. New Localities of Theodoxus transversalis (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) within European Natura 2000 Network on the Islands of the Lower Danube River. - Acta zool. bulg., 65 (1): 121-123.
TRICHKOVA, T., V.TYUFEKCHIEVA1, L. KENDEROV, Y. VIDINOVA, I. BOTEV, D. KOZUHAROV, Z. HUBENOV, Y. UZUNOV, S. STOICHEV, S. CHESHMEDJIEV. 2013. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Diversity in Relation to Environmental Parameters, and Ecological Potential of Reservoirs, Danube River Basin, North-West Bulgaria. - Acta zool. bulg., 65 (3): 337-348,
DAKOVA, S., Y. UZUNOV. 2013. The Basin of the Mesta River: Pysiography. - In: (Eds. Uzunov, Y. et al.) Mesta River: Biological Quality Elements & Ecological Status, “Prof. M. Drinov” Academic Publ. House, Sofia, 2013: 7-22 [ISBN 978-954-322-689-4]
VARADINOVA, E., M. KERAKOVA, M. ALEXANDROVA, R. SOUFI, S. STOICHEV, Y. VIDINOVA, V. TYUFEKCHIEVA, Y. UZUNOV. 2013. Bottom invertebrate communities (the macrozoobenthos): key biological quality element for ecological classification of the Mesta River basin – In: (Eds. Uzunov, Y. et al.) Mesta River: Biological Quality Elements & Ecological Status, “Prof. M. Drinov” Academic Publ. House, Sofia: 61-96 [ISBN 978-954-322-689-4]
VARADINOVA, E., M. KERAKOVA, Y. UZUNOV. 2013. Mesta River: Trophic structure of the macrozoobenthos. - In: (Eds. Uzunov, Y. et al.) Mesta River: Biological Quality Elements & Ecological Status, “Prof. M. Drinov” Academic Publ. House, Sofia: 97-122 [ISBN 978-954-322-689-4]
PAVLOVA, M., L. PEHLIVANOV, S. KAZAKOV, E. VARADINOVA, Y. VIDINOVA, V. TYUFEKCHIEVA, Y. UZUNOV. 2012. Changes in the Aquatic Communities in the Rhodopes Mountain Landslide Lakes (South Bulgaria) for the Last 40 Years. I. Taxonomic Composition of Macrozoobenthos, Zooplankton and Fish Communities. -Acta zool. bulg., Suppl. 4: 187-195
VARADINOVA, E., P. BORISOVA, L. PEHLIVANOV, Y. UZUNOV. 2012. Macroinverterbate communities structure of the Srebarna Lake Biosphere Reserve: species diversity , abundance and modelling of the ecological satatus. - In: (Eds. Y. Uzunov et al.) Ecosystems of the Biosphere Reserve Srebarna Lake, “Prof. M. Drinov” Academic Publ. House, Sofia: 93-113 [ISBN 978-954-322-543-3]
GEORGIEVA, G., E. VARADINOVA, Y. UZUNOV. 2012. Distribution of non-indigenous tubificid worm Branchiura sowerbyi (Beddard, 1892) in Bulgaria. - J. BioSci. Biotech. 2012, SE/ONLINE: 105-113 [ISSN: 1314-6246]
VARADINOVA, E., L. PECHLIVANOV, S. STOICHEV, Y. UZUNOV. 2011. Recovering аnd Succession оf the Species Diversity оf Macrozoobenthos in Srebarna Biosphere Reserve (North-East Bulgaria) - Acta zool. bulg., 63 (1): 85-95.
UZUNOV, Y., E. VARAD INOVA, I. YANEVA, S. STOICHEV, Y. VIDINOVA & K. KUMANSKI. 2011. Long-term changes if the bottom invertebrate fauna of the Mesta River in South-western Bulgaria. – Ann. Univ. Sofia, T. 99, Livre 1 Zoology: 33-52.
MOSKOVA, G., Y. UZUNOV. 2011. The Macrozoobenthos of the Rilska river, Southwest Bulgaria – Ann. Univ. Sofia, T. 99, Livre 1 Zoology: 53-70.
CHESHMEDJIEV, S., R. SOUFI, Y. VIDINOVA, V. TYUFEKCHIEVA, I. YANEVA, Y. UZUNOV, E. VARADINOVA. 2011. Multihabitat sampling method for benthic macroinvertebrate communities in different river types in Bulgaria. – Water Res. & Manag., 1, No 3: 55-58 [UDK: 582.26(497.2)]
TYUFEKCHIEVA, V., Y. VIDINOVA, I. BOTEV, T. TRICHKOVA, L. KENDEROV, D. KOZUHAROV, Y. UZUNOV, Z. HUBENOV, S. STOICHEV. 2010. Preliminary Data on Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Reservoirs Koprinka and Zhrebchevo (Aegean Sea River Basin, Soutj Bulgaria) – In: Pešić, V. (Ed.) The Book of Abstracts & Programme, IVth Internat. Symp. Ecologists of Montenegro (06-10.10.2010, Budva), p. 40 [ISBN 978-86-908743-3-0]
NAKOVA, E., F.L. LINNENBANK, B. BREDEWEG, P. SALLES, Y. UZUNOV. 2009. The river Mesta key study: A qualitative model of dissolved oxygen in aquatic ecosystems. –Ecol. Informatics, 4: 339-357.
