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Iliana Alexieva

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Personal information


Iliana Alexieva
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research
1113 Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., bl. 23

Curriculum vitae

Date of birth:31.01.1978

1993-1997 19th School of Elin Pelin-Sofia
biology and chemistry profile

1997-2001 St. Cyril and Metodius University of Veliko Turnivo
Bachelor of Ecology and Environmental Protection

2001-2003 St. Cyril and Metodius University of Veliko Turnivo
Master Ecologist

Recent Projects:
02.2013 -2016: Stage - Bulgarian participation in UNECE ICP Vegetation: heavy metals and nitrogen in EU Moss Survey.
Leader: for Bulgaria Prof. Dr. Liliana Yurukova
2012-2015: European Atmospheric Heavy Metals using Mosses - UN/ECE ICP Vegetation, UK, European project. Coordinator for Europe of 28 countries: Dr. H. Harmens, UN/ECE ICP Vegetation, UK.
Leader: for Bulgaria Prof. Dr. Liliana Yurukova.
Terminated by coordinator 2013(participation Iliana Alexieva 01.05.2012).
2011-2013: Bulgarian and Swiss Moss Surveys 2010/2011: Temporal trends and spatial patterns of heavy metals, nitrogen and sulphur in mosses. Bilateral with Scientific Panel on Environmental Monitoring, Switzerland(FUB, Switzerland).
Leader: for Bulgaria Prof. Dr. Liliana Yurukova.
Terminated by the Bulgarian side Feb 2013(participation Iliana Alexieva 01.05.2012).
2010-2015: Moss sampling in the network of the Northeast Greece, and contribution to UN ECE ICP Vegetation 2010/2015 EU monitoring programme.
Leader: for Bulgaria Prof. Dr. Liliana Yurukova.
Terminated Greek side - Feb 2013(participation Iliana Alexieva 01.05.2012).
2009–2010: Complex approach for studying habitate 7220* Petrifying springs with tufa formation (Cratuneuron) from Directive 92/43 EEC on Lozenska mountain NATURA 2000 site (BG0000165)
Director: Research III degree Christo Pedashenko
2006-2010: Pollen analysis and microelement content – assessment of the quality of honey from different regions in Bulgaria. Fund "Scientific Research" - project - TK-B-1611/06
Head: Prof. II Prof. Juliana Atanassova- "St. Kliment Ohridski ", Faculty of Biology

Research interests

ecology of fungi, mosses


Yurukova, L., S. Petrova, I. Velcheva, I. Aleksieva (2013). Preliminary data of moss-bags technique in an urban area (Plovdiv, Bulgaria).- Comptes rendus de l`Academie bulgare des Sciences,66(9).


Ecosystem Research, Environmental Risk Assessment and Conservation Biology
Biomonitoring and Ecological Risk Assessment
Research group
Biomonitoring and Bioindication


Member for
11 years 7 weeks