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Mitko Subchev

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Personal information


Curriculum vitae

Education (University / High School, Faculty / Department, Course, Year of Graduation ):
Sofia University “Sv. Kl. Ohridski”, Biology, 1970
Honours/Titles/Qualifications (Organization, Title, Year of Award):
Ukrainian Academy of Agriculture, Kiev, Ukraine: PhD, 1975
Institute of Zoology, BAS: Associated Professor, 1986
Institute of Zoology, BAS: Dr. Sc., 1994
Institute of Zoology, BAS: Professor, 1996
Previous Experience (Organization, Position, Title, Dates):
Professor emeritus: 2013-present
Head of Laboratory: 1996-2013
Deputy Director of Institute of Zoology, BAS: 2000-2003
Scientific Secretary of Institute of Zoology, BAS: 1997-2000
Major Fields of Scientific Research (Keywords):
Insect Chemical Ecology, Pheromone communication, Chemoreception, Insect Behavior, Biological Control

Research interests

Major Fields of Scientific Research (Keywords):
Insect Chemical Ecology, Pheromone communication, Chemoreception, Insect Behavior, Biological Control


1. Козаров, Г., П. Михайлова, М. Събчев. 1972. Проучвания върху Branchiobdellidae (Oligochaeta: Annelida) в България. Соф. ун. (Биол. Фак), 64, 1: 77-89.
2. Subchev, M., N. Kuznetzov, 1974. Preliminary identification of the sex pheromone of Rhynchopacha sp. (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) by field screening tests. C. R. Acad. bulg. Sci. 27, 7: 993-994.
3. Събчев, М. А. 1975. Статева повидiнка лугового метелика Loxostege sticticalis (Lepidoptera: Pyraustidae). Науковi працi УСГА, 130: 90-92.
4. Събчев, М. А., В. Г. Яценко. 1976. Использование половых ловушек для учета динамики лета розанной мистовертки (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Науч. тр. УСХА, 161: 28-29.
5. Събчев, М. А., Р. А. Мырсина. 1976. Испытание некоторых высших олефиновых спиртови их производных на аттрактивность по отношению к представителям отряда Lepidoptera. Науч. тр. УСХА, 161:69-71.
6. Мырсина, Р. А. М. А. Сыбчев, Р. С. Погребняк, А. А. Свещук. 1977. Синтез транс-олефиновых спиртов и исследование их активности на насекомых. В: Физиологически активные вещества. Киев, Наукова думка. 9: 68-70.
7. Събчев, М.А., Р. А. Мырсина. 1977. Привлечение самок Tricimba cincta (Diptera: Chloropidae) транс-5-додеценолом. Науч. тр. УСХА, 200: 52-53.
8. Събчев, М. 1977. Антенны и их рецепторные сенсиллы двух видов пядениц (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). Acta zool. bulg., 8: 78-80.
9. Събчев, М. А. 1977. Морфология антенн Archips rosana и A. xylosteana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Науч. тр. УСХА, 200: 69-72.
10. Subchev, M., 1978. A new branchiobdellid - Branchiobdella kozarovi sp. n. (Oligochaeta, Branchiobdellidae) from Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 9: 78-80.
11. Събчев, М. А. 1980. Феромонные железы и аттрактивность самок Archips rosanus (L.) и Archips xylosteanus (L.) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Екология, 6: 84-89.
12. Събчев, М. А. 1980. Привлечение самцов самками трех видов пядениц (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) при помощи феромонов. Екология, 6: 80-83.
13. Събчев, М. А. 1980. Призывное поведение самок капустной совки Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Екология, 7: 33-38.
14. Subchev, M., 1980. Auricillica-like sensilla and their unusual associations on the antennae of Scoliopteryx libatris L. (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Acta zool. bulg., 16: 12-16.
15. Събчев, М. А., Л. С. Станимирова. 1980. Антенальный сенсорный аппарат капустной совки Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Acta zool. bulg., 16: 17-29.
16. Michailova, P., M. Subchev. 1981. On the karyotype of three species of the family Brachiobdellidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta). C. R. Acad. bulg. Sci., 34, 2: 265-267.
17. Сыбчев, М. А. 1981. Ацетат цис-11-гексадецен-1-ола – половой аттрактант для самцов восьми видов чешуекрылых (Insecta: Lepidoptera). Екология, 9: 59-62.
18. Събчев, М. А., Л. С. Станимирова. 1981. Полевые испытания аттрактивности синтетического феромона капустной совки (Mamestra brassicae L.)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Екология, 9: 63-67.
19. Събчев, М. А. 1983. Взаимодействие синтетических половых феромонов капустной совки (Mamestra brassicae L.) и совки-гамма (Autographa gamma L.) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) в ловушках. Екология, 11: 80-83.
20. Subchev, M., 1983. Effect of age, temperature, photoperiod and light on the calling of Mamestra brassicae L. females. Ecol. (Sofia), 12: 65-75.
21. Сыбчев, М. А., Л. С. Станимирова. 1983. Морфологическая, морфометрическая и количественная характеристика антеннальных сенсилл соснового походного шелкопряда Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff. (Lepidoptera, Thaumetopoidae). Acta zool. bulg., 23: 9-18.
22. Subchev, M., 1983. Sex pheromones of Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) and their possible use in plant protection: investigations in Bulgaria. In: Int. Conf. on Integrated Plant Protection, Budapest, 4: 135-139.
23. Събчев, М. 1984. Полови феромони при зелевата нощенка (Mamestra brassicae L.) и тяхното приложение. В: Проблеми на биологичната борба с вредители в селското и горското стопанство. София, Изд. БАН: 346-350.
24. Събчев, М., М. Стаменова, Д. Костадинов. 1984. Проучвания върху инсектицидното действие на синтетичния полов феромон на зелевата нощенка. В: Проблеми на биологичната борба с вредители в селското и горското стопанство. София, Изд. БАН: 367-370.
