Ecological Station at the Atanasovsko Lake Reserve
The Atanasovsko lake is a part of one of the biggest wetland complexes in Bulgaria. This hyperhaline lagoon is designated as Ramsar Site, Managed Reserve and Important Bird Area.
The Ecological station of IBER-BAS is situated on the North-East coast of the lake. Recently, as a part of the WETLANET local network of wetlands' laboratories, the station is renovating to provide all necessary facilities for carrying out ornithological and hydrobiological monitoring observations.
Research Topics
- ornithological studies (observations on bird migrations and breeding populations)
- hydrobiology studies (zoobenthic communities, trophic structure, functioning of hyperhaline ecosystems)
- development of scientifically based approaches of conservation and management of the wetlands of the Reserve
Current Research Projects
- 2009-2012: WETLANET - Enhancing research potential by strengthening a local network of laboratories for studying wetland ecosystems functioning, restoration and management; funded by FP7 EC (FP7 CSA – SUPPORT ACTION, GA 229802). Coordinator: Prof. DSc B. Georgiev
Person in charge: