Iva Apostolova
Personal information
- Contacts
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev, blok 23, tel. +359 2 9793760,
e-mail: iva@bio.bas.bg- Curriculum vitae
1975-1980 Mgr. Sofia Universty (Ecology)
1987-1990 Ph.D. Institute of Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Ecology)Membership of professional bodies:
International Association for Vegetation Science
European Vegetation Survey
Eurasian Dry Grassland GroupKey qualifications about:
Bulgarian natural and seminatural vegetation
vegetation and habitat mapping
biodiversity monitoring
species and plant communities ecology
management plans for protected areas and Natura 2000 sitesProfessional experience of project work:
Thracian mounds – biodiversity hotspots and refugee islets for conservation of flora and vegetation (2018-2022)
Assessment and mapping of GRASSLAND ecosystems condition and their services in Bulgaria (2015-2017)
Methodological assistance for ecosystems assessment and biophysical valuation (MetEcoSMap) (2015-2017)
Red Data Book of Bulgaria, vol. 1 Plants and fungi (2015)
Updating Central Balkan National Park Management Plan (2013-2014)
European gradients of resilience in the fase of climate extremes (Signal), ERA-NET BiodivERsa 2012-77 (2012-2015)
Conservation of biodiversity in hot spots with glacial relict plants in Bulgarian mountains (BG0034), EEA Grants (2009-2011)
Biology, ecology and control of alien invasive species in Bulgarian flora (2009-2012)
Red Data Book of Bulgaria, vol 1 Plants and fungi (2009-2011)
Optimization of the Natura 2000 network in Bulgaria (2007-2009)
Important Plant Areas in Bulgaria, Plantlife international (2006-2008)
Inventory of the biodiversity of mountain and lowland wet grasslands (2005-2010)
Management plans for conservation rare plants Viola pumila and Fritillaria meleagroides in Bulgaria (2004-2006)
National Grassland Inventory Project (PINMATRA 2001/020) (2001-2004)
Developing Management Plans for Central Balkan and Rila National Parks (1997-2000)
Studying and mapping the biodiversity of high mountain pastures in Central Balkan National Park (1995-1996)
CORINE-biotopes Project in Bulgaria; selection of Bulgarian habitats, contribution to the Palearctic classification in respect to the Bulgarian habitats (1993-1997)
Developing National Biodiversity Strategy (1992-1994)- Research interests
vegetation classification, vegetation ecology, Natura 2000 habitats, plant species ecology, vegetation dynamics, cultural landscape ecology
- Publications
Apostolova, I., Valcheva, M., Sopotlieva, D., Velev, N., Ganeva, A., Nekhrizov, G.2022. Natural Vegetation Recovery on Excavated Archaeological Sites: A Case Study of Ancient Burial Mounds in Bulgaria. Sustainability, 14. DOI:https://doi.org/10.3390/su14127318
Apostolova, I., Sopotlieva, D., Valcheva, M., Ganeva, A., Shivarov, V., Velev, N., Vassilev, K., Terziyska, T., Nekhrizov, G.2022. First Survey of the Vascular and Cryptogam Flora on Bulgaria’s Ancient Mounds. Plants, 11. DOI:10.3390/ plants11050705
Апостолова, И., Нехризов, Г., Сопотлиева, Д., Вълчева, М., Велев, Н. 2022. Могилите в България – културна и природна ценност. Геософт ЕООД, , ISBN:978-954-9746-50-1
Preislerová, Z., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Mucina, L., Berg, C., Bonari, G., Kuzemko, A., Landucci, F., Marcenò, C., Monteiro-Henriques, T., Novák, P., Vynokurov, V., Bergmeier, E., Dengler, J., Apostolova, I., Bioret, F., Biurrun, I., Campos, J.A., Capelo, J., Čarni, A., Çoban, S., Csiky, J., Ćuk, M., Ćušterevska, R., Daniëls, F.A.J., De Sanctis, M., Didukh, Y., Dítě, D., Fanelli, G., Golovanov, Y., Golub, V., Guarino, R., Hájek, M., Iakushenko, D., Indreica, A., Jansen, F., Jašková, A., Jiroušek, M., Kalníková, V., Kavgacı, A., Kucherov, I., Küzmič, F., Lebedeva, M., Loidi, J., Lososová, Z., Lysenko, T., Milanović, Đ., Onyshchenko, V., Perrin, G., Peterka, T., Rašomavičius, V., Rodríguez-Rojo, M.P., Rodwell, J.S., Rūsiņa, S., Sánchez-Mata, D., Schaminée, J.H.J., Semenishchenkov, Y., Shevchenko, N., Šibík, J., Škvorc, Ž., Smagin, V., Stešević, D., Stupar, V., Šumberová, K., Theurillat, J.