Daniela Ivanova
Personal information
- Contacts
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research
Department of Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., bl. 23
Sofia 1113
Tel.: 00359 2 979 2160
e-mail: dani@bio.bas.bg- Curriculum vitae
Master’s Degree: 1982 - 1987, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski’, Faculty of Biology, Department of Botany, MSc in Biology (Botany)Employment:
1987–1992 Biologist, Institute of Botany, BAS
1992–2010 Assistant, Institute of Botany, BAS
2010–present Chief Assistant, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, BAS1997–2000 Curator (kustos)of the herbarium SOM, Institute of Botany, BAS
2006–present Head of Laboratory of Cytotaxonomy, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, BAS (former Institute of Botany)Teaching Experience:
1993–1997 Honorary Assistant, University of Sofia "St. K. Ohridski", Faculty of Biology, Department of Botany, Course "Taxonomy and evolution of higher plants" – seminarsMemberships:
1996–present Member of British Pteridological Society (BPS)
1996–present Member of the Group of European Pteridologists (GEP)
2001–present Member of the Organization for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area (OPTIMA)
2017-present Member of the Bulgarian Botanical SocietyEditorial experience:
Ivanova, D. (ed.). 2009. Plant, fungal and habitat diversity investigation and conservation. Proceedings of IV Balkan Botanical Congress, Sofia, 20-26 June 2006. Institute of Botany, Sofia. ISBN 978-954-9746-14-3.Professional experience of project work (selected):
• Consultations and development of Action plans on priority pathways for unintentional introduction and spread of invasive alien species of concern to the European Union according to Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 (2022-2023).
• Research Infrastructure Distributed System of Scientific Collections – Bulgaria (DiSSCo-BG): Phase 1 (2020-2024)
• Monitoring of endangered, rare and vulnerable plant and animal species and communities in Lozenska Planina (2019)
• Environmental Protection and Reduction of Risks of Adverse Events and Natural Disasters - Study of the impact of climate change on floristic diversity as a component of a sustainable and favorable living environment (Contract Д01-363/17.12.2020) (2018-2023)
• Preservation of rare and endangered plant species in Bulgaria, by implementing activities from approved action plans (2016-2019)
• Mapping and assessment of sparsely vegetated land ecosystem services in Bulgaria SPA-EcoServices (2015-2017)
• Updating the Rila National Park Management Plan and elaborating a Management Plan for the Rilomanastirska Gora Reserve (2014-2016)
• Field studies on distribution and numbers of vascular plants, mosses and mushrooms in Bulgarian flora (2013–2015)
• Mapping and identification of the conservation status of habitats and species within Bulgarian Natura 2000 network (2011–2013)
• A pilot network of small protected sites for plant conservation in Bulgaria using the plant micro-reserve model (Life08 NAT/BG/000279) (2010–2014)
• Conservation of biodiversity in hot-spots of glacial relict plants in Bulgaria. BG0034 EEA Grants/Norway Grants (2009–2011)
• Conservation of globally significant biodiversity in the landscape of Bulgaria's Rhodope Mountains. Species Expert involvement in Monitoring of Plants: Southern maidenhair fern – Adiantum capillus-veneris (2005–2009)
• Database and information system for the biodiversity of Bulgarian vascular plants (2005–2009)
• Red Data Book of Republc of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. Plants and Fungi (2004-2009)
• Red Data Book of Republc of Bulgaria. Vol. 3. Habitats (2004-2009)
• Red list of Bulgarian vascular plants and fungi (with application of the IUCN Criteria) (2003–2005)
• Action plans for conservation of threatened plant species, Laserpitium archangelica, Ligularia sibirica and Osmunda regalis, in Bulgaria (2003–2005)
