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Yana Mizinska

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Personal information


Prof. Yana Mizinska-Boevska
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G. Bonchev str. bl.25 1113 Sofia
E-mail -
tel.(+359 2) 979 23 13

Curriculum vitae

1972 MS, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridsky, Biological Faculty
1977 PhD in parasitology, Central Laboratory of Helminthology (CLH), Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences, Sofia
1977- 1989 Research Associate, CLH, BAS, Sofia
Since 1990 Associate professor in parasitology, Institute of Parasitology (IP) and
Institute of Experimental Pathology and Parasitology (IEPP), BAS, Sofia
1992-2002 Scientific Secretary in the IP and the IEPP, BAS, Sofia
2002-2010 Vice Director of the IEPP, BAS, Sofia

Research interests

Ultrastructure and function of different parasitic species
Ultrastructure of the spermatozoon and spermiogenesis in different cyclophyllidean cestodes
Surface carbohydrates in the parasites


Co-supervisor of Delka Salkova, PhD, 2002-2005
Supervisor of Aneta Yoneva, PhD, 2007-2009
Supervisor of Katya Georgieva, PhD, 2009-2011

Membership in professional bodies

Since 1977 member of the Bulgarian Society for Parasitology


1. Кирилова, Я. 1977. Структура и функция на тегумента на Taenia hydatigena и Cysticercus tenuicollis. I. Към хистохимичната и ензимохистохимичната характеристика на тегумента на T. hydatigena. Хелминтология, 3, 104-112.
2. Полякова-Кръстева, О., Я. Кирилова. 1978. Структура и функция на тегумента на Taenia hydatigena и Cysticercus tenuicollis. II. Върху произхода, структурата и функцията на микровилите на тегумента. Хелминтология, 5, 79-89.
3. Мизинска-Боевска, Я., Е. Митева. 1980. Ултраструктура на червото на Haematoloechus similis (Looss, 1899). Пловдивски университет "П. Хилендарски", Научни трудове,18, 4, 195-200.
4. Митева, Е., Я. Мизинска-Боевска. 1980. Ултраструктура на тегумента на Haematoloechus similis (Looss, 1899). Пловдивски университет "П. Хилендарски", Научни трудове,18, 4, 201-208.
5. Poljakova-Krusteva, O., Ya. Mizinska-Boevska, S. Stoitsova. 1983. A cytochemical study of some phosphatases in the teguments of two cestode species. Хелминтология, 16, 64-68.
6. Poljakova-Krusteva, O., S. Stoitsova, Ya. Mizinska-Boevska. 1984. Pinocytosis in the tegument of Hymenolepis fraterna. Хелминтология, 17, 52-58.
7. Мизинска-Боевска, Я., Л. Горчилова, О. Полякова-Кръстева. 1985. Хистологични и електронно микроскопски авторадиографски изследвания в хелминтологията. В: Морфологични и цитогенетични методи в хелминтологията, София, Изд. БАН, 58-65.
8. Полякова-Кръстева, О., Я. Мизинска-Боевска. 1985. Изследване на хелминтни мембрани. В: Морфологични и цитогенетични методи в хелминтологията, София, Изд. БАН, 73-86.
9. Мизинска-Боевска, Я., О. Полякова-Кръстева, И. Василев. 1985. Морфологична характеристика на митохондриалната система при представители на клас Cestoda. Хелминтология, 19, 44-54.
10. Poljakova-Krusteva, O., L. Gorchilova, Ya. Mizinska-Boevska, S. Stoitsova. 1985. Lysosomes and lysosome-like structures in the teguments of trematodes and cestodes. Хелминтология, 20, 66-79.
11. Krustev, L., Ya. Mizinska-Boevska, O. Poljakova-Krusteva. 1985. Membrane enzyme cytochemical changes in the hepatocytes of diethylnitrosamine included hepatomas. Arch. Geschwulstforsch., 55,(2), S. 99-105.
12. Krustev, L., M. Staykova, I. Goranov, Ya. Mizinska-Boevska. 1985. Morphological changes in peritoneal macrophages of guinea pigs with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and after treatment with "cytobiostat". Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 38, 12, 1705-1707.
13. Мизинска-Боевска, Я., Хр. Нейчев, Л. Кръстев, Н. Цочева, О. Полякова-Кръстева. 1988. Структурно-функционални промени на перитонеалните макрофаги у плъхове при хронична фасциолоза. Хелминтология, 26, 26-31.
14. Tsocheva, N., Ya. Mizinska-Boevska, R. Dacheva. 1988. Ensymecytochemical changes in the liver of rats with chronic fascioliasis and after toxic effect upon diethylnitrosamine treatment. Хелминтология, 25, 41-44.
15. Мизинска-Боевска, Я., Н. Цочева, О. Полякова-Кръстева, Л. Кръстев, Хр. Нейчев. 1989. Промени в ултраструктурата и фагоцитната активност на перитонеални макрофаги от плъхове под въздействието на диетилнитрозамин. Ветеринарна сбирка, 8, 24-28.
16. Mizinska-Boevska, Ya., O. Poljakova-Krusteva, E. Fok. 1989. Transmission and scanning electron microscopic observations on the body wall surface of Taenia hydatigena and its metacestode, Cysticercus tenuicollis (Cestoda:Cyclophyllidea). Parasitologia hungarica, 22, 57-61.
17. Mizinska-Boevska, Ya., N. Tsocheva, L. Krustev, O. Poljakova-Krusteva. 1990. Ultrastructural and functional changes in rat peritoneal macrophages under toxic influence of diethylnitrosamine against the background of chronic fascioliasis. Helminthologia (Bratislava), 27, (1), 21-31.
18. Mizinska-Boevska, Ya., N. Tsocheva, O. Poljakova-Krusteva, L. Krustev. 1990. Electronmicroscopic study of peritoneal macrophages of rats with chronic fascioliasis and the carcinogenic effect of diethylnitrosamine. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 38, (1-2), 69-75.
19. Мизинска-Боевска, Я., Н. Цочева, О. Полякова-Кръстева, Л. Кръстев. 1991. Функционални промени във фасциолозен черен дроб на плъхове третирани с диетилнитрозамин - ензимоцитохимично изследване. Хелминтология, 29, 35-40.
20. Полякова-Кръстева, О., Д. Георгиева, Я. Мизинска-Боевска, Р. Дачева. 1991. Ензимоцитохимично проучване при експериментална овисна цистицеркоза. Хелминтология, 30, 39-44.
21. Fok, E., Ya. Mizinska-Boevska, O. Poljakova-Krusteva. 1991. Nippostrongilus brasiliensis - ultrastructure of the body wall. Parasitologia hungarica, 24, 81-87.
22. Mizinska-Boevska, Ya., Y. Kamenov, L. Gorchilova, R. Dacheva. 1992. Enzymocytochemical study of experimental bunostomosis in lambs. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 45, 8, 123-125.
23. Kamenov, Y., L. Gorchilova, Ya. Mizinska-Boevska. 1993. Ultrastructural investigations on lambs with experimental bunostomosis. Journal of Veterinary Parasitology, 7, 4.
24. Stefanova, Z., Ya. Mizinska-Boevska, I. Yanchev, H. Neichev. 1993. Influence of yeast superoxide dismutase on the phagocytosis of peritoneal-exudate cells (PEC). Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 46, 4, 117-120.
25. Mizinska, Y., Ferreras, M. C., Manga, M. Y., Gonzalez, M. C., Ramajo, V. Y., Martinez, J. M. 1993. Repuesta celular del intestino delgado en corderos tras la infestacion con Fasciola hepatica/Schistosoma bovis y Schistosoma bovis/Fasciola hepatica. III Congresso Iberico de Parasitologia, Lisboa, Portugal, 4-8 October. In: Acta Parasitologica Portuguesa, vol. 1(2) Suplemento 1, 72.
26. Георгиев, Б., Д. Друмев, М. Друмев, Б. Петков, Я. Мизинска, Д. Банков, Д. Петров, К. Лилов, Н. Донев, К. Койчев, А. Джуров. 1994. Лекарствена форма за едновременно лекуване на ендо- и ектопаразити при кучета. Научни трудове на Институт за контрол на ветеринарномедицински препарати, София, том III, 260-263.
27. Mizinska-Boevska, Ya., B. Georgiev, M. Droumev, B. Petkov, D. Droumev. 1995. Ultrastructural changes in helminths from the components of new drugs against parasites in dogs. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 48, 3, 99-102.
28. Mizinska-Boevska, Ya., E. Fok, O. Poljakova-Krusteva. 1996. Nippostrongylus brasiliensis - ultrastructure of the intestin wall. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 48, 9-10, 147-149.
29. Mizinska-Boevska, Ya., L. Gorchilova, D. Svilenov, B. Georgiev, M. Droumev, B. Petkov, D. Droumev. 1996. In vitro effects of praziquantel, abamectin and their combination on cestodes (electronmicroscopic examination). Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 49, 2, 113-116.
30. Ferreras, M. C., Garcia-Iglesias, M. J., Manga, M. Y., Mizinska, Y., Perez, C., Ramajo, V., Escudero, A., Garcia-Marin, J. F. 1996. Comparison of histopathological lesions incluced by single and double infection with Fasciola hepatica and Schistosoma bovis in sheep. European Journal of Veterinary Pathology, Suppl. 2, 46-47.