BREDEWEG, B., P. SALLES, A. BOUWER, J. LIEMA, TIM NUTTLE, E. CIOACA, E. NAKOVA, R. NOBLE, A.L. RIOS-CALDAS, Y. UZUNOV, E. VARADINOVA, A. ZITEK. 2008. Towards a structured approach to building qualitative reasoning models and simulations. – Ecol. Informatics, 3, 1: 1-12 (ISSN 1574-9541).
SOUFI, R., Y. UZUNOV. 2008. Data on Ecological Status of the Kamchia River as Assessed by Invertebrate Communities Parameters. – Acta zool. bulg., Suppl. 2: 233-242.
SOUFI, R., Y. UZUNOV, E. VARADINOVA. 2006. Relation of the Bulgarian Biotic Index to the Standardized Indices for water Quality Assessment in Bulfgaria: Study on the Struma River (South-West Bulgaria). – Acta zool. bulg., 58(2): 265-273.
UZUNOV, Y. 2006. Review of aquatic oligochets (Oligochaeta Limicola) from water bodies of the Rhodopes Mountain (Bulgaria). – In: (P. Beron ed.) Biodiversity of Bulgaria. 3. Biodiversity of Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece) I. Pensoft & Nat. Mus. Natur.Hist., Sofia, 227-247.
UZUNOV, Y. & S. DAKOVA. 2005. Ecological approach for determination of the minimum river flow using metrics of the invertebrate communities as biological quality elements. - In: (N. Chipev ed.) Proc. 1st Nat. Sci. Conf. Ecology (Sofia, 4-5 November 2004), Petecstone, Sofia: 309-314.
VARADINOVA Е. Y. UZUNOV, R. SOUFI, 2005. Formation of the trophic structure of the benthic communities of the river Mesta. – In: (N. Chipev ed.) Proc. 1st Nat. Sci. Conf. Ecology (Sofia, 4-5 November 2004), Petecstone, Sofia: 315-322.
UZUNOV, Y., VARADINOVA, E. & R. SOUFI. 2005. Shifts in species diversity of the bottom invertebrates in two South-Bulgarian rivers. – In: (Velikova, V. & N. Chipev EDds) Large scale disturbances (regime shifts) and recovery in aquatic ecosystems: challenges for management towards sustainability. - UNESCO/ROSTE/BAS Workshop on Regime Shifts, 14-16 June 2005, Varna, 188-197.
VIDINOVA, Y., YANEVA I., TYUFEKCHIEVA V., ZADNEPROVSKI B. & Y. UZUNOV. 2005. Biodiversity and Ecological Status of the rivers on Strandzha Mountains region:preliminary results. - In: (N. Chipev ed.) Challenges of Establishment and Managem ent of a Trans-Border Biosphere Reserve Between Bulgaria and Turkey in Strandzha Mountains UNESCO/BAS Workshop, 10-13 November 2005, Bourgas, 127-134.
VASSILEV, Y. & Y. UZUNOV. 2004. Comparative density and biomass of the bottom invertebrate communities in consequent running and stagnant aquatic microhabitats along the Iskar River in SW Bulgaria. – A. zool. Bulg., 56 (1): 93-103.
SOUFI, R., VARADINOVA, E. & Y. UZUNOV. 2004. Relation of the Bulgarian Biotic Index to the standardized indices for water quality assessment of the River Mesta (SW Bulgaria). – Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Bulg., 57, No 8: 83-86.
UZUNOV, Y., A. VADINEANU, M. ADAMESCU, G. BELTRAM, S. DACID, J. KVET, I. OTT, H. PIOTRKOVSKI, J. SEDLAKOVA, A. ULEVICIUS, J. YOUNG. 2004. 6. Inland aquatic habitats. – In: (J. Joung et al. Eds) Conflicts between human activities and the conservation of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, grasslands, forests, wetlands and uplands in Acceding and Candidate Countries (ACC), BIOFORUM Project EVK2-CT-1999-2006, CEH, Banchory: 57-74.
UZUNOV, Y. 2003. Challenges in biodiversity conservation and research in Bulgaria when integrating to the ERA. – In: (Young J., B. Jedrzejewska, B. Jaroszewicz & A. Watt Eds.) Proc. Internat. Conf. “Priorities in Biodiversity Conservation and Research in ACC and their Integration in the ERA” (Bialowieza, February, 2003): 70-71.
JONSON, R., S. BELL, L. DAVIES, S. DECLERCK, E. LACZKO, M. TONDER, Y. UZUNOV. 2003. Chapter 7. Wetlands. – In: (J. Young et al. Eds.) Conflicts between human activities and the conservation of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, grasslands, forests, wetlands and uplands in Europe, - CEH, Banchory, 98-122.
SOUFI, R., E. VARADINOVA, Y. UZUNOV. 2002. Recent Assessment and Long-Term Changes in the Saprobiological State of the Struma River (South-Western Bulgaria) - J. Environ. Prot. & Ecology, 3, No 1: 61–67.
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Aquatic Ecosystems
Biodiversity and Processes in Freshwater Ecosystems
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