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Stoyan Stoyanov

снимка на Stoyan Stoyanov

Personal information


Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G. Bonchev St, Bl. 23
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Tel.: 02 9792159
088 9460560

Curriculum vitae

Associate Professor, PhD.
PhD thesis: Taxonomic study of the genus Bupleurum L. (Apiaceae) in Bulgaria

Research interests

Plant taxonomy, Apiaceae (Bupleurum, Seseli), Asteraceae, conservation.


Stoyanov, S. 1998. Polygala sibirica L.: a new species for the Bulgarian flora. Phytologia Balcanica 4(3): 51–52.

Stoyanov, S. 2004. A new perennial Bupleurum species for the Bulgarian flora. Phytologia Balcanica 10(2-3): 187–190.

Stoyanov, S. 2005. The vascular flora of the catchment basin of the river Roussenski Lom in the beginning of the 21st century. Flora Mediterranea 15: 351–383.

Stoyanov, S., Goranova, V. & Stoykov, D. 2006. Report 87 (Astragalus physocalyx, rediscovered). In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 2. Phytologia Balcanica 12(2): 295.

Stoyanov, S. 2007. Report 62 (Bupleurum apiculatum, new for European Turkey). In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 5. Phytologia Balcanica 13(2): 271–272.

Peev, D., Stoyanov, S., Delcheva, M. & Valyovska, N. 2009. The pink flowering Crepis rubra (Asteraceae) – new for the Bulgarian flora. Phytologia Balcanica 15(1): 59–62.

Stoyanov, S. & Goranova, V. 2009. Notes on some critical Bupleurum species from sect. Aristata in Bulgaria. – In: Ivanova, D. (ed.), Plant, fungal and habitat diversity investigation and conservation. Proceedings of IV Balkan Botanical Congress, Sofia, 20–26 June 2006. Pp. 177–181. Institute of Botany, Sofia.

Bancheva, S. & Stoyanov, S. 2009. A new species of Cyanus (Asteraceae, Centaureinae) from Southeastern Bulgaria. Novon 19(4): 421–425.

Apostolova-Stoyanova, N. & Stoyanov, S. 2009. Systematical and phytogeographical analysis of the flora on Mt Golo Bardo. Phytologia Balcanica 15(3): 401–430.

Stoyanov, S. 2010. A new annual Bupleurum (Apiaceae) species from Northeastern Bulgaria and Romanian Dobrogea. Phytologia Balcanica 16(1): 65–74.

Stoyanov, S. & Vassilev, K. 2011. Plantago sempervirens (Plantaginaceae): a dwarf shrub new for the Bulgarian flora. Phytologia Balcanica 17(1): 45–51.

Stoyanov, S., Goranova, V. & Ivanova, D. 2011. Report 72 (Erodium absinthoides, rediscovered). In: Vladimirov, V. & Tan, Kit (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 16. Phytologia Balcanica 17(2): 258–259.

Stoyanov, S. 2012. Report 105–109 (Centaurea kamciensis, rediscovered). In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps), New floristic records in the Balkans: 19. Phytologia Balcanica 18(2): 222–223.

Ančev, М., Yurukova-Grancharova, P., Ignatova, P., Goranova, V., Stoyanov, S., Yankova-Tsvetkova, E., Neykov, N. 2013. Cardamine × rhodopaea (Brassicaceae), a triploid hybrid from the West Rhodope Mts: Morphology, distribution, relationships and origin. Phytologia Balcanica 19(3): 323–338.

Stoyanov, S. 2014. Genista tetragona (Fabaceae), a neglected species in the Bulgarian flora. Phytologia Balcanica 20(2-3): 159–170.

Stoyanov, S., Vladimirov, V. & Milanova, S. 2014. Ambrosia trifida (Asteraceae), a new non-native species for the Bulgarian flora. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences 67(12): 1653–1656.

Stoyanov, S. & Vladimirov, V. 2015. Lepidium virginicum (Brassicaceae) – a new non-native species to the Bulgarian flora. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences 68(6): 725–728.

