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Chavdar Gussev

Personal information


Chavdar Gussev
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. Georgi Bonchev St., bl. 23
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

tel.: +359 2 9792153

Curriculum vitae

1982–1987 Faculty of Biology, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski’, MSc in Biology (Botany)

1987–1989 Expert “Buying and market realization of herbs” – Cooperative Enterprise “Bilkokoop”
1989–1990 Chief expert – National Center on phytotherapy in the Ministry of Public Health
1990 – 1997 Research Associate III degree – Institute of Botany, BAS
1997 – 2009 Research Associate II degree – Institute of Botany, BAS
2009 – 2010 Research Associate I degree – Institute of Botany, BAS
2010– Chief Assist. Prof., Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, BAS

1999– Secretary of Bulgarian Botanical Society

Research interests

Taxonomy, chorology and phytogeography of vascular plants
Conservation of plant biodiversity
Monitoring of vascular plants and natural habitats
Resources assessment of natural resources of medicinal plants
Methods and technologies for medicinal plants preliminary processing and herbs production


Evstatieva, L., Ch. Gussev. 1989. Instruction for conservation of medicinal plants. National Center of Phytotherapy and Folk Medicin. Institute of Botany - BAS, Esperanto.

Nikolov, S., Ch. Gussev. 1992. Determination of qualitative characteristics of rhizome and root of drug Urtica (Rhizoma cum radicibus Urticae). - Biotech. Biotech. Eq., 6(1): 52-55.

Nikolov, S., Ch. Gussev, G. Kitanov, I. Assenov. 1994. Standardization of herbal drugs in Bulgaria - Existing situation, problems and present-day requirements, Farmacia (Sofia), 41(1-2): 49-55.

Tsankova, E., A. Trendafilova, Ch. Gussev. 1994. Chemical constituents of Cnicus benedictus L. - Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 47(2): 53-55.

Nikolov, S., Ch. Gussev. 1995. Standartization of Folium Urticae. - Bull. Mac. Pharm. Ass., 41(1-2): 396-397.

Todorova, M., E. Tsankova, A. Trendafilova, Ch. Gussev. 1996. Sesquiterpene lactones with the uncommon rotundane skeleton from Artemisia pontica L. - Phytochemistry, 41(2): 553-556.

Todorova, M., A. Trendafilova, Ch. Gussev. 1996. Sesquiterpene lactones in Artemisia pedemontana Balb. from Bulgaria. - Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 49(1): 45-47.

Gussev, Ch., S. Novoselski. 1996. New locality of Pyracantha coccinea Roem. (Rosaceae) in Bulgaria. - Ann. Univ. Sofia "St. Kl. Ohridski", Fac. Biol., 89(2): 13-17.

Trendafilova, A., M. Todorova, Ch. Gussev. 1996. Eudesmanolides from Artemisia pontica L. - Phytochemistry, 42(2): 469- 471.

Genova, E., Evstatieva, L., Vitkova, A., Gussev, Ch., Stoeva, T., Peshevski, N. 1996. Mapping of medicinal plants in some mountains of the Znepole floristic region – In: Proceedings Scientific Papers Second Balkan Scientific Conference on study, conservation and utilization of forest resources, 3-5 June 1996, Sofia, vol. I, 367-373.

Gussev, Ch. 1997. Helichrysum plicatum DC. (Asteraceae) - a new species for the Bulgarian flora. - Bocconea, 5(2): 667 - 669.

Nikolov, S., Ch. Gussev. 1997. A chemotaxonomic comparison of the genera Asparagus L. and Ruscus L. - Bocconea, 5(2):765 - 770.

Gussev, Ch., D. Dimitrov. 1997 Occurrence of Myricaria germanica (L.) Desv. (Tamaricaceae) in Bulgaria. - Phytol. Balc, 3/2-3:79 - 82.

Nikolov, S., Ch Gussev. 1997. The dynamics of accumulation of ruscogenin in the roots and the rhizomes of Ruscus aculeatus L. (Liliaceae) - Acta Pharm., 47(3): 203 - 206.

