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Tzenka Chassovnikarova

снимка на Tzenka Chassovnikarova

Personal information


Assoc. Prof. Tsenka Chassovnikarova, PhD
Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1 Tzar Osvoboditel Blvd.
Sofia 1000
tel.:+359 2 988 51 15/617
fax: +359 2 988 28 97

Research interests

mammalian biology,population genetics, zoomonitoring, ecological risk assesment


Nadjavova R., N. Bulatova, Z. Chassovnikarova, S.Gerasimov (1993). Kariological Differences between two Apodemus species in Bulgaria. Z. Saeugetierkunde, v. 58, pp. 232-239.
Markov G.G. , Ts. G. Chassovnikarova (1998). Genetic variability of the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Bulagaria – RFLP Analysis of the mt DNA. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 51, No7-8, pp. 91- 94.
Markov Georgi, Tzenka Chassovnikarova (1999). Epigenetic characteristic and divergence between populations of Apodemus sylvaticus in Bulgaria. Folia Zool., 48 (Suppl. 1):63-67.
Chassovnikarova Tsenka, Georgi Markov (2003). DNA fingerprinting analysis of red deer (Cervus elaphus L., 1758) populations from Bulgaria. Mamm. Boil.,68, pp. 394-399.
Popov, V. V., Miltchev, B., Georgiev, V. C., Dimitrov, H. A., & Chassovnikarova, T. (2004). Landscape distributional pattern and craniometry of suncus etruscus (Mammalia: Insectivora, Soricidae) in South-East Bulgaria. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 56(3), 299-312.
Chassovnikarova Tsenka, Roumiana Metcheva, Krastio Dimitrov (2005). Microtus guentheri (Danford and Alston) (Rodentia, Mammalia): a bioindicator species for estimation of the influence of polymetal dust emission. Belg. J. Zool., 135(2), pp. 135-137.
Chassovnikarova, T., Dimitrov, H., Markov, G., & Mitev, D. (2005, May). Distribution and habitat association of field mouse (Apodemus agrarius, Pallas, 1771) in national park “Strandja”. In Proceedings of the Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology, Plovdiv (pp. 428-36).
Dimitrov, H., Chassovnikarova, T., & Atanasov, N. (2007). Species diversity and structure of terrestrial small mammal assemblages in different vegetation types in Strandzha mountain. Journal of International Research Publications: Economy & Business, 1, 268-276.
Chassovnikarova, T., & Markov, G. (2007). Wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus Linnaeus, 1758 and Apodemus flavicollis Melchior, 1834) from Bulgaria: craniometric characteristics and species discrimination. Nauka za Gorata,44(3), 39-52.
Chassovnikarova, T. G., Markov, G. G., Atanasov, N. I., & Dimitrov, H. A. (2008). Sex chromosome polymorphism in Bulgarian populations of Microtus guentheri (Danford & Alston, 1880). Journal of Natural History, 42(5-8), 261-267.
Metcheva, R., Beltcheva, M., & Chassovnikarova, T. (2008). The snow vole (Chionomys nivalis) as an appropriate environmental bioindicator in alpine ecosystems. Science of the total environment, 391(2), 278-283.
Atanasov, N. I., & Chassovnikarova, T. G. Cytogenetical Characteristic of Insectovora Species in Strandzha Mountain (Souteastern Bulgaria) (2008). Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia: 17-21.
Chassovnikarova, T. G., Atanassov, N. I., & Dimitrov, H. A. (2009). Cytogenetic characteristic of the southern water shrew, Neomys anomalus (Insectivora: Soricidae), in the Strandzha Mountains (South-East Bulgaria). Folia Zoologika, 58(4), 416-419.
Chassovnikarova, T., Atanasov, N., & Dimitrov, H. (2009). Chromosome polymorphism in Bulgarian populations of the striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius Pallas 1771). Comparative Cytogenetics, 3(1), 1-9.
Michailova, P., Atanasov, N., Ilkova, J., Chassovnikarova, T., Duran, M., & Karadurmus, E. (2010). Genome response of model invertebrates and Vertebrates species to stress agents in the Environment. Genome, 24 (2).