Stanilova, M., Stoyanov, S., Sidzhimova, B. & Traykova, B. 2016. Preservation of the Bulgarian endemic Verbascum davidoffii (Scrophulariaceae) by means of in vitro propagation. First National Conference of Reintroduction of Conservation-reliant species, Sofia 2015. Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” Faculte de Biologie 101: 63-70.

Ostroumova, T. & Stoyanov, S. 2016. Peucedanum obtusifolium (Apiaceae), a new record for the Bulgarian flora. Phytologia Balcanica 22(1): 69–72.

Vassilev, K., Pedashenko, H., Alexandrova, A., Tashev, A., Ganeva, A., Gavrilova, A., Gradevska, A., Assenov, A., Vitkova, A., Grigorov, B., Gussev, Ch., Filipova, E., Aneva, I., Knollová, I., Nikolov, I., Georgiev, G., Gogushev, G., Tinchev, G., Pachedjieva, K., Koev, K., Lyubenova, M., Dimitrov, M., Apostolova-Stoyanova, N., Velev, N., Zhelev, P., Glogov, P., Natcheva, R., Tzonev, R., Boch, S., Henneken, S., Georgiev, S., Stoyanov, S., Karakiev, T., Kalníková, V., Shivarov, V., Russakova, V. & Vulchev, V. 2016. Balkan Vegetation Database: historical background, current status and future perspectives. Phytocoenologia 46(1): 89-95.

Stoyanov, S. 2016. Reinstatement of Centaurea cyanomorpha (Asteraceae), an endemic species from Southeastern Bulgaria. Phytotaxa 268(1): 46–56.

Stoyanov, S. 2017. Centaurea angelesсui (Asteraceae), a new species for Bulgarian flora. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences 70(7): 973–980.

Marinov, Y. & Stoyanov, S. 2017. Reappraisal of Campanula rotundifolia var. bulgarica Nejceff—a neglected taxon from Central Stara Planina Mountain, Bulgaria. Phytotaxa 329(1): 69–79.

Petrova, A. S. & Stoyanov, S. 2017. Trinia multicaulis (Apiaceae) – a new Pontic element to the Bulgarian flora. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences 70(12): 1671–1680.

Strat, D., Stoyanov, S., Holobiuc, I. 2017. The occurrence of the alien plant species Cenchrus longispinus on the Danube Delta shore (North West Black Sea coast) – threats and possible impacts on the local biodiversity. Acta Horti Botanici Bucurestiensis 44: 17–31. DOI:10.1515/ahbb-2017-0002.

Nikolova М., Berkov S., Dimitrova M., Sidjimova B., Stoyanov S., Stanilova M. 2017. Phenolic Acid Profiles of Endemic Species Verbascum anisophyllum and Verbascum davidoffii. Journal of BioScience and Biotechnology 6(3): 163-167.

Stoyanov, S. & Barzov, Zh. 2018. Cyperus eragrostis – an addition to the Bulgarian alien flora. Phytologia Balcanica 24(2): 239–242.

Stoyanov, S. 2018. Taxonomic redefinition of Bupleurum pauciradiatum and B. wolffianum (Apiaceae). Phytotaxa 365(2): 130–144.

Nikolova, M., Berkov, S., Doycheva, I., Stoyanov, S. & Stanilova, M. 2018. GC/MS based metabolite profiling of five populations of Glaucium flavum (Ranunculales: Papaveraceae) from the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Supplementum 11: 91–94.

Aneva, I., Zhelev, P. & Stoyanov, S. 2018. Alien species as a part of plant composition in the periphery of agricultural fields. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Supplementum 11: 173–176.

Aneva, I., Zhelev, P., Stoyanov, S., Marinov, Y., Georgieva, K. 2018. Survey on the distribution and diversity of genus Thymus in Bulgaria. Ecologia Balkanica 10(2): 101–110.

Yankova-Tsvetkova, E., Ilieva, I., Stanilova, M., Stoyanov, S. & Sidjimova, B. 2018. Reproductive biology of the endangered Bulgarian endemic Centaurea achtarovii (Asteraceae). Biologia 73(12): 1163–1175. ISSN: 0006-3088, e-ISSN: 1336-9563.