25. Велчева, Н., М. Събчев, И. Стоилов. 1984. Биологична активност на първите български синтетични полови феромони. В: Проблеми на биологичната борба с вредители в селското и горското стопанство. София, Изд. БАН: 333-337.
26. Subchev, M., I. Stoilov, 1984. Co-attractants for Mamestra brassicae L. and Mamestra suasa Denis & Shiff. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). C. R. Acad. bulg. Sci., 37, 3: 353-354.
27. Subchev, M. A. 1984. On Hungarian Branchiobdellids (Oligochaeta: Branchiobdellidae). Miscellanea Zoologica Hungarica. 2: 47-50.
28. Subchev, M. A., 1985. Effect of abnormal light/dark cycles on the calling of Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera, Noctuiidae) females. Ecol. (Sofia), 16: 70-74.
29. Subchev, M. A., L. S. Stanimirova, I. L. Stoilov, 1985. Effect of cis-11-hexadecenol and its derivatives on the pheromone activity of cis-11-hexadecenyl acetate to males of three noctuid species (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) in field. Ecol. (Sofia), 7: 56-61.
30. Сыбчев, М. А., Л. С. Станимирова, Б. Г. Ковалев. 1985. Влияние дозы, минорных компонентов и дополнительного источника ацетата cis-11-гексадецен-1-ола на аттрактивность синтетического феромона капустной совки (Mamestra brassicae L.). Екология, 15: 43-49.
31. Сыбчев, М. А., М. Б. Стаменова, Ю. А. Борисова. 1985. Влияние времени суток, возраста насекомых и дозы феромона на сексуальную реакцию самцов Musca domestica L. (Diptera, Muscidae). Екология, 17: 62-67.
32. Събчев, М. А., Л. С. Станимирова. 1986. Епибионтът по речните раци Hystricosoma chappuisi Michaelsen, 1926 (Oligochaeta, Aeolosomatidae) – нов за фауната на България вид. Acta zool. bulg., 32: 66-68.
33. Subchev, M. A. 1986. On the Korean branchiobdellids (Annelida, Clitellata) with a description of a new species - Branchiobdella teresae sp.n. Acta Zool. Bulg., 31: 60-66.
34. Subchev, M. A., J. Ganev, I. L. Stoilov. 1986. Noctuid male sex attractants - cis-11-Hexadecenyl compounds alone and in mixtures. Ecol. (Sofia), 18: 33-39.
35. Subchev, M. A., I. A. Krusteva, H. Arn. 1986. Bulgarian pheromone "dialect" of Agrotis segetum Schiff. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Ecol. (Sofia), 19: 71-75.
36. Toth, M., G. Szocs, C. Lofstedt, B. S. Hansson, M. Subchev. 1986. Sex pheromone components of Mamestra suasa: chemical analysis, electrophysiological activities, wind tunnel activity, and field tests in two european countries. Ent. exp. & appl., 42: 291-299.
37. Subchev, M. A., Ju. A. Ganev, O. Vostrowsky, H. J. Bestmann. 1986. Screening and use of sex attractants in monitoring of geometrid moths in Bulgaria. Z. Naturforsch., 410 c: 1082-1086.
38. Subchev, M. A., L. S. Stanimirova, Tz. S. Milkova. 1987. The effect of compounds related to cis-11-Hexadecenyl acetates on its attractiveness to the Males of Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and some other noctuid species. Folia biol., 35, 3-4: 143-150.
39. Събчев, М. А. 1987. Сладководните раци и техните многоклетъчни епибионти. В: Съвременни постижения на българската зоология. С. БАН: 67-69.
40. Събчев, М. А. 1987. Възможности за използуване на половите феромони при насекомите в екологични изследвания. Съвременни постижения на българската зоология. С. БАН: 197-200.
41. Сыбчев, М. А., И. А. Крыстева. 1987. Феромонная коммуникация озимой совки. Информ. бюлл. ВПС МОББ, 20: 12-15.
42. Subchev, M., S. Voerman, Ts. Milkova. 1987. Inhibitors for Autographa gamma (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) sex pheromone. J. appl. entomol., 104, 4: 425-429.
43. Сыбчев, М. 1989. Сезонный мониторинг двух видов пядениц (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) феромонными ловушками в Болгарии. Биологическая и и нтегрированная борьба с вредителями в лесных биоценозах. Материалы симпозиума. Москва, 1989: 152-156.
44. Събчев, М., Л. Бечева. 1989. Применение эффективных феромонных приманок для сезонного мониторинга капустной совки Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Zeszyty problemowe postepow nauk rolniczych, Z. 368: 169-173.
45. Subchev, M., I. Stoilov, N. Nikolov. 1989. Attraction of Mamestra oleracea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)) males to (Z)-11-hexadecenyl trifluoracetate. C. R. Acad. bulg. Sci., 42, 10: 127-128
46. Hansson, B., M. Toth, Ch. Lofstedt, G. Szocs, M. Subchev, J. Lofqvist. 1990. Pheromone variation among eastern european and a western asian population of turnip moth Agrotis segetum. J. Chem. Ecol., 15, 5: 1611-1622.
47. Subchev, M. A., I. A. Krusteva, J. A. Ganev, T. S. Milkova. 1990. Some new lepidopteran sex attractants and attractant inhibitors in Bulgaria. J. Appl. Ent., 109: 189-193.
48. Subchev, M., L. Stanimirova, T. Tomek. 1991. Distribution of Branchiobdellidans (Annelida: Clitellata) on the Korean peninsula. Acta zool. bulg., 41: 12-17.
49. Szocs, G., V. Buda, P. Charmillot, P. Esbjerg, B. Freier, R. Gottwald, B. Kovalev, S. Maini, M. Solomon, O. Sorum, M. Subchev, M. Toth and M. de Veirell. 1991. Field tests of (E,Z)-3,13-octadecadien-1-ol acetate a sex attrractant synergist for male currant borer, Synanthedon tipuliformis. Ent. exp. & appl. 60: 283-288.