Chassovnikarova, T., Atanassov, N., Kalaydzhieva, V., & Dimitrov, H. (2010). Micronucleus test from free living rodents as a biomarker for environmental stress in situ. Biotechnology& Biotechnological Equipment, 24, 390-396.
Stoykova, P., Radkova, M., Stoeva-Popova, P., Atanasov, N., Chassovnikarova, T., Wang, X., ... & Atanassov, A. (2011). Expression of the human acidic fibroblasts Growth Factor In Transgenic Tomato And Safety Assesment of Transgenic Lines.Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 25 (1): 2187 – 2196.
Mitkovska, V.., Chassovnikarova, T.., Atanassov, N.., & Dimitrov, H. (2012). Environmental genotoxicity evaluation using a micronucleus test and frequency of chromosome aberrations in free-living small rodents. J. BioSci. Biotech, 1(1), 67-71.
Mitkovska, V., Chassovnikarova, T., Atanasov, N., & Dimitrov, H. (2012). DNA Damage Detected by Comet Assay in Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior, 1834) from Strandzha Natural Park. Acta zool. bulg., Suppl. 4, 2012: 155-158
Atanasov, N., Chassovnikarova, T., Dimitrov, H., & Mitkovska, V. (2012). Faunistical and Ecological Analysis of Small Mammals Species Diversity in Strandzha Natural Park. Acta zool. bulg., Suppl. 4,: 55-60
Chassovnikarova T., Metcheva R., Dimitrov K.. "Microtus guentheri (Danford & Alston)(Rodentia, Mammalia): a bioindicator species for estimation of the influence of polymetal dust emissions.". Belgian journal of zoology, 135, 2, 2005, 135-137. ISI IF:0.52 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Chassovnikarova T, Dimitrov H, Markov G, Mitev D. Distribution and habitat association of field mouse (Apodemus agrarius, Pallas, 1771) in national park “Strandja". In Proceedings of the Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology, 2005, 437-441 Международно неакадемично издателство Линк
Chassovnikarova, Ts., Markov, G.. Wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus Linnaeus, 1758 and Apodemus flavicollis Melchior, 1834) from Bulgaria: craniometric characteristics and species discrimination. Forest science, 3, 2007, ISSN:0861-007X, 39-52 Национално неакадемично издателство
Dimitrov H, Chassovnikarova T, Atanasov N. Species diversity and structure of terrestrial small mammal assemblages in different vegetation types in Strandzha mountain (Southeast Bulgaria). .Journal of International Research Publications Ecology & Safty, 1, 2007, 268-275 Международно неакадемично издателство 1.000
Atanasov N, Chassovnikarova Ts. Karyotype Characteristics of Crocidura leucodon Herman, 1780 and Crocidura suaveolens Pallas, 1811 (Mammalia: Insectivora, Soricidae) in Bulgaria.. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 61, 2, 2008, 71-78. ISI IF:0.53 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Chassovnikarova Ts, Markov G, Atanasov N, Dimitrov H. Sex chromosome polymorphism in Bulgarian populations of Microtus guentheri (Danford & Alston, 1880). Journal of Natural History, 42, 8, 2008, DOI:10.1080/00222930701835100, 261-267. ISI IF:0.732 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Metcheva, R., Beltcheva, M., Chassovnikarova, T.. The snow vole (Chionomys nivalis) as an appropriate environmental bioindicator in alpine ecosystems. Science of the total enviroment, 391, 2-3, Elsevier, 2008, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2007.10.007, 278-283. ISI IF:2.58 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Chassovnikarova Ts. G., Atanassov N. I., Dimitrov H. A.. Cytogenetic characteristic of the southern water shrew, Neomys anomalus (Insectivora: Soricidae), in the Strandzha Mountains (South-East Bulgaria).. Folia Zoologica, 58, 2009, 416-419 Международно неакадемично издателство
Chassovnikarova, T., Atanasov, N., Dimitrov, H.. Chromosome polymorphism in Bulgarian populations of the striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius Pallas 1771).. Comparative Cytogenetics, 3, 1, 2009, 1-9 Международно неакадемично издателство
