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Dimitar Berov

Dimitar Berov's picture

Personal information


2 Gagarin Str.,
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Telephone: + 359 2 8736 137


Curriculum vitae

PhD student, Marine Ecology Lab, IBER-BAS

University of Southern Denmark, Kiel University
Masters in Biological Oceanography & Marine Ecology

Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Bachelors in Biology

National High School of Sciences and Mathematics’ Acad. L. Chakalov’

Research Positions:
Senior Research Assistant, Marine Ecology Lab, IBER-BAS

Research Assistant, CLGE-BAS

Research Assistant, Ocean Lab, Jacobs University Bremen

Student research assistant, Biology department/Ocean Lab, Jacobs University Bremen

International Experience:
2017- Bulgarian representative of the Scientific Diving Commission-BNAUA at the European Scientific Diving Panel (ESDP)

January 2016: EEA Grants research visit in Norwegian Institute for Water Research(NIVA),Norway, Department of marine biology

Septemer 2015: „A Practical introduction to marine monitoring hardware and procedures“ - attendance of workshop at National Centre of Oceanology and Geophysics (OGS), Trieste, Italy.

June.2010 Analysis of Multivariable data from Ecology and Environmental Science using PRIMER v6, Sofia

November-December 2010,Exchange visit in CEAB-CSIC, Blanes and Centro Oceanográfico de Baleares (COB)Menorca, Spain

October.2009 International Interdisciplinary Summer School of Marine Robotics and Applications, Murter, Croatia (

June.2009 International Graduate School of Conservation Biology, Center of Marine Research Ruder Boskovic Institute, Rovinj, Croatia

September.2008 Exchange visit in CEAB-CSIC, Spain, Unit of Biodiversity and Marine Benthic Ecology Research

January.2006 – December.2006 Ocean Lab, Jacobs University Bremen & Tjarno Marine Biology laboratory, Sweden – participant in FP6 HERMES,‘Kosterfjord’ experiment, studying the ecology of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa in the Kosterfjord, Sweden

July.2005 Kiziliman Marine Protected Area, Turkey – participant in a coastal ecosystem survey and summer school organized by The Institute for Marine Sciences, Mersin

June.2003 RV Polarstern, AWI – participant in a research cruise ARK-XIX/3 in the NE Atlantic

June.2002 The Netherlands Institute of Oceanography (NIOZ), Internship

Research interests

Black sea marine macroalgal communities structure and ecology, in particular Cystoseira brown macroalga communities
Anthropogenic impact on coastal ecosystems biodiversity and functioning
Digital still image and digital video benthic ecology research methods
Benthic habitats mapping
Water Framework Directive, Marine Strategy Framework Directive implementation
Marine Protected Areas design and management


Berov, D., Klayn, S., Deyanova, D., & Karamfilov, V. (2022). Current distribution of Zostera seagrass meadows along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast (SW Black Sea, Bulgaria)(2010-2020). Biodiversity Data Journal, 10.

Nikolopoulou, S., Berov, D., Klayn, S., Dimitrov, L., Velkovsky, K., Chatzinikolaou, E., ... & Pavloudi, C. (2021). Benthic habitat mapping of Plazh Gradina–Zlatna ribka (Black Sea) and Karpathos and Saria Islands (Mediterranean Sea). Biodiversity Data Journal, 701.

Berov, D., Klayn, S., & Karamfilov, V. (2020). Rapana Venosa Rapa Whelk Responsible for Rapid Destruction of Black Sea Coastal Mytilus Galloprovincialis Littoral Reef Communities-Results from a Preliminary Study in Sw Black Sea (Sozopol Bay, Bulgaria). In Proceeding of 1st international conference on environmental protection and disaster risks (pp. 586-601).

Berov, D., S. Klayn. "Microplastics and floating litter pollution in Bulgarian Black Sea coastal waters." Marine pollution bulletin 156 (2020): 111225.

Dimitrov, L., Prodanov, B., Doncheva, V., Berov, D., & Trifonova, E. (2019). Seabed mapping of the Bulgrian coastal zone between Sozopol and Tsarevo (Southern Bulgarian Black Sea). Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences, 72(5).

Karamfilov, V., Berov, D., & Panayotidis, P. (2019). Using Zostera noltei biometrics for evaluation of the ecological and environmental quality status of Black Sea coastal waters. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 27, 100524.

Berov, D., Todorova, V., Dimitrov, L., Rinde, E. and Karamfilov, V., 2018. Distribution and abundance of phytobenthic communities: Implications for connectivity and ecosystem functioning in a Black Sea Marine Protected Area. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 200, pp.234-247.

Berov, D., Hiebaum, G., Vasilev, V., Karamfilov, V., 2016. An optimized method for scuba digital photography surveys of infralittoral benthic habitats. A case study from the SW Black Sea Cystoseira-dominated macroalgal communities. Underw. Technol. 34, 11–20. doi:

Berov, D., Ballesteros, E., Sales, M., Verlaque, M. (2015) Reinstatement of species rank for Cystoseira bosphorica Sauvageau (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyceae). Cryptogamie, Algologie 36, 65–80.10.7872/crya.v36.iss1.2015.65

Berov, D. (2013) Structure of Cystoseira spp. macroalgal communities and the influence of anthropogenic factors on their distribution. Macroalgae as an indicator of the ecological state of coastal marine ecosystems in the Black Sea.PhD Thesis.Sofia. BAS Academic Publishing.ISBN 978-954-322-661-0.306 pp.

Berov, D., Deyanova, D., Georgieva, I., Gyosheva, B., Hiebaum, G., (2012). Cystoseira sp.- dominated macroalgal communities in the SW Black Sea (Burgas Bay, Bulgaria): current state and possible long-term effects of eutrophication. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences 65, 821–830.

Berov, D., Gyosheva,B., Stoyneva, M.(2010).Pilot study of the species composition of the communities of Cystoseira crinita Duby and Cystoseira barbata (Stackhouse) C. Agardh in Sozopol region. Proceedings of the Youth Scientific Conference 'Kliment Days'.Sofia University Press.

Deyanova, D., Berov,D., Stoyneva,M.(2010). Pilot study of the composition of epiphyte communities of Cystoseira barbata (Stackhouse)C.Agardh in Sozopol region. Proceedings of the Youth Scientific Conference 'Kliment Days'.Sofia University Press.

Berov,D. Karamfilov,V. Vasilev,V. Hiebaum,G.(2010) Bentic Macroalgal Communities as Ecological Quality Indicator of Bulgarian Black Sea Coastal Water. Journal of Balkan Ecology. vol.13, No.2

‘Monitoring of Environmental Variability at a Lophelia pertusa cold-water coral in the Tisler reef, Norway. In-situ time-lapes video observation of Lophelia pertusa. MSc Thesis, May 2007, SDU-Denmark


Department of Aquatic Ecosystems
Division of Functional Ecology and Bioresources of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems


Member for
12 years 27 weeks