50. Събчев, М. 1991. Феромонни примамки за вредни нощенки. В: Първа национална конференция по ентомология, София, 28-30 октомври 1991 г.: 79-85.
51. Toth, M., C. Lofstedt, B. W. Blair, T. Cabello, A. I. Farag, B. S. Hansson, B. G. Kovalev, S. Maini, E. A. Nestorov, I. Pajor, A. P. Sazonov, I. V. Shamshev, M. Subchev, G. Szocs. 1992. Attraction of male turnip moth Agrotis segetum (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to sex pheromone components and their mixtures at 11 sites in Europe, Asia and Africa. J. Chem. Ecol., 18, 8: 1337-1347.
52. Subchev, M. 1992. Sex Attractant for Trachea atriplicis L. (lepidoptera: Noctuidae) males. C. R. Acad. bulg. Sci., 45, 5: 121-123.
53. Subchev, M., E. Tzolova, G. Szocs, M. Toth. 1993. Monitoring currant borer Synanthedon tipuliformis (Lepidoptera: Sessiidae) by means of pheromone traps in Bulgaria. Acta Phytopathol. & Entomol. Hung., 28 (2-4): 435-440.
54. Subchev, M. 1993. Sex pheromone communication of Mamestra suasa Denis & Schiff. (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) - coattractants and inhibitors. Second Nat. Sci. Conf. Entomol., Sofia, 25-27 October 1993:300-304.
55. Subchev, M., I. Stoilov, M. Toth, G. Szocs, L. Stanimirova. 1994. Electroantennographic and field investigations on some Noctuid haloacetate pheromone analogues. Acta zool. bulg., 47: 72-78.
56. Subchev, M., R. Moskova, G. Tzankov. 1994. Calling behaviour of female Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis & Schiff.) (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae). Acta zool. bulg., 47: 66-71.
57. Gelder, S. R., M. Feraguti, M. A. Subchev. 1994 A description of some anatomical characters and spermatozoan ultrastructures in Branchiobdella kozarovi Subchev, 1978 (Annelida : Clitellata). Hydrobiologia, 278: 17-26
58. Subchev, M., R. Moskova, G. Tzankov. 1994. Attraction of Thaumetopoea pityocampa Denis & Schiff. by synthetic sex pheromone in the field. Pheromones, 4, 1-2: 3-10.
59. Subchev, M., L. Pop. 1994. Aldehyde sex attractants for Agrochola (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) species. C. R. Bulg. Acad. Sci., 47, 4: 101-104.
60. Subchev, M., A. Botar, S. Voerman. 1995. Sex attractants and attractant inhibitors for Atethmia ambusta F. (Lep., Noctuidae). J. Appl. Ent., 119: 207-209.
61. Subchev, M., S. Voerman, L. Stanimirova, I. Krusteva. 1995. Electroantennographic screening of mono-unsaturated acetates as possible sex pheromones and pheromone modifiers for noctuid moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Entomol. Gener., 19, 3: 171-178.
62. Събчев, М. 1995. Diachrysia chrysitis (L.) и Diachrysia tutti (Kost.) установени с видоспецифични феромонни примамки в България. В: Трета национална конференция по ентомология, София, 18-20 септември 1995 г.: 264-267.
63. Subchev, M., M. Toth, G. Szocs, G. Stan, A. Botar. 1996. Evidence for geographical differences in the sex pheromone system of Amathes c-nigrum L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). J. Appl. Ent., 120: 615-617.
64. Subchev, M., D. Pilarska. 1997. Calling behavior and sex pheromone gland of Scoliopteryx libatrix (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) females. Acta zool. bulg., 49: 25-31
65. Pop, L., V. Chis, M. Pavai, M. Badiu, Gh. Stan., M. Subchev. 1997. Pheromone analogues with ether structure of (Z)-11-hexadecenil acetate. Entomol. rom., 2: 95-104.
66. Hallberg, E., M. Subchev. 1997. Unusual location and structure of female pheromone glands in Ino ampelophaga Bayle (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Int. J. Insect Morphol. & Embryol. 25, 4: 381-389.
67. Subchev, M., L. Stanimirova, L. Pop. 1997. Electroantennographic screening of mono-unsaturated alcohols and aldehydes as possible sex pheromones and pheromone modifiers for noctuid moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Entomol. Gener., 22, 1: 71-79.
68. Lecheva, I., M. Sabchev. 1997. Possibilities for use of pheromone traps for the winter moth (Operophtera brumata L., Geometridae). Higher School of Agriculture – Plovdiv, Scientific Works, vol. XLII, 2: 73-76.
69. Kutinkova, H., R. Andreev, M. Subchev, G. Szocs, M. Toth. 1997. Monitoring of the apple blotch leaf miner Lithocolletis blancardella F. (Lepidoptera; Lithocolletidae) by pheromone traps. Higher School of Agriculture – Plovdiv, Scientific Works, vol. XLII, 3: 165-168.
70. Събчев, М. 1997. Феромонна комуникация при насекоми. В: 50 години институт по зоология при Българска академия на науките. София, Акад. изд. “Проф. Марин Дринов”: 151-160
71. Кутинкова, Х., М. Събчев, Р. Андреев, М. Тот, Г. Сьоч. 1998. Изследване върху възможностите за използване на феромонови уловки при ябълковия листов миниращ молец Lithocolletis corylifoliella HW. (Lepidoptera, Lithocolletidae). Acta entomol. bulg., 4, 1: 64-67.
72. Кутинкова, Х., М. Събчев. 1998. Сравнителни изследвания на феромонни капсулиза три вида листоминиращи молци в България. Acta entomol. bulg., 4, 1: 68-71.
73. Pencheva, A. M. Subchev, S. Voerman. 1998. Seasonal flight of Epiblema tedella Cl. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) - investigations by pheromone traps in Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 50, 1: 93-97.
74. Subchev, M., A. Pencheva, S. Voerman. 1998. Sex attractant for Cnephasia oxyacanthana (Herrich-Schaffer) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Acta zool. bulg., 50, 1: 99-102.
