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Luchezar Pehlivanov

Luchezar Pehlivanov's picture

Personal information


Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2, Major Yurii Gagarin str., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

E-mail: :;;

Curriculum vitae

Date of birth: 23 September 1956

1976-1981: Institute of Fisheries and Fish Industry, Kaliningrad, Russia,MSc
1982-1986: Institute of Evolution and Ecology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia PhD

Languages: Bulgarian, Russian, English, French

Membership of professional bodies:
Bulgarian Association Water, Bulgarian Ichthyological Society, International Association for Danube Research

Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.):
PC MS/DOS, MS Office2000/XP, STATLAB, GIS analyses, etc. Licensed driver of motorcar and motor boat

Present position:
Associate Professor; Head of the Section of Ichthyology and Fish Resources in the Department of Aquatic Ecosystems.

Faunistical, population & ecological investigations of fish and aquatic invertebrates; Management, sustainable using & protection of fish communities; Study, conservation & management of protected wetlands; Assessment of human pressure and impacts on the aquatic communities in surface water bodies; Ecological quality assessment and monitoring of surface waters under the Annex V of Water Framework Directive 2000/60/ЕU/. Training and supervision of students.

Main projects:

1. 2013 - 2016: Comparison between wetland-Danube River systems of Hungary and Bulgaria related to their significance for ecosystem biodiversity, functioning, services, management and nature conservation (Join Research Project Bulgarian Academy of Sciences & Hungarian Academy of Sciences) - Expert on ichthyofauna.

2. August – September 2013: Joint Danube Survey 3 (ICPDR)- Core Team member, fish expert for the Lower Danube.

3. April – October 2013: Survey of the pollution of Danube River with heavy metals and organic matter with a view to long-term improvement of the status of fish populations in Bulgarian Danube stretch (Executive Agency of Fishries and Aquaculture under the Operational Program for development of the fisheries, co-funded by the the "Investment in the sustainable fisheries" European Fund of Fisheries of the EC) - Project leader.

4. 2012 & 2013: Survey of the biological quality elements (BQE) and supporting physico-chemical quality elements in selected potential reference points of the types of rivers and lakes within the Black Sea Basin in order to verify the specified reference conditions (Black Sea Basin Directorate)- Project leader.

5. 2011 - 2013: Monitoring of fishes in rivers and lakes as a part of the National Program for Surface Waters Monitoring for 2011 – 2013 (Executive Agency of Environment) - Project leader.

6. 2009 - 2012: WETLANET: Enhancing research potential by strengthening a local network of laboratories for studying wetland ecosystems functioning, restoration and management (7th FP RTD, Program Capacities)- Work Package leader.

7. 2008 - 2012: Biological Diversity of Wetlands Aquatic Ecosystems on the Flooding Terrace of the Lower Danube and Optimization of the Ecosystem Functions in Conditions of Climatic Changes (National Science Fund under the Contract No DO 02-352/2008) - Project leader.

8. 2011: Survey of the biological quality elements (BQE) in monitoring sites with potential referent conditions of the types of rivers and lakes within the East Aegean Sea Region (East Aegean Sea Basin Directorat) - Project leader.

9. 2010: Survey under the investment proposal ”Technical assistance for improvement conditions for shipping along the common Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube” (GeoMarine Center Ltd., Bulgaria & Technum-Tractebel Еngineering, Bel-gium) - Research Team leader, expert on ichthyology.

10. 2009 – 2010: Setting up referent condition and maximum ecological potential for the types of surface water bodies (rivers and lakes) on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria (MOEW under the Operational program Environment) - Project leader

11. 2009 – 2010: Elaboration of classification system for determination of the ecological state and ecological potential of defined types of of surface waters (rivers and lakes) on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria (MOEW under the Operational program Environment) - Research Team leader leader.

12. 2009 - 2012: DynaLearn - Engaging and informed tools for learning conceptual system knowledge (GA 231526)(EC/7th FP/ ICT/2007-3/) - Expert on ichthyofauna.

13. 2005 - 2007: New Education and Decision Support Model for Active Behavior in Sustainable Development Based on Innovative Web Services and Qualitative Reasoning) NaturNet-REDIME (EC 6th FP RTD) - Expert on ichthyofauna.

14. 2004 – 2008: Practicability of the invertebrate community structures and fish populations parameters for ecological classification of rivers ( National Scientific Fund under the project B-1403/MES/NSF) - Expert on ichthyofauna.