• Cytotaxonomic investigation of Bulgarian phanerophytes and chamaephytes (2003–2007)
• European Initiative for Euro+Med PlantBase Taxonomic Checklist (5th Framework Programme of the EC) (2000–2003)
• Biodiversity in family Dryopteridaceae (Pteridophyta) in Bulgaria (1996–2000).- Research interests
Botany; Taxonomy, biosystematics and evolution of vascular plants; Conservation and management of plant biodiversity; Protected areas; Molecular approaches; Endemic and rare plants; Ferns, horsetails, lycopods, Pteridophyta
- Publications
Larson, D.M., Azzella, M.M., Dalla Vecchia, A., Abeli, T., Alahuhta, J., Amoroso, V.B., Ballesteros, E., Bertrin, V., Brunton, D., Bobrov, A. A., Caldeira, C., Ceschin, S., Chemeris, E.V., Čtvrtlíková, M., de Winton, M., Gacia, E., Grishutkin, O.G., Hofstra, D., Ivanova, D., Ivanova, M.O., Konotop, N.K., Magrini, S., Mjelde, M., Mochalova, O.A., Oliveira, G., Pedersen, O., de S. Pereira, J.B., Ribaudo, C., Inmaculada Romero Buján, M., Troìa, A., Vinogradova, Y.S., Volkova, P.A., Zandonadi, D., Zueva, N.V. & Bolpagni, R.. 2024. Global aquatic Isoëtes Database (acronym GaID) as of 2024: U.S. Geological Survey data release. https://doi.org/10.5066/P149GQAV
Azella, M.M., Vecchia, A.D., Abeli, T., Alahunta, J., Amoroso, V.B., Ballesteros, E., Bertrin, V., Brunton, D., Bobrov, A.A., Caldeira, C., Ceschin, S., Chemeris, E.V., Čtvrtlíková, M., de Winton, M., Gacia, E., Grishutkin, O.G., Hofstra, D., Ivanova, D., Ivanova, M.O., Konotop, N.K., Larson, D.M., Magrini, S., Mjelde, M., Mochalova, O.A., Oliveira, G., Pedersen, O., Pereira, J.B. de S., Ribaudo, C., Romero Buján, M.I., Troìa, A., Vinogradova, Y.S., Volkova, P.A., Zandonadi, D.B., Zueva, N.V. & Bolpagni, R. 2024. Global assessment of acquatic Isoëtes species ecology. – Freshwater Biology, 69(…): … DOI: 10.1111/fwb.14316. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/fwb.14316
Tsymbalyuk, Z.M., Ivanova, D. & Nitsenko, L.M. 2024. Taxonomic significance of pollen morphology of African Oreobliton, and related genera Aphanisma, Beta, Hablitzia, and Patellifolia (Amaranthaceae). – South African Journal of Botany, 169: 134-145. DOI: 10.1016/j.sajb.2024.04.017. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0254629924002345
Vladimirov, V. (ed.), Kit Tan (ed.), Biel, B., Bouchet, M.-A., Brizard, J.-P., Dimitrov, D.S., Gottschlich, G., Ivanova, D., Kofinas, G., Lakovski, K., Michaud, H., Natcheva, R., Pachomia, S., Pantavos, V., Polymenakos, K., Strid, A., Teulade, L., Tintilier, F., Zarkos, G. 2024. New Floristic records in the Balkans: 53. – Phytologia Balcanica, 30(1): 103-138. DOI: 10.7546/PhB.30.1.2024.10. http://www.bio.bas.bg/~phytolbalcan/PDF/30_1/PhytolBalcan_30-1_2024_10_V...
Tsymbalyuk, Z.M., Ivanova, D. & Nitsenko, L.M. 2024. Comparative morphometric and morphological study of the pollen of Beta trigyna, B. vulgaris and B. vulgaris subsp. maritima (Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae sensu APG IV). – Hacquetia, 23(2): 239-252. DOI: 10.2478/hacq-2023-0010. https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/hacquetia/article/view/13205
Ivanova, D. 2023. A new species of Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) to the Bulgarian flora. – Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 76(6): 904-910. DOI: 10.7546/CRABS.2023.06.10. http://www.proceedings.bas.bg/index.php/cr/article/view/333/322
Vladimirov, V., Bancheva, S. & Ivanova, D. 2023. Contribution to the knowledge of Pontechium maculatum (Boraginaceae), a species of high conservation concern in the Bulgarian flora. – Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences, 76(2): 203-210. DOI: 10.7546/CRABS.2023.02.04. https://www.proceedings.bas.bg/index.php/cr/article/view/249/243
Lakovski, K. & Ivanova, D. 2023. Reports 40-61. – In: Vladimirov, V., Aybeke, M. & Tan, Kit (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 51. – Phytologia Balcanica, 29(2): 265-276. http://www.bio.bas.bg/~phytolbalcan/PDF/29_2/PhytolBalcan_29-2_2023_10_V...