75. Subchev, M., L. Stanimirova, L. Pop. 1998. EAG response of Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) female and male moths to some pheromone active compounds. Acta zool. bulg., 50, 1: 103-109.
76. Lecheva, I., M. Subchev. 1998. Seasonal monitoring of Operophtera brumata L. (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) by means of pheromone traps in Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 50, 1: 111-116.
77. Subchev, M., A. Harizanov, W. Francke, S. Franke, E. Plass, A. Reckziegel, F. Schroder, J. A. Pickett, L. J. Wadhams, C. M. Woodcock. 1998. Sex pheromone of the female vine bud moth, Theresimima ampellophaga Bayle-Barelle (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae), comprises (2S)-butyl (7Z)-tetradeceonate. J. Chem. Ecol., 24, 7: 1141-1151; J. Chem. Ecol., 25: 1203; erratum (1999), i.e. corrected to (2R)-butyl (7Z)-tetradeceonate
78. Събчев, М., Л. Станимирова. 1998. Разпространение на правите сладководни раци (Crustacea: Deacapoda) и техните епибионти от род Branchiobdella (Annelida: Branchiobdellae), Hystricosoma chappuisi Michaelsen, 1926 (Annelida: Oligochaeta) и Nitocrella divaricata (Crustacea: Decapoda) в България. Hist. nat. bulg., 9: 5-18.
79. Subchev, M., M. Toth, D. Wu, Z. Imrei. 1999. (Z)-8-tridecenyl acetate - a sex attractant for three Microlepidoptera (Lepidoptera: Cosmopterygidae, Symmocidae) species. C. R. Bulg. Acad. Sci., 52, 7-8: 113-114.
80. Subchev, M., G. Markova, R. Tomov, S. Voerman. 1999. Phyllonorycter pyrifoliella Grsm. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) - investigations by pheromone traps in Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg., 51, 2/3: 125-130.
81. Koutinkova, H., R. Andreev, M. Subchev, M. Toth, G. Szocs. 1999. Monitoring of the leafminer Leucoptera scitella Zell (Lepidoptera: Lyonetidae) by pheromone traps in Bulgaria. Acta phytopathol. entomol. hung.:34, 4: 327-331.
82. Кутинкова, Х., Р. Арнаудов, М. Събчев, М. Тот, Г. Сьоч. 2000. Мониторинг на ябълковия листов миниращ молец Lithocolletis corylifoliella HW. Lepidoptera, Lithocolletidae) чрез синтетични феромони. Acta entomol. bulg., 6, 1-2: 18-23.
83. Subchev, M., T. Toshova, L. Stanimirova, Gh. Stan, G. Embacher, W. Francke, A. Reckziegel, T. Ferreira, E. Priesner. 2000. 1-methyl octanoate, a new lepidopteran sex pheromone from the bagworm Megalophanes viciella (Denis & Schiffermuller)(Lepidoptera: Psychidae). J. Chem. Ecol., 26, 2: 487-495.
84. Francke, W., E. Plass, N. Zimmermann, H. Tietgen, S. Franke, M. Subchev, T. Toshova, J. A. Pickett, L. J. Wadhams, C. M. Woodcock. 2000. The major sex pheromone component of the female herald moth, Scoliopteryx libatrix (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is the novel branched alkene (6Z,13)-methylheneicosene. J. Chem. Ecol., 26, 5: 1135-1149.
85. Subchev, M. M. Toth, D. Wu, L. Stanimirova, T. Toshsova, Z. Karpati. 2000. Sex attractant for Diloba caeuruleocephala (L.), (Lepidoptera: Dilobidae) - (Z)-8-tridecenyl acetate. J. Appl. Entomol., 124: 197-199.
86. Jurenka R. A. and M. Subchev 2000 Identification of cuticular hydrocarbons and the alkene precursor to the pheromone in hemolymph of the female gypsy moths, Lymantria dispar. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol., 43, 3: 108-115.
87. Andersen, P., E. Hallberg, M. Subchev. 2000. Morphology of antennal sensilla auricillica and their detection of plant volatiles in the Herald moth, Scoliopteryx libatrix L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Arthropod Struct. & Develop., 29, 1: 33-41.
88. Voigt E., Mikulás J., Subchev M. and Tóth, M. 2000. Flight phenology of Theresimima ampelophaga (Bayle-Barelle) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) based on pheromone trap catches: contributions to occurence of the pest in Hungary. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 23. (4). 167-170.
89. Furlan, L., Tóth, M., Parker, W.E., Ivezic, M., Pancic, S., Brmez, M., Dobricncic, R., Barcic, J.I., Muresan, F., Subchev, M., Toshova, T., Molnar, Z., Ditsch, B., Voigt, D. 2001. The efficacy of the new Agriotes sex pheromone traps in detecting wireworm population levels in different european countries. Proceedings of XXI IWGO Conference, Legnaro Italia, 27 ottobre – 3 Novembre 2001: 293 - 304.
90. Subchev, M and R. Jurenka. 2001. Sex pheromone levels in pheromone glands and identification of the pheromone and hydrocarbons in the hemolymph of the moth Scoliopteryx libatrix L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 47: 35-43.
91. Събчев, М. 2001. Поточният рак Astacus torrentium (Crustacea: Decapoda) и неговите епибионти от род Branchiobdella (Annelida: Clitellata) от Кресненския пролом. В: (П. Берон, ред.) Биоразнообразие на Кресненския пролом. София, Национален природонаучен музей, Институт по зоология при БАН: 49-52.
92. Тошова, Т., М. Събчев. 2002. Сезонен мониторинг на лозовата пъстрянка Theresimima ampellophaga (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae) с феромонни ловилки. Acta entomol. bulg., 1,2: 5-9.
93. Тошова, Т., М. Събчев. 2002. Сезонен летеж на вредителя по върбата и тополата Scoliopteryx libatrix (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Acta entomol. bulg., 1-2: 34-39.
