Boris Assyov
Personal information
- Contacts
1113 Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., bl. 23
personal web-site: Curriculum vitae
Birth date: 10.12.1975
PhD. 2002-2004 Mycology, Institute of Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Thesis: „Taxonomy, economic importance and conservation of the representatives of the genus Boletus in Bulgaria”MSc. 1997-2001 Botany, Faculty of Biology, University of Sofia
2001-2002 Biologist at Institute of Botany, Mycology Section
2002-2004 PhD-student at Institute of Botany, Mycology Section
2005-2010 Biologist at Institute of Botany, Mycology Section
2010-2011 Assistant at Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Mycology Section
2012-2019 Chief assistant at Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Mycology Section
2019-present Associate professor at Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Mycology Section- Research interests
Taxonomy and nomenclature of fungi (Basidiomycetes, especially Boletales; Ascomycetes), Evaluation and conservation of the fungal diversity, Ecology of fungi, Sustainable use of fungal resources, Productivity of commercial species of wild edible fungi
- Publications
Assyov, B., Bozok, F., Slavova, M. & Taşkın, H. 2023. Rediscovery and ITS-barcoding of Entonaema cinnabarinum (Xylariales, Ascomycota) from Bulgaria. Historia Naturalis Bulgarica 45(8): 197-210.
Assyov, B., Bozok, F., Yarar, M. & Taşkın, H. 2023. Fungal Planet 1505: Amanita abscondita sp. nov. In: Crous et al. Fungal Planet Description Sheets: 1478–1549. Persoonia 50: 158–310.
Assyov, B. & Slavova, M. 2023. Macrofungi in stands of the endemic pine Pinus peuce as inferred from morphological and molecular data. Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 76(5): 707-715.
Bozok, F., Assyov, B., Yarar, M. & Taşkın, H. 2023. A contribution to the knowledge of Amanita coryli (Amanitaceae, Agaricales). Botanica Serbica 47(1): 9-18.
Loizides, M., Bellanger, J.-M., Vizzini, A., Assyov, B., Contu, M., Hanss, J.-M., Moreau, P.-A., Rinaldi, A.C. & Tulloss, R.E. 2023. In Response to “Acute Renal Failure after Amanita ovoidea Eating”. Indian Journal of Nephrology 33(2): 155-156.
Moreau, P.-A., Hanss, J.-M., Assyov, B., Bellanger, J.-M., Borovička, J., Consiglio, G., Contu, M., Courtecuisse, R., Kibby, G., Loizides, M., Sevcíková, H., Tulloss, R.E. & Yang, Z. L. 2023. (2940–2941) Proposals to conserve the name Amanita fulva with a conserved type against Agaricus badius and Agaricus trilobus, and the name Amanita spadicea with a conserved type (Basidiomycota). Taxon 72(2): 425-427.
Slavova, M., Leonardi, M., Iotti, M., Paz-Conde, A., Assyov, B. & Pacioni, G. 2023. Nomenclatural novelties: Tuber thracicum sp. nov. Index Fungorum 556: 1.
Vidal, J. M., Cseh, P., Merényi, Z., Bóna, L., Rudnóy, S., Bratek, Z., Paz, A., Mleczko, P., Kozak, M., Chachula, P., Assyov, B., Slavova, M., Kaounas, V., Konstantinidis, G., Rodriguez, F., Cabero, J., Garcia-Verdugo, F., Garcia-Alonso, F., Mahiques, R., Fantini, P. & States, J.S. 2023. The genus Gautieria (Gomphales) in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin: a morphological and phylogenetic taxonomic revision. Persoonia 50: 48-122.
Assyov, B. 2022. Barcoding and morphological characterization of Mycena cupressina (Agaricales, Fungi), a little-known and controversially treated member of section Supinae. Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 75(11): 1595-1603.
Assyov, B. 2022. Pholiota gallica (Fungi, Strophariaceae), first Balkan collection of a little-known dark-spored agaric. Borziana 3: 027-032.
Assyov, B., Bozok, F. & Yarar, M. 2022. Amanita beckeri (Amanitaceae, Agaricales), a rare and little-known species - the first record in Bulgaria. Novosti Sistematiki Nizshih Rastenii 56: 287-300.
Slavova, M. & Assyov, B. 2022. First record of Therrya fuckelii (Rhytismatales, Ascomycota) in Bulgaria, with ecological remarks. Ecologia Balkanica 14(2): 195-198.
- Department
- Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources
- Division
- Mycology
- Member for
- 12 years 33 weeks