Dimitrov, D., Ch.Gussev, C. Denchev, S. Sarkova, D. Pavlova. 1997. Cytinus (Rafflesiaceae), a new genus for the Bulgarian flora - Fl. Medit., 7: 49 - 50

Assenov, I., Ch. Gussev, G. Kitanov, S. Nikolov, T. Petkov. 1998. Herbgathering. Practical book for gathering and primary processing of medicinal plants. BILER (Sofia).
Gussev, Ch. C.Denchev, J. Koeva, D. Pavlova, D. Dimitrov. 1998. New records of vascular plants of Northern Strandzha Mt. (SE Bulgaria). - Turkish J. Botany, 22:413-417.

Gussev, Ch., D. Uzunov, C. Denchev, K. Apostolov. 1998. New records of vascular plants of the Eastern Rhodopy Mts. - Phytol. Balcanica, 4 (1-2):187-195.

Gussev, Ch., Uzunov, D., Denchev, C., Apostolov, K. 1998. Floristic studies of the reserve “Valchi dol”(The Eastern Rhodopes Mts.) – In: Stoikov, H. (ed.). Proceedings Scientific Papers Jubilee Scientific Conference with international participation “70 th Anniversary of the Forest Research Institute” 6-7 October 1998, Sofia, vol. II, 168-173.

Hardalova, R., L. Evstatieva, Ch. Gussev. 1998. Wild medicinal plant resources in Bulgaria and recomendations for their long development - In : Meini, C. (ed.) Bulgarias’s biological diversisty & Conservation status and Need Assestement, vol. I and II, Pensoft, 500 - 527.

Uzunov, D., Ch. Gussev, C. Denchev, K. Apostolov. 1998. Notes on the distribution of Serapias vomeracea Burm.) Briq. (Orchidaceae) in the Eastern Rhodopes, Phytol. Balcanica, 4 (3):115-119.

Denchev, C., Ch. Gussev, D. Dimitrov, S. Sharkova. 1999. New locality of Orchis papilionacea (Orhidaceae) in Strandja Mt. - Ann. Univ. Sofia " St. Kl. Ochridski", Fac. biol., 91 (2),17 - 20.

Gussev, Ch., M. Kurteva. 1999. Plant biodiversity - In: (D. Peev, D. Gerassimov Eds.) Bulgarian national biomonitoring progamme, Gea Libris, Sofia, 227.

Denchev, C., Ch. Gussev, D. Dimitrov, S. Sharkova. 2000. New locality of Orchis papilionaceae L. (Orchidaceae) in Strandzha Mts. - Ann. Univ. Sofia "St. Kl. Ohridski", Fac. Biol., 91(2): 17-20.

Gussev, Ch., D. Dimitrov, M. Delcheva. 2000. Biological diversity of vascular plants in the Central Balkan National Park. - In: (M. Sakalian, Ed.) Biological Diversity of the Central Balkan National Park, Pensoft, Sofia, 7-61.

Dimitrov, D., Ch. Gussev, C. Denchev, Y. Koeva, D. Pavlova. 2001. Ophris argolica (Orchidaceae), a new species to the Bulgarian flora. - Phytol. Balcanica. 7 (2):199-200.

Bancheva, S., Ch. Gussev, D. Dimitrov, C. Denchev, Y. Koeva, D. Pavlova. 2002. New chorological data on vascular plants in Mt Strandzha. – Phytol. Balcanica, 8 (1):37-41.

Bancheva, S., D. Dimitrov, C. Denchev, Ch. Gussev. 2002. Second locality of Ophris apifera (Orchidaceae) in Bulgaria. Proceed. VI Symposium “Flora south-east Serbia and neighbouring regions”, Univ. Niš, Yugoslavia, 73-75.

Gussev, Ch., S. Bancheva, M. Delcheva. 2002. Vascular plants of a conservational value in the Viden part of Konyavska Mountain. – In: Temniskova, D. (Ed.), Proceed. 6th Nat. Conf. Bot., Sofia, June 18-20, 2001, 453-459.