-P., Tikhonova, E., Tzonev, R., Valachovič, M., Vassilev, K., Willner, W., Yamalov, S., Večeřa, M., Chytrý, M. 2022.Distribution maps of vegetation alliances in Europe. Applied Vegetation Science, 25, e12642. DOI:10.1111/avsc.12642
Deák, B., Kovács, B., Rádai, Z., Apostolova, I., Kelemen, A., Kiss, R., Lukács, K., Palpurina, S., Sopotlieva, D, Báthori, F, Valkó, O. 2021. Linking environmental heterogeneity and plant diversity: The ecological role of small natural features in homogeneous landscapes. Science of the Total Environment, 763. https://doi.org/110.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144199, 144199
Valcheva, M., Apostolova, I., Sopotlieva, D. 2021. Current floristic diversity and vegetation characteristics of habitat 2340 *Pannonic inland dunes in Bulgaria – a contribution to conservation status assessment. Biologia, 3605-3619. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11756-021-00885-9
Stevens, L., Aly, A., Arpin, S., Apostolova, I et al. 2021. The Ecological Integrity of Spring Ecosystems: A Global Review. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-821139-7.00111-2
Sabatini, F. M., Lenoir, J., Hattab, T., Arnst, E. A., Chytrý, M. et al. 2021. sPlotOpen – An environmentally balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30, 9. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13346, 1740-1764
Hájek, M, Hájková, P., Apostolova, I, Sopotlieva, D., Goia, I., Dítě, D. 2021. The vegetation of rich fens (Sphagno warnstorfii-Tomentypnion nitentis) at the southeastern margins of their European range. Vegetation Classification and Survey, 2, https://doi.org/10.3897/VCS/2021/69118, 177-190
Biurrun, I., Pielech, R., Dembicz, I., Gillet, F., Kozub, Ł., Marcenò, C., Reitalu, T., Van Meerbeek, K., Guarino, R., Chytrý, M. et al. 2021. Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats. Journal of Vegetation Science, 32, 4. DOI: 10.1111/jvs.13050
Vetter, V., Kreyling, J., Dengler, J., Apostolova, I., Arfin-Khan, M., Berauer, B., Berwaers, S., Boeck, H., Nijs, I., Schuchardt, M., Sopotlieva, D., Gillhausen, P., Wilfahrt, P., Zimmermann, M., Jentsch, A. 2020. Invader presence disrupts the stabilizing effect of species richness in plant community recovery after drought. Global Change Biology, 26, 6: 1365-2486. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15025, 3539-3551
Valcheva, M., Sopotlieva, D., Apostolova, I. 2020. Current state and historical notes on sand dune flora of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. FLORA, 267. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.flora.2020.151594
Terziyska T., Tsakalos J., Bartha S., Apostolova I., Sopotlieva D., Zimmermann Z., Szabo G., Wellstein C. 2020. Species and functional differences between subalpine grasslands with and without dwarf shrub encroachment. Plant Biosystems, 154, 4: 568-577. https://doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2019.1651780
Apostolova, I., Palpurina, S., Sopotlieva, D., Terziyska, T., Velev, N., Vassilev, K., Nekhrizov, G., Tsvetkova, N. 2020. Ancient Burial Mounds – Stepping Stones for Semi-Natural Habitats in Agricultural Landscape. Ecologia Balkanica, 12, 2: 43-52.
Sopotlieva, D., Apostolova, I., Uzunov, S. 2020. Additional data on the distribution of Mediterranean salt meadows in Natura 2000 SAC BG0000270 Atanasovsko Lake. Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences, 73, 6: 823-828.
