Peter Hristov
Personal information
- Contacts
25 “Acad. Georgi Bonchev”Str. 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS)
Tel.: + 359 2 979 2327 Curriculum vitae
PhD Defence 2005, IBIR - BAS
PhD Thesis - „Animal reproduction”„September 1994 – July 1999
Master of Veterinary Medicine
Tracian veterinarian University„ Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Stara Zagora, BulgariaWork experience
September 2010-Now
Chief Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities
Molecular diagnostics of population and species structure
Biochemical analysis and production of native and recombinant proteins
Bioinformatic sequences database analysis.
Presentation of own and cooperational scientific work and results.
Consultation and training of students, consultation of PhD students.
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS)September 2006-September 2010
Research Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities
Molecular diagnostics of population and species structure.
Purification, biochemical analysis and production of native and recombinant proteins, as shown in the attached publications.
Bioinformatic sequences database analysis.
Presentation of own and cooperational scientific work and results.
Consultation and training of students, consultation of PhD students.
Institute of Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS)- Research interests
Recombinant DNA technology including, cloning and PCR techniques.
Skills in Basic biochemistry including Western Blotting and immunoprecipitation.
Experience in enzymology methods.
Genetics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Molecular Taxonomy and Phylogeny, DNA Recombinant Technologies, Proteomics, Parasitology, Gene-Engineering Technologies- Publications
1. Peter Hristov, Denitsa Teofanova, Ivan Mehandzhiyski, Lyuben Zagorchev and Georgi Radoslavov. 2012. Application of Milk Proteins Genetic Polymorphism for Selection and Breeding of Dairy Cows in Bulgaria, Milk Production - Advanced Genetic Traits, Cellular Mechanism, Animal Management and Health, Narongsak Chaiyabutr (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0766-8, InTech
2. Teofanova D., P. Hristov, A. Yoveva, G. Radoslavov. 2012. Issues associated with genetic diversity studies of the Liver Fluke, Fasciola heptica (Platyhelminthes, Digenea, Fasciolidae). Chapter in “Genetic Diversity in Microorganisms”. Book edited by: Mahmut Caliskan. ISBN 978-953-51-0064-5, InTech
3. Hristov, P., D. Teofanova, I. Mehandzhiyski, A. Yoveva, G. Radoslavov. (2012). Genotyping of endemic for Rhodopy mountain Shorthorn Rhodopean cow breed. Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. EQ. 26(1), 12-15. DOI: 10.5504/50YRTIMB.2011.0003.
4. Teofanova, D., P. Hristov, A. Yoveva, G. Radoslavov. (2012). Native and recombinant fatty acid binding protein 3 from Fasciola hepatica as a potential antigen. Biotechnol. & Biotechnol. EQ. 26(1), 60-64. DOI: 10.5504/50YRTIMB.2011.0011.
5. Hristov P., D. Teofanova, G. Radoslavov. 2011. Effects of genetic variants of milk protein genes on milk composition and milk yield in cows of the Bulgarian black pied cattle. 2011. Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences. 64 (1), 75-80. ISSN 1310-1331.
6. Teofanova D., V. Kantzoura, S. Walker, G. Radoslavov, P. Hristov, G. Theodoropoulos, I. Bankov, A. Trudgett. 2011. Genetic diversity of liver flukes (Fasciola hepatica) from Eastern Europe. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 11 (2011), 109-115.
7. Gabrashanska, M., P. Hristov, V. Koinarski. (2010). Influence of selenium treatment on eimeriosis in turkey poults. Ecologica, Vol. 55, 121-130.
8. Radoslavov, G., R. Jordanova, D. Teofanova, K. Georgieva, P. Hristov, M. Salomone-Stagni, Eva Liebau, Ilia Bankov. 2010. Structural and functional characterization of a novel secretory polycysteine and histidine-tailed metalloprotein (Ts-PCHTP) of Trichinella spiralis. PlosOne. 5 (10), art. no. e13343.
9. Hristov P., G. Radoslavov, D. Teofanova, S. Zlatarev. 2008. The impact of genetic polymorphism of kappa-casein and beta-lactoglobulin loci on milk production traits in cows of the bulgarian rhodopean cattle. Comptes Rendus de l`Academie Bulgare des Sciences. 61 (12), 1577-1582.
- Department
- Animal Diversity and Resources
- Division
- Biodiversity and Ecology of Parasites
- Research group
- Molecular Evolutionary Studies
- Member for
- 11 years 36 weeks