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Milcho Todorov

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Personal information


Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1 Tsar Osvoboditel blvd., 1000 Sofia

Phone: (+359 2) 988 51 15 (via operator)

E-mail addresses:

Curriculum vitae

Date and place of birth: 30 September 1958, Sofia

Education and degrees:

1983: MSc, Faculty of Biology, "St. Kliment Okhridski" University of Sofia

1987: PhD, Institute of Zoology, BAS; thesis: "Composition, structure and dynamics of soil testate amoebae cenoses in Vitosha Mountain", supervisor Prof. V. Golemansky


1988-2003: Research Fellow, Institute of Zoology, BAS
2004-2010: Associate Professor, Institute of Zoology, BAS
2008-2010: Head, Department of "Protozoology", Institute of Zoology, BAS
2010-present: Associate Professor, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, BAS
2010-present: Leader, Research Group "Protozoology", Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, BAS
2011-present: Deputy Director, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, BAS

Membership in scientific organisations: ISTAR – International Society for Testate Amoebae Research

Research projects: Coordinator or participant in more than 20 national and international research projects.


1988-2010: Practicals on "Protozoology" at Faculty of Biology, "St. Kliment Okhridski" University of Sofia

2008-2009: Practicals on "Protoparasitology" and "Protozoan parasites in animals and humans" at Faculty of Biology, "St. Kliment Okhridski" University of Sofia

2008-2009: Specialised course in "Protozoology" and "Protozoan parasites in animals and humans" at Faculty of Biology, "St. Kliment Okhridski" University of Sofia

Research interests

• Taxonomy, morphology and ecology of Testate amoebae in freshwater, marine and soil habitats.
• Systematics and phylogeny of Amoebozoa and Rhizaria.
• Conservation problems of freshwater Invertebrates in Bulgaria.


Pilarska, D., Todorov, M., Pilarski, P., Djorova, V., Solter, L., Georgiev G. 2013. Bioassays for detection of the entomopathogenic fungus Entomophaga maimaiga (Entomophtorales: Entomophtoraceae) in soil from different sites in Bulgaria. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 65: (ISSN 0324-0770) (IF 2012 = 0.247)

Gomaa, F., Todorov, M., Heger, T., Mitchell, E.A.D., Lara, E. 2012. SSU rRNA phylogeny of Arcellinida (Amoebozoa) reveals that, the largest Arcellinid genus, Difflugia Leclerc 1815, is not monophyletic. - Protist, 163: 389-399. (doi: 10.1016/j.protis.2011.12.001). (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2012 = 3.136)

Kosakyan, A., Heger, T.J., Leander, B.S., Todorov, M., Mitchell, E.A.D., Lara, E. 2012. COI barcoding of nebelid testate amoebae (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida): extensive cryptic diversity and redefinition of the Hyalospheniidae Schultze. - Protist, 163: 415-434. (doi: 10.1016/j.protis.2011.10.003). (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2012 = 3.136)

Georgiev G., Mirchev P., Rossnev B., Petkov P., Georgieva M., Matova M., Kitanova S., Pilarska D., Pilarski P., Golemansky V., Todorov M., Hubenov Z., Takov D. 2011. Introduction of Entomophaga maimaiga and control of Lymantria dispar calamities in Bulgaria. Proceedings of Scientific Conference „Sustainable management of oak forests in Bulgaria”, October 29-30, 2011, Primorsko: 72-79.

Heger, T., J. Pawlowski., E. Lara, B.S. Leander, M. Todorov, V. Golemansky, E.A.D. Mitchell. 2011. Comparing potencial COI and SSU rDNA barcodes for assessing the diversity and phylogenetic relationships of cyphoderiid testate amoebae (Rhizaria: Euglyphida). - Protist, 162: 131-141. (doi: 10.1016/j.protis.2010.05.002) (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2011 = 3,136)

Georgiev G., Pilarska D., Mirchev P., Rossnev B., Petkov P., Pilarski P., Golemansky V., Todorov M., Takov D., Hubenov Z., Georgieva M., Matova M., Kitanova S. 2010. Entomophaga maimaiga – a factor for increasing stability and enhancing biodiversity in oak forests on the Balkan Peninsula. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference ‘Forest Ecosystems and Climate Changes’, March 9-10, 2010, Belgrade, Serbia, vol. 1, 181-185.

Golemansky, V.‚ D. Pilarska‚ G. Georgiev, D. Takov, M. Todorov, P. Pilarski. 2010. Protozoan parasites and pathogens of forest pest arthropods. – Silva balcanica, 11 (1): 67-72. (ISSN: 1311-8706)

Heger, T.J., Mitchell, E.A.D., Golemansky, V., Todorov, M., Lara, E., Leander, B., Pawlowski, J. 2010. Molecular phylogeny of euglyphid testate amoebae (Cercozoa: Euglyphida) suggests transitions between marine supralittoral and freshwater/terrestrial environments are infrequent. – Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 55: 113-122. (doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2009.11.023) (ISSN: 1055-7903) (IF 2010 = 3,889)

Todorov, M. 2010. Nebela golemanskyi sp. nov., a new sphagnicolous testate amoeba from Bulgaria (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida, Nebelidae). – Acta Protozoologica, 49: 37-43. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2010 = 0,881)

Todorov M., V. Golemansky, R. Meisterfeld. 2010. Is Difflugia nebeloides (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida) really a Difflugia? Re-description and new combination. – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 62 (1): 13-20. ISSN 0324-0770. (IF 2010= 0.269)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 2009 Testate amoebae (Arcellinida and Euglyphida) from the hydropsammon of Lake Leman (Switzerland). – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 61 (1): 27-32. (ISSN: 0324-0770)

Todorov, M., V. Golemansky. 2009. Morphology and biometry of Nebela tenella Penard, 1893 (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida). - Acta Protozoologica, 48: 143-151. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2009 = 0,775)

Todorov, M., V. Golemansky, E. Mitchell, T. Heger. 2009. Morphology, biometry and taxonomy of freshwater and marine interstitial Cyphoderia (Cecozoa: Euglyphida). – Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 56 (3): 279-289. (doi: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2009.00394.x) (ISSN: 1066-5234) (IF 2009 = 2,355)

Davidova R., V. Golemansky, M. Todorov. 2008. Diversity and biotopic distribution of testate amoebae (Arcellinida and Euglyphida) in Ticha dam (Northeastern Bulgaria) – Acta zoologica bulgarica, Supplementum 2: 1-12. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Todorov M., V. Golemansky, B. Temelkov. 2008. Diversity and biotopic distribution of testate amoebae (Amoebozoa, Arcellinida and Rhizaria, Euglyphida) in Batak reservoir (Southern Bulgaria) – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 60 (2): 115-124. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 2007 Taxonomic review of the genus Centropyxiella (Rhizopoda: Filosea) with data on its biology and geographical distribution. – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 59 (3): 227-240. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Todorov, M., V. Golemansky. 2007. Morphological variability of Difflugia urceolata Carter, 1864 (Testacealobosia: Difflugiidae) and taxonomical status of its varieties D. urceolata var. olla Leidy, 1879 and D. urceolata var. sphaerica Playfair, 1917. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 59 (1): 3-12. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Todorov, M., V. Golemansky. 2007 Seasonal dynamics of the diversity and abundance of the marine interstitial testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testacealobosia and Testaceafilosia) in the Black Sea supralittoral. - Acta Protozoologica, 46: 169-181. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2007 = 1,226)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 2006. New data to the shell ultrastructure and the biometry of the marine interstitial testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testaceafilosia). - Acta Protozoologica, 45: 301-312. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2002 = 1,162)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 2006. Morphology, biometry and ecology of Playfairina valkanovi Golemansky, 1966 (Testaceafilosia: Trinematidae), with a supplement to the diagnosis of the genus Playfairina Thomas, 1961. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 58 (3): 291-298. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov, B. Temelkov. 2006. Diversity and biotopic distribution of the Rhizopods (Rhizopoda: Lobosia and Filosia) from the Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria). - In: Beron, P. (ed.). Biodiversity of Bulgaria. 3. Biodiversity of Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece) I. Pensoft & Nat. Mus. Natur. Hist., Sofia, 205-220.