15. Description, assessment and modeling the structural (cenotic and trophic) characteristics of invertebrate communities and fish population parameters in the model river system of Mesta River in order to develop a system for ecological classification of rivers in Bulgaria consistent to definitions of the WFD 2000/60/EEC (National Science Fund) - Expert on ichthyofauna.

16. 2004 – 2008: Setting up the system of biological monitoring of surface water bodies in compliance with the Framework Water Directive 2000/60/EC (MOEW under the project No 563/2004) - Expert on ichthyofauna.

17. 2007-2007: Integrated Water Management of the Mesta/Nestos River Basin, Phase II (MOEW under the contract 122631/D/SER/BG) - Expert ichthyofauna and biodiversity.

18. 2007 - 2008: Optimizing the Natura 2000 Ecological Network and establishment the scientific base of its sustainable development (MOEW) - Fish Team leader.

19. 2003 -2006: Models of interactions between neighboring lotic and lentic ecosystems along processes of the aquatic communities recovery and development in terrace of the Lower Danube (National Scientific Fund under the contract No B-1307/2003) - Project leader.

20. 2004 – 2005: Reference & Intercalibration sites selection and Biological parameters selection relevant to the Framework Water Directive 2000/60/EC (MOEW under the project No 508/2004) - Expert on ichthyofauna.

21. 2004 – 2005: Development of Regulation on designation of water bodies supporting fish and shellfish life (MOEW under the project No 3797/006) - Expert on ichthyofauna.

22. 2005: Protection of globally significant biodiversity in the Rhodope Mountain landscapes. Survey of the bio-diversity in river and riparian habitats(UNDP – Bulgaria under the contract No 2005-028-POG) - Project leader.

23. 1998 - 2000: Elaboration and implementation of a management plan of the Srebarna Biosphere Reserve (MOEW & Ramsar Convention Bureau) - Expert on ichthyofauna.

24. 1994 - 1995: Study on the changes of bio-diversity related to the desertification processes within the Struma River watershed (MOEW & MEDIMONT Program) - Fish Team leader.

Other activities:
• Invited expert in many national and international, governmental, scientific and/or business projects related to the consultancy on strategic planning, environment and development, environmental legislation, integrated management, environmental auditing & EIA, etc.
• Licensed EIA-expert/Environmental Auditor (Ministry of Environment & Waters License No 1291/26.06.2006)

Research interests

Ichthyology, Zooplankton communities, Biological Diversity Conservation, Freshwater/River/Lake/Wetlands Ecology, Bio-Monitoring & Management, Environmental Impact Analyses, Water Framework Directive Implementation



1. Uzunov, Y., L. Pehlivanov, B.B. Georgiev, E. Varadinova (Eds.) (2013). Mesta River: Biological Quality Elements and Ecological State. Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publ. House, vi+136 pp. ISBN 978-954-322-689-4

2.D. Belkinova, G. Gecheva, S. Cheshmedjiev, I. Dimitrova-Dyulgerova, R. Mladenov, M. Marinov, I. Teneva, P. Stoyanov, P. Ivanov, S. Mihov, L. Pehlivanov, E. Varadinova, Ts. Karagyozova, M. Vassilev, A. Apostolou, B. Velkov, M. Pavlova (2013) Biological analysis and ecological assesment of the types of surface waters in Bulgaria. Plovdiv: Publishing House of the Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski": 234 с. (In Bulgarian)ISBN 978-954-423-824-7

3. Uzunov Y., B. Georgiev, E. Varadinova, N. Ivanova, L. Pehlivanov, V. Vasilev (Eds.) (2012) Ecosystems of the Biosphere Reserve Srebarna Lake, Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publish-ing House: vi+218 pp.

4. Economidis P.S., M. Koutrakis, A. Apostolou, M. Vassilev & L. Pehlivanov (2009) Atlas of River Nestos Fish Fauna. Prefectural Authority of Drama – Kavala – Xanthi, Kavala, Greece, pp. 182.