Vladimirov, V., Petrova, A.S., Stoyanov, S., Bancheva, S. & Delcheva, M. 2018. Rosa rugosa (Rosaceae): an alien species in the Bulgarian flora. Phytologia Balcanica 24(3): 337–341.

Stoyanov, S. 2019. Contribution to the taxonomy and distribution of Bupleurum boissieri, B. aequiradiatum and B. gerardi (Apiaceae) in the Balkans. Phytotaxa 392(3): 197–216.

Marinov, Y. & Stoyanov, S. 2019. First record of Dorycnium haussknechtii (Fabaceae) for the Balkans. Phytologia Balcanica 25(1): 63–68.

Stoyanov, S. & Barzov, Zh. 2020. Papaver nigrotinctum: first records for the flora of Bulgaria and Republic of North Macedonia. Phytologia Balcanica 26(1): 35–42.

Stoyanov, S. & Marinov, Y. 2020. Thymus jalasianus (Lamiaceae), a new species from the serpentine area of the Eastern Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria. Annales Botanici Fennici 57(1–3): 163–172.

Stoyanov, S. 2020. Bupleurum aequiradiatum (H.Wolff) Snogerup & B.Snogerup, Bupleurum commutatum Boiss. & Balansa, Bupleurum gerardi All. Pp. 331–332. In: Raab-Straube, E. von & Raus, Th. (ed.), Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 12. Willdenowia 50(2): 305–341.

Stoyanov, S., Ostroumova, T., Degtjareva, G. & Samigullin, T. 2020. Seseli besserianum (Apiaceae), a restored species and a replacement name for Seseli peucedanifolium Besser. Phytotaxa 458(2): 120–138.

Stoyanov, S. & Marinov, Y. 2021. Thymus aznavourii (Lamiaceae): first records for Bulgarian and Greek flora. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences 74(3): 352–362.

Yankova-Tsvetkova, E., Stoyanov, S., Vitkova, A. & Semerdjieva, I. 2021. On the distribution of Helichrysum arenarium (Asteraceae) in Bulgaria. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences 74(11): 1606–1613.

Stoyanov, S. & Ćušterevska, R. 2021. Bupleurum euboeum Beauverd & Topali, Bupleurum gerardi All. Pp. 364–365 In: Raab-Straube, E. von & Raus, Th. (ed.), Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 14. Willdenowia 51(3): 355–369.

Stoyanov, S. & Nikolov, Z. 2021. Bupleurum aequiradiatum (Apiaceae) in the flora of the Republic of North Macedonia. Acta Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Naturalium 24: 51–53.

Stoyanov, S., Negrean, G. & Vladimirov, V. 2022. Contribution to the knowledge of Bromus diandrus–rigidus (Poaceae) polyploid complex in the Bulgarian and Romanian floras. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie Bulgare des Sciences 75(4): 536–544.

Stoyanov, S. 2022. Genus Bupleurum (Apiaceae): current taxonomy and distribution in Bulgaria. Phytologia Balcanica 28(1): 43–60.

Stoyanov, S. & Apostolova-Stoyanova, N. 2022. Lupinus gredensis (Fabaceae), a new non-native species to Bulgaria and the European part of Turkey. Phytologia Balcanica 28(2): 231–237.

Stoyanov, S., Marinov, Y., Apostolova-Stoyanova, N., Ranđelović, V. & Vukojičić, S. 2022. Taxonomic review of Scrophularia sect. Tomiophyllum in Bulgaria and Serbia: the case of Scrophularia bulgarica. Willdenowia 52(3): 303–312.

Vladimirov, V. & Stoyanov, S. 2022. A new species record of Tragopogon (Asteraceae) for the Bulgarian flora. Phytologia Balcanica 28(3): 341–346.

Nikolova, M., Aneva, I., Zhelev, P., Semerdjieva, I., Zheljazkov, V., Vladimirov, V., Stoyanov, S., Berkov, S. & Yankova-Tsvetkova, E. 2023. Metabolic profiles, genetic diversity and genome size of Bulgarian population of Alkanna tinctoria. Plants 12, 111.

Nikolova, M., Yankova-Tsvetkova, E., Stefanova, T., Stoyanov, S. & Berkov, S. 2023. Evaluation of Helichrysum arenarium flower exudate as an inhibitor on Lolium perenne seed germination under laboratory conditions. Acta Agrobotanica 76, Article 761.