Temelkov, B., V. Golemansky, M. Todorov. 2006. Updated check-list of the recent Foraminifera from the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 58 (1): 17-36. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 2005. Psammonobiotus invaginatus sp.n. – a new psammobiotic testate amoeba (Rhizopoda: Gromiida) from the Black Sea and a morphometric data of the known Psammonobiotus spp.. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 57 (3): 269-278. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov, B. Temelkov. 2005. Biodiversity and biotopic distribution of the testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Arcellinida & Gromiida) in the tectonic lake Doyran (Southest Europe). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 57 (1): 3-12. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov, I. Pandurski, B. Georgiev, Y. Uzunov, V. Peneva, T. Konsulova, D. Kozhuharov, S. Andreev & P. Stoev. 2005. Biodiversity of lower invertebrates in Bulgaria: present state, problems, perspectives. – In: Petrova, A. (ed.), Current state of Bulgarian biodiversity – problems and perspectives. Bulgarian Biodiversity Platform, Ministry of Environment and Water, Sofia, Dragon: 105-127. (In Bulgarian). (ISBN: 954-9746-12-7)

Todorov, М. 2005. Testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the glacial lakes Smradlivo ezero in the Rila National Park (Southwestern Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 57 (1): 13-23. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 2004. Shell morphology, biometry and distribution of some marine interstitial testate amoebae (Sarcodina: Rhizopoda). - Acta Protozoologica, 43: 147-162. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2004 = 0,986)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 2004. Additional data and summarized check-list on the rhizopods (Rhizopoda: Amoebida &Testacea) from Livingston Island, South Shetlands, Antarctic. - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds.). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. IV. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 83-93. (ISBN: 954-642-219-3)

Todorov, М. 2004. Testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the glacial lakes Ribni Ezera in the Rila Mountains (South-West Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 56 (3): 243-252. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov, A. Zhecheva. 2003. A Check-List of the Rhizopods (Amoebida and Testacea) in the collection of Dr. P. Pateff deposited at the Institute of Zoology (Sofia). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 55 (2): 95-104. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Todorov, M., V. Golemansky. 2003. Morphology, biometry and ecology of Arcella excavata Cunningham, 1919 (Rhizopoda: Arcellinida). - Acta Protozoologica, 42: 105-111. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2003 = 0,771)

Todorov, M. 2002. Morphology, biometry and ecology of Nebela bigibbosa Penard (Protozoa: Rhizopoda). - Acta Protozoologica, 41: 239-244. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2002 = 0,446)

Todorov, M. 2002. Morphology and biometry of some new soil testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Bulgaria. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 54 (2): 15-38. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Todorov, M. 2001. Testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) in soil and litter of beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) from Bulgaria. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 53 (2): 19-36. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Thailand. - Acta Protozoologica, 39: 337-344. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2000 = 0,737)

Deltshev, C., P. Beron, G. Blagoev, V. Golemansky, V. Najdenov, V. Peneva, P. Stoev, M. Todorov, Z. Hubenov. 2000. Faunistic Dversity of Invertebrates (non Insecta) of the Rila National Park. In: Biological Diversity of the Rila National Park. Sakalian M. (ed.). Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 249-284. (ISBN: 954-642-076-X)

Deltshev, C., P. Beron, G. Blagoev, V. Golemansky, V. Peneva, P. Stoev, M. Todorov, Z. Hubenov. 2000. Faunistic Dversity of Invertebrates (non Insecta) in Central Balkan National Park. In: Biological Diversity of the Central Balkan National Park. Sakalian M. (ed.). Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 289-317. (ISBN: 954-642-078-6)

Todorov, M., V. Golemansky. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) of the Glacial Lakes in the Rila National Park (Southwestern Bulgaria). - In: Biodiversity and Evolution of Glacial Water Ecosystems in the Rila Mountains. Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenow (eds.). Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House, Sofia: 15-26. (ISBN: 954-90623-1-7)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 1999. First report of the interstitial testate amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) in the marine supralittoral of the Livingston Island (Antarctic). - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds.). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. II.. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 43-47. (ISBN: 954-642-070-0)

Golemansky, V., D. Pilarska, M. Todorov. 1999. Unicellular parasites (Sporozoa & Ciliophora) of the Orthopterous insects (Insecta: Orthoptera) in Bulgaria. - Jubilee scientific conference “25th years University of Shumen “Ep. K. Preslavsky”, Shumen, 30.10. – 01.11.1996: 52-55. (In Bulgarian).

Deltshev, C., A. Popov, Z. Hubenov, M. Todorov. 1999. Conservation problems of faunistic diversity of Invertebrates in the natural park Vitosha. – In: “65 years park Vitosha”. Ministry of Environment and Water, National Forest Management, SO-Management “Green system”, Sofia, Letera: 12-13. (In Bulgarian).

Pilarska, D., V. Golemansky, M. Todorov. 1999. First record of microsporidia (Protozoa: Microspora) in Orthopterous insects (Insecta: Orthoptera) from Bulgaria. – Jubilee scientific conference “25th years University of Shumen “Ep. K. Preslavsky”, Shumen, 30.10. – 01.11.1996: 56-58. (In Bulgarian).

Todorov, M. 1999. Species diversity and dominant structure of soil testate amoebae communities. - In: Peev, D & S. Gerassimov (eds.). National Biomonitoring Program of Bulgaria. Express and long-term methods for biological monitoring. Sofia, Gea Libris: 125-131. (In Bulgarian).

Todorov, M. 1999. Rate of decomposition of the organic matter. - In: Peev, D & S. Gerassimov (eds.). National Biomonitoring Program of Bulgaria. Express and long-term methods for biological monitoring. Sofia, Gea Libris: 133-136. (In Bulgarian).

Todorov, M., V. Golemansky. 1999. Planhoogenraadia bonneti sp. n. and Centropyxis thailandica sp. n. (Rhizopoda: Testacea), Two New Testaceans from Thailand. - Acta Protozoologica, 38: 255-261. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 1999 = 0,623)

Todorov, M., V. Golemansky. 1999. Biotopic distribution of testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testacea) in continental habitats of the Livingston Island (the Antarctic). - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. II. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 48-56. (ISBN: 954-642-070-0)

Golemansky, V.‚ J. Lipa‚ D. Pilarska‚ M. Todorov. 1998. Unicelullar parasites (Protozoa: Eugregarinida‚ Microsporida & Trychostomatida) of the Orthopterous insects (Insecta: Orthoptera) in Bulgaria. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 50 (1): 123-135. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Deltshev, C., S. Andreev, G. Blagoev, V. Golemansky, G. Miloikova, V. Peneva, D. Dobrev, M. Todorov, Z. Hubenov. 1998. Invertebrates (Non-Insecta) in Bulgaria. - In: Bulgaria’s Biological Diversity: Conservation Status and Needs Assessment. Vol. I and II. Curt Meine (ed.). Washington. D. C.: Biodiversity Support Program: 109-161. (ISBN: 1-887531-21-1)

Todorov, M. 1998. Observation on the soil and moss testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Pirin Mountain (Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 50 (2/3): 19-29. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Todorov, M., V. Golemansky. 1998. Testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the coastal lakes Shabla and Ezerets (Northeastern Bulgaria), with a description of Pentagonia shablensis sp. nov. - In: Biodivrsity of Shabla Lake System. Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenov (eds). Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House, Sofia: 69-90. (ISBN: 954-436-545-9)

Golemansky, V.‚ M. Todorov. 1996. Interstitial Rhizopods (Rhizopoda: Testacea  Foraminiferida) from the Antarctic Region of Chile and Valparaiso in the Pacific. - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds.). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 62-69. (ISBN: 954-642-014-X)

Todorov, M.‚ V. Golemansky. 1996. Notes on Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Livingston Island, South Schetland Islands, Antarctic. - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds.). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 70-81. (ISBN: 954-642-014-X)

Serafimov, B., V. Golemansky, M. Todorov. 1995. Testacean taxocenoses (Rhizopoda, Testacea) in two quarry lakes of Sofia district. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 48: 23-33. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Todorov, M., V. Golemansky. 1995. Ecological caracteristics of soil Testacea (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of Vitoša Mountain (Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 48: 3-22. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Deltshev, C., S. Andreev, G. Blagoev, V. Golemansky, D. Dobrev, G. Miloikova, V. Peneva, M. Todorov, Z. Hubenov. 1994. Invertebrates (non Insecta) in Bulgaria (Protozoa, Nematoda, Oligohaeta, Mollusca, Crustacea, Myriapoda, Araneae, Acari). - In: Biodiversity Support Program: The National Biological Diversity Conservation Strategy. Vol. 1. Sakalian, M. (ed.). Sofia, AAID: 149-244. (In Bulgarian).