5. Pavlov, D. S., Mikheev, V. N., Vassilev, M. V. & Pehlivanov, L. Z. 1988. Feeding, distribution and migration of the juvenile fishes from the Alexandar Stamboliyski Reservoir. Moskow, Nauka Publ. House: 120 p. (in Russian))

In chronological order:


Cheshmedjiev, S., G. Gecheva, D. Belkinova, E. Varadinova, I. Dimitrova-Dyulgerova, R. Mladenov, R. Soufi, M. Pavlova, L. Pehlivanov (2013) Assessment pf ecological status and preliminary results of reference conditions in alpine glacial lakes (Bulgaria) – a contribution to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. – J. Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Equipm. 27 (1): 3522-3528 [DOI: 10.5504/BBEQ.2012.0102]

Koutrakis, M., Sapounidis, A., Apostolou, A., Vassilev, M., Pehlivanov, L., Leontarakis, P., Tsekov, A., Sylaios (in press) G. An integrated ichthyofaunal survey in a heavily-modified cross-border watershed. – Journal of Biological Research – Thessaloniki.

Pavlova M, Ihtimanska M, Dedov I, Biserkov V, Uzunov Y, Pehlivanov L. (2013)New Localities of Theodoxus transversalis(C. Pfeiffer, 1828) within European Natura 2000 Network on the Islands of the Lower Danube River. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 65 (1): 121-123. ISSN 0324-0770

L. Pehlivanov, A. Apostolou, E. Varadinova, M. Pavlova, M. Vassilev, B. Velkov, M. Kerakova (2013) Recent Fish Fauna of the Mesta River Basin: Composition, Distribution, and Ecological Quality Assessment. – In: UZUNOV, Y. ET AL. (Eds.). Mesta River: Biological Quality Elements and Ecological State. Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publ. House: 123-132


Kalchev,R. M. Beshkova, H. Kalcheva, S. Kazakov, V. Nikolov, M. Pavlova, L. Pehlivanov, V. Tzavkova (2012). Morphological, topographical and physicochemical characteristics of Bulgarian Danube River wetlands. Limnlological reports 39: Proceedings of the 39 th IAD conference Living Danube- 21 – 24 August, 2012, Szentendre, Hungary: 71 - 79

Kazakov, S., M. Ihtimanska, E. Varadinova, M. Pavlova, Y. Uzunov, L. Pechlivanov (2012) Composition and short-term dynamics of zooplankton and macrozoobenthos communities in two wetlands on the Bulgarian Danube floodplain. – In: 39th IAD conference Living Danube, 21-24 August 2012, Szentendre, Hungary. Proceedings Book. ISBN 978-963-8391-53-7, pp. 81-88.

Kraleva E., M. Pavlova, E. Mazo Bedia, P. Borisova, L. Pehlivanov (2012) Water quality of springs alongside Srebarna Lake: preliminary chemical analysis. Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology Volume 19 4, 639–647, ISSN 1898-6196, DOI: 10.2478/v10216-011-0046-3.

Pavlova, M. & L. Pehlivanov (2012) Trophic structure of the ichthyofauna of the ripal zone of the Danube River and three adjacent wetlands in Bulgaria. – In: 39th IAD conference Living Danube, 21-24 August 2012, Szentendre, Hungary. Proceedings Book. ISBN 978-963-8391-53-7, pp. 39-45.

Pavlova, M. & L. Pehlivanov (2012) Trophic attributes of the fish communities in three wetlands on the Danube floodplain. In: Proceedings of BALWOIS 2012 Conference, 28 May - 02 June 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia. (link)

Pavlova M., L. Pehlivanov, S. Kazakov, E. Varadinova, Y. Vidinova , V. Tyufekchieva, Y. Uzunov (2012). Changes in the aquatic communities in the Rhodope Mountain Landslide Lakes (South Bulgaria) for the last 40 years. I. Taxonomic composition of the macrozoobenthos, zooplankton and the fish communities. Acta zoologica bulgarica. Supplement 4: 187 – 195

Pehlivanov, L., M. Pavlova (2012) Ichthyofauna and fish communities. – In: Y. Uzunov et al. (Eds) Ecosystems of the Biosphere Reserve Srebarna Lake, Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House: 115-128.

Pehlivanov, L., M. Pavlova, M. Vassilev, A. Apostolou, B. Velkov (2012) Ecological quality assessment of salmonid rivers in Bulgaria using ichthyologic parameters.- Acta zoologica bulgarica, Suppl. 4: 197-203.

Pehlivanov, L., V. Tsavkova, M. Pavlova, S. Kazakov (2012) Zooplankton. – In: Y. Uzunov et al. (Eds) Ecosystems of the Biosphere Reserve Srebarna Lake, Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House: 77-92.