Apostolova, I., Nekhrizov, G., Tzvetkova, N., Deak, B. 2020. Ancient burial mounds - biodiversity hotspots and refugees for natural flora and vegetation. Annual of Sofia University "St. K. Ohridski", 104, Book 2 - Botany: 75-83
Deák, B., Tóth, C.A., Bede, Á., Apostolova, I., Bragina, T.M., Báthori, F., Bán, M . 2019. Eurasian Kurgan Database–a citizen science tool for conserving grasslands on historical sites. Hacquetia, 18, 2: 179-187. DOI: 10.2478/hacq-2019-0007
Bruelheide, H., Dengler, J., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Purschke, O., Hennekens, S.M., Chytrý, M., Pillar, V.D. et al. 2019. sPlot – a new tool for global vegetation analyses. Journal of Vegetation Science, 30, 2: 161-186. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvs.12710
Valcheva, M., Sopotlieva, D., Meshinev, T., Apostolova, I. 2019. Is penetration of non-psammophytes an underestimated threat to sand dunes? - a case study from western Pontic coast. Journal of coastal conservation, 23, 2: 271-281. DOI:10.1007/s11852-018-0656-3, 271-281
Sopotlieva, D., Velev, N., Tsvetkova, N., Vassilev, V., Apostolova, I. 2018. Ecosystem condition assessment of semi-natural grasslands outside the Natura 2000 network in Bulgaria, using vegetation data. Tuexenia, 38: 385-404. DOI:10.14471/2018.38.012
Dengler, J., Wagner, V., Dembicz, I., García-Mijangos, G., Naqinezhad, A., et al. 2018. GrassPlot – a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands. Phytocoenologia, 48, 3: 331-347. DOI: 10.1127/phyto/2018/0267
Kreyling J, Dengler J, Walter J, Velev N, Ugurlu E, Sopotlieva D, Ransijn J, Picon‐Cochard C, Nijs I, Hernandez P, Güler B. 2017. Species richness effects on grassland recovery from drought depend on community productivity in a multisite experiment. Ecology letters 20(11): 1405-1413. DOI:10.1111/ele.12848
Tanneberger F., C. Tegetmeyer, S. Busse, A. Barthelmes, S. Shumka, A. Moles Mariné, K. Jenderedjian, G.M. Steiner, F. Essl, J. Etzold, C. Mendes, A. Kozulin, P. Frankard, Đ. Milanović, A. Ganeva, I. Apostolova et al. 2017. The peatland map of Europe. Mires and Peat, 19, 22: 1-17. DOI:10.19189/MaP.2016.OMB.264
Ganeva, A., Apostolova, I., Stefanova, I., Pedashenko, H. 2017. Bulgaria. In: Joosten, H., Tanneberger, F.& Moen A. (Eds), Mires and Peatlands of Europe. Status, distribution and conservation. Schwezerbart Science Publishers, Stuttgart. pp.319-329 ISBN:978-3-510-65383-6, 780
Apostolova, I, Sopotlieva, D, Velev, N, Vassilev, V, Bratanova-Doncheva, S, Gocheva, K. 2017. Methodology for assessment and mapping of wetland ecosystems condition and their services in Bulgaria. IBER-BAS. ISBN:978-619-7379-14-3
Apostolova, I, Sopotlieva, D, Velev, N, Vasilev, V, Bratanova-Doncheva, S, Gocheva, K. 2017. Methodology for assessment and mapping of grassland ecosystems condition and their services in Bulgaria. IBER-BAS. ISBN:978-619-7379-09-9
Velev, N, Apostolova, I, Sopotlieva, D, Vassilev, V, Bratanova-Doncheva, S, Gocheva, K, Chipev, N. 2017. Methodology for assessment and mapping of heathland and shrub ecosystems condition and their services in Bulgaria. IBER-BAS. ISBN:978-619-7379-10-5
Sopotlieva, D, Apostolova, I, Velev, N, Bratanova-Doncheva, S, Gocheva, K, Chipev, N. 2017. Methodology for assessment and mapping of sparsely vegetated land ecosystems condition and their services in Bulgaria. IBER-BAS. ISBN:978-619-7379-13-6
Deák B, Tóthmérész B, Valkó O, Sudnik-Wójcikowska B, Moysiyenko I, Bragina T, Apostolova I, Dembicz I, Bykov N, Török P. 2016. Cultural monuments and nature conservation: a review of the role of kurgans in the conservation and restoration of steppe vegetation. Biodiversity and conservation 25(12): 2473-2490.
