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Svetlana Bancheva

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Personal information


Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources, Acad. G. Bonchev, 23, 1113-Sofia, Bulgaria,,, tel. (+359) 2 979 37 64, 0884718943.

Curriculum vitae

1985-1990: M.Sc. at the Faculty of Biology of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, subject: Biology - Botany;

1991-1996: Assist. Professor in the Department of Botany, Faculty of Biology of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”;

1996-1999: PhD Thesis at the Faculty of Biology of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, title of thesis "Biosystematic study on genus Centaurea in Bulgaria - Sects Cyanus and Lepteranthus";

1999-2007: Researcher in the Institute of Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Curator of the Herbarium (SOM);

2007-2014: Assoc. Professor in the Institute of Botany and then in the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;

2014-present: Professor in the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;

2010-present : Head of the Department of Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources,Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (former Institute of Botany).

Research interests

Diversity of plants and habitats; floristic investigation; taxonomy of vascular plants; Centaurea, Cardueae, Compositae; molecular approaches; endemic and rare plants; plant and habitat conservation; protected areas; monitoring of plants and habitats; mapping and assessment of plant populations, habitats and ecosystems and their services.


Bancheva, S. & Greilhuber, J. 2006. Genome size in Bulgarian Centaurea s.l. (Asteraceae) — Plant Syst. Evol., 257: 95-117.

Bancheva, S., Geraci, A. & Raimondo, F. M. 2006. Genetic diversity in Centaurea cineraria gr. (Asteraceae) in Sicily using isozymes. — Pl. Biosyst., 140(1): 10-16.

Bancheva, S. & Vassilev, K. 2006. Floristic investigation of "Beli Lom" National Reserve (Bulgaria). — Phytol. Balcan., 12(3): 377-386.

Tredafilova, A. Todorova, M. & Bancheva, S. 2007. Secondary metabolites from Centaurea moesiaca. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 35: 544-548.

Bancheva, S. 2008. Taxonomic revision and population status of Psephellus marschallianus (Centaureinae, Asteraceae) in Bulgaria. — Phytol. Balcan., 14(1): 57-60.

Formisano, C., Mingola, E., Senatore F., Bancheva, S., Bruno, M. & Rosselli, S. 2008. Volatile constituents of aerial parts of Centaurea sibthorpii (sect. Carduiformes, Asteraceae) from Greece and their biological activity — Natural Product Research, 22(10): 840-845.

Kaya, Z. & Bancheva, S. 2009. A new species of Cyanus (Centaurea p.p.), sect. Napuliferae (Asteraceae) from Turkey. — Novon, 19(4): 175-177.

Bancheva, S. & Stoyanov, S. 2009. A new species of Cyanus (sect. Napuliferae, Compositae: Centaureinae) from SE Bulgaria. — Novon, 19(4): 421-425.

Formisano, C., Senatore, F., Bancheva, S., Bruno, M., Maggio, A. & Rosselli, S. (2010). Volatile components of aerial parts of Centaurea nigrescens Willd. and C. stenolepis A. Kerner, two Centaurea species growing wild in Balkans. Nat Prod Commun, 5(2): 273-278.

Kit Tan, Bancheva, S., Vural, M. & Strid, A. 2009. Centaurea wagenitziana (Asteraceae: Centaureinae), a new specie from the Eastern Balkans. — Phytol. Balcan., 15(1): 51-58.

Boršić, I., Susanna, A., Bancheva, S., Garcia-Jacas N. 2011. Centaurea sect. Cyanus: Nuclear phylogeny, biogeography and life-form evolution. — International Journal of Plant Sciences, 172(2): 238-249.

Bancheva, S., Geraci, A. & Raimondo, F. M. (2011). Genetic diversity on Centaurea parlatoris group (sect. Dissectae, Compositae) using isozymes — Plant Biosystems, 145(4): 778-785.

Natcheva, R., Bancheva, S., Vladimirov, V. & Goranova, V. 2013. A pilot network of small protected sites for plant species in Bulgaria using the plant micro-reserve model. Pp 64-75. In: Kadis, C., Thanos, C.A. & Laguna, E.L. (Eds). Plant Micro-Reserves: From Theory to Practice. Experiences gained from EU LIFE and other related projects. Cyprus. Utopia.

Bancheva, S. & Raimondo, F.M. 2013. A new Centaurea species from Sakar Mt., SE Bulgaria. – Plant Biosystems, 147(3): 800-805.

Bruno, M., Bancheva, S., Rosselli, S., Maggio, A. 2013. Sesquiterpenoids in Subtribe Centaureinae (Cass.) Dumort (tribe Cardueae, Asteraceae): Distribution, 13C-NMR spectral data and biological properties. – Phytochemistry, 95: 19-93.

Bancheva, S., Kaya. Z. & Binzet, R. 2014. Centaurea aytugiana (Asteraceae), a New Species from North Anatolia, Turkey. – Novon, 23(2): 133-138.

Bancheva, S., Kaya, Z. & Binzet, R. 2014. Morphological, cytological and palynological features of three closely related Centaurea species (Asteraceae) from Turkey. – Modern Phytomorphology, 5: 79–84.

Bancheva, S., Velev, N., Vladimirov, V., Valyovska, N., Goranova, V., Delcheva, М., Ivanova, D., Nacheva, R., Pedashenko, H., Peev, D., Stoyanov, S., Stoyanova, К., Hardalova, R. 2014. A Pilot Network of Small Protected Sites for Conservation of
Rare Plants in Bulgaria. IBER – BAS & MoEW, Sofia. pp 172.

Bancheva, S., Kaya, Z.2015. Centaurea raimondoi, a new species from Asteraceae. Flora Mediterranea, 25,305-310.

Jemia, M. B., Senatore, F., Bruno, M., Bancheva, S. 2015. Components from the Essential oil of Centaurea aeolica Guss. and C. diluta Aiton from Sicily, Italy. Records of Natural Products, 9, 4: 580-585.

Vladimirov, V., Bancheva, S., Delcheva, M. 2015. Solanum elaeagnifolium (Solanaceae), a new alien species for the Bulgarian flora. Flora Mediterranea, 25: 121-125.

Vladimirov, V., Matevski, V., Bancheva S., Delcheva, M., Kostadinovski, M., Custerevska, R. 2016. First report of Erigeron sumatrensis (Asteraceae) for the flora of the Republic of Macedonia. Flora Mediterranea, 26: 203-207.

Riccobono, L., Maggio, A., Bruno, M., Bancheva, S., Santucci, O., Senatore, F. 2016. Chemical composition of the essential oil of Centaurea grinensis Reuter and Centaurea apiculata Ledeb: Growing wild in Croatia and Bulgaria, respectively and PCA analysis of subgenus Lopholoma (Cass.) Dobrocz.. Plant Biosystems, on line, Taylor & Francis, ISSN:1126-3504, 1-10. ISI IF:1.36


Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources
Flora and Vegetation
Research group
Flora and florogenesis


Member for
13 years 47 weeks