Stoyanov, S. & Sidjimova, B. 2023. Galatella sedifolia (Asteraceae), a species with questionable occurrence in Bulgarian flora, and remarks on its Balkan distribution. Ecologia Balkanica 15(1): 27–33.

Stoyanov, S., Vladimirov, V., Bancheva, S. & Gogushev, G. 2023. Sisyrinchium rosulatum (Iridaceae), a new alien species to the Bulgarian flora. BioInvasions Records 12(2): 493–500.

Stoyanov, S., Mátis, A. & Sennikov, A.N. 2023. The taxonomic status, synonymy and nomenclature of Buglossoides rochelii comb. nov. (Boraginaceae), a neglected plant of south-eastern Europe. Nordic Journal of Botany 2023(10): e04096.

Stoyanov, S. & Marinov, Y. 2023. Galatella cana (Asteraceae) confirmed in Bulgarian flora. Phytologia Balcanica 29(3): 397–404.

Kozhuharova, A., Nikolova, M., Stoyanov, S., Yankova-Tsvetkova, E., Ilinkin, V., Berkov, S. & Stanilova, M. 2024. Establishment of an Ex Situ Collection of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. as a Prerequisite for Field Cultivation in Bulgaria. Horticulturae 10(1), 86.

Mátis, A., Miholcsa, Zs., Marinov, Y. & Stoyanov, S. 2024. Lathyrus cassius Boiss. Pp. 22–23 In: Raab-Straube, E. von & Raus, Th. (ed.), Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 17. Willdenowia 54(1): 5–45.

Stoyanov, S. & Marinov, Y. 2024. Cirsium eriophorum (Asteraceae), a new record of Cirsium sect. Eriolepis for the Bulgarian flora. Flora Mediterranea 34: 63–72.

Stoyanov, S. & Apostolova-Stoyanova, N. 2024. Checklist of the flora in the Rusenski Lom River Valley (Northeast Bulgaria). Phytologia Balcanica 30(1): 45–72.

Scientific events participations:
Stoyanov, S. & Marinov, Y. 2022. Cirsium eriophorum (Asteraceae), a new record for the Bulgarian flora. Abstracts Book (page 25), 2nd International Conference on Botany and Mycology, 19–20 September 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Vladimirov, V., Stoyanov, S. & Bancheva, S. 2022. The first report of a species of European Community interest in the Bulgarian flora: Colchicum arenarium (Colchicaceae). Abstracts Book (page 26), 2nd International Conference on Botany and Mycology, 19–20 September 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Summary of the major contributions to the Bulgarian Flora

Rediscovered and confirmed species
1. Astragalus physocalyx Fisch. – 2006, Kulata village, Petrich district, Kartaletsa Hill;
2. Erodium absinthoides Willd. – 2011, Kozya Glava locality, Luchishte locality and Bakalska hamlet, Logodazh village, Blagoevgrad district, Vlahina Mountain;
3. Centaurea kamciensis Kočev & S.Gančev – 2012, Asparuhovo village, Dalgopol district, Chudnite Skali rock formation;
4. Galatella cana (Waldst. & Kit.) Nees – 2023, Trakiiski Ravnets Protected Site, Manole village, Plovdiv district.