Güler B, Jentsch A, Apostolova I, Bartha S, Bloor J, Campetella G, Canullo R, Házi J, Kreyling J, Pottier J, Szabó G. 2016. How plot shape and spatial arrangement affect plant species richness counts: implications for sampling design and rarefaction analyses. Journal of vegetation science 27(4): 692-703.
Chytrý M, Hennekens SM, Jiménez‐Alfaro B, Knollová I, Dengler J, Jansen F et al. 2016. European Vegetation Archive (EVA): an integrated database of European vegetation plots. Applied Vegetation Science 19(1): 173-180.
Velev N, Ganeva A, Gyosheva M, Sopotlieva D, Terziyska T, Apostolova I. 2016. Flora, Mycota and vegetation of Kupena Reserve (Rodopi Mts., Bulgaria). Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Livre 2 – botanique: 99-114.
Sutcliffe L, Batáry P, Kormann U, Báldi A, Dicks LV, Herzon I, Kleijn D, Tryjanowski P, Apostolova I, Arlettaz R, Aunins A. 2015. Harnessing the biodiversity value of Central and Eastern European farmland. Diversity and Distributions 21(6): 722-730.
Pedashenko H, Apostolova I, Oldeland J. 2015. The effects of livestock numbers and land cover transfor-mation processes on rangelands in the Balkan Mountains between 1947 and 2012. Tuexenia 35: 417-432.
Apostolova I. 2014. 7. A historical review of vegetation and habitat mapping in individual European countries. 7.1. Bulgaria. In: Ichter, J., Evans, D., Richard, D. Terrestrial habitat mapping in Europe: an overview. EEA Technical report No 1/2014. European Environment Agency, 1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark ISSN 1725-2237
Apostolova I, Dengler J, Di Pietro R, Gavilan R, Tsiripidis I. 2014. Dry grasslands of southern Europe: syntaxonomy, management and conservation. Hacquetia 13(1): 5-18.
Sopotlieva D, Apostolova I. 2014. Dry Grassland Vegetation in the Transition Zone Between two Biogeographic Regions. Hacquetia 13(1): 73-114.
Vassilev K, Pedashenko H, Velev N, Apostolova I. 2014. Grassland Vegetation of Ponor Special Protection Area (Natura 2000), Western Bulgaria. Acta zoologica bulgarica: 61-73.
Apostolova I, Pedashenko H, Sopotlieva D, Velev N, Vassilev K, Meshinev T. 2013. Arctic-Alpine plants in Bulgarian mountains. Lazaroa 34: 55-63.
Vassilev K, Apostolova I. 2013. Bulgarian steppic vegetation – an overview. In: Baumach, H., Pfützenreuter, S. (eds) Steppenlebensräume Europas – Gefährung, Erhaltungsmassnahmen und Schutz. Pp.191-200. Ehrfurt, Freistaat Türingen. ISBN 978-3-00-044248-3
Eliáš P, Sopotlieva D, Dítě D, Hájková P, Apostolova I, Senko D, Melečková Z, Hájek M. 2013. Vegetation diversity of salt-rich grasslands in South-Eastern Europe. Applied Vegetation Science, 16(3): 521-537.
Vassilev K, Asenov V, Apostolova I. 2013. Overview on the distribution and communities of Edraianthus serbicus in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural science, 19(2): 255-259.
Apostolova I, Sopotlieva D, Pedashenko H, Velev N, Vassilev K. 2012. Bulgarian vegetation database – current status and essential features. – In: Dengler, J., Oldeland, J., Jansen, F., Chytrý, M., Ewald, J., Finckh, M., Glöckler, F., Lopez-Gonzalez, G., Peet, R.K., Schaminée, J.H.J. (Eds.) Vegetation databases for the 21st century. – Biodiversity & Ecology 4, pp. 141-148. Biocentre Klein Flottbek and Botanical Garden, Hamburg.
Vassilev K, Apostolova I, Pedashenko H. 2012. Festuco-Brometea in Western Bulgaria with an emphasis on Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati. Hacquetia 11(1): 233-254.
Peev D, Petrova A, Apostolova I, Assyov B. [eds]. 2012. Important Plant Areas in Bulgaria. Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Sofia.
Pedashenko H, Apostolova I, Vassilev K. 2012. Amorpha fruticosa invasibility of different habitats in lower Danube. Phytologia Balcanica 18(3): 285-292.
