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Mila Andonova

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Personal information


Mila Andonova-Katsarski
Assistant Professor
Division of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Institute of Biodiversity & Ecosystem Research
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
23 Academic Georgi Bonchev Str.
Floor 3, Room 336
Sofia - 1113
E-mail (p):

ORCID: 0000-0003-4035-7517
Web of Science Researcher ID: ABG-1721-202

Curriculum vitae


◦ 2021 – present: Assistant Professor, Division of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
◦ 2019 - 2021: Post-doctoral Fellow, Curt Engelhorn Center for Archaeometry (CEZA), Mannheim, Germany, as part of THEFBO. Link:
◦ 2014 – 2021: Specialist (Archaeologist), Division of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
◦ 2012 – present: Freelance Interpreter with Greek and Bulgarian
◦ 2017: Teaching Associate, University of Nottingham
◦ 2015: Project Assistant, Museum of London Archaeology, Northampton (MOLA)
◦ 2014: Project Assistant, Museum of London Archaeology, London and Northampton (MOLA)
◦ 2013 - 2014: Environmental Archaeologist (Erasmus+ Trainee), University of Nottingham


◦ 2015 – 2020: PhD, Archaeology (Archaeobotany), University of Nottingham, UK.
◦ 2010 – 2015: MA, Archaeology (Aegean Prehistory), University of Crete, Greece.
◦ 2006 – 2010: BA, Cultural Studies, University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
◦ 2001 – 2006: National Lyceum for Ancient Languages and Cultures


◦ 2019: First Training School on Digitisation and Data Management Challenges in Small Collections –COST-Action MOBILISE (EU COST Action CA17106 - Mobilising Data, Experts and Policies in Scientific Collections)
◦ 2018: Micro-slides Preparation with Mechanical Microtome, Wood Anatomy Laboratory, Jodrell Laboratory, KEW Royal Botanic Gardens, London, UK with Chrissie Prychid and Dr Peter Gasson
◦ 2016: Anthracology, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, KU-Leuven, University of Leuven, Belgium with Dr Elena Marinova
◦ 2016: International Course on Wood Anatomy and Tree Ring Ecology, WSL - Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Klosters-Davos, Switzerland with Prof. Fritz Schweingruber, Dr Holger Gärtner and Dr Alan Crivellaro. Link:
◦ 2015: Anthracology, Department of Classics and Archaeology, University of Nottingham, UK with Dr Llorenc Picornell
◦ 2014: Archaeobotany, Department of Classics and Archaeology, University of Nottingham, UK with Dr Alexandra Livarda


◦ Bulgarian – native
◦ Greek – C2 (Γ2 – Center for Greek Language of the Greek Ministry of Education, Religion, Culture and Sports, 2012 & Certified Sworn Interpreter – Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2012)
◦ English – C2 (Cambridge English Language Assessment - Certificate IELTS 2014)
◦ French – A1 (Certificate of Achievement, University of Nottingham, 2017)
*According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages


◦ European Computer Driving Licences - ECDL Core (2014)


◦ Construction Related Occupation (CRO, exp.2020) within the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS)
◦ Driving Licence - EU (2016), UK verified (2017)


◦ 2018 - 2019: Erasmus+ Traineeship Grant (Sending Institution: University of Nottingham, Host Institution: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria)
◦ 2014 - 2018: Vice Chancellor’s Doctoral Scholarship for Research Excellence, University of Nottingham
◦ 2014-2015: Erasmus+ Traineeship Grant (Sending Institution: University of Sofia, Host Institution: University of Nottingham, UK)
◦ 2017: Faculty of Arts Modern Languages Grant: French
◦ 2017: Departmental Small Grant, Department of Classics & Archaeology, University of Nottingham
◦ 2009-2010: Erasmus Study Mobility Grant (Sending Institution: University of Sofia, Host Institution: University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece)

Research interests

Archaeobotany, Anthracology, Carpology, Archaeology, Prehistory, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, South-east Europe, Eastern Mediterranean, Ethnobotany, Ethnography, Material Culture, Traditional Plant-based Crafts, Basketry



19. Andonova-Katsarski, M., Identifying the “unidentifiable”: The basketry plants of the Late Cycladic Akrotiri, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 105168,

18. Andonova-Katsarski, M., Varbanov, V., Kazakov, S., Dedov, I. and Vladova, D. (2024) Plant Remains and What Else? Environmental Archaeology of the Late Hellenistic Pit Fills of Sexaginta Prista, Northern Bulgaria, Environmental Archaeology,

17. Böhm, S., Probst- Böhm, A., Mischka, D., Million, S., Andonova-Katsarski, M., Stelzner, I. and Banck-Burgess, J. (2023). The THEFBO Project. Initial insights into the analysis and results of Neolithic textiles and the natural sciences. In Banck-Burgess, J., Marinova, E. and Mischka, D. (eds.), The Significance of Archaeological Textiles. Papers of the International Online Conference 24th – 25th February 2021, THEFBO Volume II, pp. 13 – 36, ISBN: 978-3-7520-0784-8, eISBN: 978-3-7520-0291-1.

16. Banck-Burgess, J., Stelzner, I., Million, S., Andonova-Katsarski, M., Marinova-Wolf, E., Igel,H., Fink, S., Mischka, D., Schweiss, M. and Kaiser, M. (2023) THEFBO - Geschichte des Textilhandwerks neu beleuchtet. Technische Textilien und ihre Rohstoffe im Fokus. Denkmalpglege in Baden-Württemberg Nachrichtenblatt der Landesdenkmalpflege, 1, 1, Wahre Werte, pp. 72-79, ISSN:0342-0027, DOI:

15. Andonova-Katsarski, M, Kazakov, S. and Dedov, I. (2023), Data for archaeological organic remains, retrieved through water flotation from the Late Hellenistic site of Sexaginta Prista, Northern Bulgaria: plant remains, fish scales and molluscs (field campaigns in 2018 and 2021), Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/bd6sf3fw65.1

14. Andonova, M. and Stoyanova, P. (2023) The vegetal remains and the bio-archaeological findings: an overview of water flotation samples from ancient Serdica (Sofia, Bulgaria). Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences, Vol 76, No. 5, pp. 735-741, ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), 2367–5535 (Online), DOI: 10.7546/CRABS.2023.05.09.