Chassovnikarova Ts, Atanasov N, Kalaydzhieva V, Dimitrov H. Micronucleus Test from Free Living Rodents as a Biomarker for Environmental Stress in Situ. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 24, 1, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, 2010, DOI:10.1080/13102818.2010.10817920, 675-678. ISI IF:0.503 Международно неакадемично издателство Линк
Michailova P, Atanasov N, Ilkova J, Chassovnikarova Ts, Duran M, Karadurmus E. Genome Response of Model Invertebrates and Vertebrates Species to Stress Agents in the Environment. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 24, 1, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, 2010, DOI:10.1080/13102818.2010.10817870, 390-396. ISI IF:0.503 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Stoykova P., Radkova M., Stoeva-Popova P., Atanassov N., Chassovnikarova Ts., Xingzhi Wang, Iantcheva A., Vlahova M., Atanassov A.. Expression of human acidic fibroblast growth factor in tomato plants and safety assessment of the transgenic plants.. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 25, 1, 2011, ISSN:1310-2818, DOI:, 2187-2196. ISI IF:0.503 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Atanasov N., Chassovnikarova Ts., Dimitrov H., Mitkovska V.. Faunistical and ecological anlysis of small mammals’ species diversity in Strandzha Natural Park.. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 64, suppl. 4, 2012, ISSN:0324-0770, 53-58. ISI IF:0.309 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Mitkovska V, Chassovnikarova Ts, Atanasov N, Dimitrov H. Environmental genotoxicity evaluation using a micronucleus test and frequency of chromosome aberrations in free-living small rodents. J. BioSci. Biotech, 1, 1, 2012, 67-71 Международно неакадемично издателство Линк
Mitkovska V., Chassovnikarova T., Atanasov N., Dimitrov H. DNA damage detected by comet assay in Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior, 1834) from Strandzha natural park. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, supplement 4, 2012, ISSN:0324-0770, 155-158. ISI IF:0.309 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Chassovnikarova Ts. G., Atanassov N. I., Christova I. S., Dimitrov H. A., Mitkovska V.I., I. P. Trifonova, Gladnishka T. K., Kalvachev N. Z., Mohareb E. Hantavirus infections in host populations of yellow-necked and field mice (Rodentia: Muridae) in South Bulgaria.. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 65, 3, 2013, ISSN:0324-0770, 397-402. ISI IF:0.357 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Михайлова, П., Часовникарова, Ц., Илкова, Ю., Грозева, С., Чобанов, Д., Вархаловска-Шлива, Е., Симов, Н., Атанасов, Н., Митковска, В., Димитров, Х. Въведение. Геномна биомаркерна тест-система за оценка състоянието на екологичния риск., Pensoft, 2013, ISBN:978-954-642-708-3 Друго Линк 1.000 60.00
Грозева, С., Тричкова, Т., Любомиров, Т.,, Огнянова, Н.,, Пиларска, Д.,, Иванов, Д.,, Симов, Н., Часовникаровa Ц.. Климатичните промени и влиянието им върху биологичното разнообразие и екосистемите. Сборник доклади на конференция на Български ловно рибарски съюз „Законодателство и научни изследвания в Европа и България”, Елин Пелин, 1.03.2013 г, 2014, ISBN:978-954-380-312-5, 13-36 Национално неакадемично издателство
MITKOVSKA V, CHASSOVNIKAROVA T, DIMITROV H. First record of Trypanosoma infection in Mediterranean mouse (Mus macedonicus Petrov & Ružić, 1983) in Bulgaria. ZooNotes, 1, 64, 2014, ISSN:1313-9916, 1-6 Национално неакадемично издателство Линк
Chassovnikarova Ts, Rovatsos M, Atanasov N, Koshev Y. Sex chromosome variability of Spermophilus citellus (Linnaeus 1766) in the Southeastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. Mammalian Biology, 80, 4, Elsevier, 2015, DOI:doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2014.10.002, 365-371. ISI IF:1.4 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Dimitrov H, Chassovnikarova T, Mitkovska V. Trypanosoma infection in Mediterranean mouse (Mus macedonicus Petrov & Ružić, 1983) in Bulgaria. Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, 43, 2, 2015, ISSN:02049155, 26-29. SJR:0.189 Национално неакадемично издателство Линк