Vassilev K, Pedashenko H, Nikolov S, Apostolova I, Dengler J. 2011. Effect of land abandonment on the vegetation of upland semi-natural grasslands in the Western Balkan Mts., Bulgaria. Plant Biosystems 145(3): 654-665.
Velev N, Apostolova I, Rozbrojová Z. 2011. Alliance Arrhenatherion elatioris in West Bulgaria. Phytologia Balcanica 17(1): 67-78.
Velev N, Apostolova I, Fajmonová Z. 2011. Cynosurus cristatus grasslands in West Bulgaria. – Phytologia Balcanica 17(2): 221-236.
Horsák M, Hájek M, Hájková P, Cameron R, Cernohorský N, Apostolova I. 2011. Mollusc communities in Bulgarian fens: predictive power of the environment, vegetation, and spatial structure in an isolated habitat. Naturwissenschaften 98: 671-681.
Hájek M, HájkováP, Apostolova I, Horsák M, Rozbrojová Z, Sopotlieva D, Velev N. 2010. The insecure future of Bulgarian refugial mires: economic progress versus Natura 2000. Oryx 44(4): 539-546.
Velev N, Vasilev K, Rozbrojová S, Apostolova I, Delcheva M, Bancheva S. 2010. Repords 85-91. - In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps). New Floristic Records in the Balkans: 13. Phytologia Balcanica 16(1): 160-161.
Pedashenko H, Vassilev K, Apostolova I. 2010. Local occurrence of Artemisia chamaemelifolia Vill. in Bulgaria. Annali di Botanica (Roma), 0: 51-56.
Velev N, Apostolova I, Rozbrojová Z, Hájková P. 2010. The alliances Arrhenatherion, Cynosurion and Trifolion medii in western Bulgaria – environmental gradients and ecological limitations. Hacquetia 9(2): 207-220.
Hajek M, Hájková P, Apostolova I, Horsák M, Plasek V, Shaw B, Lazarova M. 2009. Disjunct occurrences of plant species in the refugial mires of Bulgaria. Folia Geobotanica 44: 365-386.
Velev N, Apostolova I. 2009. A review of Potentillo ternatae – Nardion strictae alliance. Hacquetia 8(1): 49-67.
Pedashenko H, Meshinev T, Apostolova I. 2009. Herbaceous vegetation on carbonate terrains in Lozenska Mt. Phytologia Balcanica 15 (2): 245-253.
Hájek M, Hájková P, Sopotlieva D, Apostolova I, Velev N. 2008. The Balkan wet grassland vegetation: A prerequisite to better understanding of European habitat diversity. Plant ecology 195: 197-213.
Apostolova I, Petrova A, Meshinev T, Danihelka J. 2008. Stipa ucrainica (Poaceae): a recently recognized native species in the Bulgarian flora. Phytologia Balcanica 14(2): 257-262.
Velev N, Apostolova I. 2008. Successional changes of Nardus stricta communities in the Central Balkan Range (Bulgaria). Phytologia Balcanica 14(1): 75-84.
Hájková P, Hájek M, Apostolova I, Zelený D, Dité D. 2008. Shifts in the ecological behaviour of plant species between two distant regions: evidence from the base richness gradient in mires. Journal of Biogeography 35: 282-294.
Hájek M, Hájková P, Apostolova I. 2008. New plant associations from Bulgarian mires. Phytologia Balcanica 14(3): 377–399.
Hájek M, Tichý L, Schamp B, Zelený D, Roleček J, Hájková P, Apostolova I, Dité D. 2007. Testing species pool hypotesis for mire vegetation: exploring the influence of pH specialists and habitat history. Oikos 116(8): 1311-1322.
Sopotlieva D, Apostolova I. 2007. The association Erysimo – Trifolietum Micev. 1977 in Bulgaria and some remarks on its Mediterranean character. Hacquetia 6(2): 131-141.
Apostolova I, Petrova A, Meshinev T. 2007. Hay meadows with Trisetum flavescens in Bulgaria: syntaxonomy and implications for nature conservation. Phytologia Balcanica 13(3): 401-411.
Vassilev K, Meshinev T, Apostolova I. 2007. Records 89-94. - In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps). New Floristic Records in the Balkans: 4. Phytologia Balcanica 13(1): 119p.
Petrova A, Meshinev T, Apostolova I. 2007. Records 61-79. – In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps). New Floristic Records in the Balkans: Phytologia Balcanica 6. 13(3): 442-445.