Natcheva, R., Ivanova, D. & Lakovski, K. 2023. Reports 102-104. – In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 50. – Phytologia Balcanica, 29(1): 123-124. http://www.bio.bas.bg/~phytolbalcan/PDF/29_1/PhytolBalcan_29-1_2023_11_V...
Tsymbalyuk, Z.M., Ivanova, D., Bell, C.D. & Nitsenko, L.M. 2022. Pollen morphology of selected taxa of Valeriana (Caprifoliaceae): taxonomic and evolutionary implications. – Phytotaxa, 577(1): 57-78. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.577.1.3. https://mapress.com/pt/article/view/phytotaxa.577.1.3
Kremer, D., Dunkić, V., Radosavljević, I., Bogunić, F., Ivanova, D., Ballian, D., Stešević, D., Matevski, V., Ranđelović, V., Eleftheriadou, E., Šatović, Z. & Liber, Z. 2022. Phytochemicals and Their Correlation with Molecular Data in Micromeria and Clinopodium (Lamiaceae) Taxa. – Plants, 11(23): 3407. DOI: 10.3390/plants11233407. https://www.mdpi.com/2223-7747/11/23/3407
Tsymbalyuk, Z.M., Ivanova, D. & Nitsenko, L.M. 2022. Taxonomic significance of pollen morphology of Pterocephalus plumosus (Caprifoliaceae). – Botanica Serbica, 46(2): 229-238. DOI: 10.2298/BOTSERB2202229T. https://botanicaserbica.bio.bg.ac.rs/arhiva/pdf/2022_46_2_843_full.pdf
Natcheva, R. & Ivanova, D. 2022. Report 78. – In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 48. – Phytologia Balcanica, 28(2): 263. http://www.bio.bas.bg/~phytolbalcan/PDF/26_3/PhytolBalcan_26-3_15_Vladim...
Георгиев, В.Г., Иванова, Д. & Цонева, С. 2022. План за действие за опазване на четирилистното
разковниче (Marsilea quadrifolia L.) в България (2023 – 2032 г.), МОСВ, София, 78 стр. https://www.moew.government.bg/static/media/ups/tiny/filebase/Nature/Bio...2021
Brunton, D.F., Ivanova, D. & Sokoloff, P.C. 2021. Pirin quillwort, Isoetes pirinica sp. nov. (Isoetaceae), a new endemic lycophyte from Bulgaria. – Fern Gazette, 21(6): 240-252. https://ebps.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Fern-Gazette-V21-P6-BRUNT...
Kremer, D., Stabentheiner, E., Bogunić, F., Ballian, D., Eleftheriadou, E., Stešević, D., Matevski, V., Ranđelović, V., Ivanova, D., Ruščić, M. & Dunkić, V. 2021. Micromorphological Traits of Balcanic Micromeria and Closely Related Clinopodium Species (Lamiaceae). – Plants, 10(8): 1666. DOI: 10.3390/plants10081666. https://www.mdpi.com/2223-7747/10/8/1666
Tsymbalyuk, Z.M., Ivanova, D. & Nitsenko, L.M. 2021. Taxonomic significance of palynomorphological characteristics of selected Centranthus (Caprifoliaceae) species. – Hacquetia, 20(2): 243-256. DOI: 10.2478/hacq-2020-0021. https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/hacquetia/article/view/8825/8392
Bär, A., Bennert, H.W., Czichowski, H.-J., Fuchs, J., Gausmann, P., Ivanova, D., Jäger, W., Neuroth, R., Thiel, H., Thiemann, R. & Zenner, G. 2020. Der Dryopteris affinis-Komplex (Dryopteridaceae) im Harz – Identifizierung, Verbreitung, Ökologie. – Tuexenia, 40: 345-371. DOI: 10.14471/2020.40.011. https://www.tuexenia.de/publications/tuexenia/Tuexenia_2020_NS_040_0345-...
