Svetlana Bancheva
Personal information
- Contacts
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources, Acad. G. Bonchev, 23, 1113-Sofia, Bulgaria,,, tel. (+359) 2 979 37 64, 0884718943.
- Curriculum vitae
1985-1990: M.Sc. at the Faculty of Biology of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, subject: Biology - Botany;
1991-1996: Assist. Professor in the Department of Botany, Faculty of Biology of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”;
1996-1999: PhD Thesis at the Faculty of Biology of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, title of thesis "Biosystematic study on genus Centaurea in Bulgaria - Sects Cyanus and Lepteranthus";
1999-2007: Researcher in the Institute of Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Curator of the Herbarium (SOM);
2007-2014: Assoc. Professor in the Institute of Botany and then in the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
2014-present: Professor in the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
2010-present : Head of the Department of Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources,Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (former Institute of Botany).
- Research interests
Diversity of plants and habitats; floristic investigation; taxonomy of vascular plants; Centaurea, Cardueae, Compositae; molecular approaches; endemic and rare plants; plant and habitat conservation; protected areas; monitoring of plants and habitats; mapping and assessment of plant populations, habitats and ecosystems and their services.
- Publications
Bancheva, S. & Greilhuber, J. 2006. Genome size in Bulgarian Centaurea s.l. (Asteraceae) — Plant Syst. Evol., 257: 95-117.
Bancheva, S., Geraci, A. & Raimondo, F. M. 2006. Genetic diversity in Centaurea cineraria gr. (Asteraceae) in Sicily using isozymes. — Pl. Biosyst., 140(1): 10-16.
Bancheva, S. & Vassilev, K. 2006. Floristic investigation of "Beli Lom" National Reserve (Bulgaria). — Phytol. Balcan., 12(3): 377-386.
Tredafilova, A. Todorova, M. & Bancheva, S. 2007. Secondary metabolites from Centaurea moesiaca. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 35: 544-548.
Bancheva, S. 2008. Taxonomic revision and population status of Psephellus marschallianus (Centaureinae, Asteraceae) in Bulgaria. — Phytol. Balcan., 14(1): 57-60.
Formisano, C., Mingola, E., Senatore F., Bancheva, S., Bruno, M. & Rosselli, S. 2008. Volatile constituents of aerial parts of Centaurea sibthorpii (sect. Carduiformes, Asteraceae) from Greece and their biological activity — Natural Product Research, 22(10): 840-845.
Kaya, Z. & Bancheva, S. 2009. A new species of Cyanus (Centaurea p.p.), sect. Napuliferae (Asteraceae) from Turkey. — Novon, 19(4): 175-177.
Bancheva, S. & Stoyanov, S. 2009. A new species of Cyanus (sect. Napuliferae, Compositae: Centaureinae) from SE Bulgaria. — Novon, 19(4): 421-425.
Formisano, C., Senatore, F., Bancheva, S., Bruno, M., Maggio, A. & Rosselli, S. (2010). Volatile components of aerial parts of Centaurea nigrescens Willd. and C. stenolepis A. Kerner, two Centaurea species growing wild in Balkans. Nat Prod Commun, 5(2): 273-278.
Kit Tan, Bancheva, S., Vural, M. & Strid, A. 2009. Centaurea wagenitziana (Asteraceae: Centaureinae), a new specie from the Eastern Balkans. — Phytol. Balcan., 15(1): 51-58.
Boršić, I., Susanna, A., Bancheva, S., Garcia-Jacas N. 2011. Centaurea sect. Cyanus: Nuclear phylogeny, biogeography and life-form evolution. — International Journal of Plant Sciences, 172(2): 238-249.
Bancheva, S., Geraci, A. & Raimondo, F. M. (2011). Genetic diversity on Centaurea parlatoris group (sect. Dissectae, Compositae) using isozymes — Plant Biosystems, 145(4): 778-785.
Natcheva, R., Bancheva, S., Vladimirov, V. & Goranova, V. 2013. A pilot network of small protected sites for plant species in Bulgaria using the plant micro-reserve model. Pp 64-75. In: Kadis, C., Thanos, C.A. & Laguna, E.L. (Eds). Plant Micro-Reserves: From Theory to Practice. Experiences gained from EU LIFE and other related projects. Cyprus. Utopia.
Bancheva, S. & Raimondo, F.M. 2013. A new Centaurea species from Sakar Mt., SE Bulgaria. – Plant Biosystems, 147(3): 800-805.
Bruno, M., Bancheva, S., Rosselli, S., Maggio, A. 2013. Sesquiterpenoids in Subtribe Centaureinae (Cass.) Dumort (tribe Cardueae, Asteraceae): Distribution, 13C-NMR spectral data and biological properties. – Phytochemistry, 95: 19-93.
Bancheva, S., Kaya. Z. & Binzet, R. 2014. Centaurea aytugiana (Asteraceae), a New Species from North Anatolia, Turkey. – Novon, 23(2): 133-138.
Bancheva, S., Kaya, Z. & Binzet, R. 2014. Morphological, cytological and palynological features of three closely related Centaurea species (Asteraceae) from Turkey. – Modern Phytomorphology, 5: 79–84.
Bancheva, S., Velev, N., Vladimirov, V., Valyovska, N., Goranova, V., Delcheva, М., Ivanova, D., Nacheva, R., Pedashenko, H., Peev, D., Stoyanov, S., Stoyanova, К., Hardalova, R. 2014. A Pilot Network of Small Protected Sites for Conservation of
Rare Plants in Bulgaria. IBER – BAS & MoEW, Sofia. pp 172.Bancheva, S., Kaya, Z.2015. Centaurea raimondoi, a new species from Asteraceae. Flora Mediterranea, 25,305-310.
Jemia, M. B., Senatore, F., Bruno, M., Bancheva, S. 2015. Components from the Essential oil of Centaurea aeolica Guss. and C. diluta Aiton from Sicily, Italy. Records of Natural Products, 9, 4: 580-585.
Vladimirov, V., Bancheva, S., Delcheva, M. 2015. Solanum elaeagnifolium (Solanaceae), a new alien species for the Bulgarian flora. Flora Mediterranea, 25: 121-125.
Vladimirov, V., Matevski, V., Bancheva S., Delcheva, M., Kostadinovski, M., Custerevska, R. 2016. First report of Erigeron sumatrensis (Asteraceae) for the flora of the Republic of Macedonia. Flora Mediterranea, 26: 203-207.
Riccobono, L., Maggio, A., Bruno, M., Bancheva, S., Santucci, O., Senatore, F. 2016. Chemical composition of the essential oil of Centaurea grinensis Reuter and Centaurea apiculata Ledeb: Growing wild in Croatia and Bulgaria, respectively and PCA analysis of subgenus Lopholoma (Cass.) Dobrocz.. Plant Biosystems, on line, Taylor & Francis, ISSN:1126-3504, 1-10. ISI IF:1.36
- Department
- Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources
- Division
- Flora and Vegetation
- Research group
- Flora and florogenesis
- Member for
- 13 years 47 weeks