Hajek M, Velev N, Sopotlieva D, Apostolova I, Rozbrojova Z. 2007. Records 51-57. - In: Vladimirov, V. & al. (comps). New Floristic Records in the Balkans: 6 Phytologia Balcanica. 13(3): 440-441.
Hájková P, Hájek M, Apostolova I. 2006. Diversity of wetland vegetation in the Bulgarian high mountains, main gradients and context-dependence of the pH role. Plant ecology 184 (1): 111-130.
Apostolova I, Meshinev T. 2006. Classification of semi-natural grasslands in North-Eastern Bulgaria. Annali di Botanica, nuova serie, 6: 29-52.
Hájek M, Hájková P, Apostolova I. 2006. New wetland vascular plants for Bulgaria. Phytologia Balcanica 12(3): 367-370.
Hájek M, Hájková P, Apostolova I, Sopotlieva D, Velev N. 2006. Report 49-52. In: Vladimirov, V, Feruzan, D., Nikoloc, T., Stevanovic, V. & Tan, K. New floristic records in the Balkans: 2. Phytologia Balcanica 12(2): 286-287.
Dimitrova D, Vladimirov V, Apostolova I. 2005. Leontodon saxatilis (Asteraceae) a new species for the Bulgarian flora. Flora Mediterranea 15: 219-223.
Petrova A, Meshinev T, Apostolova I, Assyov B. 2005. Vulpia fasciculata: a new species for the Bulgarian flora. Phytologia Balcanica 11(2): 133-136.
Hájek M, Hájková P, Apostolova I. 2005. Notes on the Bulgarian wetland flora, including new national and regional records. Phytologia Balcanica 11(2): 173-184.
Hájek M, Tzonev R, Hájková P, Ganeva A, Apostolova I. 2005. Plant communities of the sublapine mires and springs in the Vitosha Mt. Phytologia Balcanica 11(2): 193-205.
Meshinev T, Apostolova I, Georgiev V, Dimitrov V, Petrova A, Veen P. 2005. Grasslands in Bulgaria. Dragon 2003 Publ., Sofia, 104p.
Petrova A, Apostolova I, Georgiev V. 2003. Data on the current status of the rare species Lathyrus pancicii (Jurshic) Adamovic. Phytologia Balcanica 9(1): 3-8.
Meshinev T, Apostolova I. 2002. Transformation of quantitative estimates from the phytocoenological relevés based on the dominance approach according to the combined scale of Braun-Blanquet. Phytologia Balcanica 8(3): 347-352.
Apostolova I, Dimitrova M. 2002. Stydying and mapping Astracantha aitosensis (Ivanish.) Podl. for purposes of long-term monitoring. Phytologia Balcanica, 8(3): 341-346.
Apostolova I, Petrova C, Vassilev P. 2001. Flora and vegetation of the Aldomirovsko marsh protected area. – Ann. de l’Universite de Sofia “Kl.Ohridski”, Faculte de Biologie – Botanique, 93, 2: 115-132.
Apostolova I, Meshinev T. 2000 Biodiversity of plant communities in Central Balkan National Park. In: Sakalian, M. (ed.) Biological diversity of the Central Balkan National Park. USAID, Sofia, Pensoft: 169-267.
Meshinev T, Apostolova I. 2000. Distribution of higher plants biodiversity and the problem of habitat diversity in Bulgaria. Phytologia Balcanica 4 (1-2): 151-159.
Yordanova M, Apostolova I. 2000. Estimation of the status of representative populations of Sideritis scardica in the Rhodopi Mts. Phytologia Balcanica 6(1): 43-57.
Apostolova I, Ganeva A. 2000. New data on Edraianthus serbicus (Kern.) Petrovic in Bulgaria. Phytologia Balcanica 6 (1): 65-71.
Meshinev T, Apostolova I, Kachaunova E, Velchev V, Bondev I. 2000. Flora and plant communities. In: Popov, A. & Meshinev, T. (eds) High mountain treeless zone of the Central Balkan National Park. Biological diversity and problems of its conservation. BSBCP, Sofia, Pensoft: 1-337.
Meshinev T, Apostolova I, Koleva E. 2000. Influence of warming on timberline rising: a case study on Pinus peuce Griseb. in Bulgaria. Phytocoenologia 30(3-4): 431-438.
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