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Beloslava Genova

снимка на Beloslava Genova

Personal information


Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research
Department of Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources
Acad. Georgi Bonchev St., bl. 23,
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
phone: +359895016769

Curriculum vitae

Date of birth: 03.03.1998

Ph.D. at the Institute of biodiversity and ecosystem research (IBER) at the Bulgarian academy of sciences
11.10.2021-03.10. 2022
Master's of Ecology and ecosystems protection at Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarksi"

Bachelor's of Ecology and environmental protection at Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski"

Work experience:

15. 04. 2022-15.09.2022
Field assistant for research on biodiversity at the Institute of Applied systems analysis (IAASA) in Viena, Austria

23.05. 2022-04.07.2022
Intern for ecological research and geographical informational systems (GIS) at IBER-BAS

01.10. 2021-15.05.2022
Student research assistant at the Institute of Botany at the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

01.08.2020-13.09. 2020
An intern in ecological research at IBER-BAS

Research interests

Vegetation classification and ecology, Habitat mapping, Flora


Scientific publications:

1. Grigorov B, Velev N, Assenov A, Nazarov M, Genova B, Vassilev K (2023) Forest habitats of GodechMunicipality, Western Bulgaria. In: Chankova S, Danova K, Beltcheva M, Radeva G, Petrova V, Vassilev K (Eds) Actualproblems of Ecology. BioRisk 20: 153–163.

2. Grigorov B., Velev, N, Assenov A., Nazarov, M., Gramatikov M., Genova B., Vassilev K. 2023. Forest habitats and vegetation of Dragoman municipality, western Bulgaria. – Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des sciences: sciences mathématiques et naturelles, 76 (2): 221-228. (Q2; IF:0.41)
DOI: 10.7546/CRABS.2023.02.06

3. Vassilev, K., Nazarov, M., Mardari C., Grigorov B., Georgiev, S., Genova, B., Velev, N. 2022. Syntaxonomical and ecological diversity of class Polygono-Poetea annuae Rivas-Mart. 1975 in Bulgaria – Acta Botanica Croatia, 81 (1): 32-41. (Q3; IF: 1.151)
DOI: 10.37427/botcro-2021-029

4. Grigorov, B., Velev, N., Assenov, A., Tsenova, M., Nazarov, M., Genova, B., Vassilev, K. 2022. Grassland Habitats of Community Importance on the Territory of Godech Municipality, West Bulgaria. – Ecologia Balkanica, 14 (1): 125-135. (Q4; IF-)

5. Grigorov, B., Velev, N., Assenov, A., Nazarov, M., Genova, B., Vassilev, K. 2022. Forests of Breznik Municipality. – BioRisk, 17: 367–377.
DOI: 10.3897/biorisk.17.77388

6. Nazarov, M., Velev, N., Mardari, C., Grigorov, B., Georgiev, B., Genova, B., Vassilev, K., 2022. Syntaxonomy and Ecology of Petasites Albus, P. Hybridus and P. Kablikianus Phytocoenoses in Bulgaria and Romania. – Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des sciences: sciences mathématiques et naturelles, 75 (1): 43-55. (Q2; IF:0.41)
DOI: 10.7546/CRABS.2022.01.06

7. Vassilev, K., Nazarov, M., Grigorov B., Genova, B., Georgiev, S., Velev, N. 2021. Syntaxonomical and ecological diversity of class Artemisietea vulgaris Lohmeyer et al. in Tx. ex von Rochow 1951 in Bulgaria. – Ecologia Balkanica, 13 (1): 177-196. (Q4; IF)

8. Grigorov B., Velev, N., Assenov, A., Nazarov, M., Gamatikov, M., Genova, B., Vassilev, K. 2021. Shrubland habitats in Dragoman municipality: a case study from western Bulgaria. – Journal of the Bulgarian geographical society, 44: 21-24. (Q-; IF-)
DOI: 10.3897/jbgs.e66377

9. Grigorov B., Velev, N., Assenov, A., Nazarov, M., Gamatikov, M., Genova, B., Vassilev, K. 2021. Grassland habitats on the territory of Dragoman Municipality, Western Bulgaria. – Flora Mediterranea, 31: 89-100. (Q3; IF: 0.97)
DOI: 10.7320/FlMedit31.089

10. Vassilev, K., Pedashenko, H., Alexandrova, A., Tashev A., Ganeva A., Gavrilova A., Macanović A., Gradevska A., Assenov A., Vitkova, A., Genova, B., Grigorov, B., Gussev, C., Mašić, E., Filipova, E., Gecheva, G., Aneva, I., Knolova, I., Nikolov, I., Georgiev, G., Gogushev, G., Tinchev, G., Minkov, I., Pachedzieva, K., Mincheva, K., Koev, K., Lubenova, M., Dimitrov, M., Gumus, M., Nazarov, M., Apostolova-Stoyanova, N., Nikolov, N., Velev, N., Zhelev, P., Glogov, P., Natcheva, R., Tzonev, R., Barudanović, S., Kostadinova, S., Boch, S., Hennekens, S., Georgiev, S., Stoyanov, S., Karakiev, T., Ilić, T., Kalníková, V., Shivarov, V., Vulchev, V. 2021. Balkan Vegetation Database – updated information and existing. – Vegetation Classification and Survey, 1: 151-153. (Q-; IF-)
DOI: 10.3897/VCS/2020/61348

Reports and expert positions:

1. A scientific report for Chirpan municipality of Associate professor Kiril Vassilev (IBER-BAN), Chief assistant Stoyan Georgiev(IFC), researcher Momchil Nazarov (IBER-BAN) and students Beloslava Genova (PU) and Katerina Mincheva (PU) concerning a study of the flora, vegetation and natural habitats on the territory of Chirpan municipality, 2020.


Plant and Fungal Diversity and Resources
Flora and Vegetation
Research group
Vegetation and Habitats


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