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 1993. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) in the watercatchment area and littoral of the “Beli Iskar” dam. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 46: 3-9. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Todorov, M. 1993. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) in soils of Vitoša Mountain (Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 46: 16-23. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Todorov, M., V. Golemansky. 1992. Effect of pesticides Fundasol, Fuzamicin and Lavendotricin on the growth of laboratory cultures of Protozoa. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 45: 20-25. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 1991. Faune thécamoebienne (Rhizopoda, Testacea) de la Corée du Nord. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 41: 3-11. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 1990. Rhizopodic fauna (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) from Vitoša. – In: Fauna of Southwestern Bulgaria, Part 3. BAS, Sofia: 19-48. (In Bulgarian, with Russian and English summaries).

Golemansky, V., H. Hristov, M. Todorov. 1990. Manual of laboratory studies in zoology of invertebrates. – Shunem University Publ. House “Ep. K. Preslavsky”, 256 pp. (In Bulgarian).

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 1987. On the vertical distribution of soil testacida in three mountain soil types in Bulgaria. – In: Soil fauna and soil fertility. Proceedings of the 9th international colloquium on soil zoology, Moscow, Nauka: 207-210. (In Russian).

Golemansky, V., S. Skarlato, M. Todorov. 1987. A Light- and Electron- Microscopical (SEM and TEM) Study of Microchlamys sylvatica n. sp. (Rhizopoda: Arcellinida). – Archiv für Protistenkunde, 134 (2): 161-167. (ISSN: 0003-9365) (IF 1987 = 0,725)

Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 1985. Comparative studies on the composition and distribution of the thecamoeban fauna (Rhizopoda, Testacea) in three types of soil in Vitosha Mountain. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 29: 50-64. (In Bulgarian, with Russian and English summaries). (ISSN 0324-0770)

Cited publications:

Amesbury, M.J., Mallon, G., Charman, D.J., Hughes, P.D.M., Booth, R.K., Daley, T.J., Garneau, M. 2013. Statistical testing of a new testate amoeba-based transfer function for water-table depth reconstruction on ombrotrophic peatlands in north-eastern Canada and Maine, United States. - Journal of Quaternary Science, 28 (1): 27-39. (ISSN: 1099-1417) (IF 2012 = 2.308)

1. Gomaa, F., Todorov, M., Heger, T., Mitchell, E.A.D., Lara, E. 2012. SSU rRNA phylogeny of Arcellinida (Amoebozoa) reveals that, the largest Arcellinid genus, Difflugia Leclerc 1815, is not monophyletic. Protist, 163: 389-399. (doi: 10.1016/j.protis.2011.12.001). (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2011 = 3.136)

Davidova, R., V. Vasilev. 2013. Seasonal dynamics of the testate amoebae fauna (Protozoa: Arcellinida and Euglyphida) in Durankulak Lake (Northeastern Bulgaria). – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 65 (1): 27-36. (ISSN 0324-0770) (IF 2012 = 0.247)

2. Serafimov, B., V. Golemansky, M. Todorov. 1995. Testacean taxocenoses (Rhizopoda, Testacea) in two quarry lakes of Sofia district. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 48: 23-33. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Lahr, D.J.G., Grant, J.R., Katz, L.A. 2013. Multigene phylogenetic reconstruction of the Tubulinea (Amoebozoa) corroborates four of the six major lineages, whilw additionally revealing that shell composition does not predict phylogeny in the Arcellinida. - Protist, 164 (3): 323-329. (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2012 = 3.136)

3. Gomaa, F., Todorov, M., Heger, T., Mitchell, E.A.D., Lara, E. 2012. SSU rRNA phylogeny of Arcellinida (Amoebozoa) reveals that, the largest Arcellinid genus, Difflugia Leclerc 1815, is not monophyletic. Protist, 163: 389-399. (doi: 10.1016/j.protis.2011.12.001). (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2012 = 3.136)

4. Kosakyan, A., Heger, T.J., Leander, B.S., Todorov, M., Mitchell, E.A.D., Lara, E. 2012. COI barcoding of nebelid testate amoebae (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida): extensive cryptic diversity and redefinition of the Hyalospheniidae, Schultze. Protist, 163 (3): 415-434. (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2012 = 3.136)

5. Todorov M., V. Golemansky, R. Meisterfeld. 2010. Is Difflugia nebeloides (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida) really a Difflugia? Re-description and new combination. – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 62 (1): 13-20. (ISSN 0324-0770) (IF 2010= 0.269)

Santini, F., Ngyyen, M.T.T., Sorenson, L., Waltzek, T.B., Lynch Alfaro, J.W., Eastman, J.M., Alfaro, M.E. 2013. Do habitat shifts drive diversification in teleost fishes? An example from the pufferfishes (Tetraodonidae). – Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26 (5): 1003-1018. (ISSN: 1420-9101) (IF 2012 = 3.276)

6. Heger, T.J., Mitchell, E.A.D., Golemansky, V., Todorov, M., Lara, E., Leander, B., Pawlowski, J. 2010. Molecular phylogeny of euglyphid testate amoebae (Cercozoa: Euglyphida) suggests transitions between marine supralittoral and freshwater/terrestrial environments are infrequent. - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 55: 113-122. (ISSN 1055-7903) (IF 2010 = 3,889)

Santoferrara, L.F., McManus, G.B., Alder, V.A. 2013. Utility of genetic markers and morphology for species discrimination within the order Tintinnida (Ciliophora, Spirotrichea). – Protist, 164 (1):24-36. (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2012 = 3.136)

7. Heger, T.J., Pawlowski, J., Lara, E., Leander, B.S., Todorov, M., Golemansky, V., Mitchell, E.A.D. 2011. Comparing potencial COI and SSU rDNA barcodes for assessing the diversity and phylogenetic relationships of cyphoderiid testate amoebae (Rhizaria: Euglyphida). Protist, 162: 131-141. (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2011 = 3.136)

Bloom, D.D., Lovejoy, N.R. 2012. Molecular phylogenetics reveals a pattern of biome conservatism in New World anchovies (family Engraulidae). – Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 25 (4):701-715. (ISSN 1010-061X) (IF 2012 = 3.276)

8. Heger, T.J., Mitchell, E.A.D., Golemansky, V., Todorov, M., Lara, E., Leander, B., Pawlowski, J. 2010. Molecular phylogeny of euglyphid testate amoebae (Cercozoa: Euglyphida) suggests transitions between marine supralittoral and freshwater/terrestrial environments are infrequent. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 55: 113-122. (ISSN 1055-7903) (IF 2010 = 3,889)

Bobrov, A.A., Wetterich, S. 2012. Testate amoebae of arctic tundra landscapes. – Protistology, 7 (1): 51-58. (ISSN 1680-0826)

9. Golemansky, V., M. Todorov, B. Temelkov. 2006. Diversity and biotopic distribution of the rhizopods (Rhizopoda: Lobosia and Filosia) from the Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria) - In: Beron, P. (ed.). Biodiversity of Bulgaria. 3. Biodiversity of Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece) I. Pensoft & Nat. Mus. Natur. Hist., Sofia: 205-220. (ISBN 9546422797)

Davidova, R. 2012. Biotopic distribution of testate amoebae (Protozoa: Arcellinida and Euglyphida) in Ovcharitsa Reservoir (Southeastern Bulgaria). – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 64 (1): 13-22. (ISSN 0324-0770) (IF 2012 = 0.247)

10. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 1993. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) in the watercatchment area and littoral of the “Beli Iskar” dam. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 46: 3-9. (ISSN 0324-0770)

11. Golemansky, V., M. Todorov, B. Temelkov. 2006. Diversity and biotopic distribution of the rhizopods (Rhizopoda: Lobosia and Filosia) from the Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria) - In: Beron, P. (ed.). Biodiversity of Bulgaria. 3. Biodiversity of Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece) I. Pensoft & Nat. Mus. Natur. Hist., Sofia: 205-220. (ISBN 9546422797)

12. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) of the Glacial Lakes in the Rila National Park (Southwestern Bulgaria). - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenow (eds). Biodiversity and Evolution of Glacial Water Ecosystems in the Rila Mountains. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 15-26. (ISBN 954-90623-1-7)