94. Мирчева, А., М. Събчев. 2002. Изследване на денонощната и сезонна динамика на летежа на кестеновия листоминиращ молец Cameraria ohridella Deschka, Dimic, 1986 (Lepidoptera: Gracillaridae) брез полови феромонни ловилки. Acta entomol. bulg., 1-2: 10-15.
95. Toth, M., L. Furlan, V. Yatsynin, I. Ujvary, I. Szarukan, Z. Imrei, M. Subchev, T. Tolasch, W. Francke. 2002. Identification of sex pheromone composition of click beetle Agriotes brevis Candeze. J. Chem. Ecol., 28, 8: 1641-1652.
96. Francke, W., S. Franke, J. Bergmann, T. Tolasch, M. Subchev, A. Mircheva, T. Toshova, A. Svatos, B. Kalinova, Zs. Karpati, G. Szocs, M. Toth. 2002. Female sex pheromone of Cameraria ohridella Desch. and Dim. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae): Structure confirmation, synthesis and biological activity of (8E,10Z)-8,10-tetradecadienal and some analogs. Z. Naturforsch., 57c: 739-752.
97. Subchev, M., T. Toshova, M. Tóth, Z. Imrei, A. Reckziegel. 2002. Sex Pheromone Communication of Megalophanes viciella (Lepidoptera: Psychidae): Electrophysiological and Behavioral Activity of Some Compounds Related to the Main Sex Pheromone Component of the Species. Entomol. Gener., 26 (3): 153-159
98. Toshova, T., M. Subchev, E. Plass, W. Francke. 2003. Scoliopteryx libatrix (L.) (Lep., Noctuidae) male reaction to the synthetic main sex pheromone component and its isomers - wind tunnel and field investigations. J. Appl. Entomol., 127: 195-199.
99. Toshova, Teodora B., Mitko A. Subchev. 2003. Sex pheromone communication in Theresimima ampellophaga Bayle-Barelle (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae): female calling behaviour and male electroantennographic response to synthetic pheromone compounds. Acta zool. bulg., 55, 1: 43-51.
100. Miklós Tóth, Mitko Subchev, Ivan Sredkov, István Szarukán, Walter Leal. 2003. A Sex attractant for the scarab beetle Anomala solida Er. J. Chem. Ecol., 29, 7: 1643-1649.
101. Jurenka, R. A., Subchev, M., Abad, J. L., Choi, M. Y., Fabrias, G. 2003. Sex pheromone biosynthetic pathway for disparlure in the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 100, 3: 809-814
102. Subchev, M., Voigt. E., Mikulas, J., Toth, M., Toshova, T. & Francke W. 2003. Using pheromone traps for the detection of the vine-bud moth Theresimima ampellophaga (Bayle-Barelle, 1808) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae) and monitoring its seasonal flight period, pp. 138-144, figs 1-4. In: Efetov, K. A., Tremewan, W. G. & Tarmann, G. M. (Eds), Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera) Innsbruck (Austria), 4-8 September 2000. Simferopol, 2003: 1-360.
103. Subchev, M. 2003. An anusual pheromone system in Theresimima ampellophaga (Bayle-Barelle, 1808) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae) - a separate pathway in the evolution of the sex pheromone communication system in Lepidoptera. pp. 145-150, 1 fig. In: Efetov, K. A., Tremewan, W. G. & Tarmann, G. M. (Eds), Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera) Innsbruck (Austria), 4-8 September 2000. Simferopol, 2003: 1-360.
104. Subchev, M., A. Mircheva, J. Pickett, L. Wadhams, Ch. Woodcock, A. dos Sandos, S. Franke, W. Francke. 2003. Sex pheromone of the leaf-miner Phyllonorycter platani: (Z10)-tetradecenyl acetate. J. Chem. Ecol., 29, 10: 2391-2396.
105. Mircheva, A., M. Subchev. 2003. Seasonal monitoring of Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimic (Lep., Gracillariidae) by pheromone traps in Bulgaria. Acta entomol. Bulg., 3/4: 30-34.
106. Subchev, M., T. Toshova, M. Tóth, E. Voigt, J. Mikulás, W. Francke. 2004. Catches of vine bud moth Theresimima ampellophaga (Lep., Zygaenidae: Procridinae) males in pheromone traps: effect of purity and age of baits, design, colour and height of the traps, and daily sexual activity of males. J. Appl. Ent., 128, 1: 44-50.
107. Subchev, M., T. Toshova, M. Tóth, L. Furlan. 2004. Click beetles (Coleoptera : Elateridae) and their seasonal swarming as established by pheromone traps in Bulgaria : 1. meadow. Acta zool. Bulg., 56, 2 : 187-198.
108. Schmera, D., M. Tόth, M. Subchev, I. Sredkov, I. Szarukán, T. Jermy, Á. Szentesi. 2004. Importance of visual and chemical cues in the development of an attractant trap for Epicometis (Tropinota) hirta Poda (Copeoptera, Scarabaeidae). Crop Protection., 23: 939-944.
109. Mircheva, A., M. Subchev. 2004. Female calling and mating behavior in two invading leafminer pests (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Acta zool. Bulg., 56, 3: 313-322.
110. Mircheva A., Subchev, M., Sredkov, I., Tόth, M. 2005. Seasonal flight of Anomala solida Er. (Coleoptera, Scarabidae) established by pheromone traps, Год. СУ, Биол. Фак. 96 l. 4, p. II: 197-200.
111. Mircheva A., Subchev, M., Sredkov, I., Tόth M. 2005. Seasonal flight of Epicometis hirta Poda (Coleoptera, Scarabidae) established by attractant traps, Год. СУ, Биол. Фак. 96 l. 4, p. II: 201-204.
112. Kutinkova, H., Subchev M., Light, D. and Lingren B. 2005. Interactive effects on ethyl (2E,4Z)-2,4-decadienoate and sex pheromone lures to codling moth: apple orchard investigations in Bulgaria. J. Plant Protection Res. 45 (1): 49-52
113. Subchev, M., T. Toshova, M. Tóth, L. Furlan. 2005. Click beetles (Coleoptera : Elateridae) and their seasonal swarming as established by pheromone traps in Bulgaria : 2. maize. Acta zool. Bulg., 57, 3 : 321-332.