Reinstated species
1. Centaurea cyanomorpha Stef. & T.Georgiev ≡ Cyanus cyanomorphus (Stef. & T. Georgiev) Stoyanov, comb. nov. (Cyanus diospolitanus Bancheva & Stoyanov, syn. nov.) – 2016, Kara Bair (type locality) and Mramor village, Topolovgrad district, Sakar Mountain; Sveti Iliyski Hills; Manastirski Hills; Lesovo, Malko Kirilovo and Chernozem villages, Elhovo district, Derventski Hills;
2. Campanula nejceffii (Hayek) Marinov & Stoyanov, stat. nov. ≡ C. rotundifolia subsp. neicevii (Hayek) Stoj. & Acht. ≡ C. rotundifolia subsp. euxina f. nejceffii Hayek ≡ C. rotundifolia var. bulgarica Nejceff – 2017, Chatal Cham locality, Sokolna Reserve, Triglav massif, Central Stara Planina Mountains;
3. Seseli besserianum Stoyanov & Ostr., nom. nov. ≡ Seseli peucedanifolium Besser, nom. illeg. – 2020, Nikopolsko Plateau (villages Novachene and Muselievo); valley of Rusenski Lom river (villages Bozhichen, Tabachka and Katselovo); Kabiyushka Mogila Hill; Taushan Tepe Hill; Ovech Fortress, Provadiya town; Chudnite Skali rock formation; Bolata Bay, etc.
4. Buglossoides rochelii (Friv.) Stoyanov, Mátis & Sennikov, comb. nov. ≡ Lithospermum rochelii Friv. = Lithospermum glandulosum Velen., syn. nov. = Lithospermum czernjajevii Klokov & Des.-Shost., syn. nov. – 2023, Plovdiv town, Dzhendem Tepe (type locality); Beloslav town, Povelyanovo (quarter of Devnya town) and Slanchevo village, Varna district; Orsoya village, Lom district.

New non-native species for the Bulgarian Flora
1. Plantago sempervirens Crantz – 2011, Vukovo village, Boboshevo district, valley of Struma river;
2. Ambrosia trifida L. – 2014, crop fields and railway tracks, Dalgopol town and Sava village, Varna district;
3. Lepidium virginicum L. – 2015, Razpredelitelna railway station, Ruse town;
4. Cyperus eragrostis Lam. – 2018, between Tsarevo town and Brodilovo village, near Brodilovo village (along the rivers of Elenitsa and Veleka), Strandzha Mountain; Mičurin (presently Tsarevo town) and Ahtopol, Black Sea Cosat; near Mihaylovo village (presently part of Bankya town), Lyulin Mountain;
5. Rosa rugosa Thunb. – 2018, between Novo Oryahovo and Shkorpilovtsi villages, Black Sea Coast; between Zlatitsa and Etropole towns, Stara Planina Mountains; near Chairite lakes, Central Rhodopi Mountains;
6. Bromus diandrus Roth – 2022, Balchik town, Kranevo village, Chayka Resort, Gradina Camping, Arkutino Resort, Dolphin Camping and Ahtopol town, Black Sea coastal dunes;
7. Lupinus gredensis Gand. – 2022, villages Kalaydzhievo, Devesilovo and Gorni Yurutsi, Krumovgrad district; villages Boturche and Meden Buk, Ivaylovgrad district, Eastern Rhodope Mountains;
8. Sisyrinchium rosulatum E.P.Bicknell – 2023, Oshtava village, Kresna district; Belasitsa and Kolarovo villages, Petrich district, valley of Strumeshnitsa river.