Marhold, K. (ed.), Kučera, J. (ed.), Alexeeva, T.V., Andriyanova, E.A., An'kova, T.V., Astashenkov, A.Yu., Banaev, E.V., Chepinoga, V.V., Cheryomushkina, V.A., Dorogina, O.V., Elisafenko, T.V., Gnutikov, A.A., Ivanova, D., Kljuykov, E.V., Korobkov, A.A., Kotseruba, V.V., Krasnikov, A.A., Krivenko, D.A., Lomonosova, M.N., Mitrenina, E.Yu., Mochalova, O.A., Myakoshina, Y.A., Nosov, N.N., Osmonali, B., Pavlichenko, V.V., Petruk, A.A., Protopopova, M.V., Punina, E.O., Rodionov, A.V., Shner, J.V., Stepanov, N.V., Tomoshevich, M.A., Ukrainskaja, U.A., Vesselova, P.V., Voronkova, M.S. & Zavgorodnyaya, O.Yu. 2020. IAPT chromosome data 32. – Taxon, 69(5): 1126-1132, E1-E21. DOI: 10.1002/tax.12322. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/tax.12322
García Criado, M., Väre, H., Nieto, A., Bento Elias, R., Dyer, R., Ivanenko, Y., Ivanova, D., Lansdown, R., Molina, J.A., Rouhan, G., Rumsey, F., Troia, A., Vrba, J. & Christenhusz, M.J.M. 2017. European Red List of Lycopods and Ferns. Brussels, Belgium: IUCN. iv + 59pp. ISBN: 978-2-8317-1855-2. DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2017.ERL.1.en. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/tax.12322
Ivanova, D. & Natcheva, R. 2016. Reintroduction of the critically endangered plant Marsh Clubmoss (Lycopodiella inundata) in one of its historical occurrences. – In: First National Conference of Reintroduction of Conservation-reliant Species, Sofia 2015. Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Biol.: 36-42.
Ivanova, D. 2015. Adiantum capillus-veneris, Asplenium lepidum, Diphasiastrum complanatum, Lycopodiella inundata, Osmunda regalis, Isoetes lacustris, Fritillaria drenovskii, Fritillaria stribrnyi, Gentianella amarella, Gentianella crispata, Iris aphylla, Lilium rhodopaeum, Utricularia australis, Viola palustris, Viola speciosa, Viola stojanowii, Adonis microcarpa, Andrachne telephioides, Euphorbia aleppica, Gentiana nivalis, Roemeria hybrida, Utricularia minor, Viola perinensis, Viola pyrenaica. – In: Peev, D. & al. (eds), Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. Plants and Fungi. BAS & MoEW, Sofia. ISBN 978-954-9746-21-1 (BAS), ISBN 978-954-8497-17-6 (MoEW)
Иванова, Д. 2015. Adiantum capillus-veneris, Adonis microcarpa, Andrachne telephioides, Asplenium lepidum, Diphasiastrum complanatum, Euphorbia aleppica, Fritillaria drenovskii, Fritillaria stribrnyi, Gentiana nivalis, Gentianella amarella, Gentianella crispata, Iris aphylla, Isoetes lacustris, Lilium rhodopaeum, Lycopodiella inundata, Marsilea quadrifolia, Osmunda regalis, Roemeria hybrida, Utricularia australis, Utricularia minor, Viola palustris, Viola perinensis, Viola pyrenaica, Viola speciosa, Viola stojanowii. – In: Пеев, Д. (ред.), Червена книга на Р България. Т. 1. Растения и гъби.
Ivanova, D. & Tzonev, R.2015. Marsilea quadrifolia, Nymphoides peltata. – In: Peev, D. & al. (eds), Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. Plants and Fungi. BAS & MoEW, Sofia. ISBN 978-954-9746-21-1 (BAS), ISBN 978-954-8497-17-6 (MoEW)
Иванова, Д. & Цонев, Р. 2015. Marsilea quadrifolia, Nymphoides peltata. – In: Пеев, Д. (ред.), Червена книга на Р България. Т. 1. Растения и гъби.
Ivanova, D. & Roussakova, V. 2015. Communities of quillwort (Isoetes lacustris). – In: Biserkov, V. & al. (eds), Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 3. Natural habitats. BAS & MoEW, Sofia. ISBN 978-954-9746-23-5 (BAS), ISBN 978-954-8497-19-0 (MoEW)
Русакова, В. & Иванова, Д. 2015. Съобщества от езерен шилолист (Isoetes lacustris). – In: Бисерков, В. (ред.), Червена книга на Р България. Т. 3. Природни местообитания.
Bancheva, S., Velev, N., Vladimirov, V., Valyovska, N., Goranova, V., Delcheva, M., Ivanova, D., Natcheva, R., Pedashenko, H., Peev, D., Stoyanov, S., Stoyanova, K., Hardalova, R. (Vladimirov, V. Ed.). 2014. A Pilot Network of Small Protected Sites for Conservation of Rare Plants in Bulgaria. IBER-BAS & MoEW, Sofia. 171 pp. ISBN 978-954-9746-32-7, ISBN 978-954-8497-10-7.