114. Toshova, T., M. Subchev. 2005. Circdian rhythm and female calling and mating behaviour in Procridinae (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae. Acta entomol. Bulg., 11, 1-2: 63-71.
115. Subchev, M., M. Rajkova, I. Vasev, T. Toshova. 2005. Poplar twig borer Gypsonoma aceriana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) – investigations by pheromone traps in Bulgaria. Acta entomol bulg., 11, 1-2: 72-79.
116. Subchev, M., M. Rajkova, I. Vasev, T. Toshova, F. Griepink. 2005. Seasonal flight of the poplar clearwing moth Paranthrene tabaniformis Roth in Bulgaria, established by pheromone rtaps. Acta entomol bulg., 11, 1-2: 80-95.
117. Tóth, M. , Z. Imrei, I. Szarukán, E. Voigt, D. Schmera, J. Vuts, K. Harmincz, M. Subchev. 2005. Chemical communication of fruit- and flower-damaging scarabs: results of one decade’s research efforts. Növényvédelem, 41, 12: 581-588.
118. Kutinkova, H., R. Andreev, M. Subchev, G. Szocs, M. Toth. 2006. Seasonal flight dynamics of apple clearwing moth Synanthedon myopaeformis Borkh. (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) based on catches in pheromone traps. J. Fruit Ornam. Plant Res., Vol. 14 (Suppl. 3): 39-48.
119. Subchev, M., H. Šefrová, A. Mircheva. 2006. Use of pheromone traps for seasonal monitoring of Phyllonorycter platani (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. Proceedings International Conference on Biopesticides IV. February 13-18, 2005, Chiang Mai, Thailand: 1-4.
120. Subchev, M., H. Kutinkova, G. Szöcs, M. Tóth. 2006. Seasonal monitoring of Synanthedon myopaeformis (Borkhausen) by sticky and funnel pheromone traps. Proceedings International conference on Biopesticides IV. February 13-18, 2005, Chiang Mai, Thailand: 10-13.
121. Subchev, M., Toshova, T., Tsitsipis, J. A., Zarpas, K. D., J.T. Margaritopoulos, J. T. 2006. Distribution and seasonal flight of Theresimima ampellophaga Bayle-Barelle in Greece estimated by pheromone traps. Acta zool. bulg., 58, 3: 345-354.
122. Subchev, M., T. Toshova, L. Furlan, M. Tóth. 2006. Click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) and their seasonal swarming as established by pheromone traps in different plant habitats in Bulgaria: 3. Potato. Acta zool. bulg., 58, 3: 361-370.
123. Subchev, Mitko, Miklós Tóth. 2006. Optimal composition of sex attractant for Etiella zinckenella Tr. in Bulgaria and description of new attractants for two other moths. Plant Science. 43, 5: 396-399.
124. Hristina Kutinkova, Mitko Subchev, Douglas Light, Bill Lingren . 2006. Activity of ethyl (2E,4Z)-2,4-decadienoate alone and as a codling moth sex pheromone adjuvant – further apple orchard investigations in Bulgaria. Plant Science. 43, 6: 566-568.
125. Toshova, Teodora Borislavbova, Mitko Angelov Subchev, Miklós Tóth. 2007. Role of olfactory and visual stimuli in the mating behaviour of male vine bud moths, theresimima ampellophaga (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). Eur. J. Entomol., 104: 57-65.
126. Tóth, M., L. Furlan, A. Havier, J. Vutz, T. Toshova, M. Subchev, I. Szarukán, V. Yatsynin. 2007. New sex attractant for Agriotis proximus: similarities in pheromonal communication with A. lineatus (Coleoptera: Elateridae). IOBS/wprs Bulletin. 30, 7: 59-64.
127. Subchev, M. 2007. Branchiobdellidans (Annelida: Clitellata) found in the crayfish and annelid collections of the Natural History Museum of Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Acta zool. Bulg., 59, 3: 275-282.
128. Tóth, M., É. Csonka, F. Bakcsa, P. Benedek, I. Szarukán, S. Gomboc, T. Toshova, M. Subche, I. Ujváry. 2007. Species spectrum of flea beetles (Phyllotreta spp., Coleoptera), Chrysomellidae) attracted to allyl isothiocyanate-baited traps in Hungary, Slovenia and Bulgaria. Z. Naturforsch., 62c: 772-778.
129. Mircheva, Al., M. Subchev. 2007. Mating behaviour and sex pheromone communication of two alien gracillariid species ( Lepidoptea: Gracillariidae). In: Proceedings of the international conference “Alien arthropods in South East Europe – crossroad of three continents”. University of Forestry, 19-21 September 2007, Sofia, pp. 10-16.
130. Subchev, M., E. Koutrakis and C. Perdikaris. 2007. Crayfish epibionts Branchiobdella sp. and Hystricosoma chappuisii (Annelida: Clitellata) in Greece. Bull. Fr. Pêche Piscic. 387:. 59-66
131. Tóth, M., L. Furlan, A. Xavier, J. Vuts, T. Toshova, M. Subchev, I. Szarukán, V. Yatsynin. 2008. New sex attractant composition for the click beetle Agriotes proximus: similaties with A. lineatus (Coleoptera: Elateridae). J. Chem. Ecol.,34: 107-111.
132. Subchev, M., R. Tomov. 2008. Phyllonorycter sublautella (STAINTON, 1869) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) found by pheromone traps in Bulgaria. Acta zool. Bulg., 60, 2: 197-200.
133. Kutinkova, H., M. Subchev, M. Tóth, G. Szöcs, F. Rama. 2008. Seasonal monitoring of two xylophagous orchard pests by pheromone traps in Bulgaria. Acta Hort., 767: 411-415.