Varadinova, E., Borisova P, Pehlivanov, L., Uzunov, Y. (2012) Macroinvertebrate communities of the Srebarna Lake Biosphere Reserve: Species diversity, abundance and modeling of the ecological status – In: Uzunov et al. (Eds) Ecosystems of the Biosphere Reserve Srebarna Lake, Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House: 93-114.


Pehlivanov L., Stefanov T., Mihov S., Biserkov V., Vassilev M.,Apostolou A., Velkov B. (2011) Recent ichthyofauna in the wetlands along the Bulgarian section of the Danube. – Sc. Annals of DDI, Tulcea – Romania, vol. 17: 83-88, ISSN: 1842-614X.

Vidinova Y., V. Tyufekchieva, L. Pehlivanov (2011) First data on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in marshes on the Belene Island (Lower Danube, Bulgarian stretch) after their renewed flooding. – Natura Montenegrina, 10/3, ISSN 1451-5776.

Varadinova E.D., L. Z. Pechlivanov , S. A. Stoichev , Y. I. Uzunov (2011) Recovering аnd Succession оf the Species Diversity оf Macrozoobenthos in Srebarna Biosphere Reserve (North-East Bulgaria) – Acta Zool. Bulg., 63 (1): 85-95, ISSN: 0324-0770.

M. VASSILEV, A. APOSTOLOU, B. VELKOV, P. IVANOVA, M. PANAYOTOVA, L. PEHLIVANOV (2011). Status of Gobiid ichthyofauna (Gobiidae) in Bulgaria: Taxonomical, conservative, ecological and social aspects. Natura Montenegrina, Podgorica 10(2): 115-124.


Apostolou A., M. Koutrakis, L. Pehlivanov, M. Vassilev, T. Stefanov, B. Velkov (2010) Notes on the Fish Fauna Composition of Mesta (Nestos) River in Regard to Management and Conservation.- Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 62 (3): 271-276, (2010); ISSN: 0324-0770.

Beshkova, M., R. Kalchev, L. Pehlivanov, V. Vassilev. Phytoplankton composition and abundance in Srebarna Lake and adjacent temporary wetlands (Bulgarian floodplain of the lower Danube River). In: 38th IAD Conference “Large River Basins – Danube meets Elbe. Challenges – Strategies – Solutions”, 22–25 June 2010, Dresden, Germany (link)

KALCHEV R. V. BESHKOV, T. BOGDANOVIĆ, A. COMAN, M. EDINGER, T. HEIN, B. IVANOV, D. KRASIC, M. MIHALJEVIC, V. NIKOLOV, L. PEHLIVANOV, S. PUZOVIC, C. SANDU, S. SCHMUTZ, N. STOJNIC, M. VASILEV, A. VUJIC (2010). Vertebrate species distribution in selected wetlands of the Danube River Basin. – Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 10, "The Wetlands Diversity": 151-168.

Kalchev, R., M. Beshkova & L.Pehlivanov (2010) First records on effect of renewed flooding of three wetlands from Belene Island (Lower Danube, Bulgarian stretch). 38th IAD Conference „Large River Basins – Danube meets Elbe; Challenges – Strategies – Solutions”, 22–25 June 2010, Dresden, Germany: Proceedings IAD 2010: 1-7. (link)

Terziyski, D., R. Kalchev, K. Dochin i. Piskov, H. Kalcheva and L. Pehlivanov (2010)Variability of biological characteristics and their relations to environmental variables in fish ponds stocked with carp fish larvae in two different proportions. - Bulg. J. Agric Sci16 (No 3): 333-341, (2010). ISSN 1310-0351.


PAVLOVA M., L. PEHLIVANOV (2009) Еcological assessment of the Palakaria River (South-West Bulgaria, Danube River basin) based on fish and macrozoobenthic communities. – In: Chankova, St., Sv. Gateva, G. Yovchev & N. Chipev (Eds.) Proceedings of the Seminar on Ecology-2009, 23-24.04.2009, Sofia: 74-81.

L. Pehlivanov, E. Uzunova and M. Pavlova (2009) Ichthyofauna of the Vit River (Danube Basin): composition, distribution and conservation significance. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, Volume 23, Number 2: 337-340; ISSN 1310-2818.