New species for the Bulgarian Flora
1. Polygala sibirica L. – 1998, Koshov village, Ruse district, valley of Cherni Lom river;
2. Bupleurum ranunculoides L. – 2004, Belcheva Skala summit, Vitosha Mountain;
3. Crepis rubra L. – 2009, Gorni Glavanak village, Madzharovo district, Eastern Rhodope Mountains;
4. Genista tetragona Besser – 2014, between the Garchinovo village, Targovishte district and Katselovo village, Ruse district, valley of Cherni Lom river; between the villages Pepelina, Tabachka, Cherven, and Koshov, Ruse district, valley of Cherni Lom river; Kostandenets village, Razgrad district, valley of Mali Lom river;
5. Peucedanum obtusifolium Sm. – 2016, Black Sea coastal dunes from Shabla to Tsarevo;
6. Centaurea angelescui Grinţ. – 2017, Basarbovo village, Ruse district, valley of Rusenski Lom river;
7. Trinia multicaulis (Poir.) Schischk. – 2017, Kabiyushka Mogila Hill, Shumen district; Ostritsa and Katselovo villages, Ruse district, valley of Cherni Lom river; Muselievo and Dragash Voyvoda villages, Pleven district, Nikopolsko Plateau;
8. Bupleurum pauciradiatum Fenzl ex Boiss. – 2018, Kaliakra Reserve and Stepite Protected Site, Kavarna district, North Black Sea coast;
9. Bupleurum boissieri Post (B. uechtritzianum Stoyanov, syn. nov.) – 2019, Ostritsa and Katselovo villages, Ruse district, valley of Cherni Lom river; Aksakovo town, Varna district, Frangensko Plateau; Balchik town, Lyahovo and Obrochishte villages, Kaliakra Reserve, Dobrich district;
10. Dorycnium haussknechtii Boiss. – 2019, Sladun village, Kurtkaya Hill, Svilengrad district, Sakar Mountain;
11. Papaver nigrotinctum Fedde – 2020, Valley of River Struma (Struma, Novo Delchevo and Levunovo villages, Sandanski district; Kolarovo and Samuilovo villages, Petrich district; Riltsi village, Blagoevgrad district; Boboshevo town and Sovolyano vilage, Kyustendil district) and near Sliven town;
12. Thymus aznavourii Velen. – 2021, Sladun village, Kurtkaya Hill and Mihalich village, Svilengrad district, Sakar Mountain;
13. Tragopogon coelesyriacus Boiss. – 2022, between settlements Ivaylovgrad-Svirachi-Odrintsi-Mandritsa-Dolno Lukovo, Ivaylovgrad district; between Byalgradets and Kazak villages, Ivaylovgrad district, Eastern Rhodope Mountains;
14. Galatella sedifolia (L.) Greuter – 2023, Hadzhidimitrovo village, Svishtov district, valley of Studena river;
15. Lathyrus cassius Boiss. – 2024, near Simeonovgrad town, Haskovo district;
16. Cirsium eriophorum (L.) Scop. – 2024, south of Strazhets village, Krumovgrad district, Golata Chuka summit, Eastern Rhodope Mountains;
17. Colchicum arenarium Waldst. & Kit. – 2024, Saraevo village, Oryahovo district; Evlogievo, Lyubenovo and Novachene villages, Nikopol district; Botrov and Beltsov villages, Ruse district.

New species for the science
1. Thymus jalasianus Stoyanov & Marinov – 2020, Fotinovo (hamlets Malko Zagorichane and Fetler), Dryanova Glava and Chichevo villages, Kirkovo district; Golyamo Kamenyane, Devesilovo, Chernichevo and Strazhets (Golata Chuka summit) villages, Krumovgrad district, Eastern Rhodope Mountains.

Summary of the contributions to other countries
1. Bupleurum apiculatum Friv. – 2007, First record to Turkey (Thrace, Kırklareli);
2. Bupleurum wolffianum Bornm. ex H.Wolff – 2018, First records to Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia;
3. Bupleurum boissieri Post – 2019, First records to Romania (Dobrogea) and Crimea;
4. Bupleurum aequiradiatum (H.Wolff) Snogerup & B.Snogerup – 2019, First record to Romania (Dobrogea, forest Hagieni); 2020, First record to Turkey (Bursa); 2021, Second record to Republic of North Macedonia (Tekija village);
5. Papaver nigrotinctum Fedde – 2020, First record to Republic of North Macedonia (Strumitsa town, Delisinci village, Lukovica village, Prilep town, Shtip town);
6. Bupleurum gerardi All. – 2020, First record to Serbia (Vranja);
7. Thymus aznavourii Velen. – 2021, First record to Greece (Thrace, Sakkos village);
8. Bupleurum euboeum Beauverd & Topali – 2021, First record to Republic of North Macedonia (Ovče Pole, Sveti Nikola municipality);
9. Bromus diandrus Roth – 2022, First record to Romania (Constanța and Drobeta-Turnu Severin);
10. Lupinus gredensis Gand. – 2022, First record to European part of Turkey (Nasuhbey village, Meriç district)
11. Scrophularia bulgarica (Stoj.) Peev – 2022, First record to Serbia (Gornjačka gorge, Jerma river gorge, Lazareva river canyon, Mali Krš mountain, Sićevačka gorge, Stol mountain, Svrljiške Planine, Tupižnica mountain, Veliki Krš mountain, Veliki Vukan mountain and Ovčarsko-Kablarska gorge).


Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources
Flora and Vegetation
Research group
Flora and florogenesis


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