13. Todorov M., Golemansky, V., Temelkov, B. 2008. Diversity and biotopic distribution of testate amoebae (Amoebozoa, Arcellinida and Rhizaria, Euglyphida) in Batak reservoir (Southern Bulgaria) – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 60 (2): 115-124. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Davidova, R. 2012. Morphometry of three testate amoebae of Difflugia Leclerc, 1815 (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida: Difflugiidae) from Bulgaria. – Romanian Journal of Biology-Zoology, 57 (1): 39-50. (ISSN 2248-3799)

14. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2007. Morphological variability of Difflugia urceolata Carter, 1864 (Testacealobosia: Difflugiidae) and taxonomical status of its varieties D. urceolata var. olla Leidy, 1879 and D. urceolata var. sphaerica Playfair, 1917. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 59 (1): 3-12. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Davidova, R. 2012. Biometry of three rare testate amoebae species (Arcellinida and Euglyphida) from freshwater and moss biotopes in Bulgaria. – Protistology, 7 (2): 63-70. (ISSN 1680-0826)

15. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2006. New data to the shell ultrastructure and the biometry of the marine interstitial testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testaceafilosia). - Acta Protozoologica, 45: 301-312. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2006 = 1.162)

16. Todorov, M. 2002. Morphology, biometry and ecology of Nebela bigibbosa Penard (Protozoa: Rhizopoda). - Acta Protozoologica, 41: 239-244. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2002 = 0.446)

17. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2003. Morphology, biometry and ecology of Arcella excavata Cunningham, 1919 (Rhizopoda: Arcellinida). - Acta Protozoologica, 42: 105-111. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2003 = 0.771)

18. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V., Mitchell, E., Heger, T. 2009. Morphology, Biometry and Taxonomy of Freshwater and Marine Interstitial Cyphoderia (Cecozoa: Euglyphida). - Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 56 (3): 279-289. (ISSN 1066-5234) (IF 2009 = 1.525)

Davidova, D., V. Vasilev. 2012. Composition and structure of testate amoebae fauna (Protozoa: Arcellinida and Euglyphida) in Durankulak Lake (Northeastern Bulgaria). – Ecologia balcanica, 4 (1): 73-80. (ISSN: 1314-0213)

19. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 1998. Testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the coastal lakes Shabla and Ezerets (Northeastern Bulgaria), with a description of Pentagonia shablensis sp. nov. - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenov (eds). Biodivrsity of Shabla Lake System. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 69-90. (ISBN 954-436-545-9)

20. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) of the Glacial Lakes in the Rila National Park (Southwestern Bulgaria). - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenow (eds). Biodiversity and Evolution of Glacial Water Ecosystems in the Rila Mountains. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 15-26. (ISBN 954-90623-1-7)

Fernandez, L.D., Zapata, J., Meisterfeld, R., Baessolo, L. 2012. First records and community pattern of Arcellinida inhabiting a Pristine and remote Island from Southeastern Pacific, Chile. – Acta Protozoologica, 51:139-154. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2012 = 1.317)

21. Heger, T.J., Pawlowski, J., Lara, E., Leander, B.S., Todorov, M., Golemansky, V., Mitchell, E.A.D. 2011. Comparing potencial COI and SSU rDNA barcodes for assessing the diversity and phylogenetic relationships of cyphoderiid testate amoebae (Rhizaria: Euglyphida). Protist, 162: 131-141. (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2011 = 3.136)

22. Kosakyan, A., Heger, T.J., Leander, B.S., Todorov, M., Mitchell, E.A.D., Lara, E. 2012. COI barcoding of nebelid testate amoebae (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida): extensive cryptic diversity and redefinition of the Hyalospheniidae, Schultze. Protist, 163 (3): 415-434. (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2012 = 3.136)

Glime, J.M. 2012. Protozoa: Rhizopod Diversity. Chapt. 2-3. In: Glime, J.M. Bryophyte Ecology. Volume 2. Bryological Interaction. Ebook sponsored by Michigan Technological University and the International Association of Bryologists. Last updated 25 April 2012 and available at

23. Todorov, M.‚ V. Golemansky. 1996. Notes on Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Livingston Island, South Schetland Islands, Antarctic. - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds.). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 70-81. (ISBN: 954-642-014-X)

Mackiewicz, P., Bodyl, A., Gagat, P. 2012. Protein import into the photosynthetic organelles of Paulinella chromatophora and its implications for primary plastid endosymbiosis. – Symbiosis, 58 (1-3): 99-107. (ISSN: 0334-5114) (IF 2012 = 1.214)

24. Heger, T.J., Mitchell, E.A.D., Golemansky, V., Todorov, M., Lara, E., Leander, B., Pawlowski, J. 2010. Molecular phylogeny of euglyphid testate amoebae (Cercozoa: Euglyphida) suggests transitions between marine supralittoral and freshwater/terrestrial environments are infrequent. - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 55: 113-122. (ISSN 1055-7903) (IF 2010 = 3,889)

Mazei, Y., Warren, A. 2012. A survey of the testate amoeba genus Difflugia Leclerc, 1815 based on specimens in the E. Penard and C.G. Ogden collections of the Natural History Museum, London. Part 1: Species with shells that are pointed aborally and/or have aboral protuberances. - Protistology, 7 (3): 121-171. (1680-0826)

25. Gomaa, F., Todorov, M., Heger, T., Mitchell, E.A.D., Lara, E. 2012. SSU rRNA phylogeny of Arcellinida (Amoebozoa) reveals that, the largest Arcellinid genus, Difflugia Leclerc 1815, is not monophyletic. Protist, 163: 389-399. (doi: 10.1016/j.protis.2011.12.001). (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2012 = 3.136)

26. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2007. Morphological variability of Difflugia urceolata Carter, 1864 (Testacealobosia: Difflugiidae) and taxonomical status of its varieties D. urceolata var. olla Leidy, 1879 and D. urceolata var. sphaerica Playfair, 1917. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 59 (1): 3-12. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Meyer, C., Gilbert, D., Gillet, F., Moskura, M., Franchi, M., Bernard, N. 2012. Using “bryophytes and their associated testate amoeba” Microsystems as indicators of atmospheric pollution. - Ecological indicators, 13: 144-151. (ISSN: 1470-160X) (IF 2012 = 2,695)

27. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Thailand. - Acta Protozoologica, 39: 337-344. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2000 = 0,737)

Nicholls, K.H. 2012. Zoelucasa sablensis n. gen. et n. sp. (Cercozoa, Incertae Sedis), a new scale-covered flagellate from marine sandy shores. – Acta Protozoologica, 51:113-117. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2012 = 1.317)

28. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2006. New data to the shell ultrastructure and the biometry of the marine interstitial testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testaceafilosia). - Acta Protozoologica, 45: 301-312. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2006 = 1.162)

Ooms, M., Beyens, L., Temmerman, S. 2012. Testate amoebae as proxy for water level changes in a brakish tidal marsh. - Acta Protozoologica, 51: 271-289. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2012 = 1.317)

29. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2004. Shell morphology, biometry and distribution of some marine interstitial testate amoebae (Sarcodina: Rhizopoda). - Acta Protozoologica, 43: 147-162. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2004 = 0,986)

30. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V., Mitchell, E., Heger, T. 2009. Morphology, Biometry and Taxonomy of Freshwater and Marine Interstitial Cyphoderia (Cecozoa: Euglyphida). - Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 56 (3): 279-289. (ISSN 1066-5234) (IF 2008 = 1.525)

Wilkinson, D.M., Creevy, A.L., Valentine, J. 2012. The past, present and future of soil protist ecology. – Acta Protozoologica, 51:189-199. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2011 = 1.317)

31. Kosakyan, A., Heger, T.J., Leander, B.S., Todorov, M., Mitchell, E.A.D., Lara, E. 2012. COI barcoding of nebelid testate amoebae (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida): extensive cryptic diversity and redefinition of the Hyalospheniidae, Schultze. Protist, 163 (3): 415-434. (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2012 = 3.136)

Anderson, R.O. 2011. Soil respiration, climate change and the role of microbial communities. Protist, 162: 679-690. (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2011 = 3,136)

32. Heger, T.J., Pawlowski, J., Lara, E., Leander, B.S., Todorov, M., Golemansky, V., Mitchell, E.A.D. 2011. Comparing potencial COI and SSU rDNA barcodes for assessing the diversity and phylogenetic relationships of cyphoderiid testate amoebae (Rhizaria: Euglyphida). Protist, 162: 131-141. (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2011 = 3,136)

Budiño, B., Lamas, J., Pata, M.P., Arranz, J., Sanmartin, M.L., Leiro, J. 2011. Intraspecific variability in several isolates of Philasterides dicentrachi (syn. Miamiensis avidus), a scuticociliate parasite of farmed turbot. Veterinary Parasitology, 175: 260-272. (ISSN: 0304-4017) (IF 2011 = 2,579)

33. Todorov M., Golemansky, V., Mitchell E.A.D., Heger, T. 2009. Morphology, biometry and taxonomy of freshwater and marine interstitial Cyphoderia (Cecozoa: Euglyphida). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 56: 279-289. (ISSN: 1066-5234) (IF 2009 = 2,355)

Davidova, R. 2011. Diversity of testate amoebae (Protozoa: Arcellinida and Euglyphida) in Ovcharitsa reservoir (Southeastern Bulgaria). - Ovidius University Annals of Natural Sciences, Biology – Ecology Series, 15: 41-46. ISSN 1453-1267.

34. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 1993. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) in the watercatchment area and littoral of the “Beli Iskar” dam. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 46: 3-9. (ISSN 0324-0770)

35. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 1998. Testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the coastal lakes Shabla and Ezerets (Northeastern Bulgaria), with a description of Pentagonia shablensis sp. nov. - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenov (eds). Biodivrsity of Shabla Lake System. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 69-90. (ISBN 954-436-545-9)

36. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) of the Glacial Lakes in the Rila National Park (Southwestern Bulgaria). - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenow (eds). Biodiversity and Evolution of Glacial Water Ecosystems in the Rila Mountains. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 15-26. (ISBN 954-90623-1-7)

37. Todorov M., Golemansky, V., Temelkov, B. 2008. Diversity and biotopic distribution of testate amoebae (Amoebozoa, Arcellinida and Rhizaria, Euglyphida) in Batak reservoir (Southern Bulgaria) – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 60 (2): 115-124. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Payne, R.J. 2011. Can testate amoeba-based palaeohydrology be extended to fens? - Journal of Quaternary Science, 26: 15-27. (ISSN: 0267-8179) (IF 2011 = 2,308)

38. Heger, T.J., Mitchell, E.A.D., Golemansky, V., Todorov, M., Lara, E., Leander, B., Pawlowski, J. 2010. Molecular phylogeny of euglyphid testate amoebae (Cercozoa: Euglyphida) suggests transitions between marine supralittoral and freshwater/terrestrial environments are infrequent. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 55: 113-122. (ISSN 1055-7903) (IF 2010 = 3,889)

39. Todorov M., Golemansky, V., Mitchell E.A.D., Heger, T. 2009. Morphology, biometry and taxonomy of freshwater and marine interstitial Cyphoderia (Cecozoa: Euglyphida). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 56: 279-289. (ISSN: 1066-5234) (IF 2009 = 2,355)

Vohnik, M., Burdikova, Z., Vyhnal, A., Koukol, O. 2011. Interactions between testate amoebae and saprotrophic microfungi in a Scots Pine litter microcosm. - Microbial Ecology, 61: 660-668. (ISSN: 0095-3628) (IF 2011 = 2,912)

40. Todorov, M. 2001. Testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) in soil and litter of beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) from Bulgaria. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 53: 19-36. (ISSN: 0324-0770)

Qin, Y., Xie, S., Smith, H.G., Swindles, G.T., Gu, Y. 2011. Diversity, distribution and biogeography of testate amoebae in China: Implications for ecological studies in Asia. - European Journal of Protistology, 47: 1-9. (ISSN: 0932-4739) (IF 2011 = 1,968)

41. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Thailand. Acta Protozoologica, 39: 337-344. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2000 = 0,737)

42. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 1999. Planhoogenraadia bonneti sp. n. and Centropyxis thailandica sp. n. (Rhizopoda: Testacea), two new testaceans from Thailand. - Acta Protozoologica, 38: 255-261. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 1999 = 0,609)

Bobrov, A.A., Mazei, Y.A., Tiunov, A.V. 2010. Testate amoebae of a Monsoon tropical forest of South Vietnam. - Acta Protozoologica, 49: 311-325. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2010 = 0,881)

43. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Thailand. - Acta Protozoologica, 39: 337-344. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2000 = 0,737)

Davidova, R. 2010. Testate amoebae (Arcellinida and Euglyphida) of the Rivers Karaagach, Rezovska and Fakijska in Strandzha Mountain (Southeastern Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 62 (1): 43-51. (ISSN 0324-0770) (IF 2010 = 0,269)

44. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2009. Testate amoebae (Arcellinida and Euglyphida) from the hydropsammon of Lake Leman (Switzerland). – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 61 (1): 27-32. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Davidova, R. 2010. Testate amoebae communities (Protozoa: Arcellinida and Euglyphida) in the Rabisha Reservoir (Nordwestern Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 62 (2). (ISSN 0324-0770) (IF 2010 = 0,269)

45. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 1993. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) in the watercatchment area and littoral of the “Beli Iskar” dam. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 46, 3-9. (ISSN 0324-0770)

46. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 1998. Testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the coastal lakes Shabla and Ezerets (Northeastern Bulgaria), with a description of Pentagonia shablensis sp. nov. - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenov (eds). Biodivrsity of Shabla Lake System. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 69-90. (ISBN 954-436-545-9)

47. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) of the Glacial Lakes in the Rila National Park (Southwestern Bulgaria). - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenow (eds). Biodiversity and Evolution of Glacial Water Ecosystems in the Rila Mountains. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 15-26. (ISBN 954-90623-1-7)

48. Todorov M., Golemansky, V., Temelkov, B. 2008. Diversity and biotopic distribution of testate amoebae (Amoebozoa, Arcellinida and Rhizaria, Euglyphida) in Batak reservoir (Southern Bulgaria) – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 60 (2): 115-124. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Ehrlich, H. 2010. Self-made biological materials of Protozoans. In: Biological Materials of Marine Origin. Invertebrates. – Biologically Inspired Systems, 1: 445-454. Springer Science + Business Media B.V. (ISSN 2211-0593) (doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-9130-7_32)

49. Golemansky, V.‚ M. Todorov. 1996. Interstitial Rhizopods (Rhizopoda: Testacea  Foraminiferida) from the Antarctic Region of Chile and Valparaiso in the Pacific. - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds.). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 62-69. (ISBN: 954-642-014-X)

50. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2004. Shell morphology, biometry and distribution of some marine interstitial testate amoebae (Sarcodina: Rhizopoda). - Acta Protozoologica, 43: 147-162. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2004 = 0,986)

51. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2006. New data to the shell ultrastructure and the biometry of the marine interstitial testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testaceafilosia). - Acta Protozoologica, 45: 301-312. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2006 = 1.162)

Snegovaya, N.Y., Alekperov, I.K. 2010. Additional contribution to the study of the freshwater fauna of testate amoebae in Southeast Azerbaijan. - Turkish Journal of Zoology, 34 (1): 49-62. (ISSN: 1300-0179) (IF 2010 = 0,647)

52. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 1998. Testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the coastal lakes Shabla and Ezerets (Northeastern Bulgaria), with a description of Pentagonia shablensis sp. nov. - In: Golemansky, V.& W. Naidenov (eds). Biodivrsity of Shabla Lake System. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 69-90. (ISBN 954-436-545-9)

Snegovaya, N., Alekperov, I. 2010. A preliminary study of the freshwater fauna of testate amoebae of Southeast Azerbaijan. - Turkish Journal of Zoology, 34 (2): 135-149. (ISSN: 1300-0179) (IF 2010 = 0,647)

53. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2007. Morphological variability of Difflugia urceolata Carter, 1864 (Testacealobosia: Difflugiidae) and taxonomical status of its varieties D. urceolata var. olla Leidy, 1879 and D. urceolata var. sphaerica Playfair, 1917. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 59 (1): 3-12. (ISSN 0324-0770)

54. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Thailand. - Acta Protozoologica, 39: 337-344. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2000 = 0,737)

Yang, J., Smith, H.G., Sherratt, T.N., Wilkinson, D.M. 2010. Is there a size limit for cosmopolitan distribution in free-living microorganisms? A biogeographical analysis of testate amoebae from polar areas. - Microbial Ecology, 59 (4): 635-645. (ISSN: 0095-3628) (IF 2010 = 2,875)

55. Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 2004. Additional data and summarized check-list on the rhizopods (Rhizopoda: Amoebida &Testacea) from Livingston Island, South Shetlands, Antarctic. - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds.). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. IV. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 83-93. (ISBN: 954-642-219-3)

56. Todorov, M., V. Golemansky, E. Mitchell, T. Heger. 2009. Morphology, biometry and taxonomy of freshwater and marine interstitial Cyphoderia (Cecozoa: Euglyphida). – Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 56 (3): 279-289. (doi: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2009.00394.x) (ISSN: 1066-5234) (IF 2009 = 2,355)

Bobrov, A.A., Müller, S., Chizhikova, N.A., Schirrmeister, L., Andreev, A.A. 2009. Testate amoebae in Late Quaternary sediments of the Cape Mamontov Klyk (Yakutia). - Biology Bulletin, 36 (4): 363-372. (ISSN: 1062-3590) (IF 2009 = 0,082)

57. Todorov, M. 2001. Testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) in soil and litter of beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) from Bulgaria. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 53 (2): 19-36. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Kiss, A.K., Török, J.K., Acs, E., Kiss, K.T. 2009. Pseudodifflugia klarae nov. spec., Bereczkya minuta nov. gen nov. spec. and Paramphitrema muelleri nov. spec.: three new filose testate amoebae from the plankton of the River Danube. - Acta Protozoologica, 48 (2): 97-110. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2009 = 0,775)

58. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2004. Shell morphology, biometry and distribution of some marine interstitial testate amoebae (Sarcodina: Rhizopoda). - Acta Protozoologica, 43: 147-162. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2004 = 0,986)

Kudryavtsev, A., Pawlowski, J., Hausmann, K. 2009. Description and phylogenetic relationships of Spumochlamys perforata n. sp. and Spumochlamys bryora n. sp. (Amoebozoa, Arcellinida). - Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 56 (6): 495-503. (ISSN: 1066-5234) (IF 2009 = 2,355)

59. Golemansky, V., S. Skarlato, M. Todorov. 1987. A Light- and Electron- Microscopical (SEM and TEM) Study of Microchlamys sylvatica n. sp. (Rhizopoda: Arcellinida). – Archiv für Protistenkunde, 134 (2): 161-167. (ISSN: 0003-9365) (IF 1987 = 0,725)

Lahr, D.J.G., Lopes, S.G.B.C. 2009. Evaluating the taxonomic identity in four species of the lobose testate amoebae genus Arcella Ehrenberg, 1832. - Acta Protozoologica, 48 (2): 127-142. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2009 = 1,013)

60. Todorov, M., V. Golemansky, E. Mitchell, T. Heger. 2009. Morphology, biometry and taxonomy of freshwater and marine interstitial Cyphoderia (Cecozoa: Euglyphida). – Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 56 (3): 279-289. (doi: 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2009.00394.x) (ISSN: 1066-5234) (IF 2009 = 2,355)

Müller, S., Bobrov, A.A., Schirrmeister, L., Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E. 2009. Testate amoebae record from the Laptev Sea coast and its implication for the reconstruction of Late Pleistocene and Holocene environments in the Arctic Siberia. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 271 (3-4): 301-315. (IF 2009 = 2,646)

61. Todorov, M. 2001. Testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) in soil and litter of beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) from Bulgaria. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 53 (2): 19-36. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Yang, Z.-C., Wang, Z.-H., Zhang, Z.-H. 2009. Protozoa communities in moss crust in gold mine area of Southwest Guizhou and their relations with environmental factors. - Chinese Journal of Ecology, 28 (8): 1525-1530. (ISSN 1000-4890)

62. Todorov, M. 2002. Morphology, biometry and ecology of Nebela bigibbosa Penard (Protozoa: Rhizopoda). - Acta Protozoologica, 41: 239-244. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2002 = 0,446)

Георгиев, Д. 2008. Сухоземните охлюви в ПП „Сините камъни” – хабитатно разпределение и консервационна значимост. – В: Велчева и др. (ред.). Юбилейна научна конференция по екология (сборник с доклади): 136-146.

63. Deltshev, C., S. Andreev, G. Blagoev, V. Golemansky, G. Miloikova, V. Peneva, D. Dobrev, M. Todorov, Z. Hubenov. 1998. Invertebrates (Non-Insecta) in Bulgaria. - In: Bulgaria’s Biological Diversity: Conservation Status and Needs Assessment. Vol. I and II. Curt Meine (ed.). Washington. D. C.: Biodiversity Support Program: 109-161. (ISBN: 1-887531-21-1)

Davidova, R. 2008. A study of the moss testate amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) of the Strandzha Natural Park (South-Eastern Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 60 (1): 23-30. (ISSN 0324-0770)

64. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Thailand. - Acta Protozoologica, 39: 337-344. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2000 = 0,737)

Jana, I., Chaki, K.K., Sarkar, A.K., Misra, K.K. 2008. Diversity analysis of moss-inhabiting amoebae from north and north-east India. - International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 34 (1): 29-38. (ISSN: 0377-015X)

65. Todorov, M.‚ V. Golemansky. 1996. Notes on Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Livingston Island, South Schetland Islands, Antarctic. - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds.). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 70-81. (ISBN: 954-642-014-X)

66. Todorov, M., V. Golemansky. 1999. Biotopic distribution of testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testacea) in continental habitats of the Livingston Island (the Antarctic). - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. II. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 48-56. (ISBN: 954-642-070-0)

Lara, E., Heger, T.J., Ekelund, F., Lamantowicz, M., Mitchell, E.A.D. 2008. Ribosomal RNA genes challenge the monophyly of the Hyalospheniidae (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida). - Protist, 159 (2): 165-176. (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2008 = 3,923)

67. Todorov, M. 2002. Morphology, biometry and ecology of Nebela bigibbosa Penard (Protozoa: Rhizopoda). - Acta Protozoologica, 41: 239-244. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2002 = 0,446)

Mitchell, E.A.D., Charman, D., Warner, B. 2008. Testate amoebae analysis in ecological and paleoecological studies of wetlands: past, present and future. - Biodiversity and Conservation, 17 (9): 2115-2137. (ISSN: 0960-3115) (IF 2008 = 1,473)

68. Todorov, M. 1998. Observation on the soil and moss testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Pirin Mountain (Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 50 (2/3): 19-29. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Smith, H.G., Bobrov, A., Lara, E. 2008. Diversity and biogeography of testate amoebae. - Biodiversity and conservation, 17 (2): 329-343. (ISSN: 0960-3115) (IF 2008 = 1,473)

69. Todorov, M. 2001. Testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) in soil and litter of beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) from Bulgaria. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 53 (2): 19-36. (ISSN 0324-0770)

70. Todorov, M. 2002. Morphology, biometry and ecology of Nebela bigibbosa Penard (Protozoa: Rhizopoda). - Acta Protozoologica, 41: 239-244. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2002 = 0,446)

71. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 1999. Planhoogenraadia bonneti sp. n. and Centropyxis thailandica sp. n. (Rhizopoda: Testacea), two new testaceans from Thailand. - Acta Protozoologica, 38: 255-261. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 1999 = 0,609)

Farooqui, A., Gaur, A.S. 2007. Arcellaceans and pollen/spores of a late Harappan settlement near Porbandar, west coast of India: implications for palaeoecology and environmental monitoring. - Current Science, 92 (7): 992-998. (ISSN: 0011-3891) (IF 2007 = 0,800)

72. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2003. Morphology, biometry and ecology of Arcella excavata Cunningham, 1919 (Rhizopoda: Arcellinida). - Acta Protozoologica, 42: 105-111. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2003 = 0,771)

Krachevska, V., Bonkowski, M., Maraun, M., Scheu, S. 2007. Testate amoebae (Protista) of an elevational gradient in the tropical mountain rain forest of Ecuador. - Pedobiologia, 51 (4): 319-331. (ISSN: 0031-4056) (IF 2007 = 1,383)

73. Todorov, M. 1998. Observation on the soil and moss testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Pirin Mountain (Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 50 (2/3): 19-29. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Kudryavtsev, A., Hausmann, K. 2007. Spumochlamys iliensis n.g. n.sp. (Testacealobosia, Microchlamyidae) from Central Asia, with notes on the diversity of Microchlamys-like testate amoebae. - European Journal of Protistology, 43 (3): 185-191. (ISSN: 0932-4739) (IF 2007 = 0,847)

