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Nevena Ivanova

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Personal information


Dr Nevena Trifonova Kambourova-Ivanova
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, BAS
2, Gagarin Street
1113 Sofia

Curriculum vitae

Date and place of birth: November, 07. 1975, Sofia


- July 1999: Msc, Department of Biology, Sofia University “Kliment Ohridski”, Subject: Ecology and Environment Protection; Qualification: Ecology, Second Qualification: Teacher of Biology.

- February 2001 – February 2004: Ph-D student, Central Laboratory of General Ecology-Bulgarian Academy of Science, Ph-D thesis: “Breeding Ornithofauna of Srebarna Managed Reserve – Spatial Distribution and Long-Term Changes”.

- April 2007 - June 2007: Short-term specialization in the University of Innsbruck, Austria; “Ernst Mach” scholarship; Subject of the study: “Bird Communities of River Inn Riparian Habitats near the Town of Innsbruck (Northern Tyrol, Austria)”.

- June 2007: Certificate of Attendance on „International course on ecohydrological approaches to wise use, restoration, management and conservation of wetlands”, Třebon, Czech Republic, 5-9 June 2007.

- January 2012: Short Field Training in Department of Wetland Ecology in Doniana Biological Station (Sevilla, Spain), Subject: "Migration numbers and winter habitats of Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa) in Doniana National Park"


- September 1999 – August 2000: Teacher of Biology, 149 Secondary School

- from July 2004: Expert – ecologist, Central Laboratory of General Ecology - Bulgarian Academy of Science, Monitoring Ornithofauna of Srebarna Biosphere Reserve and manage of information centre in Srebarna Biosphere Reserve

- October 2005 – up to now: research associate, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research - Bulgarian Academy of Science, Monitoring Ornithofauna of Srebarna Biosphere Reserve and manage of information center in Srebarna Biosphere Reserve.

Recent Projects

Manager of the projects:

- 2015-2017 „Картиране и оценка на екосистемните услуги във влажните зони на България (WEMA)‟,"Wetland ecosystem services mapping and assessment in Bulgaria (WEMA)по "Програма BG03 по Финансовия механизъм на Европейското икономическо пространство 2009-2014 г.

- 2009-2013, Impact of “Trakiya” Highway Traffic in the Section between the Town of Pazardjik and the Town of Plovdiv on Biodiversity

Participation in projects:

- 2009-2012, WETLANET: Enhancing the research potential of the Central Laboratory of General Ecology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences by strengthening a local laboratory network for studying wetlands ecosystem functioning, restoration and management; FP7 project.

- 2011-2012, National Action Plan for Conservation of Wetlands of High Significance in Bulgaria for the period 2013-2022.

- 2011-2012, Action Plan for the Conservation of Dalmatian Pelican, Pelecanus crispus in Bulgaria for the period 2013-2022.

- 2013, Assessment and Reporting under Article 12 of the EU Bird Directive in Bulgaria.

- 2014, Updating of Management Plan of Srebarna Managed Reserve and Elaboration of Management Plan of Pelikanite Protected Site (North-East Bulgaria).

- 2013-2015, Restoration of Priority Wetland Habitat Types and Species with European Importance in the Stream of Lesnovska River (in the vicinity of Village Negovan, Sofia District), Environmental Framework of Ministry of Environment and Waters of Bulgaria 2007-2013.

- 2014-2015,Elaboration of Integrated Management Plan of three Natura 2000 Sites: BG0000573 Complex Kaliakra for the conservation of natural habitats and flora and fauna, BG0002051 Kaliakra and BG0002097 Belite Skali for the conservation of wild birds.

- Continuous, Monitoring Ornithofauna of Srebarna Biosphere Reserve and manage of Field Station and Information Centre in Srebarna Biosphere Reserve.

Research interests

- Conservation of Biodiversity, wetland birds, wetland restoration

- Mapping of breeding birds, habitat distribution of wetland birds

- UTM map of breeding bird distribution, GIS


Kamburova, N., T. Michev. 2003. Habitat Distribution of Breeding Waterbirds of Srebarna Reserve, Bulgaria. - Journal of Balkan Ecology, 6 (2): 191-199 (pdf file)

Kamburova, N., T. Michev. 2003. Breeding density of the Coot in Srebarna Managed Reserve. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 55 (1): 29-33 (pdf file)

Kambourova, N. 2005. The Current State of Colonial Waterbirds in Srebarna Managed Reserve. – Annuals of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Department of Biology, Book 4 - X Science Session, Sofia 2003, Part II, Vol. 96: 313 - 320 (pdf file)

Kambourova, N. 2005. Biological Mapping of Small-sized Natural Territories. - Annuals of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Department of Biology, Book 4 - X Science Session, Sofia 2003, Part II, Vol. 96: 463 - 469 (pdf file)

Velev, V., N. Kamburova. 2002. Studying the opportunity of restriction of unfavorable effect on ecological balance in representative wetlands. 11-th International Symposium “ECOLOGY’ 2002” June,Bourgas, Bulgaria.