Pehlivanov, L., Pavlova, M. (2009) State and succession of the ichthyofauna in the antropogenous modified environment of the Srebarna Lake (Danube floodplain, North-East Bulgaria). – Sc. Annals of DDI, vol. 15: 35-40.

Varadinova, E., L. Pehlivanov, G. Moskova, Y. Uzunov (2009) Development and actual state of the macrozoobenthic fauna in the Srebarna Biosphere Reserve (North-East Bulgaria). – Comptes rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, t. 62, № 2: 243-248.


APOSTOLU, A., T. STEFANOV, M. VASSILEV, A. SEDIVA, L. PEHLIVANOV. 2008. Distribution of the Stone Loaches (Pisces: Balitoridae) in Bulgaria – Past and Present Status. – Acta zool. Bulg., Suppl. 2: 29-33.

KALCHEVA, H., L. NIKOLOVA, D. TERZIYSKI, A. STOEVA, L. PEHLIVANOV, R. KALCHEV (2008) Relationship between Bacterioplankton, Zooplankton and Environmental Factors in Fertilized and Non-fertilized Carp Fishponds. – Acta zool. Bulg., Suppl. 2: 175-184.

Nikolova, M., E. Uzunova, S. Studenkov, M. Georgieva, L. Pehlivanov, B. Velkov. (2008). Fееding patterns and seasonal variation in the diet of non -indigenous fish species Lepomis gibbosus L. from shallow eutrophic lakes along River Vit, Bulgaria. – Natura Montenegrina 7(3):71-85.

PEHLIVANOV, L., V. VASILEV, G. HIEBAUM (2008) Zooplankton of the Pomoriysko Lake – composition and alterations. – Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, v. 2-3: 12-15.


Kalchev R., V. Vasilev, G. Hiebaum, V. Tzavkova, L. Pehlivanov (2007) Recovery of the Srebarna Lake - experience and perspectives. – Journal of Balkan Ecology, 10(2): 117-130.

PEHLIVANOV, L., G. ATANASOV (2007) Silurus aristotelis (Pisces: Siluridae): a new species in the Bulgarian ichthyofauna. – Acta zoologica bulgarica 59 (2): 211-213.

UZUNOVA, E., B. VELKOV, S. STUDENKOV, M. GEORGIEVA, M. NIKOLOVA, L. PEHLIVANOV, D. PARVANOV (2007): Growth, Age and Size Structure of the Introduced Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus L.) population from small ponds along the Vit River (Bulgaria). –Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 14: 227-235.


Pehlivanov, L., V. Tzavkova, V. Vasilev. 2006. Development of the zooplankton community in the Srebarna Lake (North-Eastern Bulgaria) along the process of ecosystem rehabilitation. - In: Proceedings 36th International Conference of IAD. Austrian Committee DanubeResearch / IAD, Vienna. ISBN 13: 978-3-9500723-2-7, 280-284 p.


VASSILEV, M., L. PEHLIVANOV (2005) Checklist of the Bulgarian freshwater fishes. – Acta zool. Bulg., 57 (2): 161-190

PEHLIVANOV, L., V. VASILEV, M. VASSILEV (2005) Changes in the ichthyofauna of the Srebarna Lake for the last 60 years. - In: Chipev et al. (Eds.) Proceeding of the First National Scientific Conference on Ecology (Sofia, 4-5 November 2004), Petexton Publ., Sofia: 265-270 (In Bulgarian with Engl. abstract)


Pehlivanov, L., V. Tsavkova, W. Naidenov (2004) The metazoan plankton of the Biosphere Reserve Srebarna Lake (North-Eastern Bulgaria). – Lauterbornia, 49: 99-105.

VELKOV, B., L. PEHLIVANOV, M. VASSILEV (2004) Umbra krameri Walbaum (Pisces, Umbridae) – a reinstated species in the Bulgarian ichthyofauna. – Acta Zool. Bulg. 56 (2): 233-235.


Pehlivanov L., Vassilev, M. 2003. Feeding of Age-1 Perch (Perca fluviatilis) with a View to the Diurnal Dynamics of its Distribution in the Alexander Stamboliiski Resevoir, Bulgaria. – Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 55 (2): 81-90.

Vassilev M., Pehlivanov L. 2003. Structural Changes of Sturgeon Catches in the Bulgarian Danube Section. - Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 55 (3): 97-102.