Uzunov, D., Ch. Gussev, K. Apostolov. 2002. Chorological data for some plant species with conservation value in the eastern Rhodopes Mt. (South-east Bulgaria). Proceed. VI Symposium “Flora south-east Serbia and neighbouring regions”, Univ. Nish, Yugoslavia, 47-55.

Milanova, S., Gussev, Ch. 2002. Commelina communis L.:A new species in the non-native flora of Bulgaria –In: H.H. van Laar (ed.) Proceedings of the 12 th EWRS (European Weed Research Society) Symposium 2002, Wageningen.Grafisch Service Centrum Van Gils BV, 328-329

Uzunov, D., Ch. Gussev. 2003. High mountain flora of Bulgaria: statistics, ecological caracteristics and phytogeography – Bocconea 16(2): 763-770.

Gussev,Ch., D. Uzunov, Y. Bosseva, T. Stoeva, M. Stanilova, M. Burrus. Conservation of Leucojum aestivum L. (Amaryllidaceae) in Bulgaria. – Bocconea 16(2): 815-821.

Vassileva L., Gussev, Ch, Dimitrov, D 2003. On the flora of the Djendema reserve – Central Balkan National Park. – In: Randzhelovic, V. (ed.) “Proceeding of 7 th symposium on the flora of Southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions, Dimitrovgrad, 2002”,Nish, 27-39

Gussev, Ch., Stanilova M., Bosseva, Y., Stoeva, T., Berkov, S., Burrus, M. 2003. Methods of ex situ conservations of the summer snowflake (Leucojum aestivum L.) - In: Scientific publications Technomat & Infotel Articles, presented as reports at 5 th International Symposium TECHNOMAT & INFOTEL 2003 Materials, Methods and Technology, vol. V, book 1, 241-247

Georgiev, V. Gussev, Ch., Bosseva, Y.2003. Bulgarian Leucojum Datebase – In: Scientific publications Technomat & Infotel, Articles, presented as reports at 5 th International Symposium TECHNOMAT & INFOTEL 2003 Materials, Methods and Technology://, vol. V, book 2, 259-264.

Spiridonov, G., Gussev, Ch., Patronov, D. 2003. Conservation priority habitats in Nature Park Strandzha. Map 1:25000 – In : Management Plan Project of NP Strandzha. ProGIS, Ltd., Sofia.

Spiridonov, G., Patronov, D., Gussev, Ch. 2003. Representative habitats and priority plant species in Nature Park Strandzha. Map 1:25000 – In : Management Plan Project of NP Strandzha. ProGIS, Ltd., Sofia.

Trendafilova-Savkova, A., Todorova, M., Gussev, Ch. 2003. Silphiperfolane Sesquiterpene Acids from Artemisia chamaemelifolia Vill. – Z.Naturforsch. 58 c: 817-819.

Gussev, Ch., Bancheva, S., Dimitrov, D., Pavlova, D., Koeva, J., Patronov, D. 2004. Floristic analysis of the Uzunbudzhak Biosphere reserve (Strandzha Nature park). Strandzha Nature Park Directorate, Sofia – MalkoTarnovo.

Gussev, Ch., Bancheva, S., Dimitrov, D., Pavlova, D., Koeva, J., Patronov, D. 2004. Floristic analysis of the Uzunbudzhak Biosphere reserve (Strandzha Nature park). Strandzha Nature Park Directorate, Sofia – MalkoTarnovo.

Gussev, Ch. 2005. Characteristic of wild medicinal plants resources in Bulgaria and their sustainable management. – In: Petrova, A. (ed.), Current state of Bulgarian biodiversity – problems and perspectives. Pp. 495-508. Bulgarian Bioplatform, Sofia.

Gussev, Ch., Dimitrova, D., Tzoneva, S. 2005. Natura 2000 European Ecological Network in Vitosha Mountain – A guide with map to the natural habitat types of community interest. EcoArk, Sofia.

Dimitrov, D., Gussev, Ch., Kimenov, G., Bosseva, Y. 2005 Botanical Characterization of the Vrana Park, Trud, Sofia.