Kamburova, N. 2004. Magpie (Pica pica) Population Density and Habitat Distribution in the City of Sofia. In: Penev, L., J. Niemelä, D. J. Kotze & N. Chipev (Eds.). 2004. Ecology of the City of Sofia. Species and Communities in an Urban Environment, Pensoft Publishers, Sofia – Moscow, pp. 451 - 455 (pdf file)

Камбурова, Н. 2005. Разпределение на гнездящите видове от Разред Passeriformes по местообитания в околностите на ПР “Сребърна”. В: Чипев, Н., В. Богоев (отг. ред.). 2005. Първа национална научна конференция по екология “Биоразнообразие, Екосистеми и Глобални промени, Петекстон, 193-202 (pdf file)

Kambourova, N. 2005. The recent status of breeding bird communities of Srebarna Managed Reserve, North-East Bulgaria. – Acrocephalus 26 (125): 81 - 97 (pdf file)

Nikolov, S., Spasov, S., Kambourova, N. 2006. Density, number and habitat use of Common Buzzard, Buteo buteo wintering in the lowlands of Bulgaria. – Buteo 15: 39-47.

Иванова, И., Р. Недков, Т. Мичев, Н. Камбурова. 2007. Изследване динамиката на плаващите острови на територията на поддържан резерват „Сребърна” на базата на аерокосмическа, GPS и наземна информация. – Екологично инженерство и опазване на околната среда, 3-4: 19-28. [Study of the dynamics of the floating islands in the Sreburna biosphere reserve territory using aerospace, GPS and ground-based data. In Bulgarian with English abstract].

Kambourova, N., I. Mitev, I. Kutsarov, V. Delov (2007). Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus, - In: Iankov, P. (ed). Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 220-221.

Kambourova, N., I. Kutsarov, I. Mitev, V. Delov (2007). Coot, Fulica atra - In: Iankov, P. (ed). Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 222-223.

Kambourova, N., A. Antonov (2007). Black-headed Gull, Larus ridibundus. - In: Iankov, P. (ed). Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 278-279.

Mihov, S., N. Kambourova, I. Mitev (2007). Common Tern, Sterna hirundo. - In: Iankov, P. (ed). Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 288-289.

Petkov, N., V. Delov, S. Dereliev, N. Kambourova (2007). Savi`s Warbler, Locustella luscinoides. - In: Iankov, P. (ed). Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 474-475.

Mitev, D., N. Kambourova, I. Mitev, I. Kutsarov (2007). Penduline Tit, Remiz pendulinus. - In: Iankov, P. (ed). Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 560-561.

Vasilev, V., K. Georgiev, A. Antonov, N. Kambourova, S. Burova. (2007). Magpie, Pica pica. - In: Iankov, P. (ed). Atlas of Breeding Birds in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, Conservation Series, Book 10, Sofia, BSPB, 576-577.

Kambourova, N. (2008). Species diversity of ornithofauna along seven riverbanks in Rhodopes Mountains. – Journal of Balkan Ecology, 11(3): 241-250. (ISSN 1311-0527) (pdf file)

Ivanova I., Nedkov R., Michev T., Kamburova N. 2009. Estimation of the dynamics of floating islands in the territory of Sreburna Lake, situated in the territory of Bulgaria, using aerospace and GPS data in the period 1979 – 2005. RAST 2009 - Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Recent Advances Space Technologies, Istanbul; Turkey; 11 June 2009 through 13 June 2009;

Kambourova N., T. Michev, V. Katrandjiev, B. Michev (2010) Relative abundance of eight bird species from order Passeriformes in the agricultural land of Zlatiata Natura 2000 Site. Poster in Scientific Conference "Biodiversity and Environment", June 24-25 2010, Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski", Sofia.(pdf file)

