Ecological Station at Srebarna Biosphere Reserve
The Srebarna Lake was designated as a Monument of World Cultural and Natural Heritage (1983), UNESCO biosphere reserve (1977), Ramsar site (1975) and Important Bird Area (1990) because of its extremely rich ornithofauna and mainly because of the breeding of globally threatened species Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus), Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmeus) and Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca).
The Ecological station of IBER-BAS is located on the lake coast. Its permanent staff is involved in a routine long-term monitoring program of the reserve. during the year, many researchers from the Institute take samples and carry out investigations on trophic status, phyto- and zooplankton composition, quantitative estimations of bird and fish populations and many important characteristics of the Reserve ecosystems.
Current Research Project:
- 2009-2012: Biological diversity of aquatic ecosystems in wetlands of flood plane of the Lower Danube regarding optimisation of ecosystem functions under global climate change. Funded by NSF (DО 02-352/2009). Leader: Dr L. Pehlivanov
- 2009-2012: WETLANET - Enhancing research potential by strengthening a local network of laboratories for studying wetland ecosystems functioning, restoration and management; funded by FP7 EC (FP7 CSA – SUPPORT ACTION, GA 229802). Coordinator: Prof. DSc B. Georgiev