Dimitrov H, Chassovnikarova Ts, Markov G. Craniometrical description of striped mouse (Apodemus agrarius Pallas, 1771) in Bulgaria as concerns of discovering of its European population patterns of similarity. J. BioSci. Biotechnol., 2, 2, 2015, ISSN:1314 - 6246, 131-138 Международно неакадемично издателство Линк 1.000
Dimitrov H, Mitkovska V, Koleva P, Chassovnikarova T. Genotoxicity biomonitoring of anthropogenic pollution in rice fields using the micronucleus test in striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius Pallas, 1771). Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, 43, 2, 2015, ISSN:0204-9155, 36-42. SJR:0.189 Национално неакадемично издателство Линк
Dimitrov H, Mitkovska V, Tzekov V, Chassovnikarova T. Bioaccumulation of Cadmium and Lead in Rodent Species from the Region of Lead-Zinc Smelting Factory–Plovdiv (South Bulgaria). Ecologia Balkanica, 8, 1, 2016, ISSN:1313-9940, 9-18 Международно неакадемично издателство Линк
Chassovnikarova T., Atanasov N., Dimitrov H., Mitkovska V. Karyotypic characteristic of harvest mouse (Micromys minutus Pallas, 1771) (Rodentia: Muridae) from South Bulgaria. Acta zoologica bulgarica, Supplement 8, 2017, ISSN:0324-0770, 57-60. SJR:0.301, ISI IF:0.413 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Chassovnikarova T., Stojanova A.. Second International Conference on Zoology and Zoonoses: an overview of topics and contributions. Acta zoolica bulgarica, Suppl.8, 2017, ISSN:0324-0770, 3-8. ISI IF:0.413 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Vlasseva A., Chassovnikarova T., Atanassov N. Autumn-winter diet and food niche overlap between red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.1758) and golden jackal (Canis aureus L. 1758) in two regions in Bulgaria. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 69, Suppl. 8, 2017, 217-220. ISI IF:0.31 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Vlasseva, A., Chassovnikarova, T., Atanassov, N. Population Dynamics of golden jackal (Canis aureus) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Bulgaria during the period of 2000-2015. Seminar of Ecology - 2016 with International Participation. Proceedings., Фараго, 2017, ISBN:979-853-476-132-4, 19-25 Национално неакадемично издателство
Атанасов Н., Часовникарова Ц.. Бозайници. - В: Иванова, Н. (ред.) Картиране и оценка на екосистемните услуги във вътрешни влажни зони в България. ИБЕИ-БАН, София. 2017, ISBN:978-954-9746-40-2, 135-138 Национално неакадемично издателство
Mitkovska V, Dimitrov H, Chassovnikarova T. In vivo genotoxicity and cytotoxicity assessment of permissible concentrations of Ni and Pb based on comet assay and nuclear abnormalities in acridine orange stained erythrocytes of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Acta zoolica bulgarica, Suppl. 8, 2017, ISSN:0324-0770, 47-56. ISI IF:0.31 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Коригиран брой: 35.000

Chassovnikarova T., Metcheva R., Dimitrov K.. "Microtus guentheri (Danford & Alston)(Rodentia, Mammalia): a bioindicator species for estimation of the influence of polymetal dust emissions.". Belgian journal of zoology, 135, 2, 2005, 135-137. ISI IF:0.52 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Chassovnikarova T, Dimitrov H, Markov G, Mitev D. Distribution and habitat association of field mouse (Apodemus agrarius, Pallas, 1771) in national park “Strandja". In Proceedings of the Balkan Scientific Conference of Biology, 2005, 437-441 Международно неакадемично издателство Линк
Chassovnikarova, Ts., Markov, G.. Wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus Linnaeus, 1758 and Apodemus flavicollis Melchior, 1834) from Bulgaria: craniometric characteristics and species discrimination. Forest science, 3, 2007, ISSN:0861-007X, 39-52 Национално неакадемично издателство
Dimitrov H, Chassovnikarova T, Atanasov N. Species diversity and structure of terrestrial small mammal assemblages in different vegetation types in Strandzha mountain (Southeast Bulgaria). .Journal of International Research Publications Ecology & Safty, 1, 2007, 268-275 Международно неакадемично издателство 1.000