31. Gorchilova, L., Ya. Mizinska-Boevska, D. Svilenov, B. Georgiev, M. Droumev, B. Petkov, D. Droumev. 1997. Ultrastructural effects of praziquantel, abamectin and their combination on Toxocara mystax (Nematoda) in vitro. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 50, 2, 99-102.
32.Gorchilova, L., Ya. Mizinska-Boevska, K. Georgieva, D. Svilenov, B. Georgiev, M. Droumev, B. Petkov, D. Droumev. 1999. Ultrastructural effects of clozantel, abamectin and their combination on Fasciola hepatica in vitro. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 52, 7-8, 97-100.
33. Svilenov, D., Ya. Mizinska-Boevska, K. Georgieva. 1999. Effect of mebendazole on experimental echinococcosis. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 52, 7-8, 101-104.
34. Svilenov, D., O. Poljakova-Krusteva, Ya. Mizinska-Boevska. 1999. Liver pathomorphological characteristics at the background of experimental echinococcosis. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 52, 9-10, 95-98.
35. Mizinska-Boevska Ya., L. Gorchilova, K. Georgieva, D. Svilenov, B. Georgiev, M. Droumev, B. Petkov, D. Droumev. 1999. Electronmicroscopic investigation on effects of three antiparasitic drugs on Trichostrongylus axei and Dictyocaulus filaria (Nematoda) in vitro. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 52, 9-10, 99-102.
36. Georgieva, K., Ya. Mizinska-Boevska. 1999. Surface carbohydrates in helminths (Cytochemical review). Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 3, 32-38.
37. Мизинска-Боевска, Я., Л. Горчилова, Д. Свиленов, Б. Георгиев, М. Друмев, Б. Петков, Д. Друмев. 1999. Ултраструктурни ефекти на празиквантел и абамектин върху цестоди и нематоди in vitro. Сборник от докладите от научната конференция "60 години РНИВМИ в Пловдив", 20 ноември 1996 г. Академично издателство на ВСИ Пловдив, 1999, 174-180.
38. Ferreras, M. C., M. J. Garcia-Iglesias, M. Y. Manga-Gonzalez, C. Perez-Martinez, Ya. Mizinska, V. Romajo, M. C. Gonzalez-Lanza, A. Escudero and J. F. Garcia-Marin. 2000. Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Study of Lambs Experimentally Infected with Fasciola hepatica and Schistosoma bovis. Journal of Veterinary Medicine B 47, 763-773.
39. Mizinska-Boevska, Ya., I. Todev, K. Georgieva, A. Yoneva. 2001. Structural characteristics of the integument and the intestinal wall of Gongylonema pulhrum (Molin, 1857). Helminthologia (Bratislava), 38, 3: 123-127.
40. Yoneva, A., Ya. Mizinska-Boevska. 2001. In vitro cultivation of helminths and establishment of cell cultures. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 4/7, 3-8.
41. Georgieva, K., Ya. Mizinska-Boevska, A. Yoneva. 2002. Ultrastructiral analysis of surfaces carbohydrates of adult Dictiocaulus filaria (Rudolphi, 1809) (Railliet et Henri, 1907) (Nematoda). Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 55, 11, 109-112.
42. Georgieva, K., Ya. Mizinska-Boevska, A. Yoneva. 2004. Effects of closantel and abamectin on surface carbohydrates in Moniezia expansa. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 57, 5, 81-84.
43. Mizinska-Boevska, Ya., O. Baicheva, D. Salkova, K. Georgieva. 2004. Morphological changes in the root tissues of tomato (Tiny Tim) plants invaded with Meloidogine arenaria /Neal, 1889; Chitwood, 1949/ and treated with NH4VO4. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 57, 12, 103-108.
44. Georgieva, K., A. Yoneva, Ya. Mizinska-Boevska, I. Todev. 2005. Ultrastructure of the contact surfaces of Passalurus ambiguus (Rudolphi, 1819) (Nematoda). Acta Biologica Hungarica, 56 (3-4), 297-303.
45. Georgieva, K., A. Yoneva, I. Popov, Ya. Mizinska-Boevska, S. Stoitsova. 2005. Lectin-binding properties of the surface of Fasciola hepatica sporocysts. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 58, 8, 973-976.