134. Subchev, M., Toshova T., Drosu, S., Cazacu, S., Efetov, K. 2008. Recent records of Theresimima ampellophaga Bayle-Barelle in Romania. Les cahiers du Musée des conflrences, Vol. 2: L’expérimentation. Annexes: Actes du Xe symposium international sur les Zygaenidae: 59-63
135. Subchev, M., Toshova T., Tarmann, G., Efetov, K. 2008. Recent distribution of Theresimima ampellophaga Bayle-Barelle in Europe estimated by pheromone traps. Les cahiers du Musée des conflrences, Vol. 2: L’expérimentation. Annexes: Actes du Xe symposium international sur les Zygaenidae: 65-76.
136. Subchev, M. 2008. Branchiobdellida (Annelida: Clitellata) found in the crayfish and annelid collections of Paris National Museum of Natural History and on recently collected crayfishes from France. Acta zool. Bulg., 60, 3: 233-237.
137. Kutinkova, H., M. Subchev, R. Andreev, F. Rama. 2009. Seasonal Flight of Leopard Moth Borer Zeuzera pyrina (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in Bulgaria. Acta Hort. 825: 377-382.
138. Toshova, T., M. Subchev, M. Tóth. 2009. The diversity of species of Ceutorhynchinae captured in traps in the region of Sofia, Bulgaria. Bull. Insectol, 62, 1: 27-33.
139. Toshova, T. B., M. A. Subchev, D. I. Atanasova, A. J. Velázquez de Castro, L. Smart. 2009. Sitona weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) caught by traps in alfalfa fields in Bulgaria. XI anniversary scientific conference. Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. Eq. 23/2009/SE, Special edition: 132-135.
140. Subchev, M., T. Toshova, C. Koshio, S. Franke, A. Tröger, R. Twele, W. Francke, J.A. Pickett, L.J.Wadhams, C.M. Woodcock. 2009. Identification and biological activity of sex pheromone components from females of the plum moth Illiberis rotundata Jordan (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae: Procridinae). Chemoecology, 19: 47-54.
141. Toshova, Teodora B., Éva Csonka, Mitko A. Subchev, Miklós Tóth. 2009. The seasonal activity of flea beetles in Bulgaria. J. Pest Sci., 82: 295-303.
142. Tóth, M., J. Vutz, F. Difranco, R. Tabilio, B. Baric, J. Razov, T. Toshova, M. Subchev, I. Sredkov. 2009. Detection and monitoring of Epicometis hirta Poda and Trophinota squalida Scop. with the same traps. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 44, 2: 337-344.
143. Subchev, M. 2009. Branchiobdellida (Annelida: Clitellata) found in the crayfish collection of the Swedish museum of natural history with remarks on Swedish Branchiobdellid fauna. Acta zool. Bulg., 61, 3: 287-292.
144. Vuts, J., I. Szarukán, M. Subchev, T. Toshova, M. Tóth. 2010. Improving the floral attractant to lure Epicometis hirta Poda (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae). Journal of Pest Science, 83: 15-20.
145. Can, Feza, Nihat Demirel, Erkan Isa Sağiroğlu, Teodora Toshova, Mitko Subchev. 2010. Employing pheromone traps to establish the distribution and seasonal activity of Theresimima ampellophaga in Turkey. Phytoparasitica, 38, 3: 217-222.
146. Toshova, Teodora B., Dimitar I. Velchev, Mitko A. Subchev, Miklós Tóth, József Vuts, John A. Pickett, Sarah Y. Dewhirst. 2010. Electrophysiological responses and field attraction of the grey corn weevil, Tanymecus (Episomecus) dilaticollis Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to synthetic plant volatiles. Chemoecology, 20: 199-206.
147. Subchev, M. A., Stuart, R. Gelder. 2010. Branchiobdellida (Annelida: Clitellata) found in the crayfish collection of the Natural History Museum in Vienna, Austria, with a re-description of Branchiobdella papillosa NESEMANN & HUTTER, 2002. Acta zool. Bulg. 62, 1: 33-42.
148. Subchev, M., T. Toshova, L. Furlan, M. Tóth. 2010. Click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) and their seasonal swarming as established by pheromone traps in different plant habitats in Bulgaria: 4. Tobacco. Acta zool. bulg., 62, 2: 187-192.
149. Subchev, Mitko, Teodora Stoyanova, Petko Minkov. 2010. Use of pheromone traps in the IPM systems for control of the currant borer, Synanthedon tipuliformis (Lepidoptera: Sessiidae): seasonal monitoring. XIV International Eco-conference, 22nd - 25th September 2010. Safe Food. Proceedings. Novi Sad, 2010: 155-159.
150. Vutz, J., B. Baric, J. Razov, T. Toshova, M. Subchev, I. Sredkov, R. Tabilio, F. Difranco, M. Tóth. 2010. Performance and selectivity of floral attractant-baited traps targeted for Cetoniid scarabs (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Central and Southern Europe. Crop Protection, 29: 1177-1183.
151. Atanasova, D. I., T. B. Toshova, M. A. Subchev. 2010. Seasonal monitoring of the Yellow Alfalfa Geometrid, Isturgia arenacearia (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), by pheromone traps in three regions of Bulgaria. Acta Phytopathol. Entomol. Hungarica, 45, 2: 305-311.
152. Toshova, Teodora B., Daniela I. Atanasova, Miklós Tóth, M. A. Subchev. 2010. Seasonal activity of Plagionotus (Echinocerus) floralis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae) adults in Bulgaria established by attractant baited fluorescent yellow funnel traps. Acta Phytopathol. Entomol. Hingarica, 45, 2: 391-399.
153. Efetov, Konstantin, A., Feza Can, Teodora B. Toshova, Mitko A. Subchev. 2010. New sex attractant for Jordanita anatolica (Naufock) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae: Procridinae). Acta zool. Bulg. 62, 2: 315-319.