Ivanova, D., Natcheva, R. & Stoyanov, S. 2013. Reports 77-78. – In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 22. – Phytologia Balcanica, 19(2): 278-279.
Ivanova, D. 2013. Reports 31-35. – In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 23. – Phytologia Balcanica, 19(3) (2013): 379-381. ISSN: 1310-7771.
Ivanova, D., Natcheva, R., Vladimirov, V., Bancheva, S. & Delcheva, M. 2011. Report 60. – In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 15. - Phytologia Balcanica, 17(1): 139-140.
Natcheva, R. & Ivanova, D. 2011. Report 73. – In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 15. - Phytologia Balcanica, 17(1): 144-145.
Ivanova, D., Hristov, H. & Trifonov, V. 2011. Report 62. - In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 16. - Phytologia Balcanica, 17(2): 256-257.
Stoyanov, S., Goranova, V. & Ivanova, D. 2011. Report 72. - In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 16. – Phytologia Balcanica, 17(2): 258-259.
Ivanova, D., Vladimirov, Vl., & Bancheva, S. 2011. [Chromosome number reports]. – In: Marhold, K. & Breitwieser, I. (eds.), IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 12. – Taxon, 60(6): 1795-1796 (+E70-E72). https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.606033
Ivanova, D. 2009. Adiantum capillus-veneris, Adonis microcarpa, Andrachne telephioides, Asplenium lepidum, Athyrium distentifolium, Callitriche brutia, Callitriche palustris, Callitriche stagnalis, Cheilanthes persica, Cryptogramma crispa, Diphasiastrum alpinum, Diphasiastrum complanatum, Dryopteris villarii, Euphorbia aleppica, Fritillaria drenovskii, Fritillaria gussichiae, Fritillaria stribrnyi, Gentiana nivalis, Gentianella amarella, Gentianella crispata, Iris aphylla, Isoetes lacustris, Lemna gibba, Lilium jankae, Lilium rhodopaeum, Lycopodiella inundata, Marsilea quadrifolia, Osmunda regalis, Pyrola rotundifolia, Roemeria hybrida, Salvinia natans, Sedum tschernokolevii, Sedum tuberiferum, Soldanella chrysostricta, Soldanella pusilla subsp. pusilla, Thelypteris palustris, Utricularia australis, Utricularia minor, Utricularia vulgaris, Viola palustris, Viola perinensis, Viola pyrenaica, Viola rhodopeia, Viola speciosa, Viola stojanowii. – In: Petrova, A. & Vladimirov, V. (eds), Red List of Bulgarian vascular plants. – Phytol. Balcan., 15(1): 63-94.
Ivanova, D. & Tzonev, R. 2009. Fritillaria orientalis, Nymphoides peltata, Wolffia arrhiza. – In: Petrova, A. & Vladimirov, V. (eds), Red List of Bulgarian vascular plants. – Phytol. Balcan., 15(1): 63-94.
Ivanova, D. & Vladimirov, V. 2007. Chromosome numbers of some woody species from the Bulgarian flora. – Phytol. Balcan., 13(2): 205-207.
Valchev, V., Georgiev, V., Ivanova, D., Tsoneva, S. & Janauer, G. 2006. Conservationally important macrophytes in the Bulgarian stretch of the Danube river and the near water bodies. – In: Proceedings 36th International Conference of IAD. Austrian Committee Danube Research / IAD, Vienna. ISBN 13: 978-3-9500723-2-7. Pp. 122-126. (http://www.oen-iad.org/conference/docs/3_macrophytes/valchev_et_al.pdf)
Ivanova, D., Dimitrova, D. & Vladimirov, V. 2006. Chromosome numbers of selected woody species from the Bulgarian flora. – Phytol. Balcan., 12(1): 79-84.
Ivanova, D. 2006. Polypodium interjectum and P. ×mantoniae (Polypodiaceae: Pteridophyta), new to the Bulgarian flora. – Phytol. Balcan., 12(2): 191-202.
Ivanova, D. 2006. Dryopteris ×ambroseae (Dryopteridaceae: Pteridophyta), a hybrid new to Bulgaria. – Phytol. Balcan., 12(3): 351-356.