46. Petkova, S., E. Gabev, L. Mihov, Y. Mizinska-Boevska, M. Aleksandrov, K. Georgieva, I. Tsenov 2006. Morphological study on the effect of liposomally-administered mebendazole on Trichinella spiralis muscle stage in mice. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 59, 1, 75-80.
47. Mizinska-Boevska, Ya., O. Baicheva, D. Salkova, K. Georgieva. 2006. Effect of NH4VO4 on the tissues of germinating tomato plants. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 9/2, 26-30.
48. Yoneva, A., Georgieva, K., Ya. Mizinska, B. B. Georgiev, S. R. Stoitsova. 2006. Ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and mature spermatozoon of Sktjabinoporus merops (Cyclophyllidea, Metadilepididae). Acta parasitologica, 51, 3, 200-208.
49. Yoneva, A., J. Miquel, Z. Swiderski, K. Georgieva, Ya. Mizinska, B. B. Georgiev. 2006. Ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and mature spermatozoon of Angularella bema (Clere, 1906) (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea, Dilepididae). Acta parasitologica, 51, 4, 264-272.
50. Mizinska-Boevska, Ya., I. Nedeva, V. Radev, E. Arnaudova. 2007. Parasitological collection of the Institute of Experimental Pathology and Parasitology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 10/1, 3-7.
51. Gabrashanska, M., S. Tepavicharova, M. Galvez-Morros, S. Ermidou-Pollet, S. Pollet, M.Y. Manga Gonzalez, Y. Mizinska, M. Anisimova, 2007. Combined effects of chronic fascioliasis and (ZnxMn1-x).(OH)6SO4.2H2O on rat liver antioxidants. Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, 10/1, 8-14.
52. Gabrashanska, M., J. Manga Gonzalez, Y. Mizinska, S. Ermidou-Pollet, S. Pollet. 2007. Modulation of liver antioxidant ability under chronic fascioliasis and (ZnxCu1-x)2(OH)3Cl supplementation. Trace elements and electrolytes (Germany), v. 24, No 1, 61-66.
53. Georgieva, K., A. Yoneva, Ya. Mizinska-Boevska. 2007. Lectin binding characteristics of Fasciola hepatica rediae. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 60, 3, 315-318.
54. Yoneva A., Swiderski Z., Georgieva K., Nikolov P. N., Mizinska Ya., Georgiev B. B. 2008. Spermiogenesis and sperm ultrastructure of Valipora mutabilis Linton, 1927 (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea, Griporhynchidae). Parasitology Research 103, 1397-1405.
55. Toncheva-Panova, T., I. Pouneva, Y. Mizinska-Boevska. 2008. Lysis of the green alga Choricystis minor by bacterial pathogen. Compt. rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 61, 8, 1013-1020.
56. Байчева О., Мизинска-Боевска Я., Дамянова А., Салкова, Д.2008.
Некоторые итоги исследования действия ванадия на систему Meloidogymne arenaria – томаты. „Биоразнообразие и экология паразитов наземных и водных ценозов” – Материалы Международной научной конференции, посвещенной 130-летию со дня рождения акад. К.И.Скрябина, 9-11 декабря, Москва, 27-31.
57. Yoneva, A., K. Georgieva, P. Nikolov, Ya. Mizinska, B. B. Georgiev, S. R. Stoitsova. 2009. Ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and mature spermatozoon of Triaenorhina rectangula (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidea: Paruterinidae). Folia Parasitologica, 56, 275-283.
58. Yoneva, A., K. Georgieva, Ya. Mizinska, P. Nikolov, B. B. Georgiev, S. R. Stoitsova. 2010. Ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and mature spermatozoon of Anonchotaenia globata (von Linstow, 1879) (Cestoda,Cyclophyllidea, Paruterinidae). Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 91, 184-192.
59. Yoneva A., Levron C., Nikolov P. N., Mizinska Y., Mariaux J., Georgiev B. B. 2012.Spermiogenesis and spermatozoon ultrastructure of the paruterinid cestode Notopentorchis sp. (Cyclophyllidea). Parasitology Research 111: 135-142.
60. Georgieva K., Georgieva S., Mizinska Y., Stoitsova S.R. 2012. Fasciola hepatica miracidia: Lectin binding and stimulation of in vitro miracidium-to-sporocyst transformation. Acta Parasitologica, 57 (1) 46-52.


Animal Diversity and Resources
Biodiversity and Ecology of Parasites
Research group
Ultrastructure of Parasites


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