154. Subchev, M., K. A. Efetov, T. Toshova, E. V. Parshkova, M. Tóth, W. Francke. 2010. New sex attractants for species of the zygaenid subfamily Procridinae (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae). Entomol. Gen. 32, 4: 243-250
155. Subchev, M. A. 2011. First record of Branchiiobdella Odier, 1823 (Annelida: Clitellata) in Albania and overview of the geographic distribution of Branchiobdella hexodonta Gruber, 1883 in Europe. Acta zool. Bulg., 63, 1: 109-112.
156. Efetov, Konstantin, Vladimir V. Kiselev, Teodora B. Toshova, Mitko A. Subchev. 2011. Attraction of Zygaenoprocris taftana (Alberti, 1939) and Jordanita horni (Alberti, 1937) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae) by synthetic sex pheromones in Armenia. Entomologist’s gazette, 62: 113-121.
157. Atanasova, D., T. Toshova, M. Subchev. 2011. Seasonal monitoring on the Latticed heath, Chiasmia clathrata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) by pheromone traps in two regions of Bulgaria. Acta Phytopathol. Entomol. Hingarica, 46, 2: 247-252.
158. Subchev, Mitko A., Teodora B. Toshova, Radoslav A. Andreev, Vilina D. Petrova, Vasilina D. Maneva, Teodora S. Spasova, Nikolina T. Marinova, Petko M. Minkov, Dimitar I. Velchev. 2011. Possibilities for use of floral baited colour traps for detection of scarabaeid beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) pests. Zbornik predavanj in referatov 10. slovenskega posvetovanja o varstvu rastlin z mednarodno udeležbo Podčetrtek, 1–2. marec 2011. Društvo za varstvo rastlin Slovenije, Ljubljana: 321-325.
159. Subchev, Mitko A., Teodora B. Toshova, Radoslav A. Andreev, Vilina D. Petrova, Vasilina D. Maneva, Teodora S. Spasova, Nikolina T. Marinova, Petko M. Minkov, Dimitar I. Velchev. 2011. Employing floral baited traps for detection and seasonal monitoring of Tropinota (Epicometis) hirta (Poda) (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) in Bulgaria. Acta zool. Bulg., 63, 3: 269-276.
160. Vuts, József, Till Tolasch, Lorenzo Furlan, Éva Bálintné Csonka, Tamás Felföldi, Károly Márialigeti, Teodora B. Toshova, Mitko Subchev, Amália Xavier, Miklós Tóth. 2012. Agriotes proximus and A. lineatus (Coleoptera: Elateridae): a comparative study on the pheromone composition and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene sequence. Chemoecology, 22: 23-28.
161. Subchev, Mitko A., Chiharu Koshio, Teodora B. Toshova, Konstantin A. Efetov. 2011. Illiberis (Primilliberis) rotundata Jordan (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae: Procridinae) male sex attractant: optimization and use for seasonal monitoring. Entomological Science. 15: 137-139.
162. Subchev, Mitko, Teodora Toshova, Radoslav Andreev, Vilina Petrova, Vasilina Maneva, Dimitar Velchev. 2012. Use of floral baited traps in plant protection: seasonal monitoring of Tropinota (Epicometis) hirta (Poda) (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae). 22nd international scientific-expert conference on agriculture and food industry – Sarajevo 2011. Proceedings. Saraevo, Izmir, 166-168.
163. Subchev, Mitko A. 2012. Branchiobdella (Annelida: Clitellata) species found in crayfish collection of London Natural history museum. Acta zool. Bulg., 64, 3: 319-323.
164. Béla Molnár, Armin Tröger, Theodora Toshova, Mitko Subchev, Erik van Nieukerken, Sjaak J. C. Koster, Gábor Szőcs, Miklós Tóth, Wittko Francke. 2012. Identification of the Female-Produced Sex Pheromone of the Oak Leaf-Miner Moth, Tischeria ekebladella J. Chem. Ecol., 38, 10: 1298-1305.
165. Subchev, Mitko A., Teodora B. Toshova, Radoslav A. Andreev, Vilina D. Petrova, Vasilina D. Maneva, Teodora S. Spasova, Nikolina T. Marinova, Petko M. Minkov, Dimitar I. Velchev. 2012. Using floral baited colour traps for detection and seasonal monitoring of Oxythyrea funesta (Poda) (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) in Bulgaria. Acta zool. Bulg., 64, 4: 433-437.
166. Subchev, Mitko A., Teodora B. Toshova, Radoslav A. Andreev, Vilina D. Petrova, Teodora S. Spasova, Vasilina D. Maneva, Dimitar I. Velchev, Vasiliy D. Abaev. 2012. Detection and seasonal monitoring of Anomala solida Erichson (Coleoptera: Rutelidae) by pheromone traps in Bulgaria. Acta entomol. Bulg., 15, 1/2: 9-13.
167. Subchev, M., T. B. Toshova, D. I. Atanasova, V. D. Petrova, M. Tóth. 2013. Seasonal flight of the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in three regions in Bulgaria established by pheromone traps. Acta Phytopathol. Entomol. Hungarica, 48, 1: 75-86
168. Subchev, M. A., T. B. Toshova, R. A. Andreev, V. D. Petrova, V. D. Maneva, T. S. Spasova, N. T. Marinova, P. M. Minkov, D. I. Velchev. 2013. Catches of target and non-target scarab pests in floral-chemical baited color traps. Acta Phytopathol. Entomol. Hungarica, 48, 1: 87-94.
in Bulgaria. Acta Phytopathol. Entomol. Hungarica,
169. Subchev, Mitko, Chiharu Koshio, Teodora Toshova, Konstantin Efetov, Wittko Francke. 2013. (2R)-butyl (7Z)-dodecenoate is a main sex pheromone component in Illiberis pruni (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae: Procridinae)? Acta zool. Bulg., 65
170. Subchev, Mitko. 2013. Branchiobdella (Annelida: Clitellata) Species Found in the Crayfish Collection of the Natural History Museum of Denmark. Acta zool. Bulg., 65


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