Kambourova-Ivanova, N., Y. Koshev, G. Popgeorgiev, D. Ragyov, M. Pavlova, I. Mollov, N. Nedialkov (2012) Effect of traffic on mortality of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals on two types of roads between Pazardzhik and Plovdiv Region (Bulgaria) - preliminary results. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 64(1): 57-67 (pdf file)

MICHEV T., BOEV Z., KAMBOUROVA N. 2011. The new Red List of Bulgarian birds: does the number of endangered bird species increase? National Scientific Conference “Man and the Universe”, 06-08.10.2011, City of Smolian, Bulgaria, a report.(pdf file)

Мичев, Т., Н. Камбурова (съст.). 2012. План за действие за опазване на къдроглавия пеликан (Pelecanus crispus) в България 2013-2022 г. София, МОСВ. (качен на сайта на МОСВ) Утвърден от МОСВ със заповед: РД-888/28.11.2012 г.

Kambourova N. (2012) Ornithofauna of Biosphere Reserve Srebaran Lake. In: Uzunov Y. (editor in chief). Ecosystems of Biosphere Reserve Srebarna Lake.

Камбурова, Н., Б. Николов (2015). Мустакат синигер, Panurus biarmicus. В: Големански, В. и др. (ред.) Червена книга на Република България. Том 2. Животни. БАН & МОСВ, София, 201 стр.

Камбурова, Н. (2015). Торбогнезден синигер, Remiz pendulinus. В: Големански, В. и др. (ред.) Червена книга на Република България. Том 2. Животни. БАН & МОСВ, София, 290 стр.

Ватев, И., Н. Камбурова (2015). Забулена сова, Tyto alba. В: Големански, В. и др. (ред.) Червена книга на Република България. Том 2. Животни. БАН & МОСВ, София, 273 стр.

Мичев, Т., Н. Камбурова, Б. Мичев (2015). Блестящ ибис, Plegadis falcinellus. В: Големански, В. и др. (ред.) Червена книга на Република България. Том 2. Животни. БАН & МОСВ, София, 69 стр.

Николов, Хр., С. Марин, Н. Камбурова, Д. Демерджиев (2015). Малък корморан, Phalacrocorax pygmeus. В: Големански, В. и др. (ред.) Червена книга на Република България. Том 2. Животни. БАН & МОСВ, София, 158 стр.

Боев, З., Мичев, Т., Н. Камбурова (2015). Червена чапла, Ardea purpurea. В: Големански, В. и др. (ред.) Червена книга на Република България. Том 2. Животни. БАН & МОСВ, София, 162 стр.

Мичев, Т., Н. Камбурова (2015). Речна чайка, Larus ridibundus. В: Големански, В. и др. (ред.) Червена книга на Република България. Том 2. Животни. БАН & МОСВ, София, 184 стр.

Pavlova M., Ihtimanska M., Ivanova N. (2013). Anthropogenic pressure and impact on the macrozoobenthos and fish communities in rivers, crossed by Thrakia highway. Abstract in: Seminar of Ecology-2013, Proceedings and Abstracts, Sofia 25-26 April 2013 г. 35 p.

Pehlivanov, L., Fikova, R., Ivanova, N., Kalchev, R., Kazakov, S, Pavlova, M., Doncheva, S. 2014. Analysis of Ecosystem Services of Wetlands along the Bulgarian Section of the Danube River. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, Supplement 7, 2014.

Ivanova, N. (com.). 2017. Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystem Services of Wetlands in Bulgaria. Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 100 p., ISBN 978-954-9746-41-9.

Иванова Н., В. Георгиев, Ч. Гусев, С. Цонева, Е. Варадинова, Р. Фикова 2017. Оценка на състоянието на екосистеми от тип „Вътрешни влажни зони“. В: Иванова, Н. (със.) Картиране и оценка на екосистемните услуги във вътрешни влажни зони в България, 38-61. ИБЕИ – БАН, София.

Иванова Н., В. Георгиев, Ч. Гусев, С. Цонева, Е. Варадинова, Р. Фикова 2017. Оценка на екосистемните услуги на екосистеми от тип „Вътрешни влажни зони“. В: Иванова, Н. (със.) Картиране и оценка на екосистемните услуги във вътрешни влажни зони в България, 62-79. ИБЕИ – БАН, София.


Ecosystem Research, Environmental Risk Assessment and Conservation Biology
Community Ecology and Conservation Biology
Research group
Conservation Biology


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11 years 27 weeks