13. Andonova-Katsarski, M. (2022), Spreadsheet dataset of water flotation micro-findings retrieved from 35 Exarch Joseph Str. (Sofia, Bulgaria), Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/bmr4p6sgkb.1

12. Andonova, M., Marinova, E. and Dimitrova, D. (2022) Burial rush matting: integrated analysis of a twilled mat fragment from the Thracian Kitova tumulus (South-east Bulgaria). Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.

11. Andonova, M. (2021) Ancient basketry on the inside: X-ray computed microtomography for the non-destructive assessment of small archaeological monocotyledonous fragments: examples from Southeast Europe. Heritage Science 9, 158. DOI: 10.1186/s40494-021-00631-z.

10. Andonova, M. and Nikolov, V. (2021) Pots on Mats: Mat-impressed Salt-extraction Pottery at the Chalcolithic Provadia-Solnitsata, Bulgaria, Antiquity, Vol. 93, ISSN 17451744, 0003598X, pp. 51-66, DOI: 10.15184/aqy.2021.145.

9. Leshtakov, K. and Andonova, M. (Eds.) (2021) Galabovo in Southeast Europe and Beyond. Cultural Interactions during the 3rd-2nd Millenium BC. Proceedings of the International Conference 24-27th October in the Town of Galabovo. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press.

8. Andonova, M. (2021) In Search for Prehistoric Matting Plants: Mat-impressions on Pottery from Neolithic and Chalcolithic Bulgaria, In Azorin, M., Seijo, M., Bulto, O. et al. (eds.), The Missing Woodland resources: Archaeobotanical Studies of the Use of Plant Raw Material, Advances in Archaeobotany, Vol. 6, Barkhuis: Groningen, pp. 59-68, ISBN-13: 9789493194359.

7. Andonova, M., Boyadzhiev, K. and Boyadzhiev, Y. (2021) The Archaeobotany of Late Neolithic – Early Chalcolithic Varbishki dol (Bata, Panagyurishte municipality, Western Bulgaria): results from the rescue trail trenching campaign, Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences, Vol 74, No. 2, pp. 241 - 249, ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), 2367–5535 (Online), DOI: 10.7546/CRABS.2021.02.11.

6. Andonova, M. (2020) Introduction to the Archaeobotany of Baskets: the Discipline and the Scientific Approaches, Archäologische Informationen aus Baden-Württemberg, 82, Verlag des Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege, pp. 29-36, ISSN:978-3-942227-45-2, DOI: 10.11588/propylaeum.643,

5. Leshtakov, K., Machev, Ph., Popova, Tz., Vangelov, D., Vangelova, V., Stoilkova, T., Petrova, V., Ilieva, D., Nikolova, N., Chavdarova, S., Andonova, M., Vasileva, Hr., Hristova, H., Zhelyazkov, Z., Dimitrov, D. and Blagoeva, N. (2019) Social Dimensions of Technology of Ceramic Production in Southeast Bulgaria in 6th - 2nd Mill. Interdisciplinary Studies XXVI, pp. 33 - 106, ISSN 0204-966X (Print); 2603-3232 (Online).

4. Livarda, A. and Andonova, M. (2019) Chapitre 6. Les Restes Archaéobotaniques Issus des Sondages au Bâtiment Dessenne, In Devolder, M. and Caloi, I. (eds.), Le Bâtiment Dessenne et les abords Sud-Ouest du palais dans l'établissement pré- et protopalatial de Malia, Études Crétoises 37, French School at Athens, ISBN:978-2-86958-301-2.

3. Andonova, M. (2017) Baskets from the mountain: an ethnobotanical approach to the Bakandjii tradition. ArchéOrient – le Blog, 22 septembre 2017, [online:].

2. Andonova, M. and Livarda, A. (2017) Die Archäobotanik von Kalapodi – ein vorläufiger Bericht, In Sporn. K. mit Beiträgen von Mila Andonova, Stefan Beirnath, Themistoklis Bilis, Wolfgang Czysz, Ioanna Dogani, Alicia Ferretti, Anne Fohgrub, Johanna Fuchs, Amerimimni Galanou, Dimitris Grigoropoulos, Nils Hellner, Thomas Hintermann, Hristina Ivanova, Eric Laufer, Alexandra Livarda, Maria Magnisali, Wolfgang Rabbel, Katharina Rusch, Harald Stümpel, Sandra Zipprich. Forschungen zur Anlage, Ausdehnung und Insfrastruktur des Heiligtmus von Kalapodi. Die Kampagnen 2016 – 2016, Mittelungen Des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Athenische Abteilung, Band 131/32: 226 – 230, ISSN 0342-1295 (Print).

1. Andonova, M., Kopaka, K. and Sarpaki, A. (2014) Στατιστικά Δεδομένα Ποσότητας και Χορικής Κατανομής στο Κτήριο της Εποχής του Χαλκού στα Καταλύματα Γαύδου/Statistical Data For Quantitative And Distributional Patterns of Βio-archaeological Remains From The Bronze Age Building At Katalymata, Gavdos, in N. Zaharias (ed.), Proceedings of the Third ARCH_RNT Symposium at Kalamata: 83 – 94.


Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources
Palaeobotany and Palynology
Research group


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6 years 36 weeks