Gussev, Ch., Bosseva, Y., Pandova, B., Yanev, S., Stanilova, M. 2007. Resource assessment of Leucojum aestivum L. (Amaryllidaceae) populations in Bulgaria. Bocconea 21:405-411.

Tzonev, R., Dimitrov, M., Chytrý, M., Roussakova,V., Dimova, D. Gussev, C. Pavlov, D., Vulchev, V., Vitkova, A., Gogoushev, G., Nikolov, I., Borisova, D., Ganeva, A. 2006. Beech forest communities in Bulgaria – Phytocoenologia, Stuttgart., 32 (2) 247-279.

Tzonev, R., Lysenko,T., Gussev, Ch., Zhelev, P. 2008. The Halophytic Vegetation in South-East Bulgaria and along the Black Sea Coast. Haquetia, 7 (2): 95-121. ISSN 1581-4661 (print version) ISSN 1854-9829 (electronic version).

Stoeva T. D., Angelov G. B., Gussev Ch. V., Bosseva Y. Zh. 2009. Bulgarian botanical files for risk assessment of impact of genetically modified plants on the Bulgarian native flora. In Plant, fungal and habitat diversity investigation and conservation (Proceedings of IV Balkan botanical congress, 20-26. 06.2006, Sofia, Bulgaria, ed. D. Ivanova): 268-271

Gussev, Ch. 2009. Anthemis jordanovii Stoj. & Acht.; Artemisia chamaemelifolia Vill., Asperula involucrata Wahlenb., Myricaria germanica (L.) Desv. Oenanthe tenuifolia Boiss. & Orph., Quercus mestensis Bondev & Gančev., Spiraea crenata L., Verbascum anisophyllum Murb., Verbascum juruk Stef., Anethum graveolens L., Artemisia еriantha Ten., Artemisia pedemontana Balb., Betonica scardica (Griseb.) Hayek (in BDA as Stachys scardica), Cicer montbretii Jaub. & Spach., Convolvulus boissieri Steud., Eryngium creticum Lam., Helichrysum plicatum DC., Hymenocarpus circinatus (L.) Savi., Ilex aquifolium L., Ilex colchica Pojark., Lens ervoides (Brign.) Grande., Nonea oltusifolia (Willd.) DC., Stachys serbica Pančić, Verbascum adrianopolitanum Podp., Verbascum bugulifolium Lam., Verbascum lagurus Fisch. & C.A. Mey., Verbascum spathulisepalum Greuter & Rech. f., Blackstonia perfoliata (L.) Huds., Hippomarathrum cristatum (DC.) Boiss., Leucojum aestivum L., Lupinus albus L., Teucrium lamiifolium D'Urv., Artemisia lerchiana Weber., Artemisia pontica L., Asphodeline taurica (Pall. ex M. Bieb.) Kunth., Logfia gallica (L.) Coss. & Germ., Oenanthe pimpinelloides L., Plantago bellardii All., Polygonum mesembricum Chrtek., Pyrus bulgarica Kuth. & Sachokia, Salvia forskaohlei L., Smyrnium rotundifolium Mill., Ficus carica L., Minuartia saxifraga (Friv.) Graebn., Potentilla apennina Ten., Tilia rubra DC. - In: Petrova, A., Vladimirov, V. Red List of Bulgarian vascular plants. Phytologia Balcanica 15 (1): 63 – 94.

Nikolova, M., Gussev, Ch., Nguyen, T. 2010. Evaluation of the antioxidant action and flavonoid composition of Artemisia species extracts. Biotehnol. & Biotehnol. Eq. 24(2): 101-103. Special Edition

Ivanova T., Gussev Ch., Bosseva Y., Stoeva T. 2011. In vitro conservation of micropropagated Ruscus aculeatus L. (Liliaceae) plants. Botanica Serbica 35(1): 61-66

Ivanova T., Dimitrova D., Angelov G., Gussev Ch., Bosseva Y., Stoeva T. 2013. Callus cultures and indirect regeneration of Ruscus hypoglossum in vitro. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci. 19(2): 49-51


Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources
Applied Botany
Research group
Plant diversity and local development


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10 years 40 weeks