74. Golemansky, V., S. Skarlato, M. Todorov. 1987. A Light- and Electron- Microscopical (SEM and TEM) Study of Microchlamys sylvatica n. sp. (Rhizopoda: Arcellinida). – Archiv für Protistenkunde, 134 (2): 161-167. (ISSN: 0003-9365) (IF 1987 = 0,725)

Lansac-Tôha, F.A., Zimmerman-Callegari, M.C., Alves, G.M., Velho, L.F.M., Fulone, L.J. 2007. Species richness and geographic distribution on testate amoebae (Rhizopoda) in Brazilian freshwater environments. - Acta Scientiarum – Biological Sciences, 29 (2): 185-195 (ISSN: 1679-9283)

75. Todorov, M. 1998. Observation on the soil and moss testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Pirin Mountain (Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 50 (2/3): 19-29. (ISSN 0324-0770)

76. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 1998. Testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the coastal lakes Shabla and Ezerets (Northeastern Bulgaria), with a description of Pentagonia shablensis sp. nov. - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenov (eds). Biodivrsity of Shabla Lake System. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 69-90. (ISBN 954-436-545-9)

Lazarov, S. 2007. Haplogyne spiders (Araneae) in Bulgaria: faunistic and zoogeographical analysis. - In: Biogeography and Ecology of Bulgaria. A. Fet & A. Popov (eds.): 481-492.

77. Deltshev, C., S. Andreev, G. Blagoev, V. Golemansky, G. Miloikova, V. Peneva, D. Dobrev, M. Todorov, Z. Hubenov. 1998. Invertebrates (Non-Insecta) in Bulgaria. - In: Bulgaria’s Biological Diversity: Conservation Status and Needs Assessment. Vol. I and II. Curt Meine (ed.). Washington. D. C.: Biodiversity Support Program: 109-161. (ISBN: 1-887531-21-1)

78. Deltshev, C., P. Beron, G. Blagoev, V. Golemansky, V. Najdenov, V. Peneva, P. Stoev, M. Todorov, Z. Hubenov. 2000. Faunistic Dversity of Invertebrates (non Insecta) of the Rila National Park. In: Biological Diversity of the Rila National Park. Sakalian M. (ed.). Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 249-284. (ISBN: 954-642-076-X)

Michev, T., Stoineva, M.P. 2007. Inventory of Bulgarian Wetlands and their Biodiversity. Part 1: Non-lotic Wetlands. Publ. House Elsi-M, Sofia: 364 pp. + CD.

79. Deltshev, C., S. Andreev, G. Blagoev, V. Golemansky, D. Dobrev, G. Miloikova, V. Peneva, M. Todorov, Z. Hubenov. 1994. Invertebrates (non Insecta) in Bulgaria (Protozoa, Nematoda, Oligohaeta, Mollusca, Crustacea, Myriapoda, Araneae, Acari). - In: Biodiversity Support Program: The National Biological Diversity Conservation Strategy. Vol. 1. Sakalian, M. (ed.). Sofia, AAID: 149-244. (In Bulgarian).

80. Deltshev, C., S. Andreev, G. Blagoev, V. Golemansky, G. Miloikova, V. Peneva, D. Dobrev, M. Todorov, Z. Hubenov. 1998. Invertebrates (Non-Insecta) in Bulgaria. - In: Bulgaria’s Biological Diversity: Conservation Status and Needs Assessment. Vol. I and II. Curt Meine (ed.). Washington. D. C.: Biodiversity Support Program: 109-161. (ISBN: 1-887531-21-1)

81. Deltshev, C., P. Beron, G. Blagoev, V. Golemansky, V. Najdenov, V. Peneva, P. Stoev, M. Todorov, Z. Hubenov. 2000. Faunistic Dversity of Invertebrates (non Insecta) of the Rila National Park. In: Biological Diversity of the Rila National Park. Sakalian M. (ed.). Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 249-284. (ISBN: 954-642-076-X)

Nguyen-Viet, H., Bernard, N., Mitchell, E.A.D., Cortet, J., Badot, P.-M., Jilbert, D. 2007. Relationship between testate amoeba (protist) communities and atmospheric heavy metals accumulated in Barbula indica (Bryophyta) in Vietnam. - Microbial Ecology, 53 (1): 53-65. (ISSN: 0095-3628) (IF 2007 = 2,558)

82. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Thailand. - Acta Protozoologica, 39: 337-344. (IF 2000 = 0,737)

Nicholls, K. 2007. Description of two new marine species of the sand-dwelling testacean genus Corythionella: C. gwaii sp.n. and C. rachelcarsoni sp.n., and a revised description of C. acolla Gol. (Rhizopoda: Filosea, or Rhizaria: Cercozoa). - Acta Protozoologica, 46 (3): 269-278. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2007 = 1,226)

83. Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 1999. First report of the interstitial testate amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) in the marine supralittoral of the Livingston Island (Antarctic). - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds.). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. II.. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 43-47. (ISBN: 954-642-070-0)

84. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2006. New data to the shell ultrastructure and the biometry of the marine interstitial testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testaceafilosia). - Acta Protozoologica, 45: 301-312. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2006 = 1,162)

Smith, H.G., Wilkinson, D. 2007. Not all free-living microorganisms have cosmopolitan distributions - The case of Nebela (Apodera) vas Certes (Protozoa: Amoebozoa: Arcellinida). - Journal of Biogeography, 34: 1822-1831. (ISSN: 1365-2699) (IF 2007 = 3,539)

85. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Thailand. - Acta Protozoologica, 39: 337-344. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2000 = 0,737)

Sutton, C.A., Wilkinson, D.M. 2007. The effects of Rhododendron on testate amoebae communities in woodland soils in North West England. - Acta Protozoologica, 46 (4): 333-338. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2007 = 1,226)

86. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2007 Seasonal dynamics of the diversity and abundance of the marine interstitial testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testacealobosia and Testaceafilosia) in the Black Sea supralittoral. - Acta Protozoologica, 46 (2): 169-181. (ISSN 0065-1583) (IF 2007 = 1,226)

Trichkova, T. 2007. Zoobenthos of non-lotic Bulgarian Wetlands. - In: Michev, T. & M.P. Stoineva (eds.), 2007. Inventory of Bulgarian Wetlands and their Biodiversity. Part 1: Non-lotic Wetlands. Publ. House Elsi-M, Sofia, 185-195.

87. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 1993. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) in the watercatchment area and littoral of the “Beli Iskar” dam. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 46: 3-9. (ISSN 0324-0770)

88. Serafimov, B., Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 1995. Testacean taxocenoses (Rhizopoda, Testacea) in two quarry lakes of Sofia district. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 48: 23-33. (ISSN 0324-0770)

89. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 1998. Testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the coastal lakes Shabla and Ezerets (Northeastern Bulgaria), with a description of Pentagonia shablensis sp. nov. - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenov (eds). Biodivrsity of Shabla Lake System. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 69-90. (ISBN 954-436-545-9)

90. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) of the Glacial Lakes in the Rila National Park (Southwestern Bulgaria). - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenow (eds). Biodiversity and Evolution of Glacial Water Ecosystems in the Rila Mountains. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 15-26. (ISBN 954-90623-1-7)

Мазей, Ю.А., Цыганов, А.Н. 2006. Пресноводные раковинные амебы. - Товарищество научных изданий КМК, Москва: 300 с.

91. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2003. Morphology, biometry and ecology of Arcella excavata Cunningham, 1919 (Rhizopoda: Arcellinida). - Acta Protozoologica, 42: 105-111. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2003 = 0,771)

Сергеева, Н.Г., Аникеева, О.В. 2006. Мягкораковинные фораминиферы (Protozoa: Rhizopoda, Allogromiinae) Черного Моря: видовой состав и распределение. - Экология моря, Севастополь: 1-10.

92. Temelkov, B., Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2006. Updated check-list of the recent Foraminifera from the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 58 (1): 17-36. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Davidova, R. 2006. Freshwater testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testacea) in Srebarna Biosphere Reserve. - Annual of University of Shoumen, Faculty of natural sciences, 16 B: 215-233.

93. Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 1990. Rhizopodic fauna (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) from Vitoša. – In: Fauna of Southwestern Bulgaria, Part 3. BAS, Sofia: 19-48. (In Bulgarian, with Russian and English summaries).

94. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 1993. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) in the watercatchment area and littoral of the “Beli Iskar” dam. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 46: 3-9. (ISSN 0324-0770)

95. Serafimov, B., Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 1995. Testacean taxocenoses (Rhizopoda, Testacea) in two quarry lakes of Sofia district. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 48: 23-33. (ISSN 0324-0770)

96. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 1998. Testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the coastal lakes Shabla and Ezerets (Northeastern Bulgaria), with a description of Pentagonia shablensis sp. nov. - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenov (eds). Biodivrsity of Shabla Lake System. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 69-90. (ISBN 954-436-545-9)

97. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) of the Glacial Lakes in the Rila National Park (Southwestern Bulgaria). - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenow (eds). Biodiversity and Evolution of Glacial Water Ecosystems in the Rila Mountains. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 15-26. (ISBN 954-90623-1-7)

Davidova, R. 2006. Testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testacea) of the Veleka River in the Strandza Natural Park (South-East Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 58 (3): 299-313. (ISSN 0324-0770)

98. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 1993. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) in the watercatchment area and littoral of the “Beli Iskar” dam. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 46: 3-9. (ISSN 0324-0770)

99. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 1998. Testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the coastal lakes Shabla and Ezerets (Northeastern Bulgaria), with a description of Pentagonia shablensis sp. nov. - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenov (eds). Biodivrsity of Shabla Lake System. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 69-90. (ISBN 954-436-545-9)

100. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) of the Glacial Lakes in the Rila National Park (Southwestern Bulgaria). - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenow (eds). Biodiversity and Evolution of Glacial Water Ecosystems in the Rila Mountains. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 15-26. (ISBN 954-90623-1-7)

Roe, H.M., Paterson, R.T. 2006. Distribution of thecamoebians (testate amoebae) in small lakes and ponds, Barbados, West Indies. - Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 36 (2): 116-134. (ISSN: 0096-1191) (IF 2006 = 1,791)

101. Todorov, M. 2002. Morphology, biometry and ecology of Nebela bigibbosa Penard (Protozoa: Rhizopoda). - Acta Protozoologica, 41: 239-244. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2002 = 0,446)

Vincke, S., Van de Vijver, B., Beyens, L. 2006. The testate amoebae fauna of Île de la Possession (Crozet Archipelago, sub-Antarctica). - Antwerp University Press, Belgium: 77 pp.

102. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Thailand. - Acta Protozoologica, 39: 337-344. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2000 = 0,737)

103. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 1999. Planhoogenraadia bonneti sp. n. and Centropyxis thailandica sp. n. (Rhizopoda: Testacea), two new testaceans from Thailand. - Acta Protozoologica, 38: 255-261. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 1999 = 0,609)

Узунов, Й., Янева, И., Живков, М. 2005. Състояние и изученост на вътрешните пресноводни екосистеми и съвременни предизвикателства пред българската хидробиология. - В: Петрова, А. (ред.). Съвременно състояние на биоразнообразието в България – проблеми и перспективи. Българска платформа за биоразнообразие, МОСВ. София, Дракон: 375-396.

104. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 1993. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) in the watercatchment area and littoral of the “Beli Iskar” dam. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 46, 3-9. (ISSN 0324-0770)

105. Serafimov, B., Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 1995. Testacean taxocenoses (Rhizopoda, Testacea) in two quarry lakes of Sofia district. - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 48: 23-33. (ISSN 0324-0770)

106. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 1998. Testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) of the coastal lakes Shabla and Ezerets (Northeastern Bulgaria), with a description of Pentagonia shablensis sp. nov. - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenov (eds). Biodivrsity of Shabla Lake System. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 69-90. (ISBN 954-436-545-9)

107. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 2000. Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) of the Glacial Lakes in the Rila National Park (Southwestern Bulgaria). - In: Golemansky, V. & W. Naidenow (eds). Biodiversity and Evolution of Glacial Water Ecosystems in the Rila Mountains. Sofia, Prof. M. Drinov Academic Publ. House: 15-26. (ISBN 954-90623-1-7)

Gasparo, F. 2005. Note sulle Histopona Thorell, 1869, del gruppo Myops di Grecia con descripzione di una nuova specie cavernicola (Araneae, Agelenidae). – Atti e Memorie della Commisione Grotte “E. Boegan”, 40: 17-35.

108. Deltshev, C., P. Beron, G. Blagoev, V. Golemansky, V. Peneva, P. Stoev, M. Todorov, Z. Hubenov. 2000. Faunistic Dversity of Invertebrates (non Insecta) in Central Balkan National Park. In: Biological Diversity of the Central Balkan National Park. Sakalian M. (ed.). Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 289-317. (ISBN: 954-642-078-6)

Mattheeussen, R., Ledeganck, P., Vincke, S., Van De Vivier, B., Nijs, I., Beyens, L. 2005. Habitat selection of aquatic testate amoebae communities on Qeqertarsuaq (Disko Island), West Greenland. - Acta Protozoologica, 44 (3): 253-263. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2005 = 0,987)

109. Todorov, M. 1998. Observation on the soil and moss testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Pirin Mountain (Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 50 (2/3): 19-29. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Nicholls, K.H. 2005. Psammonobiotus dziwnowi and Corythionella georgiana, two new freshwater sand-dwelling testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Filosea). - Acta Protozoologica, 44 (3): 271-278. (ISSN: 0065-1583) (IF 2005 = 0,987)

110. Golemansky, V., M. Todorov. 1999. First report of the interstitial testate amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) in the marine supralittoral of the Livingston Island (Antarctic). - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds.). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. II.. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 43-47. (ISBN: 954-642-070-0)

Petz, W., Valbonesi, A., Quesada, A. 2005. Ciliate biodiversity in freshwater environments of maritime and continental Antarctic. - Terra Antarctica Reports, 11: 43-50 (ISSN: 1122-8628)

111. Todorov, M.‚ V. Golemansky. 1996. Notes on Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Livingston Island, South Schetland Islands, Antarctic. - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds.). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 70-81. (ISBN: 954-642-014-X)

112. Todorov, M., V. Golemansky. 1999. Biotopic distribution of testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testacea) in continental habitats of the Livingston Island (the Antarctic). - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. II. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 48-56. (ISBN: 954-642-070-0)

Badewitz, H.-J. 2004. The genus Microcorycia Cockerell, 1911 (Testacealobosia, Rhizopoda, Protozoa). A critical monograph of the genus including a first description of a new species: Microcorycia scutella n. sp. - Lauterbornia, 50: 111-146. (ISSN: 0935-333X)

113. Todorov, M. 1998. Observation on the soil and moss testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Pirin Mountain (Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 50 (2/3): 19-29. (ISSN 0324-0770)

Mitchell, E.A.D., Bragazza, L., Gerdol, R. 2004. Testate amoebae (Protista) communities in Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) B.S.G. (Bryophyta): Relationships with altitude, and moss element chemistry. – Protist, 155 (4): 423-436. (ISSN: 1434-4610) (IF 2004 = 2,904)

114. Todorov, M. 1998. Observation on the soil and moss testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Pirin Mountain (Bulgaria). - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 50 (2/3): 19-29. (ISSN 0324-0770)

115. Todorov, M.‚ Golemansky, V. 1996. Notes on Testate Amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from Livingston Island, South Schetland Islands, Antarctic. - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds.). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 70-81. (ISBN: 954-642-014-X)

116. Todorov, M., Golemansky, V. 1999. Biotopic distribution of testate amoebae (Rhizopoda: Testacea) in continental habitats of the Livingston Island (the Antarctic). - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. II. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 48-56. (ISBN: 954-642-070-0)

Nicholls, K., MacIsaac, H. J. 2004. Euryhaline, Sand-dwelling, Testate Rhizopods in the Great Lakes. – Journal of Great Lakes Research, 30(1): 123-132. (ISSN: 0380-1330) (IF 2004 = 0,645)

117. Golemansky, V., Todorov, M. 1999. First report of the interstitial testate amoebae (Protozoa: Testacea) in the marine supralittoral of the Livingston Island (Antarctic). - In: Golemansky, V. & N. Chipev (eds.). Bulgarian Antarctic Research. Life Sciences. II.. Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow: 43-47. (ISBN: 954


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