Atanasov N, Chassovnikarova Ts. Karyotype Characteristics of Crocidura leucodon Herman, 1780 and Crocidura suaveolens Pallas, 1811 (Mammalia: Insectivora, Soricidae) in Bulgaria.. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 61, 2, 2008, 71-78. ISI IF:0.53 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Chassovnikarova Ts, Markov G, Atanasov N, Dimitrov H. Sex chromosome polymorphism in Bulgarian populations of Microtus guentheri (Danford & Alston, 1880). Journal of Natural History, 42, 8, 2008, DOI:10.1080/00222930701835100, 261-267. ISI IF:0.732 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Metcheva, R., Beltcheva, M., Chassovnikarova, T.. The snow vole (Chionomys nivalis) as an appropriate environmental bioindicator in alpine ecosystems. Science of the total enviroment, 391, 2-3, Elsevier, 2008, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2007.10.007, 278-283. ISI IF:2.58 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Chassovnikarova Ts. G., Atanassov N. I., Dimitrov H. A.. Cytogenetic characteristic of the southern water shrew, Neomys anomalus (Insectivora: Soricidae), in the Strandzha Mountains (South-East Bulgaria).. Folia Zoologica, 58, 2009, 416-419 Международно неакадемично издателство
Chassovnikarova, T., Atanasov, N., Dimitrov, H.. Chromosome polymorphism in Bulgarian populations of the striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius Pallas 1771).. Comparative Cytogenetics, 3, 1, 2009, 1-9 Международно неакадемично издателство
Chassovnikarova Ts, Atanasov N, Kalaydzhieva V, Dimitrov H. Micronucleus Test from Free Living Rodents as a Biomarker for Environmental Stress in Situ. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 24, 1, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, 2010, DOI:10.1080/13102818.2010.10817920, 675-678. ISI IF:0.503 Международно неакадемично издателство Линк
Michailova P, Atanasov N, Ilkova J, Chassovnikarova Ts, Duran M, Karadurmus E. Genome Response of Model Invertebrates and Vertebrates Species to Stress Agents in the Environment. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 24, 1, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, 2010, DOI:10.1080/13102818.2010.10817870, 390-396. ISI IF:0.503 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Stoykova P., Radkova M., Stoeva-Popova P., Atanassov N., Chassovnikarova Ts., Xingzhi Wang, Iantcheva A., Vlahova M., Atanassov A.. Expression of human acidic fibroblast growth factor in tomato plants and safety assessment of the transgenic plants.. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 25, 1, 2011, ISSN:1310-2818, DOI:, 2187-2196. ISI IF:0.503 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Atanasov N., Chassovnikarova Ts., Dimitrov H., Mitkovska V.. Faunistical and ecological anlysis of small mammals’ species diversity in Strandzha Natural Park.. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 64, suppl. 4, 2012, ISSN:0324-0770, 53-58. ISI IF:0.309 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Mitkovska V, Chassovnikarova Ts, Atanasov N, Dimitrov H. Environmental genotoxicity evaluation using a micronucleus test and frequency of chromosome aberrations in free-living small rodents. J. BioSci. Biotech, 1, 1, 2012, 67-71 Международно неакадемично издателство Линк
Mitkovska V., Chassovnikarova T., Atanasov N., Dimitrov H. DNA damage detected by comet assay in Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior, 1834) from Strandzha natural park. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, supplement 4, 2012, ISSN:0324-0770, 155-158. ISI IF:0.309 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Chassovnikarova Ts. G., Atanassov N. I., Christova I. S., Dimitrov H. A., Mitkovska V.I., I. P. Trifonova, Gladnishka T. K., Kalvachev N. Z., Mohareb E. Hantavirus infections in host populations of yellow-necked and field mice (Rodentia: Muridae) in South Bulgaria.. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 65, 3, 2013, ISSN:0324-0770, 397-402. ISI IF:0.357 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Михайлова, П., Часовникарова, Ц., Илкова, Ю., Грозева, С., Чобанов, Д., Вархаловска-Шлива, Е., Симов, Н., Атанасов, Н., Митковска, В., Димитров, Х. Въведение. Геномна биомаркерна тест-система за оценка състоянието на екологичния риск., Pensoft, 2013, ISBN:978-954-642-708-3 Друго Линк 1.000 60.00