Kalchev, R. K., L. Z. Pehlivanov, M. B. Beshkova (2002) Trophic relations in two lakes from the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and possibilities for their restoration. –Water Science and Technolo-gy, 46 (8): 1-8.

Vassilev, M. & Pehlivanov, L. (2002) Ichthyofauna of the Bulgarian section of the Struma River. – Historia naturalis bulgarica. 14: 103-108 (in Bulgarian with Engl. abstract).


Pehlivanov, L. (2000) Ichthyofauna of the Srebarna Lake, the Danube Basin: State and Significance of the Management and Conservation Strategies of this Wetland. - In: International Associ-acion for Danube Researche (IAD), Limnological Reports, v. 33, Proceedings of 33rd Conference, September 2000, Osijek, Croatia, : 317-322.

Pehlivanov L. Z. (2000) Ichthyofauna of East Rhodopes (South Bulgaria): Composition and Distribution. – Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 52 (3): 45-53.
Pehlivanov, L. (2000) Water outflow as a cause of changes in trophic conditions for zooplanktivorous fish in reservoirs. - Fisheries Management and Ecology. v.7: 115-125.

Pehlivanov, L. (2000) Water outflow as a cause of changes in trophic conditions for zooplanktivorous fishes in reservoirs. - Fisheries Management and Ecology, v. 7: 115-125.


Pehlivanov, L. (1999) State of the ichthyofauna in Ropotamo Reserve Complex: ecological, conservation and economic aspects. - Water Sci. and Technology, v. 39, No 8: 201-206.


Pehlivanov, L. (1998) On the role of zooplankton in food of some numerous fish species in lake system Shabla-Ezerets (North-eastern Bulgaria). - In: Biodiversity of Shabla lake system. Golemansky, V.G. & Naidenow, W.T., Eds., "Prof. Marin Drinov" Academic Publ. House: 107-114.


Janeva, I., Pehlivanov, L., Vidinova, Y., Stoichev, St., Tyufekchieva, V., Kumanski, K. (1997) A comparative Ecological Characterization of Lotic Benthal Zoocoenoses from two Streams under Different Antropogenic Influence. – In: Ecomonitoring in Rozhen and Srednogorie – Bulgaria, BSBCP, Enigma Press LTD, Sofia, Bulgaria. D. Peev, Kl. Ammann and A. Aritian, Eds.: 101-112.

Pehlivanov, L., Pavlova, M. 1997. Zur Ernaehrung der fruhen Enrwicklungsstadien der Fische in Beziehung mit ihren Wanderungen entlang der Donaustroemung. - 32 Konferenz der IAD, Wien - Osterreich 1997, Wissenschaftliche Referate: 343-346.


Pehlivanov, L. (1994) On the selective feeding of planktivorous perch (Perca fluviatilis (L.)) in the Iskar dam (South-Western Bulgaria). – Hydrobiologia (BAS), 39: 72-82.


Raykova-Petrova, G., L. Pehlivanov, M. Zhivkov (1993) Food of the Sander (Stizostedion lucioperca (L.)) in the Batak Reservoir. – Hydrobiologia (BAS), 38: 45-56 (in Bulgarian with Engl. abstract)

Raykova-Petrova, G., L. Pehlivanov, M. Zhivkov (1993) Food of the Sander Stizostedion lucioperca (L.)) in the Ovcharitsa Cooling Reservoir. – Hydrobiologia (BAS), 38: 57-66 (in Bulgarian with Engl. abstract)


Naidenow, W., G. Partschuk, L. Pehlivanov (1991) Vergleichscharakteristik des Zooplanktons der Donau in Grenzen Bulgariens und UdSSR (August-September, 1989). – In: Limnologische Berichte. Wissenschaftliche Kurzreferate Tagung der IAD, UdSSR, Kiew, 16-22 September 1991. Kiew, „Molod“: 167-171.

Pehlivanov, L. (1991) Zooplankton als Indikator fűr den saprobiologischen Zustand des Donaustromes in Fruhling 1990. – In: Limnologische Berichte. Wissenschaftliche Kurzreferate Tagung der IAD, UdSSR, Kiew, 16-22 September 1991. Kiew, „Molod“: 176-179.


Aquatic Ecosystems
Ecological Classification and Bioresources of Freshwater Ecosystems
Research group
Ecological Classification and Monitoring of Freshwater Ecosystems


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13 years 47 weeks