Vladimirov, V., Ivanova, D. & Dimitrova, D. 2006. Reports 229–241. – In: Vladimirov, V., Dihoru, G. & Tan, K. (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 3. – Phytol. Balcan., 12(3): 436-437.
Toromanov, G., Getov, V., Donchev, A., Ivanova, D. & Dimitrov, M. 2005. Polymorphysm of plastocyanin from lady fern – Athyrium filix-femina. – Год. Соф. Унив. Биол. Фак., 96(4): 337-341.
Петрова, А., Владимиров, В., Димитрова, Д. & Иванова, Д. 2005. Съвременно състояние на биоразнообразието на папратовидни и семенни растения в България. – В: Петрова, А. (ред.), Съвременно състояние на биоразнообразието в България – проблеми и перспективи. Сс. 75-104. Българска биоплатформа, София.
Ivanova, D., Vladimirov, V. & Stanimirova, P. 2005. Reports (1445–1456). – In: Kamari, G., Blanché, C. & Garbari, F. (eds), Mediterranean chromosome number reports – 15. – Fl. Medit., 15: 719-728.
Ivanova, D. 2004. Dryopteris affinis subsp. borreri (Pteridophyta: Dryopteridaceae) in the Bulgarian flora. – Fl. Medit., 14: 201-218.
Ivanova, D. 2003. Distribution of Dryopteridaceae in Bulgaria. I. Polystichum, Athyrium, Gymnocarpium. – Phytol. Balcan., 9(3): 435-459.
Ivanova, D. & Piękoś-Mirkowa, H. 2003. Chromosome numbers of Polish ferns. – Acta Biol. Cracov., Ser. Bot., 45(2): 93-99.
Ivanova, D. 2003. Reports (1328 – 1333). – In: Kamari, G., Blanché, C. & Garbari, F. (eds), Mediterranean chromosome number reports – 13. – Fl. Medit., 13: 354-361.
Ivanova, D., Ivanov, D., Ashraf, A.R. & Mosbrugger, V. 2003. Pteridophyte spores of Bulgaria – preliminary results. – Bocconea, 16(2): 975-984.
Stefanova, I. & Ivanova, D. 2000. On systematics and history of the Bulgarian representative of genus Isoetes L. – Phytol. Balcan., 6(1): 29-40.
Ivanova, D. 1999. Reports (1058–1063). – In: Kamari, G., Felber, F. & Garbari, F. (eds), Mediterranean chromosome number reports – 9. – Fl. Medit., 9: 346-356.
Ivanova, D. 1998. Reports (961–967). – In: Kamari, G., Felber, F. & Garbari, F. (eds), Mediterranean chromosome number reports – 8. – Fl. Medit., 8: 262-271.
Peev, D., Kozuharov, S., Anchev, M., Petrova, A., Ivanova, D. & Tzoneva, S. 1998. Biodiversity of Vascular Plants in Bulgaria. – In: Meine, C. & al. (еds), Conserving Biological Diversity in Bulgaria: The National Biological Diversity Conservation Strategy. www.worldwildlife.org/bsp/publications/europe/bulgaria/bulgaria3.html
Peev, D., Kozuharov, S., Anchev, M., Petrova, A., Ivanova, D. & Tzoneva, S. 1998. Biodiversity of Vascular Plants in Bulgaria. – In: Meine, C. (Еd.). Bulgaria's Biological Diversity: Conservation Status and Needs Assessment, Volumes I & II: 55-88. Washington, D. C.: Biodiversity Support Program.
Ivanova, D. 1997. Reports (831–839). – In: Kamari, G., Felber, F. & Garbari, F. (eds), Mediterranean chromosome number reports – 7. – Fl. Medit., 7: 225-235.
Пеев, Д., Анчев, М., Иванова, Д., Кожухаров, С., Петрова, А. & Цонева, С. 1993. Биологично разнообразие на висшите растения в България. – В: Сакалян, М. (ред.), Национална стратегия за опазване на биологичното разнообразие. Основни доклади. Т. 1: 73-124.
Šopova, M., Sekovski, Z., Todorovska, J.C. & Ivanova, D. 1992. Karyological study of Anemone L. species from Macedonia and Bulgaria. – Acta Mus. Maced. Sci. Nat., 19, 5/158: 111-146.
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- Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources
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- Flora and florogenesis
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- 10 years 37 weeks