Грозева, С., Тричкова, Т., Любомиров, Т.,, Огнянова, Н.,, Пиларска, Д.,, Иванов, Д.,, Симов, Н., Часовникаровa Ц.. Климатичните промени и влиянието им върху биологичното разнообразие и екосистемите. Сборник доклади на конференция на Български ловно рибарски съюз „Законодателство и научни изследвания в Европа и България”, Елин Пелин, 1.03.2013 г, 2014, ISBN:978-954-380-312-5, 13-36 Национално неакадемично издателство
MITKOVSKA V, CHASSOVNIKAROVA T, DIMITROV H. First record of Trypanosoma infection in Mediterranean mouse (Mus macedonicus Petrov & Ružić, 1983) in Bulgaria. ZooNotes, 1, 64, 2014, ISSN:1313-9916, 1-6 Национално неакадемично издателство Линк
Chassovnikarova Ts, Rovatsos M, Atanasov N, Koshev Y. Sex chromosome variability of Spermophilus citellus (Linnaeus 1766) in the Southeastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. Mammalian Biology, 80, 4, Elsevier, 2015, DOI:doi:10.1016/j.mambio.2014.10.002, 365-371. ISI IF:1.4 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Dimitrov H, Chassovnikarova T, Mitkovska V. Trypanosoma infection in Mediterranean mouse (Mus macedonicus Petrov & Ružić, 1983) in Bulgaria. Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, 43, 2, 2015, ISSN:02049155, 26-29. SJR:0.189 Национално неакадемично издателство Линк
Dimitrov H, Chassovnikarova Ts, Markov G. Craniometrical description of striped mouse (Apodemus agrarius Pallas, 1771) in Bulgaria as concerns of discovering of its European population patterns of similarity. J. BioSci. Biotechnol., 2, 2, 2015, ISSN:1314 - 6246, 131-138 Международно неакадемично издателство Линк 1.000
Dimitrov H, Mitkovska V, Koleva P, Chassovnikarova T. Genotoxicity biomonitoring of anthropogenic pollution in rice fields using the micronucleus test in striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius Pallas, 1771). Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, 43, 2, 2015, ISSN:0204-9155, 36-42. SJR:0.189 Национално неакадемично издателство Линк
Dimitrov H, Mitkovska V, Tzekov V, Chassovnikarova T. Bioaccumulation of Cadmium and Lead in Rodent Species from the Region of Lead-Zinc Smelting Factory–Plovdiv (South Bulgaria). Ecologia Balkanica, 8, 1, 2016, ISSN:1313-9940, 9-18 Международно неакадемично издателство Линк
Chassovnikarova T., Atanasov N., Dimitrov H., Mitkovska V. Karyotypic characteristic of harvest mouse (Micromys minutus Pallas, 1771) (Rodentia: Muridae) from South Bulgaria. Acta zoologica bulgarica, Supplement 8, 2017, ISSN:0324-0770, 57-60. SJR:0.301, ISI IF:0.413 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Chassovnikarova T., Stojanova A.. Second International Conference on Zoology and Zoonoses: an overview of topics and contributions. Acta zoolica bulgarica, Suppl.8, 2017, ISSN:0324-0770, 3-8. ISI IF:0.413 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Vlasseva A., Chassovnikarova T., Atanassov N. Autumn-winter diet and food niche overlap between red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.1758) and golden jackal (Canis aureus L. 1758) in two regions in Bulgaria. Acta zoologica bulgarica, 69, Suppl. 8, 2017, 217-220. ISI IF:0.31 С ISI IF - Q4 Линк
Vlasseva, A., Chassovnikarova, T., Atanassov, N. Population Dynamics of golden jackal (Canis aureus) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Bulgaria during the period of 2000-2015. Seminar of Ecology - 2016 with International Participation. Proceedings., Фараго, 2017, ISBN:979-853-476-132-4, 19-25 Национално неакадемично издателство
Атанасов Н., Часовникарова Ц.. Бозайници. - В: Иванова, Н. (ред.) Картиране и оценка на екосистемните услуги във вътрешни влажни зони в България. ИБЕИ-БАН, София. 2017, ISBN:978-954-9746-40-2, 135-138 Национално неакадемично издателство
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Коригиран брой: 35.000


Animal Diversity and Resources
Biodiversity, Population Biology and Resources of Vertebrates
Research group


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11 години 7 седмици